//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Lost and Confused // Story: Reverse Equestria Girls // by Commander_PonyShep //------------------------------// All Rarity could see was darkness, but could barely feel herself. However, as soon as her vision restored itself to normal, she could see what appeared to be a pair of white hands that nearly fitted Twilight's description of them. What made this even crazier for her was that she could feel those hands, even move them! She then looked down her body and saw everything else that also described Twilight's experience at Canterlot High, from a dress with a short skirt, to leg-warmers on where her back-legs were normally supposed to be, and a complete lack of fur all over her body. Rarity's heart was beating uncontrollably, and she held back her urge to scream. Okay, Rarity, the fashion designer thought to herself, promise me you won't scream. Twilight herself survived it, so surely, you can survive it as well... Before Rarity could scream, she was crushed underneath a heavy weight. Lying face-down, she turned up and saw Applejack on top of her, and magically transformed into another hairless ape just like her. "Watch where you're going, Rare!" Applejack demanded Rarity. "Well, excuse me," Rarity scoffed at Applejack, as the former pushed off the latter, "it's bad enough that you and I turned into those... those creatures..." Rarity looked at her hands again, her throat pushing upward like she was about to vomit. "...Complete with these... things that Twilight described to us... the same ones her alternate self has!" "Wait, what'r you--" Applejack then noticed that Rarity looked different, then looked at her own hands. Like the white unicorn before her, the orange farm-pony also had the urge to scream, but before she could, she and the professional fashion designer heard another loud scream behind them. They soon turned around to discover Fluttershy, kneeling down on her legs in front of a large statue, as she also transformed into a hairless ape like them. She was screaming so uncontrollably, that she was nearly shattering Applejack and Rarity's ears. The two grabbed Fluttershy and restrained her. "Now calm yourself right now!" Applejack shouted over Fluttershy's screaming. Unfortunately, the animal caretaker still continued screaming, so Rarity slapped her yellow friend on the cheeks to calm her. From that slap, the yellow pegasus slowly quieted herself down. "It's okay, Fluttershy," Rarity reassured her, her hands placed on Fluttershy's shoulders. "Just calm down and take a few deep breaths." Listening to her friend's suggestions, the animal caretaker slowly breathed in and out from her diaphragm repeatedly until she grew calm. Fluttershy looked at Applejack and Rarity, and to her shock discovered what they now looked like. Her teeth clenched so hard that they could probably chip, and she sweated and shook uncontrollably from the sight of her friends becoming hairless apes just like her. Her eyes became watery, and without any notion of self-control, she hugged Rarity, rested her face on her bosom, and cried uncontrollably on her. "I'm so sorry," Fluttershy sobbed. "It's just that my hooves are replaced with hands, and I don't have any fur and..." "Now, there there," Rarity comforted the animal caretaker. "Just let it all out..." While Rarity hugged the crying Fluttershy, Applejack eventually saw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie be the last ones to fall out of the statue, possibly like herself, Rarity, and Fluttershy, with Pinkie on top of Rainbow's back. "Hey!" Pinkie looked at Fluttershy, as she stopped crying and saw the two with Rarity and Applejack. "I thought Fluttershy was the last to enter, and yet she came before us?" Rainbow pushed Pinkie off her back, then continued, "If I were to sum up a guess, it's that Fluttershy flew through the portal so quickly, that she passed--" Rainbow investigated her entire body as well as those of her friends, and became dumbfounded by their looks. "O-kay..." The rainbow-maned pegasus said to herself. "So as I said... if we can survive our past adventures... surely we can survive hands and walking on two legs..." She looked toward her friends and nervously asked them, "Right?" Before she could continue, Rainbow and the others turned around to face the giant entrance of Canterlot High, where many of the students were walking in and out and communing with each other. However, what their attention was a pair of adolescent boys who somehow resembled Snips and Snails from Ponyville Elementary, the latter of whom held a strange device in front of them. The two stared at the girls, before eventually running back into the building with the device. "What was that for?" Applejack asked. "Never mind," Rainbow responded. "What matters is that we find Twilight's alternate self and teach her about friendship. Everything else is just window dressing!" "Now..." Rainbow held on to the statue to lift herself up on her two legs. "Like that Twilight we saw in the crystal ball, we're supposed to stand on two legs rather than four, right?" Following Rainbow's example, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy also grabbed the statue to lift themselves up on their two legs. Afterward, they let go of the statue and wobbled back and forth to the entrance. Rarity managed to grab onto the stair-rail, but the other three then suddenly slammed into Rarity and fell to the ground, a result of their struggle to balance on two legs. "Ugh!" Rainbow groaned. "How did Twilight learn to survive walking on two legs?" "No wonder we were kept from going to the last Canterlot High!" Applejack exclaimed. "Twilight brings us with 'er, and we would've slowed 'er even more than 'er own bipedal battle." "Where's Pinkie, by the way?" Fluttershy asked the others. The four girls looked behind, and to their sudden surprise, saw Pinkie Pie happily walking on her two legs to the front door without losing her balance, then gripping the door's handle with her right hand flawlessly. She faced her friends and called out, "Come on, girls! This hairless ape thing isn't as bad as any of you think!" Pinkie opened the door and walked inside, while the other four girls became astounded and confused by her. "Pinkie Pie," Rainbow said to herself. "Still the same random pony she's always been." Rainbow and her friends got off of each other and the ground, then walked up the steps to the front door. Before they could enter, Fluttershy said to her friends, "All Pinkie did was grab the handles with her hands, right?" "Oh nonsense!" Rarity responded. "Back in Ponyville, I just open the door with my magic, like this..." Rarity made a swoop of her head, acting like she was opening the door with her magic like when she was a unicorn. Unfortunately, the door did not open on its own, and as a result, Rarity slammed into the door, hit her face, and fell on the ground. As Rarity rubbed her nose, Applejack pulled the white unicorn up and said to her, "You're forgettin' that we're in a world populated by hairless apes." "Yeah," Rainbow interjected. "That means you have no horn, and no horn means no magic." "Oh," Rarity tempered up. "When I get back to Twilight's library, I am going to strangle her with my hands..." "But by the time we go back to our world," Fluttershy said, "wouldn't your hands go back to being hooves?" "Then I might as well do likewise with my magic!" "Come on, Rare," Applejack calmed the fashion designer. "You're just frustrated is all." Rarity sighed. "Perhaps you're right. It's just that... adjusting to a body other than that of a pony's is so exhausting!" Like she should have done earlier ago, Rarity grabbed the door's handles with her hands and pulled it open. The girls entered the doorway and found themselves in what appeared to be a lobby, where in the back were several staircases leading to different hallways. Placed on the walls were flags with the symbol of a horse, the same symbol the floor itself had, possibly to represent the school they were in. At the same time, tons of those ape-like teenagers in clothes were walking up and down the lobby, sometimes walking to different hallways, and other times talking to each other. None of the girls had any idea of what they were looking at. All they knew was that it all fitted the description of Twilight's adventures in the previous Canterlot High: Modernized, rather than medieval like Equestria, and full of hairless apes who could grab things with hands and walk on two legs. Out of pure stress, the four girls held on to each other's hands and squeezed them as hard as possible. All they wanted to do was find and grab Pinkie Pie, run back to the statue they came out from, call out to Twilight to let them out, and hope that their beloved leader would listen to their cries for help from her crystal ball. And yet they could not, because their mission was to find Twilight's alternate self, and teach her about friendship, and they will be unable to leave until they get the job done. "Hey, everypony!" Called out a familiar voice. The four girls faced frontward to discover Pinkie Pie, waving at them and calling them out. "Pinkie!" Applejack said, as she and the others walked to her. "What do you think you're doing, walking ahead of us like that?" "Also, you said 'everypony,'" Rainbow retorted to the pink party pony. "Twilight once said that in Canterlot High, these hairless say 'everybody!'" "Oh!" Pinkie squeed. "It's just that I was getting the hang of this bipedal hands thing, but to think that I'd forget to say 'everybo--'" Before the party pony could start her usual endless chatter, she was interrupted by a school bell, which rung so loudly and repeatedly that it almost pierced their ears. Once the bell stopped ringing, crowds of those ape-like teenagers walked down the halls and flooded the lobby. There were so many teenagers, that they even inadvertently blocked them from each other and splitting them up. "Oh, my Celestia," Rarity whispered to herself, her muscles tensing from the crowds of teenagers splitting her apart from her friends. Without thinking, the white unicorn called out to the others, "Rainbow! Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy? Applejack?" She ran around the crowd, hoping to find her friends, but to no avail. The crowd eventually ended up pushing Rarity away to one of the hallways, thus splitting her farther away from the others. Little did Rarity know was that her friends tried to find her and each other, but were also pushed by several other crowds into separate hallways. All five of them were now split up, alone in an unfamiliar world, and vulnerable. Is this what Twilight herself endured? Each of them thought... *** The crowd surrounding Rainbow Dash grew smaller, which eventually bought her time to lean on one of the lockers to catch her breath. After recovering, she found herself in the middle of one of the hallways, populated by ape-like teenagers scrambling through their lockers and socializing with each other. What made this even more mind-boggling was that some of those teens resembled ponies she knew from Equestria! Two of them included a grey-skinned, sophisticated girl with well-groomed hair and a treble clef on her skirt, and a white-skinned girl with blue, spiky hair and large sunglasses, with the two of them using strange devices that let them listen to classical and electronic music, respectively. Two more included a yellow-skinned girl with dark-blue and pink-streaked hair and a candy symbol on her dress, and a light-green girl with a lyre symbol on her dress talking relentlessly to the other girl about magical, talking horses. A fifth teenager had blond hair, gray skin, and bubbles on her skirt, eating what appeared to be a muffin. Walking with that grey-skinned girl was a young, brown-skinned man wearing a tuxedo and scarf with a sand-clock symbol, carrying what appeared to be a mixture of a pen and a tiny screwdriver. The seventh and eighth teenagers included a bright-yellow girl with spiky, orange hair, and a blue military uniform with the badge of a flaming phoenix, and a light-blue male with dark-blue, spiky hair, a military uniform like the yellow girl, and the badge of a lightning bolt with wings. This definitely fits Twilight's description of Canterlot High, thought Rainbow, looking upon the hairless apes. She once mentioned seeing hairless apes who resembled ponies we knew, and this Canterlot High is no different from the one she explored. Suddenly, a thought hit her. Oh dear, the rainbow pegasus thought again, my friends! Out of desperation, Rainbow ran down the labyrinthine halls of the high-school. "Fluttershy!" She called out, hoping for a response. "Pinkie!? Rarity!? Applejack!?" It was bad enough that she had to adapt to hands and two legs like Twilight, but now she had to contend with her missing friends, thanks to that crowd of ape-like teenagers separating her from the others. In fact, every time she ran around searching for her missing friends, it almost reminded her of the time she had to stay behind while Twilight was the one who entered the previous Canterlot High. Both situations involved parting ways with beloved friends, constantly worrying about their own safeties and well-beings, as if they might have gotten destroyed by Canterlot High. Just wait until I get my hooves... hands... whatever I have on them, she continued thinking as she relentlessly searched for her friends, making me worry like this and everything... Upon walking down a three-way intersection of the hall, she stopped after hearing a familiar voice calling, "Hey, those were my research notes!" Twilight? Rainbow thought to herself. On her left of the intersection, she could see a crowd of teenagers gathering to laugh at someone's misfortunes. The rainbow-maned pegasus walked to the crowd and leaned above it to see what the commotion was about. And, to her surprise, she found her mission objective! The alternate Twilight Sparkle scrambled all over the floor to gather her torn-up notes, while Sunset Shimmer's alternate self stood above her, laughing at her misfortunes alongside all the other students. In Twilight's backpack was the dog who resembled Spike, barking at Sunset to defend his master. "Oh, look!" Sunset gave Twilight's dog a cold glare, as Spike continuously barked at her. "Her disgusting, slobber-laden dog is defending her honor. Pfft, as if!" Already, Rainbow furrowed her brows and tensed up. Okay, the rainbow-maned pegasus thought to herself. I'm split apart from my friends and I need to reunite with them before anything happens to them. But on the other hoof, I've sighted my target, and I would need to defend her from that alternate Sunset Shimmer. My friends, or alternate Twilight? Twilight packed her torn notes into her backpack, ensuring that they still leave room for Spike. As she stood back up, Sunset continued to her, "Face it, egghead! No one, not even the nerds -- that clique you're supposed to be with -- want you. You'll forever remain a lonely, pitiful reject, and might as well not even exist in this school." Spike was still barking at Sunset, as she retorted to him with, "And that goes for your dog, Spike, too!" The lavender girl hugged Spike inside her backpack, hoping to protect him from the yellow-skinned bully. This is getting me nowhere! Rainbow thought again. Out of fury for Sunset, the rainbow-maned pegasus pushed aside the crowd to walk up to, and stand up to her. "The kids in this school call you Sunset Shimmer, right?" "Tch," Sunset scoffed at Rainbow. "Looks like my popularity in the school precedes me." "Listen," Rainbow scolded Sunset, "I may be a new student who's unfamiliar to this school, but I won't stand by and do nothing while bullies like you pick on the weak!" "Oooh..." The crowd of teenagers watched in amazement over this new girl defending Twilight. "Excuse me?" Twilight said to Rainbow. "Since when did I ask you for your help? I've gotten everything under control!" "No you don't!" Rainbow retorted. "You're in trouble, and it's natural for somepo-- er, I mean somebody like me to save you." The rainbow-haired girl switched her attention to Sunset. "And as for you, I am not going to tolerate your behavior! Tw-- this girl is just trying to get through her school day, and the first thing that pops into your mind is to humiliate her for your own amusement." "Oh..." Sunset then told the crowd of teens, "Look, everyone! Some new student is defending the nerd's honor!" The other students laughed alongside the yellow-skinned girl. The crowd then quieted down so that she could continue to Rainbow, "Listen, girl. That egghead you're defending, Twilight Sparkle? She actually doesn't want friends, because instead she wants to study at Canterlot High. She hates the idea of others stepping in to help her, because to her, all that matters is that she studies and earns good grades like the nerd she's always been!" "I don't care!" Rainbow argued. "Even if what you said is true, that Twilight doesn't need mine or anypo-- er, anybody's help, it's still always important to help others like her in need!" "Oh really?" Sunset talked back. "You and what army?" "Simple! Not so much an army per se, but rather four more new girls who happen to be my friends! Right now, they're split apart from me and have gotten lost. But if they were still around, they would also do everything in their power to defend Twilight, because these girls and I are her potential friends!" "Wait!" Twilight interrupted. "Did you just say what I thought you said? You... and those other four girls you've mentioned... my potential friends?" "You heard me!" Rainbow sternly answered Twilight's question. "We may be five girls versus an entire school, but we'll defend you, even to the death, if we have to!" "Then defend her all you want!" Sunset demanded Rainbow, who turned around to face the yellow-skinned bully alongside Twilight. "Just remember, Miss..." "Rainbow Dash," the rainbow-haired girl responded. "My name is Rainbow Dash!" "Whatever," Sunset retorted. She then started pointing at Rainbow's chest, giving her a cold glance. "Just remember: By choosing to defend this egghead and her dog, you'll end up at the bottom of the food chain just like her! And, if those 'four new girls' you mentioned try to help you help her, too, then they'll be ridiculed as well!" "Whatever it takes," Rainbow argued. "Anything to protect Twilight!" She grabbed the lavender girl's arm and pulled her away from Sunset. "Come on, Twilight. Let's get you and your dog away from her and her lack of mercy." The rainbow-haired tomboy then escorted the lavender-haired school-girl and her dog away from the crowd of students and their ringleader, Sunset Shimmer. *** Already, Rainbow,Twilight and Spike were far away from Sunset Shimmer. As the two stopped near a door leading to a classroom, the rainbow-maned pegasus said to the lavender unicorn's alternate self, "Are you okay, Twilight? Because you know, after her complete lack of hospitality and everything, it seems you would have been damaged beyond repair." Suddenly, Twilight furrowed her eyebrows and tensed up to the blue-skinned tomboy. "Your name is Rainbow Dash, right? Well, don't you even realize what you've done?" "Of course!" Rainbow responded. "I've saved you and your friend, Spike from that school-bully and those other kids she enticed into ganging up on you. Tch, for someone so smart, you can be so simple, sometimes!" "More than that," the lavender girl responded. "You heard Sunset! Now that you've defended my honor, you are now as likely to be bullied as I am! I could have handled this situation on my own, but then you had to pop out of nowhere and rescue me like I'm some stereotypical damsel-in-distress." "But you couldn't have," Rainbow argued back. "You had no way of defending yourself, and you've allowed Sunset to tear up your notes for whatever class you're taking. Had I not stepped in, you would've regretted 'handling this on your own', or whatever the hay you said you would!" From Twilight's backpack, Spike the dog angrily barked at her master. The lavender girl then said to her dog, "You agree with her, Spike?" "See?" Rainbow spoke. "It's as you said, even your dog thinks you could have accepted help!" Twilight sighed and placed her palm on her face. "Look, Rainbow..." She then pointed to the rainbow-haired tomboy to four different groups of teenagers. One consisted of nerds speaking technobabble to each other. The second were jocks who wore sweatshirts while carrying sports equipment. The third were female fashion designers talking about what dresses to make. And the fourth were rockers with over-dyed hair, black leather coats, and rock-and-roll instruments. "Tell me what these are," the lavender girl ordered Rainbow. The rainbow-haired tomboy looked closely at the groups, but could not put a finger -- or hoof -- to it. "All I see are kids socializing with each other." Again, Twilight sighed. "These are called cliques," she answered harshly. "You probably heard Sunset mention that I do not belong with the nerds despite the fact that I am one. Cliques are those kids who are segregated into different groups based on certain stereotypes, and they do not interact with any of the other cliques because of their inability to respect each other's differences." Rainbow investigated the groups again. Funny, the rainbow-haired tomboy thought to herself. These kids definitely fit our Twilight's description of them during her trip to the other Canterlot High. I mean, with the exception of those bullies back at flight camp, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon every time they torment Scootaloo and her friends for lacking cutie-marks, most of the ponies I've met back in Equestria were nicer to each other than that. "And let's not forget about Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight angrily continued. "She's the most feared and popular kid in school. So much, in fact..." The lavender girl pointed to Rainbow what appeared to be a glass case on the wall. She escorted her to the case, and showed her what appeared to be a series of trophies... and to the tomboy's shock, three photos of Sunset Shimmer wearing a dress and sash, carrying a bouquet of roses, and wearing a golden tiara. "Are you telling me," Rainbow asked Twilight, still facing the photos, "that Sunset won a few prom-queen pageants?" "Correction," Twilight answered, "Fall Formal Princess Pageants! And, she won three of those pageants in a row. With the powers of a princess, she has the ability to influence all the other kids in the school, even turn them against each other!" She then faced Rainbow and continued, "Which is why I don't want any friends! This school is not designed to help children make friends. Rather, it's all about survival of the fittest here; you try to make friends, and you'll appear weak! But divide yourself from everyone else, and you'll survive longer. I'm just one of those students trying to get through the school-day for exactly that reason, because if I don't, Sunset will bully me for the rest of my life!" Rainbow sighed, then argued to the lavender girl, "You don't even know what my four friends and I are about, do you? Back where we come from, the five of us were all about defying impossible odds and challenging the status quo, namely through the magic of our friendship! But here, all I see is a coward and a loner who would rather submit to that oppressive ice-queen, rather than stand up to her by finding friends to support her." "Excuse me," Twilight responded, "but did you just call me a coward?" "You want to remain alone and vulnerable for the rest of your life?" Rainbow scolded the lavender girl. "Fine! Just remember that I've stood up for you, and my friends would've done the same had we not split up!" Suddenly, the two felt caught off-guard, as they turned around and saw that some teenagers were watching and listening to their argument. The two grinned at the crowd, before the both of them sneaked away and split up from each other, already embarrassed. Rainbow ran from both Twilight and the crowd, her face scrunched in a heavy mixture of anger, embarrassment, and sadness. 'High-risk operation' indeed... The rainbow-maned tomboy thought, as she fought off her tears.