Ten'nō ryū Dragon Soul

by Soldragonis

Beating up some griffon idiots. Part I

Dragon Soul darted out of the window when he heard about the griffions that are running amok having a hostage. No innocent will die in his watch! When he fell down he quickly called upon his inner flame to create him a pair of wings. In half a second his back burst into flames, they died out after another half second, in their place now red draconic wings. He opened them quickly and moved them slightly to use his fall downwards to gain speed and shot upwards in a fluid motion. He forced mana out of them, and speed up even more by flapping them with high force, leaving a white-red blur in his wake. The one thing he was proud of was his instinctive knowledge of flying, as flying saved his life many times and helped him to get around more quickly. Using his mental compass, which acctually was a part of his mind filled with tiny magnets, he headed for the south of the city he was in. Canterlot, he presummed.

When a burning building came in sight he descended, he didn't want to be spotted flying, as it could be a usefull surprise in the upcoming fight. His wings vanished when he touched the ground. He ran towards the burning building, the excitment of a fight coursing through his veins. 'I hope they are a challenge...' He violently shook his head, this was not the time to fall into the temptation of fighting, he would not try to get as much fun out of this as possible. He would just free the hostage and make a run for it.

The griffons were discussing their course of action:

"So what do we do with that white mare?", one of them asked, his voice sounding like two stones grinding on each other, "We can't kill her right?"

The eight male griffons looked down at the unconcious mare, her right wing was impaled by an arrow that went right through the muscles. It had been easy to bring her down, seven of them lured her in by setting a house ablaze and the other one shot at her from a hiding spot, taking her flight and sending her crashing into the ground. The unicorn that acompanied her shot multiple magic beams at them, which bounced of their armor without any effect, magic reflecting armor was quite usefull, it made unicorns useless. The unicorn ran of when he realized that, probably getting help. But that was fifteen minutes ago, so he probably just ran of in fear.

"How about using her?" This voice sounded like a bear roaring, only quiter.

"How about getting away from her before I decide to kill you?"

They slowly turned around, this voice was not a griffon, it sounded dark and hard, it was mercyless, but it lacked any fury, it was completely calm, no fear, no hate, no confidence, the voice showed no hint of feelings. A loone stallion came towards them, head low so they couldn't see his eyes behind his blue mane, the only visible feature except his white horn, everything else was shrouded in shadows

When they realized it was just a harmless unicorn they started to laugh, he couldn't do anything against them.

The moment Dragon Soul heard one of them suggesting to rape their hostage, his blood started to boil. What pathetic excuses for males. When he walked towards them, they laughed at him, 'So you think I'm harmless, huh?' The biggest member of the group jumped at him, trying to tear him appart with his talons. He couldn't help but smirk and with a quick movement he ducked below the attack, delivering a blow to the chest with his left hoof. And so it was on.

They circled him, and then, all at once, rushed in, delivering swipes at the stallion that dared to oppose them. Their attacks were fast, he couldn't dodge all of them, and he couldn't attack. He was in trouble, his new body was slower than his old one. Soul had to use more of his strength, and so he activated the Shadow Gene slumbering within him, vanishing into his shadow.

The griffons stood there, dumbfounded. Where did that pony go? They looked around, he was nowhere to be seen.

"His shadow is still there!"

They looked where the smallest one of them pointed, there was still the shadow of the stallion, with nothing that could cause it. One jumped forward, delivering a swipe above the shadow, beliving he just turned invisible, and stumbled forwards when he hit only air. They heard a sickening 'thud' when the pony reaappeared out of his shadow, ramming his horn through the thin breastplate.

"Rufus! No!"

"We have to get into the air!"

The griffons quickly took of, not wanting to suffer the fate of their companion.

"You choose the wrong place to fight, on the ground you were faster...", Soul looked at them, a smug grin on his face, his eyes slowly turning golden with elliptical pupils, "...but in the skies I'm superior to you."