//------------------------------// // Generously helping our friends out // Story: Truth or Scare // by RainbowJack2000 //------------------------------// Applejack went home. Rainbow Dash was in her room. The other girls were in Rainbow's basement, still upset from the previous events that had happened earlier. Fluttershy was sniffling since she cried that two of her friends were furious with each other. Pinkie Pie, although her hair remained poofy, she was upset as well. Twilight and Rarity just looked worried. It was silent. Rarity broke the silence. "We've got to find a way to get those two back together. Knowing them? They will probably be mad for weeks." Pinkie giggled a little, "You said 'back together.' " Rarity rolled her eyes at Pinkie's immature manner, "This is serious, Pinkie Pie. It's just a few misunderstandings. Rainbow thinks that Applejack kissed her on purpose or something. Applejack says otherwise, knowing Rainbow kissed her while she was drunk. I believe we can help those two work their differences." "But how," Twilight asked, "Applejack went home. Who's going to go over there and comfort her?" A grin spread across Rarity's face. Twilight knew what that meant. "No! No way! It's too dark and late outside to do anything!" she rejected. "I'll go with you...if you don't mind." Fluttershy suggested quietly. Too late though: Twilight heard her. "Seriously, Fluttershy? You'll go all the way to Sweet Apple Acres with me?" Twilight was astonished. "If it means getting our friends back together...yes." "Great," Rarity said, "You girls run along now! Don't forget to convince Applejack to come back here for the slumber party!" "Yeah! For the party!" Pinkie said in her normal, cheery state. "Okay, okay. Bye now!" Twilight said, pushing Fluttershy out the door. "Let's go cheer Dashie!" Pinkie exclaimed. Author's note: This would be like a back-and-forth type of section. The colors of the mane six coats are the text for this part. RD's Place Stupid Applejack. Making Soarin think I'm gay for her. Who the hell does she think she is? *knock knock* Go away! Leave me be! Dashie, it's us! Pinkie and Rarity! Do you not understand English? I said- Oh, Dashie! Of course I understand English! I also know French, Spanish, Hindu, Latin, Italian, dog, cat, bird- Okay, you understand multiple languages, big whoop. That's not the point, Rainbow. We want you and Applejack to become friends again. Sweet Apple Acres Who said anythin' 'bout me and Rainbow not bein' friends? Uh, you did, before you left. You practically shouted it out and she went to her room while you went home. By walking. All alone. Yer point is? RD's Place Look Rainbow, we know you and Applejack are mad at each other. But it's all- Sweet Apple Acres A big misunderstanding. Rainbow was drunk. What she thinks happened, didn't happen. RD's Place Yeah, silly! You really think Applejack would really kiss you? She knows you're not a lesbian, but you did- Sweet Apple Acres Crazy stuff anyway. You are very close when it comes to friendship and I know it hurts you a lot, but- RD's Place You can't be mad at each other forever, can you? Both Sweet Apple Acres and RD's Place ... ... Yes. Eeyup. Sweet Apple Acres *sigh* This isn't getting us anywhere. Fluttershy, would you do the honors? M-me? I-I don't k-know! Please? Don't you care about our friends' relationships at risk? Twi, that was a lil' harsh fer Fluttershy. RD's Place What do you expect, Rainbow? If a lady has no way of making things right, she must be hard on the person who might...oooh, that rhymes! Sweet Apple Acres Not helping, Fluttershy. Okay, okay...um...well, I...er...didn't come up with a speech for this. *face-palm* UGH! RD's Place Wellllllll...you and Applejack know each other very much. The type of sports you like, exercise techniques- Sweet Apple Acres We ain't got exercise techniques, Flutters. Oh, well, um...favorite foods, everything! You two have a special bond that not even the rest of us could relate to...I think. But that's no reason- RD's Place To fight with each other! If you're gonna fight, fight about who gets the last cupcake on our picnics! They taste really good and I think I'm going to add the special ingredient to the next batch: white chocolate! Mmmmm, yummy! Getting off topic, Pinkie. Oh right! Anyway- Sweet Apple Acres You two should be ashamed of yourselves! Rainbow was doing a dare and when you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing. You shouldn't- RD's Place Overreact, silly. Overreacting is more Rarity's thing. *giggle* Plates. Pinkie! Oh yeah! *inhales deeply* Sweet Apple Acres You guys are friends. Friends shouldn't fight, and if they do, they...um...need to have a good reason to. What happened with you and Rainbow was really pathetic and I'm really disappointed in the both of you. I really am. Well, what do y'all expect me to do? Apologize? RD's Place I'm not apologizing until she does. We figured you might say something like that. We did?! No one ever told me! *ahem* Applejack's coming over to apologize to you. Sweet Apple Acres WHAT?! I never agreed to this! Face it, Applejack. We're going over there and you can't stop us from doing so. Well, I a'int budgin' and ya can't make me. She could still be upset with me. ...Fluttershy, get the rope. *** Author's Note: Well...that took me probably 30 minutes to complete. I broke it up into Sweet Apple Acres and RD's Place for all you bozos who didn't understand if they were in the same place or not (no offense). Back to the story! *** Twilight drove back to Rainbow's house with Applejack tied up and her suitcase with her. Fluttershy was texting Rarity, telling her that they were on their way back. Satisfied with her message, Fluttershy put her phone away and looked at the back seat, with poor Applejack struggling to break free. "Oh Applejack," she said, "No need to get out of it. It's for your own good. We need you and Rainbow to become friends again. It would only tear up the friendship between not only you two, but all of us." Applejack stared back at Fluttershy, saying nothing as her eyes that were once filled with rage turned into apologetic. AJ sighed and nodded, while Fluttershy smiled a reassuring smile. It seemed like everything was going to turn out right. "We're here." Twilight announced. Going to the back of the van, Twilight and Fluttershy untied Applejack and let her out. Giving her the luggage, Twilight walked alongside Applejack while Fluttershy rang the doorbell. It opened up to Pinkie Pie, smiling wider than ever. She jumped onto Applejack, causing AJ to let out a surprised yelp in return. "OOOOOH! I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK! IT WOULDN'T BE A SLUMBER PARTY WITHOUT YOU!" she exclaimed happily. "...air...need air..." Applejack gasped. "Let's go back inside so you and Rainbow can apologize, and Pinkie, stop hugging Applejack." Twilight commanded. Giving Applejack one more squeeze, Pinkie grabbed her hand and led her inside the house, taking her up to Rainbow's room where Rainbow and Rarity were hanging out...kinda. When Pinkie barged in, they jumped up. "Gosh darn it, Pinkie! You scared us!" Rarity yelled, until she realized what she said, covering her mouth. Pinkie giggled. "Aw, Rarity. Had to let all the gas out before it even reached the car!" "What does that mean?" "Nothing! You wouldn't understand! You're not as Pinkie-licious as me!" Pinkie giggled. "Not as- I don't know what that means, but I am too!" Rarity pouted. "Are not!" "Are too!" "Are not!" "Are too!" The two continued their silly argument as they left the room, closing the door behind them, and leaving Applejack and Rainbow Dash in the room. All alone. With nothing to do. *** Author's Note: Let the AppleDash commence! ***