Ten'nō ryū Dragon Soul

by Soldragonis

Beating up some griffon idiots. Part II

Shadows began to wrap around Dragon Soul as he summoned the power of the Shadow Gene, the Gross Gene and the Thorn Gene, forming a black sphere around him.

The griffons were frozen in fear as the unicorn covered himself in shadows. Shadowmancy was forbidden, it is a dark art! Before they could think about it to much or break out of their stupor, two giant black wings burst from the shadowy sphere. In another burst of darkness, the sphere disappeared, leaving a black dragon behind.

When Dragon Soul looked up and saw the pure terror in the eyes of the griffons, he was more then satisfied. He didn't let them comprehend what just happend, and burst upwards using some of his mana, the generated gale putting out the fire and throwing the white mare around, he didn't care he just wanted to maim, to kill, to crush, to see the dispair on the face of his foes. This form was one of his most favoured, as he got much stronger, the shadows always stunned his enemies and the ability to turn into a mere shadow at a thought was extremely useful. He loved it! He loved this feeling of pure power and royality, he loved to see the terror on the face of his enemy, although that could just be the influence of the Shadow Gene, after all, it was born from hate and despair, and made him enjoy seeing his enemies despair, it made him feel, how did those kids say? Awsome? Yeah, AWSOME. He also liked his Thunder Dragon form, as it was extremly fast and his Warrior Form... It is amazing which thoughts can run through your mind while you are pounding some griffons one fifth of your size into oblivion.

When all the griffons were unconscious, meaning five to six seconds later, they were to shocked to even react to his attacks and went down like practice targets, he flew back down and transformed back. Looking at the dead griffon filled Dragon Soul with a bit of guilt, that was, until he felt that the soul of the griffon did not yet leave the body.


When Luna arrived at the scene, she was shocked, the griffons were lying on the ground, huge dents in their armor suggesting that they were simply pounded unconcious with great force. One of them had a hole in his armor, but the fur underneath was untouched, the fire on the building was put out and Dragon Soul was tending Captain Flashwings wounds. But that wasn't what shocked her, what shocked her was that the air was heavy with the remains of magic, she could sense nearly the same amount of it she felt rushing through her veins when she became Nightmare Moon, and it felt similiar, too. Shadow, Strength and Healing, those three elements were most prominent, but she could feel another element, one she didn't know, and she could feel the remains of a calming spell. Luna noticed that Dragon Soul looked at her, his eyes filled with concern for the mare he was treating and exhaustion.

"She lost to much blood. Her body is in no condition for my healing spells, or at least the ones I have enough mana left for."

When those words were spoken, realisation hit Luna, Flashwing could die if she didn't get healed now. She rushed forward and concentrated on a mighty healing spell, one made to replenish every aspect of the body one needed to survive. A soft blue glow covered Flashwing, and her body began to heal. Her blood was replenished, her veins closed and flesh began to grow back, skin began to cover the dark red flesh, and finally fur began to sprout. When the spell finished, it looked as if Flashwing never received any wounds.

Just a second after the spell finished its work, the others showed up. They were all a bit shocked, but Twilight, Shining and Princess Celestia were by far the most shocked, the amount of magic that was floating in the air let Shining flinch. It was his sister, who spoke the question they all had in mind:

"What happend?"