//------------------------------// // 1. Prologue // Story: Wandering Equestria // by Diokno44 //------------------------------// "Another day done." I said to myself, tossing my green backpack on my bed. The backpack was a gift from my uncle, a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy, and a former SEAL, he's stationed in Korea, South Korea I believe. Taking off my lime green shirt, keeping the white T-shirt underneath on, I hung my khaki pants on one of the hook on the clothes holder connected to my door, and changed into some comfortable shorts. Plopping down on my bed, I switched on my iPad Mini, and turned on my Xbox 360, loading up Skyrim. A few hours later, after some warm dinner, I climbed into bed, placing my glasses on the cabinet across from the bed, the last thing I saw were those glow in the dark Pokemon sticker things I stuck on my ceiling when I was five or six, as sleep overtook me after saying a quiet prayer. Bird chirping awoke me the next morning. Wait, birds?, that wasn't right, If it were anything, crows would be the one waking me, odd seeing them in San Jose of all places, and my two lovebirds, Angel and Micheal, were gone. Angel had flown off when my uncle was grabbing food, and Micheal perished of a broken heart a few years ago. Looking around, I discovered I was in a large forest, my backpack laying nearby. Opening the top compartment, I found all my school supplies gone. In their stead, my Bible, Sonic Screwdriver flashlight, or Torch if you're British, spare clothes, glasses, and my DS were tucked in. Slinging the backpack on my back and pulling my glasses on, I decided to look around. Not the smartest thing I should have done, but curiosity got the best of me. The forest seemed immense, bigger than a forest I had read about that was in The Philippines, my family's homeland, and my mine too, even though I was born in Hawaii and raised in sunny California. A cool breeze whistled through the air, nothing much. It was colder at night when my family vacationed in Nevada, and in winter in CA. Granted, My friend Corey said its colder in Columbia, but I wouldn't know. That was when I heard the growling. Stopping for a minute, I turned my head this way and that, searching for the telltale sign of rustling bushes or the SNAP of a twig. "Hello? I don't want to hurt you, I actually like animals!" I called out into the thick brush. No dice, the growling sounded again, clearer. "Wolves, I don't know whether to be excited or not." I muttered, being a fan of wolves. Setting down my bag, I rummaged around, pulling out the katana, its black sheath covering the blade. Slowly, I pulled it out, the steel still sharp as when it was forged, I pulled out the hatched and tied it the backpack with some vines. SNAP! I turned to the left, watching as, to my surprise, Timberwolves, scouting party maybe, only five, emerged from the brush. "Let's see, its Tuesday, and I'm in Equestria-I am so screwed." I said, as one wolf sauntered towards me, growling. I held my katana in both hands, ready to strike. As the Timberwolf bared its razor sharp wooden stakes for fangs, and leaped, I swung as hard as my lean body could, leaving a deep cut in its head, as it fell to the ground. "Hah, take that sap breath!" I said, fist pumping, before remembering this was a Timberwolf. "Oh crap." I muttered, backing away as the large cut filled with golden tree sap, Timberwolves bleed sap? I thought, as the wound closed, leaving a very pissed off animal and its buddies. Now, I'd like to say I did something heroic or badass, like standing up to a group of nigh-invulnerable wolf golems made of tree bark with just an old hatchet and a katana, well- "Oh craapppp!" I screamed, running like hell as the beasts gave chase, rushing through thick foliage and vaulting over logs. Now, I'm not the most athletic guy, but under duress, I'll run like there's no tomorrow. I could feel the lead wolf snapping at my heels, I thought it was game over, until I heard a stern and commanding voice that could only belong to one pony. "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Fluttershy yelled, placing her flower basket down and gliding down the incline between me and the Timberwolves, her eyes showing quiet fury. She turned to the leader, her tone softer, but still scolding. "Now Juliet, what did I tell you when you chased Henrietta last month?" Juliet whimpered, but Fluttershy continued, "No buts young missy, now, you take your little friends back home, or I'll tell your mother. You got it?" Juliet nodded, as she and her gang sauntered off back into the depths of the Everfree Forest, tails tucked in between their legs. Fluttershy turned to me, smiling, "Now, are you alright?" I took a deep breath in, dusting the dirt off of my jeans, nodding, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Fluttershy." I said, before my eyes widened. She raised an eyebrow, looking me over, "Are you a human?" Surprised, I nodded, as she continued. "Oh, because I met a human before, Brian, he cared for Rainbow after she was stranded on, um, Earth was it." "Yeah, Earth. So, um, I guess you know about...." I said, trailing off about the show, Fluttershy mumbled a "Yes", as I smiled slightly. "Well, I guess thanks are in order." I stuck out my hand, which she shook meekly. "So, since you know my name, may I ask you yours, um, if that's alright with you." Fluttershy said, smiling as she stepped back, quavering. "Diokno, Christian Diokno, Chris for short." I said, fixing my jacket, just as my stomach grumbled lightly, causing Fluttershy to giggle. "Well, Christian, we should get some food, I'm feeling a bit peckish myself." Fluttershy replied, picking up her flowerbasket, and setting it on her back, "So, would, um, meat work for you? The humans we've met with, like Captain Marvel, have said humans are omnivorous. So, um?" I held up a hand, "Meat will be just fine, so, ponies are omnivorous aswell, No offense, but I thought you guys just ate plants." I replied, grinning as we trudged along the dirt path to her home, well, it was less of a path, and more just a loose collection of dirt and leaves that resembled a path. Fluttershy chuckled, unlocking her door, "Oh, we can and do eat meat once in awhile. Its just that fruits and vegetation are easier for our bodies to digest. I, um, even have a storeroom filled with meat that I give to my animal friends that are carnivorous." She swung the door open, extending a hoof. "After you." I nodded, stepping into her home, stretching. The animals watched me closely, as if to say if you so much as harm a single hair on Fluttershy;s head, we will end you.I got the message loud and clear. And that was when moist half-chewed carrot hit me in the side of the head.