The Nightmare Reborn

by vintage brony

Nightmare fright night (Part Two)

Kebert, Kidd, Evan

“Alright so we made it by them and nopony has seen us yet. And look the library isn’t far from here!” Evan said as he looked at the map he was levitating with a smile. He rotated it to show the others.

“Well now we get to meet some new ponies really soon, six of them. And heroes no less.” Kebert said with a smile. “Luna says nothing but good things of them. So if she likes them then I'm sure that I shall as well.” He finished turning back around and continuing the flight to his position at the rear.

“Yeah, nice to get some friends who are actually girls for a change. No offense of course.” Kidd said with a smirk as he took his position at the front once again.

Evan stopped in his tracks as the idea cycled through his mind. I have to meet six new ponies? Even if they were average stallions he would still feel a bit on edge. Let alone six mares who saved Equestria! One slip up and he would no doubt be a laughing stock who they talk about at parties and laugh at him... He gulped loudly as he started breathing a bit faster.

Ok...Ok... I've got this... right? I mean a pony is a pony whether they are a mare or stallion that really isn’t the issue. But six at once? Their group was rather large to his taste as it was. Big groups... made him uncomfortable... He cant really explain it fully it just... feels bad. I don’t even like parties if there is more then ten ponies there! “Ohhhh...” Evan groaned.

“Evan? Is something wrong?” Kebert asked as he flew up to him. “Why did you stop?”

Kidd turned around and noticed they were far behind him, he groaned and went to join up with them again. “Alright, what the hay?” Kidd asked rather irritated. I'm starting to sound like Hocus... Celestia help me...

“Umm... you think that were gonna meet all of them at once?” Evan said looking at the ground as he pawed at it with his hoof.

“Does it matter? It'd be quicker that way anyways.” Kebert said as he landed beside the unicorn.

“Its just that... meeting so many new ponies at once... and it being such a big group... its kinda... scary...” He said in a volume slightly above a whisper.

“Scary? Whats scary about meeting a few ponies at once?” Kidd asked incredulously. “Are we seriously having this discussion now?” He said pointing a hoof to a snarling Flam as he struggled with the restraints.

“Uh yeah I think this should be handled once this crisis is over, you gonna be ok?” Kebert asked.

Evan rubbed his scruffy hair down with a hoof as he pulled himself together. “Yeah, I'll be fine. Freaking out on the inside, but fine.”

“Alright lets get going then.” Kidd said as he flew on ahead eager to meet some hopefully normal ponies.

“As long as your sure you’ll be ok...” Kebert said as he too returned to his position.

Evan got back to his hooves and continued to trudge on, now a tad more nervous then mere minutes prior.

Lunar, Kristoph, Hocus, Nuudo

“So I was telling my manager that I need to do something since I'm new in town and I don’t know anypony here and how am I supposed to perform in town if I don’t know a single pony here and how does that make the concert special if there’s no connection or even a hello between me and them so he said “No.” and I said “Why?” and then he didn’t say anything so I kept asking why and his face got a scrunchy like this – he demonstrated by making it seem he smelled some sour milk – and said “Fine you can go!” but in a really mean voice but I forgave him and said ok and went for a walk and...” Lunar said without a single breath or even slight pause in his retelling of his meeting of his friend he kept mentioning, all the while he flew/skipped around the group while they walked.

“OH TO TARTAURUS WITH THIS!” Hocus yelled before he himself flew up and went in search of Nuudo to have a semi-normal conversation. Kristoph looked at him fly off and sighed, not wanting to be rude to Lunar as he continued his story.

So where could I find a certain zebra around here?... Hocus asked himself as he rubbed his check with a hoof. After a few moments of searching he saw a shrouded figure going through a crowd of ponies on an adjacent street. Oh yeah way to not make yourself suspicious Nuudo... He thought as he rushed to go and get him. To Tartaurus with trying to hide anymore.

“Hey you crazy zebra! I’ve had it with trying to hide that Nightmare Moon slave we’ve been tugging around town! So either we do my plan or I will kick your flank so hard!... ugh...” He said angrily until he realized, that’s a mare. Oops... “Ugh.... I'm insane?...” He tried.

The mare pulled her hood back and glared at Hocus with such intensity that he shrank back a little without thinking. Then in a flash she pounced and in a blur of motion she was on top of Hocus while she pulled his hoof behind his back in a pin. “Who are you, and what do you plan to do?” she asked in a rhyming voice.

The rhyming caught Hocus off guard and he was still processing how he ended up on the floor. “Ugh...” Was all he could offer as a response. So the zebra pulled harder to try and elicit a response, which came immediately. “Ok ow ow ow! What the hay! That hurts you know!” Hocus yelled at her as ponies around them stopped to watch what was happening. Were making a scene... Then Hocus's face light up brightly. Were making a scene! Perfect! I can end this stupid search if I make a big enough scene!

“If you want me to stop, then tell me who is your top!” She demanded him with a glare he couldn’t see.

Does she mean my leader? Hmmm... why not? “I am the leader!” He said with a smirk.

Wrong move...

The zebra immediately got him in a head lock and put her muzzle next to his and she asked him quietly so nopony watching could hear. “Are you a goon, of Nightmare Moon?” When her only answer was some choking sounds she released his throat a bit so he could talk.

“Are you?” he asked her once he caught his breath.

Her glare intensified and returned her grip to his throat. “Of course not! But you have been caught!”

“What are you talking about you psycho zebra?!”

“I heard what you said about the crazed one, but now your plan is done!”

“Alright one, your crazy. Two you don’t know what your talking about. And three quit rhyming!”

“Then explain, before I bring forth more pain.” she said as she pulled one of his wings at an awkward angle slightly.

“Fine, fine! Were here to find the bearers of the Elements of Harmony! The princesses sent us!” Hocus explained quickly. Why is she so strong!?

“Then I'd better see some proof, before I do something uncouth.” She threatened.

“I turn my back for five seconds...” Said a different voice.

Keeping her grasp on the pegasus the zebra looked up at another zebra, this one a stallion looking at her from a few feet away.

“I can vouch for him, I have a copy of the letter right here. I'm Nuudo by the way, don’t see many of our kind around here.” He said as he he pulled out a scroll and hoofed it over to the mare holding Hocus down.

“Took you long enough...” Hocus grumbled.

“Hey it was kinda funny watching you get beat up so easily.” Nuudo said with a playful smirk.

The mare read and re-read the letter scrutinizing it in search of any forgery or any hint that it was a fake. Once satisfied she hoofed it back to Nuudo and released Hocus. “My apologizes for the beating, its just that this is our first meeting.” She said guiltily as she rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof.
“My name is Zecora, I specialize in flora.” She said as she extended out a hoof in greeting.

“Good to meet you Zecora, this is Hocus Legerdemain.” Nuudo returned while nodding in Hocus's direction as he shook Zecora's hoof.

“Whats with the full name? I don’t like having them tacked onto me.” Hocus said in a grumble. “I'm my own stallion.”

“Well its all part of proper greeting to introduce yourself by your full name. Even if it doesn’t ever come up again. First impressions are important.” Nuudo said with a self-satisfied smile.

“Like how you ponynapped me and two others when we first met? Or the two we have with us now?” He said with a smirk of his own forming. I got him now...

As he thought Nuudo's smile quickly went to one of uncertainty. “That was when I was different... and you made the first move! I would have left you alone!”

“You couldn’t live in some other ponies home? You had to choose mine?”

“That's where I was assigned! I told you already!”

Zecora cleared her throat loud enough for them to remember who they were with, and that a lot of ponies were still watching the scene.

Make a big scene, check. Hocus thought with a smile and a quite chuckle.

“Well you wouldn’t happen to know these ponies would you Zecora? And we also have to find our other friends now since somepony thought it would be ok to run off by himself.” He finished with a scold in Hocus's direction. As he still rubbed his sore wing and foreleg.

“Of course I can be of some assistance, but the first step will be finding the assistant.” She said with a smile.

“Well if you know where to go then please lead on.” Nuudo said with a smile and gestured with a foreleg for Zecora to proceed ahead. Once she did he followed in step behind. “Come on Hocus.” He called back over his shoulder.

“Fine...” He said dejectedly as he trudged behind the two zebras to Celestia knows where.

Kebert, Kidd, Evan

“Well here we are guys, so where do I park this thing or what?” Evan asked no one in particular as he looked around to see if there was a designated zone for it. Cause you never know.

“Just put it around back I guess. Just make sure its hidden well enough.” Kebert suggested.

“Be back.” Evan said as he pulled the cage around the tree turned library for a hiding place.

“I wonder if they’re still home...” Kidd asked as he flew up to land in front of the door. He lifted his hoof to knock on the candle painted on the door when it swung open to reveal a dragon with a smile on his face.

“Hey Twili – He paused as he noticed it wasn’t the unicorn he expected but didn’t let his smile falter too long – Oh hi! Welcome to the Ponyville library! Can I help you look for a book?” He asked the two pegasi who gawked at him for a few seconds too long.

“A dragon!” They both exclaimed but with different meanings behind each. Kebert's was from amazement that he had the opportunity to meet a dragon, let alone one that could talk. Kidd's was from fear the dragon would make him extra crispy with a side of mash potatoes.

Kidd flew up into the thick branches of the library to hide while Kebert went over excitedly.

Ignoring the fact Kidd forgot that this was the dragon mentioned in the letter he went to greet the dragon as he grew a smile across his muzzle. “Hi are you Spike?”

“Ugh yeah, how do you know my name?” He asked with a raised scaly eyebrow.

“I got a letter from the princess telling us to look for your friends! Do you know where they are?”

“Oh yeah Twilight and the others left to go look for some ponies at the train station...”

“Yeah that’s us! My name is Kebert Xela, that is Kidd, - he pointed a wing at the branches that Kidd peered out of – and our friend Event Horizon is around back I think.” Kebert said as he extended his hoof in greeting.

“Well pleased to meet you guys!” Spike said as he shook Kebert's hoof.

“Alright I put some bushes around it, if nopony goes near it I think well be sa... - Evan paused mid stride as he saw the purple dragon – A Dragon! Oh my gosh this is so cool!” He said as he galloped up to Spike with wide eyes.

“I’ve read a bit about dragons but there isn’t much on them. Just that some can talk fluently and that they migrate every so often, and are almost completely fire proof! Can you talk?” Evan said excitedly as his speech grew faster and harder to understand.

“Ugh... yes?” Spike said feeling slightly awkward under the sudden scrutiny of Evan's eyes.

“Well that is Event Horizon. He tends to get excited easily...” Kebert said to Spike in an apologetic tone.

“You got excited too.” Kidd said as he tentatively got down from the branch but kept an eye out for the dragon at all times.

“Well you guys need to find Twilight and the others right?” Spike spoke up to bring everyone back on topic. “I can help you guys look around town if you want.” And just staying at the library is boring... Spike thought to himself. “They're probably still at the train station now. Come on I'll go with you!” Spike said eagerly as he hurried towards the door.

“Lets go!” Evan said forgetting the nature of the situation from his excitement. I met a dragon, this is so cool!

Kidd kept his eye on Spike until the purple dragon jumped onto his back and kicked his sides under his wings, “This way!” He said pointing a claw down the way the trio came from.

Kidd responded with a glare in the dragon's direction, but went ahead and followed the directions regardless. Evan and Kebert followed closely after them, both asking questions of the dragon (Mostly Evan).

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy

“Calm down Twa'light I'm sure well find 'em before anythin' bad happens.” Applejack soothed from behind the frantic unicorn as she paced the train station platform.

“How can I calm down?! How can you be calm!? Seven ponies that don’t know their way around here and who have two crazed ponies with them! What could possibly go right?!” Twilight asked as she grew more panicked with every mental image that flashed by. From the Flim-Flam brothers getting loose to massive riots and panic (Which looked very similar).

“Well what do you suppose we do then dear?” Rarity asked her as they stood with the others worrying for Twilight's blood pressure.

“We could make a big scene somewhere so they can notice and know where we are?” Rainbow tried. “Like I could practice at the center of town, that’s sure to attract attention.” She said with a smirk as she puffed out her chest.

“Oh did Mayor Mare lift the ban she put on you practicing in town then?!” Pinkie asked as she popped up behind the pegasus.

Rainbow let her chest recede and let her head hang in shame. “No...” She said sadly and a little miffed. You crash through the Mayor's roof one time... Besides I payed to fix the plumbing and everything!

“Well does anypony else have any ideas?” Twilight asked. Immediately everyone turned to look at the only other pony who hadn’t spoken up in the conversation, Fluttershy.

Once she noticed all the pairs of eyes on her she shrunk back and let out a small squeak. “M-me?” She asked as she moved her mane in front of her like a shield.

“Well you haven’t said a thing since we left the library, You got an idea we could try sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Umm well we could... umm... split up? Unless somepony else has an idea of course...” She said hoping she hadn’t said something stupid.

“Well we would have a better chance of finding them if we split up and search different parts of town.” Rarity said in agreement.

“Yeah its like hide and go seek! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm it!” Pinkie said then ran up to Twilight and prodded he side with a hoof eliciting a squeak from the unicorn and ran off. “Come on Fluttershy, Twilight's it!” She said as she grabbed the pegasus’s hoof and dragged her along as she ran into Ponyville.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled after her. “Ugh... well I guess you girls go check near the library, I'll go catch up to Pinkie.”

“Alright But I bet we find them first!” Rainbow called out as Twilight galloped after the pink pony.

“Rainbow! This ain’t a race! This is serious!” Applejack said as she scolded the cyan pegasus.

“That's what a loser would say.” She replied back with as she turned away and crossed her forelegs.

“OH so its goin' ta be like that is it Rainbow? Well I bet you I could make it to the library faster then you.” Applejack said as she narrowed her eyes in challenge.

Rainbow grew a smirk and looked over her shoulder to the earth pony. “Oh is that so? Well then prove it then!” She then got down onto the ground and set her self up in a sprinting stance facing Ponyville.

“And no flyin'!” She got in place beside the pegasus and glared down the path before her.

“Ready!” Rainbow called out.

“Set!” Returned Applejack.

“Go!” They yelled in unison.

“Ugh... its always the same with those two...” Rarity grumbled as she waited for the dust they kicked up to settle before she made to follow them herself.