//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Siege of Canterlot // by Peachy Moon //------------------------------//         The Altar of the Four Winds. One of the holiest places to all pegasi, also the last place any pegasus wanted to go. The cloudway leading to the Altar was lined with pegasi today though. Every living Wonderbolt was standing in their dress uniforms at attention. Ponies that hadn’t flown in years stood watching the lone mare that flew the Long Road. The urn shook in her hooves as she flew. Rainbow Dash had been here once before for a much smaller funeral. She was still racking her brain for why Spitfire would want her to be the one to do this. Not her own brother, or Soarin, or any of the full Wonderbolts. The raised cloud platform grew closer to her. It was simple a set of cloud steps and four pillars shaped to the represent the Spirits of the Winds. As her hooves touched cloud she looked up finding all four Princesses looking at her. As one the bowed low to the urn Twilight nodding to Rainbow to encourage her. The most awesome pegasus could let herself cry. Not now. Later when no one could see. She stepped up to the Altar and stood at the edge.         “May you find the winds in Elysium” The crowd intoned as she twisted the lid off the urn. It struck her then why she’d been chosen. She grinned looking at the crowd. Soarin nodded to her and she jumped taking flight. Spitfire had never felt a Sonic Rainboom in life, Dash let her experience it now. The Wonderbolts saluted as the prismatic spray filled the sky below them.         The long grey mare sat by the bedside listening to the steady beep of her best friend's pulse. She closed her eyes humming a song they’d once played together. She missed living with Vinyl life had been exciting then. Not she found herself alone wondering if her only friend had killed herself out of depression. She was sorry but she just didn’t love Vinyl like that, part of her wished she’d liked mares just so she could have saved her life. If another pony told her that the music had been the best they’d ever heard she would probably break apart. She swallowed and held her head in her hooves. Her tears dry. _____         Lightning Dust supported Derpy as they watched Rainbow fly by. The grey pegasus was bandaged across most of her body. She was alive however, so we’re her Muffins. She closed her eyes briefly and sighed. She was called a hero for what she started. Her reckless stunt had almost killed her and yet ponies seemed to think she had been heroic. She smiled sadly, she’d just wanted her girls.         Lightning Dust watched Spitfire’s urn. She wanted to scream about how unfair it all was. She and the recruits had been flying! Why had none of them died. Not a single one! Spitfire had. The greatest Wonderbolt had given her life for a bunch of Guards. She swallowed remembering her own words. Her idol had died doing her duty. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. She was not the only one crying. Gilda stood behind the line of Wonderbolts. She was here to see Dash. She was cleaned and groomed her feathers perfectly placed as she watched. "Man, I'm sorry Dash. You always made her sound so cool.." She mutters to herself closing her eyes and waiting. She'd try and patch things up with Dash. Even if it meant apologizing to those lame new friends of hers. _____         Cheerilee’s class sat watching the grainy magical frame. The watched Rainbow Dash fly to the alter. A few of the pegasus foals echoed the words spoken. They all felt a little warmer seeing the Rainboom. Scootaloo cried faintly watching, she knew Rainbow was in pain. She saw the way her own idol moved. She knew the pain in her eyes. _____         She smiles as Rainbow takes flight, no finer tribute could be made to Spitfire than what she’d done. She watched as slowly the assembled pegasi left and glanced at the sun. She was late for her speech. She vanished in a flash of bright sunlight appearing on the palace steps before the assembled crowd.         “Thank you for your patience I couldn’t miss the funeral of a national hero.” She says smiling to the waiting newsmares. She knew none of them would say anything about her choosing to hold off on the speech till after she’d attended.         “Now My Little Ponies! We were attacked in our capital. The changeling Queen Chrysalis lead her hive in a cowardly sneak attack against Princess Luna, Discord, and Myself. She succeeded in sealing us away long enough to enact her attack on this fair city. Thanks to valiant efforts of both the Guard and the Common Ponies of Equestria the Elements of Harmony were able to free us from our imprisonment and end the brief siege of our fairest capital. I know you have heard the reports and I assure you the Queen Chrysalis is in Royal custody. She will face punishment for her numerous crimes against the ponies of Equestria. I assure you nothing like this will happen again. I also beg you not to take your anger out on any injured changelings you find. Please be tolerant of them and notifiy the guard. They were following the will of their ruler and we cannot without further evidence hold them responsible for what happened. They will be held until guilt and blame can be found by a court of law. Thank you for your time, and may Harmony reign.” She says looking to the magical cameras focused on her. She turns walking slowly back up the palace steps flanked by the guard. She had many things to do today but no time to do them.          _____         Chrysalis cradled the body of her handmaiden sobbing. “You were safe..hidden...I was going to bring the energy back you needed. We...we would have been safe and prosperous once more..” She sobs rocking the body in her hooves. “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...y...you deserved a better Queen. You told me not to seek revenge..b…” She broke into full racking sobs her words lost in the pain. She heard the hooves walking towards her but didn’t care. Maybe they’d come to kill her. She wanted them to, she deserved to die for what she’d done to her people.         “Now you know my pain.” Celestia said sitting down and looking at the sobbing Queen. She wore none of her regalia. She just wanted to talk to the changeling Queen. She needed to understand why this had happened. “I know all their names. The missing and the dead from your attacks. I can list them if you’d like” She says her voice tired.         “D..don’t..I can’t take anymore pain.” Chrysalis says looking up at Celestia. Her eyes widen as she sees just how tired the Solar Diarch looked.         “Then talk, tell me her name. The names of those you lost over the skies of my home. Tell me why you did this! I would have talked, we could have had peace!” Celestia says stamping at the ground as her voice grew angry. “I’ve made peace with every power that has been open to it! In all my time I have only struck at those I couldn’t sue for peace! I don’t want to kill! I don’t want to hurt anypony! or changeling! or dragon!”         “I couldn’t…” Chrysalis says her voice catching in her throat. She left her head fall and crys freely. “I couldn't see past my anger and jealousy! Your ponies had everything! You grow your food! W...we can only steal it! Could only..” She corrects herself in a much lower tone.         “Would you accepted it if offered again?” Celestia asks her levelly         “What would be the poi…” She saw the look in the Diarchs eyes and stopped. Could it be possible?         “This is an illusion. To show you what we can do if we are pushed. I don’t take any being’s lives lightly. I ask you, will you work with me to find a way for your hive to live?” She asks her. She recoils slightly as the changeling Queen lunges forward wrapping her hooves around her         “Yes! Please by the Ancestors yes if it saves my changelings then yes!” She says hugging the Diarch tightly. “Please are they still alive!” She asks.         “Yes, they live. You probably won’t see them again but they are alive.” She responds the illusion dropping around them. Chrysalis felt many emotions on finding herself chained in a cell. She looked up feeling her growing anger washed away by the simple relief of knowing her hive still existed. Perhaps she could find a way with Celestia’s help. It was better than the alternative options given to her. _____         In the hospital room the grey mare stirred slightly. Her ears twitching as she looked at the half open red eyes watching her.         “And for my next trick…” Vinyl said a pained grin on her face. “Maybe painkillers first” She adds wincing slightly         Octavia threw her forelegs around her friend crying happily as she called for the nurse.