//------------------------------// // Be Careful What You Wish For // Story: When All We Have Is Each Other // by vx2254 //------------------------------// The Sun rose on Ponyville, as it did every morning. Another uneventful day to take note of, making this the third straight month in a row nothing had happened since Twilight's journey to that strange new world, and what an... Interesting experience that was, to say the least. Still; the Princess wondered why in Equestria not even the slightest incident had happened; normally accident-prone Ponyville was assaulted by some form of major catastrophe long before now, or at the very least she and her friends would find themselves in some kind of dilemma, though this all-too familiar situation had ended rather poorly last time. Perhaps she shouldn't worry about it; a little respite after the series of events that made up her now-prolonged life would be for the better, in the long run. Still; Twilight couldn't help that one part of her, nestled among other thoughts; yearning for something, anything to happen. "You bored too, Twilight?" Spike, her closest friend and personal servant asked as he finished organizing the books. "Well... I'd be lying if I said no." Twilight admitted; looking out one of the library's windows. It was a beautiful day... As it had been many times before. If only life were picture-perfect, she might be perfectly content going on about her daily routine. In all honesty, life was picture-perfect for most ponies, but then again; most ponies never faced the God of Chaos himself, redeemed a corrupted princess or crossed dimensional barriers in some sort of strange, though somehow still amusing adventure. Twilight had come to accept, at this point, that she was not at all like most ponies, and that she was meant to do much more with her life than live like Everypony else. Her status as a Princess was proof enough of this, but on the same hand; what would everypony else think of her if she stopped at nothing to fulfill whatever great destiny lay before her? She couldn't leave them behind, she wouldn't; even if it meant staying stuck in these doldrums of fate for a thousand years. "Maybe a walk would make you feel a bit better?" Spike suggested, interrupted Twilight from her conflicted thoughts. "Yeah... Maybe." She said, putting on a smile. "Right, I guess I'll be back s..." The Princess said, standing in preparation for her departure, interrupted by something very peculiar. A magical aura enveloped Twilight's body; one created by herself unintentionally and unwillingly. With barely any time to realize something was terribly, terribly wrong; the Alicorn Princess found herself catapulted to Celestia-knows-where, overtaken by a feeling of weightlessness as she flowed through the fabric of the world, deposited somewhere... Somewhere dark and wet. Expelling water from her mouth before it could find its way where it wasn't wanted, she looked up to realize she had teleported into a pool, a rather deep one at that. She panicked; kicking and struggling, trying desperately to reach the surface for air; the light seeming to move farther and farther away with each bit of progress she made. Then the light began to fade; what little air was left in her lungs used up by her panicked kicking; her body screaming for a breath of fresh air. Unable to struggle any longer; Twilight felt consciousness slipping away from her, her mouth opening to release what little air was left in her lungs; rapidly filling with water. Was this how it all ended? Here in the middle of some pool somewhere she just happened to be teleported to? So many unanswered questions that she'd never be able to answer. However, in the brief moments before her vision faded; Twilight could have sworn she saw the outline of a pony swimming towards her... Probably her eyes playing tricks on her; there was no way it could be real, and in moments, it wouldn't matter... Finally, after what seemed like an eternity; Darkness. Trixie Lulamoon stepped out of her Caravan, which she had brought to a stop here in the clearing around the source of a small spring of water. She took a deep breath of the cool summer breeze, enjoying the feeling of calm and serenity given by such places. The Unicorn found herself on her way to Manehattan to look for opportunities there. She had been offered positions as an actress for plenty of Theatre's; willing to give her a chance sue to a recommendation she'd received from the newest Princess; Twilight Sparkle. As admirable as that was; Trixie simply wasn't the kind to settle down and stay in one place for too long, not until she found what she was really looking for... Which she wasn't too certain of in the first place, come to think of it. She dipped a hoof in the cool Spring; the water a welcome contrast to the heat of the summer sun. Removing her trademark Hat and Cloak; Trixie stepped into the shallow waters around the edge, nearly slipping on the slick mud underneath, angled towards a small underwater alcove. She managed to get a grip on the rocks, barely having time to settle before seeing a lavender flash from below, followed by air bubbles. She almost jumped out of the water at this; reassured it wasn't some kind of horrible creature when she felt the familiar energy radiated by a Magic-using Pony... And a powerful one at that, though this power was fading, and quickly. Curious; Trixie took a deep breath and dived beneath the surface; her magic illuminating the small, dark alcove to reveal an Alicorn; one she recognized too well. Trixie watched as her struggles weakened and ceased; a sense of urgency overtaking the show-pony and she swam down towards the suspended figure, which now began to sink. It took her a good minute to reach Twilight Sparkle; the sky-blue Unicorn Mare wrapping her front-hooves around Twilight's shoulders; putting her effort into visualizing the inside of her Caravan, which she remembered well enough. It took some effort, but the two mares appeared inside Trixie's mobile home; soaked to the bone, though Trixie didn't care; her priorities were saving her first and only true friend. "T-Twilight!" She exclaimed upon taking a deep breath, followed by a series of short, panicked breaths as she began trying to think of what to do. She positioned herself over Twilight's limp body; her hooves over Twilight's rib cage as she began to apply compressions; forcing water out of Twilight's lungs and, hopefully, letting air back in. "Come on, work; damnit..." She muttered to herself, tears forming in her eyes as she began to wonder if she had been too late... She felt so powerless; her magic incapable of helping in this situation, and her fear of losing a dear friend wasn't helping at all. Her tears began to trickle down her cheeks after a good several minutes of compressions, having gotten most of the water out of Twilight's lungs, now waiting for some indication the Princess could still breath on her own. A gasp and series of coughs from Twilight brought a sudden sense of relief to Trixie, knowing her friend was indeed still among the land of the living. She was at a loss for words, relaxing completely, forgetting she was still on top of Twilight, and in a position that looked rather odd, considering she was no longer applying compressions. "Tr-tri... xie?" Twilight asked, her vision returning slowly; the disorientation of her near-death experience clearing at a slow, steady pace. Before either of them had time to fully recover from the situation before, it seemed fate had something very different in mind for them; Twilight's Teleportation Spell kicking in once more. This time; she and Trixie found themselves high in the air above celestia-knew-where; Twilight was stuck in a cloud, which Trixie merely fell through due to her lack of wings. "Wh-what!? Twilight, help!" She called out as she fell, trying to grab one of Twilight's hind-legs sticking out of the cloud, slipping off the wet limb easily. Trixie's scream faded quickly, a rush of adrenaline surging through the recently-revived Princess. A friend of hers was in danger and there was little she could do about it stuck in this cloud! A flame-spell easily dispersed the cloud holding her prisoner, sending Twilight plummeting to the ground as well. She gained control of herself; spreading her wings and turning upright before diving down as fast as her wings could carry her. Trixie, meanwhile, could see her life flashing before her eyes; from the moment she first laid eyes on this world until now; unable to concentrate, to form a protective shield around her using magic. She didn't know how long she'd been falling for, or how long she had left; resigning herself to her fate when... When somepony grabbed her, a protective shield forming around the both of them; a weak one, but still; it would absorb most of the impact so long as Twilight, whom she assumed was her savior, could maintain it that long. The two mare's weren't airborne for much longer, either; crashing into the rocks, hilly terrain below, rolling over one-another before eventually settling in a position twice as awkward as the one they'd been in earlier; their lips kept from meeting by barely an inch of air. Trixie blushed and rolled off of Twilight, the two laying there, staring up at the sky taking deep breaths and relaxing; out of immediate danger. They turned their gaze on one-another, both smiling and blushing slightly before standing, looking out over the jagged, rocky hills they'd landed in. "Wherein Equestria are we...?" Trixie asked. "I... I don't know. I've never seen this place before..." Twilight said, an ominous feeling overtaking her as she failed to recall reading of any extreme-hill biomes such as this in any of the maps of Equestria and the surrounding area. "I... I think we're lost."