Fallout Equestria: Heroes With Wings

by JustMoth

Chapter 3

Fallout Equestria: Heroes With Wings

Part 3

“The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train…”

My hooves pounded the ground as I wove between the train car homes of Marefort. I had to hurry. This was too important for me to screw up by being slow. I had to…


Why am I back in Marefort?

Looking down at my metal leg I could tell this wasn’t just another unwanted memory. The lack of repairs on some homes, the lack of damages on others. This is Marefort years ago. This was a dream. Only a matter of time before I see Wildfire die again…

But Wildfire wasn’t there. Nopony was there. All of Marefort was empty. Was it like this because I attacked Stable 42? Or was this showing how empty I was inside? Argh! Dumb dream, you should know better than trying to be all symbol-y with somepony like me!

Now I can’t even remember what the important thing that I had to do was. Well, if this is the Marefort of the past, I may as well head home. At least I know I won’t see Wildfire or…

I turned towards home. A thick, black smoke greeted me from up ahead.


No, not this! Not again. I didn’t want to dream this kind of dream!

Even as I protested the dream, my legs were carrying me forwards as fast as they could. I took every shortcut I knew, even making some new ones by smashing through homes. The dream version of Star Belle will be so angry when she sees what I did to her walls. Was this why I was running before? It didn’t feel like it.

I finally reached home. The trip felt like it took twice as long as it should’ve. Was my dream messing with me? I need to find some way to shoot it if it was.

I screamed into the black smoke coming from the door way. “Wildfire!!”

There was no answer.

I was about to charge into the blackness when I saw a small form walking through the smoke to the door.

“Foundation…” The name came from me before I could stop myself. My knees went weak. Then, as foal-sized shape came close, I could see some color. A yellow mane and a pink coat.

“Serenity?” What was she doing in Marefort? Ok, it was a dream, but ... just why?

Then walking out of the smoke, like it wasn’t even there, was a happy little filly. But it wasn’t Serenity. For starters, she was an earth pony. Also, her coat was a very bold color of pink and her mane was a much brighter yellow and without the red splotches.

“Amm, yoh wuind du suppise,” the filly mumbled around the large plate she held in her mouth. On the plate were several charred black discs that were still giving off black smoke.

“What?” I said trying to take this all in. I’ve had some weird dreams before, but I had no idea who this filly was.

The filly carefully put the plate down. “You ruined the surprise.” She didn’t look all that upset about it. Then, barely pausing, she rambled on happily, “My mommy said that I could visit you since this is super-duper important. But you were taking a really really long time. So I had the super great idea to make you something to thank you!”

“Let me guess…” I said looking at the black circles burning the plate. “Cookies?”

“Nope.” She beamed. “Cereal! My mommy doesn’t let me use the stove, but you don’t have one so it’s ok!”

What? How did she? I know this is a dream but…??

“Thank me for what?”

“For being really super nice and helping my friend!” The filly bounced up and down. Then she had a confused look on her face. “Mommy said it’s because you’re also doing something even more really very important and a lot of ponies are counting on you. I don’t really understand what she meant. There’s one of you. Even I can count that high without counting ponies. And what’s more important than helping friends? It’s like the mostest importantist thing evar!”

I coughed against the smoke still coming from the house. This weird little dream pony was thanking me for doing something important? What friend was I helping? “Who are you?”

The little pony flustered. “Oh! Sorry! I never said hi!” She then put on her biggest smile yet. “Hi, I’m…”

“Hired!” A voice boomed out of nowhere.

“Oh, your friends need your help now.” The pink pony waved as the smoke from the doorway started to flow out around me. “Bai Bai. Good luck pretty…” Her words were lost as the smoke turned everything around me back.


I opened my eyes. The black smoke was still everywhere, stinging my eyes, but now I could see around me. My head throbbed and I could taste healing potion in my mouth.

“What hit me?” I groaned as I stood up. Apparently I was on the floor, too.

“A steamer trunk moving at the speed of explosion,” Celly answered. “You’re lucky to still have a head.”

She was crouching beside me with Citquine on the other side of her. There was a big glowing purple bubble around us the same color as the glow of her horn. Before I could figure out what it was for, a burst of bullets were deflected by it. Handy.

Looking around, I quickly got reoriented. I was in the baggage car planning to steal a yellow box from some Steel Rangers. Then a filly that wasn’t a filly jumped into a pony that was a robot. Things went downhill at that point. Now the baggage car was on fire and we were trying to just avoid the cross fire.

“Nopony can possibly defeat the Invincible Iron Mare!” Her voice projected from the robot-armor-thing. Rearing up, she fired two balls of blue energy at the Rangers from her hooves.

“Really milking it isn’t she?” Celly mumbled from inside her shield.

Why did that make me feel like I was forgetting something important? Maybe Serenity would know.

Where was Serenity?!

Citquine must have noticed me looking around frantically. “Don’t worry. While you were knocked out I sent Serenity to get help.” He called over to me as another explosion sent a suitcase full of socks flying. What pony would travel with so many socks?

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Steam Drive announced over the last intact speaker. “Currently in the baggage car a dwarf mare riding a robotic power suit is having an explosive battle with two Steel Rangers, an alicorn, a cyber-pony, and a diplomat. For your own safety, I recommend that everyone move as close as they can to the front of the train.” There was a long pause. “I’m serious this time!”

After another long pause a stallion’s deep voice came over the speaker. “This isn’t one of Steam’s dumb jokes! I have a filly here who says that the baggage car is already on fire. So if you don’t want to get shot by a stray bullet, I suggest you move your flanks! We’ll be sending security down to deal with the situation once any of them wake up.”

At least Serenity was safe. But why did she go to the train engineers? That just made this plan more difficult. We needed to finish this fast.

I turned to Celly. “Still have that Zap Apple?”

“Yeah. I’ve been waiting for a clear shot to get all three, otherwise we’ll be just…”

Whatever. “Ok. On my signal.” I jumped over the luggage we were hiding behind.

“Are you mad!” Citquine called at me. Not as mad as I’ll be if I screw up this job. I ran full speed at Iron Mare. She noticed me coming and started to turn to face me. Just what I wanted.

At the last moment I lowered my head and slammed my shoulder into her metal side. Intense pain shot through my shoulder. Was that crack from me or her? She was more solid than she looked. I should have used my metal shoulder.  It did the trick though. She was off balance.

Hooking my fore-hooves under her metal body I lifted as hard as I could. I ignored my shoulder screaming in pain over how stupid this idea was. “Now!” I yelled. With a last jerk I tossed the metal pony into the stunned Rangers.

The Zap Apple flew out from the luggage and landed beside the heap of metal ponies. I backed up quickly to get out of its range.


Groans escaped from the pile but it didn’t move.

“Ok. Next  step. We, whoa!” The pain in my shoulder didn’t want to be ignored anymore and my leg buckled. Yeah, something was broken. Oh I’m bleeding too.

Celly floated to me another healing potion. I shook my head. “No, med-X.” With her floaty magic she switched to potion for the familiar needle and injected it into my shoulder.  As the pain numbed I got back up.

“Now, before they…” I started.

“Reviving operator and restoring systems,”  Ferris announced in a mechanical voice,

I went to face-hoof and the pain in my shoulder shot through the med-X. I switched to the other leg, and hit my face with a metal hoof. Ow. This is why I don’t have weapons on this thing.

“Impressive maneuver,” Iron Mare said while climbing out of the Steel Rangers. “Yet, I knew that train security used Zap Apples. So I programed a quick restart and revival routine in case of sudden loss of power.”

“So you’re the train robber that the NCA was looking for.” Citquine said to Iron Mare. Huh? Oh yeah, big pony, metal leg (four it turns out) and a filly. I guess that fits.

“At your service.” The metal pony bowed. Then its red glowing eyes turned to me. “And you’re the one who helped me get on board. Thank you.”

You just had to bring up how this is my fault. But at the station it was only her…

“How did you get that thing on board?!” Celly said pointing at Ferris. At least I don’t feel as dumb wondering that too.

Citquine spoke up. “I suspect that it was hidden in the debris that the train hit in the tunnel. It latched onto the train as it went by.” Ferris, or was that Iron Mare, nodded.

 I don’t remember the train hitting anything. “When was that?”

“Right before you punched me out.” Celly glared at me. Oh yeah!

Iron mare looked back at the pile of rangers. “I guess this is two that I owe you. For that, I will not kill you or your friends. But I can’t allow you to get in the way of my mission.”

Citquine raised a hoof. “It was never our intent to interfere with your mission. You can have whatever you need from the secure car. We just have to get one box…”

“And my gun,” I added. I was not letting her get Subtlety.

“And her gun,” Citquine continued with a sigh. “And we’ll be on our way.”

“Splendid!” Iron Mare said. “I’m only after a yellow hazmat transport container.” Fuck. It’s never easy is it? “So you don’t need to worry about…” The rest of her words were lost as the back of the metal pony’s head exploded.


Ah. That’s what I forgot about. Paladin Chocolate Milk…


“I will not stand to be addressed in such a fashion!” Iron Mare turned to face the large Steel Ranger standing in the secure car doorway, sparks shooting out of the exposed back of Ferris’ head.

“Not you,” The ranger said in a high pitch voice. He (pretty sure it was a he, but with that voice…) pointed his automatic grenade launcher at Celly. “Her! And him!” The blue eyes of his helmet flared as he also pointed at Citquine.

“Have we met somewhere...?” Citquine started.

“Applelations.” The ranger squeaked. I know this is a dangerous situation and all, but that voice is just too silly.

“Oh...” The alicorn and stallion said together. I must be missing something here.

“Do you have any idea how much that hurt!?” The grenade launcher started to rev up. “And I’m not talking about being buried under a mountain range!”

Citquine began to back up closer to Celly. “I’m really sorry about that, and about what happened to your voice.”

“Actually…” Celly leaned over to Citquine. “I recall that he sounded like that even before you…” She got her shield up just in time as the grenades exploded off of it.

“I can see that you all have some catching up to do.” Iron Mare said dodging the explosion. The metal pony’s hooves then split apart. Each one becoming four claws. Its knees then bet at odd angles. “I’ll just be on my way then.”

She darted over to the nearest wall. The claws grabbing hold as she skittered up faster than something her size had any right to. The ranger tracked the sudden movement, blasting holes in the side of the train car and giving Celly’s shield a break. Iron Mare kept one hoof ahead of the explosions, hanging from the ceiling. The Paladin blew out half of the car’s roof as the mare in the robot raced past, over his head. She disappeared behind him into the secure car.


I ran at the stallion whose voice was as stupid as his name. Grenades exploded around me. Pieces of metal and wood dug into my sides. I closed the distance between us, glad that the med-x was still doing its work. I slammed my metal hoof against his helmet. Doubt that it hurt much, but the impact and sound of it was jarring enough to get him to stop firing.

Didn’t stop him from decking me with his own metal hoof though.

I staggered and tried to focus. That hit would have put a lightweight like Celly out for good. I tasted blood in my mouth and I think I lost a tooth. Serenity would probably want to replace it with a cyber-tooth. One of those blue ones that picked up wireless…

Oh right, still in a fight!

I came back to the present in time to block another swinging hoof with my Pip-Buck. Ducking under the hoof I gave another whack to the steel-plated head. I had to keep close so he couldn’t use that grenade launcher on me.

Stupid Name reared up and bucked my side with both hooves, knocking me over. Damn! That better not have been another rib gone!

As I struggled to my hooves I heard Celly shout out. “You idiot! Hit his gun, not his face!” Hearing this, Stupid Name visibly tensed up and then pulled his back legs closer together. Not that gun stallion…

The distraction gave me time to get back up jump to his side. With my metal leg I wailed on the barrel of the grenade launcher. I got in three good hits before he slammed his side into me. I hope it was enough.

The ranger turned to face me and leaped backwards to grenade range. The eyes of his helmet burned blue as he glared at me.



The grenade jammed in the fouled barrel and exploded, sending the ranger flying on his side into burning luggage.

Now that he’s out of the way I just need to get that other metal pony and…

“CUUUNT!” Stupid Name screamed as he got up. What does it take to keep this guy down?! Looks like I also made his ‘cunt’ list.

The ranger staggered towards me. Was his grenade launcher repairing itself? Fuck. It was!

As he passed the doorway a metal streak leaped onto his back. His knees buckled and his grenade launcher was crushed under the weight.

“It’s been fun, fillies and colts, but I have to make like a rainbow and dash!” Iron Mare called from on top of the Ranger. Ferris had a large yellow case hanging from its metal mouth. With another leap the metal pony shot out through one of the holes in the car’s roof.


Stupid Name was getting up too!

A purple glow surrounded me and I felt my hooves leave the ground. Now what’s going on?!

“Go after the case!” Celly called out as I was lifted to the hole. “We’ll take care of Falsetto here.”

Ok, cheating alicorn magic came in handy at times, and I had a job left to do.


My shoulder screamed as I ran across the top of the train cars after Iron Mare. Med-x was wearing off and each piece of shrapnel in my sides was making itself known. Didn’t matter though, she was quickly running out of cars to run to. As long as she didn’t jump off the side of the train I had her.

Why wasn’t she just jumping off the train?

Looking over I got my stomach turning answer.

You call this a ‘small bridge’ Steam?!

The massive wooden structure spanned over the two sheer sides of the canyon. With a drop like that no wonder it was called ‘Fatal Death Valley’. The hazy form of a town was a tiny collection of dots far below. Far, far below. Really, really, far, far…

Closing eyes now. This was stupid high up!

Still running on top of a train! Open eyes again damnit!

Iron Mare had reached the head train car. White steam blew off large pipes and turned to face me. “So, I guess you also wanted this box after all.” She raised a metal hoof at me. “Turn back or I’ll blast you off this train!”

I kept walking towards her. My eyes focused on the case hanging from the robo-pony’s mouth. Mostly because the big yellow box was the easiest thing to focus on instead of the drop down…

“Tried to warn you dearie.” She took aim.

Nothing happened.

“Ion cannon still charging after shut-down.” A metallic voice came from Ferris.

“Oh, right,” Iron Mare muttered, “I rerouted the power out-put for the faster boot sequence. Oh well, just one thing left to do.” A small gun emerged from the robotic foreleg as she called out to me. “I meant it when I said that I didn’t want to kill you, but if you keep interfering you’ll leave me no choice.”

I kept walking forwards. Ignoring the drop on either side of me even more than the pain all over my body.

The gun fired and a tiny needed hit my chest. Well, that was a pretty lame…

I staggered to my knees as I felt my whole body burn. Was that a fire bullet? No, I’m not on fire. It just feels like it!

“…is a terrible way to go, but it will be over quickly.” Iron mare was still saying something. It even sounded sympathetic.  Didn’t matter. This tiny needle was not going to kill me!

I grit my teeth against the pain and struggled to stand up. Must have been quite a sight, even Ferris’ jaw dropped. The yellow case fell between the robot’s metal legs.

Then the pain was gone. Heh, guess that needle wasn’t made to deal with a mare my size. My metal shoulder was tingling though… oh no.

“How in the…” Iron mare stammered. A hatch behind her opened silently. “Do you even know what basilisk venom is?!”

“No.” I replied as Serenity’s little head popped up from the hatch. What the hell was she doing?!

Serenity climbed up to the roof of the train car as Iron mare face-hoofed. Or maybe it was Ferris. Do even robots find me that stupid? “Are you just too dumb to die?!”

The little filly was silently dragging the yellow case out from between the robots legs! This was insanely dangerous and crazy! No wonder ponies think she’s my daughter.

“Yeah. Probably.” I had to keep Iron Mare distracted. “But… not too dumb to make a deal.” I had to keep talking. Serenity’s life depended on it.

I was so fucked.

“Ha!” Iron Mare laughed. You probably knew it was a laugh from the ‘ha’ without me saying that... “What kind of a deal?”

“Well...” Think Silver! And don’t look at the box inching away! I said don’t look! “It’s not likely that we both are after the same box for different reasons. I bet that we are both working for the same client.”

“That’s possible…” Iron mare considered. “I’ve never seen the creepy mare that gave me this mission, only heard her voice through Ferris’ radio. She may have contacted others too. What of it?”

Creepy mare? Ok, not the same client. No matter. “We could work together and both come out on top. This is just a contract for me. I’m not in it for the money.” I’m not? I am. I’m just stalling. Shut up and keep talking! “So I’ll hand in the case, and you get the money. We both win and nopony has to be killed.”

“She just promised you money?” Iron Mare roared with laughter inside the robot. “You really are as dumb as you look!” Keep talking. Serenity is almost at the hatch. Stop looking! “She’s got access to some arcane power that I can barely grasp. The little demonstration she gave me would blow your tiny mind. Though I doubt that takes much.” I knew somewhere in Ferris she had a smug face on. I wanted to hit it so hard. “She’s promised me a share of that power for whatever is in that box, and there is no way that I’m going to…”

YOU FOAL!” Another voiced boomed from Ferris. Ok, that is creepy. “SHE IS DISTRACING YOU! WHERE IS THE CASE?!

Iron Mare turned around just as Serenity dropped the yellow case down the hatch.

“Why you little!”

Time froze as the metal hoof connected with the filly’s side.

In an endless moment Serenity was lifted into the air by the force of the kick.

The world continued to drag on as her little body sailed away from the train.

I watched as she slowly fell farther and farther down.

Then time instantly started again as burning blue energy splashed across my face.

I closed my eyes for only a moment against the searing pain.

When I forced them open she was already gone.

“Back on line!” Iron mare cheered somewhere in the distance.

Serenity was gone.

She was just trying to help me.

Now she’s gone.

It was my fault.


Yes. Survive long enough to kill that bitch. Then blame yourself.

My vision went red as I charged at the robot. Shots of blue energy seared my chest and side. It didn’t matter. As I reached it I swung my metal leg at its head. Metal against metal sparked as the mechanical jaw broke off under the impact. A robot may not need a mouth, but it was a start.

I raised my hooves up to strike again.

The robot caught my legs with its claw-hooves. I strained against it as it squeezed. Blood flowed from my flesh leg and my metal on began to bend. I pressed harder against the robot. It squeezed more. There was the sound of bones breaking and a sickening intense pain shot my head back.

I swung my head back forwards. It smashed into the metal skull. The force was enough to stagger it and it released my legs. I fell to the train car roof. I couldn’t get up. Both my metal and bone forelegs were broken. Blood flowed quickly from the top of my head.

No! It’s not over!

Crawling on my knees I turned around to buck the robot.

Metal hooves slammed into my side. I slid across the roof of the car. Only my back slamming into a scalding hot steam pipe stopped me from going over the edge.


Fighting though the darkness that crept into my vision I glared at Iron Mare. If only I could make ponies' heads explode with my thoughts!

Ferris’ head exploded.

How did I...

"Well, look at this!” A wonderfully familiar voice called out from above. “Appears we got here just in the nick of time.” More explosions erupted around the robot as Flare fired Bunker Buster. “Whaddya suppose that makes us?”

Bolts of lightning struck Ferris’ side as an armored griffin strafed past. “Big damn heroes.” He had a gun that shot lightning! That’s even better than fire!

The headless and burning Ferris staggered to the side and toppled off the train. Iron Mare screamed all the way down.

A brown pegasus hovered down to me. “Ain't we…”


The light pink filly squirmed out from his forelegs and rushed over to me.

Serenity was alive…

“Aww. She ruined my cool line!” The brown pegasus complained.

The griffin with the amazing gun landed beside him. “You can leave it in when you tell Rose all about it.”

Flare flew over to them. “If you even get that far. Sounds like your mare friend will jump you the moment you tell her how you heroically plucked a falling filly right out of the sky.”

I ignored their talking and just tried to hug Serenity while crying. It was hard with my legs broken and my eyes filled with blood. Good thing Serenity was crying and hugging enough for the both of us. I could feel a small bit of life returning to me as she hugged my neck.

I would survive.

“What did you do to your cybernetic leg!?” Serenity screamed in outrage when she noticed it.

I was so dead...


By the time we reached the station the train’s medic had mostly patched me up. I hurt all over (yay med-x), and my front leg was in a cast, but at least I didn’t lose another rib. Serenity managed to hammer my metal leg back into shape while I was being treated. At least enough to walk on. She kept complaining about how she’ll have to completely go over it when she had the right tools.

She was riding on my back as I met up with the others at the station.

“So, why did you three show up when you did?” Citquine asked Flare while filly Celly stood beside him. Looks like they won the fight with Stupid Name. His suit was missing a sleeve though and he was standing on just three legs. Guess Buckshot 13 was on the way.

“I met Moth and Gilly while waiting at the hostel,” Flare explained. “It wasn’t long before we started swapping stories. Well, me and Moth mostly. Gilly just stood off to the side all stoic-like.” The blue pegasus looked over and smiled at the griffin. I didn’t even notice he was there before. He was standing off to the side all stoic-like. Whatever that meant. “We soon came to the conclusion that there was no way that either you or Hired could be left alone for three days without something horrible going wrong. So we took off looking for the train. What is it with big, three-legged earth ponies and getting into trouble?”

Me and Citquine face hoofed. Well I did, earning a stab of pain in my still healing leg. Citquine on the other hoof should have used the other hoof. He lifted the front leg on the same side as the missing back. Only the purple glow that suddenly appeared around him stopped him from completely falling on his side.

Everypony tried really hard not to laugh. Only the griffin succeeded. Mostly.

Citquine cleared his throat. “Well. We should be going now, but first…” He motioned to Celly and something floated from his bag with a purple glow. “Your barding. All patched up and reinforced. I just wish it was ready sooner.” That makes two of us. “I put my card in the front pocket. If you ever find yourself in either NCR territories, look us up.”

“Uh. Thanks.” I doubt I would ever be that far north again. But at least he did pay for the repairs to my barding.

Moth and waved as Citquine’s little gang walked off. I noticed that the griffin moved in close to Citquine on the side missing the leg. The stallion then leaned against his bodyguard for support. I guess you never get used to walking with three legs…

“So. Where’s the case?” Flare asked as he hovered upside down into my view. Fuck. I knew I forgot something. I was too caught up with Serenity being alive and the whole me not dying thing.

“Miss Gun!” A voice called out. I recognized it even though it wasn’t coming from a speaker this time.

“I’m about to find out.” I told Flare and turned to Steam Drive.

He was pretty much what I expected. A lanky gray unicorn stallion with a white mane that made him look older than he probably was. On one side of him was a small green unicorn mare with a shockingly bright pink mane. On the other side was a massive black stallion with a short black mane. I guess these were the co-engineers, Skippity Doo and Iron Coal.

“Miss Gun. We are here to place you under arrest for the destruction of…” Steam was cut off when the two other unicorns slapped the back of his head at the same time. “Ah! Kidding! You two never let me have any fun. Actually, we are here to thank you and your friends.”

“Why?” Do ponies normally thank you for failing to rob their train?

“Why for stopping that nefarious bandit Iron Mare of course.” Steam continued. “Your daughter explained the whole thing to us. How you and your employer went to apologize to the Steel rangers for your actions last night. Then you discovered Iron Mare trying to rob the secure car and went to help in apprehending her. Even going as far as chasing her onto the train when she absconded with your belonging.”

“She was a little fuzzy on how an alicorn became involved, or where it went,” the black stallion said skeptically in the deep voice I also heard over the speakers.

From my back Serenity gave a little giggle. “I guess I got frightened and imagined it.” I knew she was giving her big innocent eyes at that moment.

“Well she was certainly a brave little filly when she climbed up on the roof of the engine room to get your case back,” Steam said, smiling.

Ah! If they still had it I can get it back and be done with this job! “About that…” I started.

“Don’t worry about it.” Steam waved his hoof. “It was safely returned to the secure car. You can pick it with the rest of your luggage at baggage claim.”

My heart sank, and I felt Serenity bury her face in my mane with a tiny frustrated scream.

“Aside for stopping that bandit, and saving the reputation of our train, there is one more thing I want to thank you for, “ Steam went on with a big grin. “That little adventure you pulled will now make my regular passengers think twice when I tell my little jokes. They’ve been getting too jaded, now they might just start believing me again!”

“Great, just what we needed,” The unicorn mare said rolling her eyes. “Oh, and you don’t have to worry about any of the damages. They were partly covered by insurance and the Steel Rangers will be paying off the rest. Even if we have to sell their power armor to cover it.” She then mumbled to herself, “Stupid oafs firing off their weapons like they own the place…”

“One more thing, Miss Gun,” The black unicorn added. “If you ever get tired of bodyguard work, we’ll always have a job for you in train security. You’re easily tougher than any 4 our guards put together.”

An interesting offer, but I still had a job that I had to somehow salvage. “Thanks, Iron Coal.”

The stallion glared at me. Did I say something wrong?

“The name’s Skippity Doo.” He pointed a hoof at the mare. “She’s Iron Coal.”

“Oh. Sorry,” I said as he continued to glare at me. Must be a sore spot. Still, with a name like…

He and the mare suddenly bust out laughing. “Just kidding! I’m Iron Coal, she’s Skippity Doo!”

As they walked away I heard Steam say: “Oh sure, it’s fine when you to do it, but I get hit when I make jokes.”

“That’s because our jokes are funny!” Skippity replied.

Serenity climbed up on my head and looked into my eyes. “Do we really have to take the same train back?”

“I hope not…”


“I’m really sorry that my plan didn’t work,” Serenity said as we waited in line for our luggage. Well, weapons actually. It was the luggage line though. I was back in my barding too. A little too late, but at least I had it.

“What plan?” I asked.

“I figured that by telling the engineers about the fight they would get everypony to move up in the train, creating a bottle neck so Iron mare couldn’t get through that way. Unless she could fly, and we now know she can’t, the only way she could have gone would be over the train. I would then grab the case if I got the chance.”

Wow. That was a pretty good plan. Aside for the not working part I guess. Better than running at her unarmed, like my plan.

“How did you know she was going to steal the case we were after?” Stop poking holes in my filly’s good plan with your logic, Flare.

“If I saw that she didn’t have the case, I would just leave her alone,” Serenity replied with a roll of her eyes. “With our luck, odds were good that she would have it though.” See. Good plan. Except for not working. Maybe she should come up with the plan on how to get the case back.

“Next!” The pony at the baggage check called us. The line moved pretty fast. What with most of the luggage being blown up or on fire.

“Receipts please.” The yellow pony said in a bored voice. I couldn’t tell if it was a mare or a stallion. Weird.

I reached into my barding pocket and pulled out four pieces of paper.

Four? We only had two.

Looking at them I saw that one was Citquine’s business card. The others were two receipts with bullet holes in them and one receipt that was burnt along the edges. I gave the receipts in and waited for our weapons.

First came the metal box that held our explosives and smaller fire arms. As Serenity was storing them in my saddle bags Subtlety was returned to me. Oh how I missed that beautiful, perfectly portioned, gun!

Then I saw what that third receipt was for.

Citquine really was a very helpful pony!


I dropped the yellow case in front of my client just outside of town. The griffin mare… No, that can’t be the right term. Griffinet? Griffiness? The female griffin, that will do, crouched down to inspect it.

“My fee,” I said flatly. I wanted this job to be over!

“In a moment, pony.” She snapped back. She then snapped open the case. She was very snappy.

Inside the case was what looked like a small rubber suit with a glass bubble. Without taking her eyes off the yellow thing she tossed a large bag of caps at me. Whatever it was, it was worth a lot of caps to her.

“What is it?” Serenity asked looking over my shoulder.

“Not our business. Job’s done,” I told her.

“It belonged to a good friend of mine,” The young griffin answered. She gently ran a talon across the suit. “Those tin bastards stole it from her grave. Probably thought it still had some power. Nearly killed Scold to get it…” She pounded her fist on the side of the case. “I tracked them all the way here from Equestria.” She gave a small laugh. “The whole trip was straight south. Just her style.”

She closed the case and stood up. “The only chance I had to get it back was on that train. But when I learned I couldn’t even board it, I had to hire you to do it for me.” She grabbed the case with her talons and spread her wings. “I’m sure she would be upset if I didn’t thank you for helping. So, thanks. You’re not bad ponies. No way am I going to start calling you pretty though!”

Pretty? Why did that remind me of something that I couldn’t remember? Whatever, job was done. “You’re welcome, Miss Days,” I replied, and she flew off.

As I walked back to town with Serenity on my back counting the caps, Flare flew down to meet us.

“So, how did it go?” He asked flipping upside down in the air.

“Got paid. Job’s done,” I answered.

“Great! ‘cause I already got a new job lined up!” He smiled, still upside down. Which did not look like a frown, despite what some ponies say.

“What job?” I asked.

“Simple revenge job. “ Sounds complicated already. “While at the bar I met a Sand Dog with a cybernetic foot. He says he’s looking for the pony that shot his paw!”


New Quest Perk: Close Enough – You haven’t apologized, but at least you hugged your not-daughter, so here’s your health back. Looks like you need it right about now. +10 health.

New Quest Perk: Puppy Love – You’ve never even been to the Big 52, but for some reason its sprit is helping you. +10% chance of critical hit with melee/unarmed attacks against bullybots.

((A/N: Yush! This was actually a three way crossover all along! Thanks once again to Kkat for starting this crazy post-apocalyptic ball rolling with the awesomely epic Fallout: Equestria. Also to No_One for making the wonderfully enjoyable Fallout Equestria: Heroes, and to mimezinga for making the adorably bitter-sweet Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes. Thanks for letting me play in your worlds and with your characters, I tried not to break anything!

Also, I should mention the other inspirations for this. For those who have seen it, the Baccano! reference should be clear. Trigun: Badlands Rumble is what gave me the idea to set it on a train (round about thinking). Also the Firefly/Serenity reference was too good to pass up!

Thanks to everyone for reading this, and remember, nothing is cannon!

If you want a little more of this story (not sure why you would), You can check out Citquine’s perspective of the 3 days in his journal starting here ))