//------------------------------// // Chap 1 - 19 // Story: Applejack's Diary // by Techogre //------------------------------// Dear Diary, Today I meet a hyooman called Alex Roberts. Real polite, and even apologized when I was the rude one. He was putting a stake together to start his life. I don't rightly know what he is, or why he was here. All I know is he needed help. It was the first time in my life I had to argue for less of a fee. He offered 20%, half for me, half for Rarity. Finally got him down to 10%. Still more than such an easy job is worth. He might give Rarity a run for her money for Element of Generosity. He tried to explain where he was from, but to be honest, all I got was “far away”. Anyway, me and Rarity got working on it. With all that aluminium we both knew he was in for a whole heap of bits, so we pulled together some cash so he could get someplace to stay and food to eat. We scraped together Ђ1,956 for him all together. That was fine, we knew our accounts were going to be flush soon enough. Signed, Loaded Dear Diary, Well, that Alex pony sure knows how to surprise. Rarity seems really impressed by what he did. Then again, that mare gets impressed if a stallion holds a door open for her. Anyway, he's uglier than sin. I think a shaved diamond dog would be cuter. While Rarity and me were working, Applebloom came rushing in, talking a mile a minute. Once I calmed her down we got the story we knew Alex had told off Coins when he was bullying Scootaloo and sent him on his way. Then Dash pipes in and said his folks ain't as strong as pony folk. I have to admit, I thought that the polite “nice pony” thing was just an act, but I might be wrong. Once we told him his take, he did something I never expected, like he didn't want to disappoint me us. He promised not to sit on his flank, help others, and help the community. He may not be as ugly as all that. Signed, Impressed Dear Diary, OK, I usually don't say stuff like this, but Alex did something cute today. He came to visit me at the apple stand, I keep it because I love talking to folks in town, and bought apples. With all the bits he gave our family, he could have asked them for free. And there would have not been any argument on my part, but he argued to pay. He said I had worked my flank off and should be paid. He's an odd one, so worried about being fair to others. Always seems to be afraid of taking advantage. He's a good person, darn shame he's not a pony. I heard from Twilight he got a letter from Princess Celestia herself, proclaiming him a citizen. I think he'll make a fine addition to Ponyville. Signed, Glad Dear Diary, The stupid fool went and banged himself up real bad saving the Tree Trimmer kid. Dash stayed with him at the hospital the whole time he was out. I know she hates hospitals and boredom even more, but she stayed there like a mother with her foal. I wanted to stay too, my family owed him for the gift he gave us, but I had a farm that needed running. It's funny when he called me Pony Ann, my heart skipped a beat. I knew he was out of his gourd, and I pretended to laugh it off, but it put a warm spot in my heart. I still feel it when I think about it. I can't rightly say why. Signed, Confused Dear Diary, Alex is coming out of the hospital today. When I said to Alex to not hurt himself again, Dash flashed me the hardest glare, like I was trying to cuddle up to her husband. I don't think Alex caught that. And when he said “Yes, dear.” that warmed up my cheeks. Applejack, what are you thinking? I also found out the stallion has really sharp senses. Of course, he made a joke, but I don't think he was kidding by much. And what was the first thing he worried about when we go to his house? That we didn't have any out-of-pocket expenses. He's got a caring heart and would fit into the Apple family just fine. Just fine. Signed, Admiring Dear Diary, We went to the meeting with Princess Celestia. Before the appointment time, Dash and Alex went off. I never should have left them out of my sight. Crazy fools almost got into a bar brawl. Lucky for both of them, Alex is clever and talked, well, lied really, his way out of it. I guess Alex didn't have much of a connection with the Princess because he had a really hard time keeping it together. He stumbled and fell the last little bit and kind of threw himself face down in front of Her, just bawling like a baby. She sent us away, and later we found him in the antechamber with a couple of guards taking care of him. He was really quiet the rest of the day. Signed, Concerned Dear Diary, Fun fact, humans (Twilight showed me how to spell it), don't get drink on salt, just alcohol. Alex wanted some applejack, and of course, he wanted the best. Got him some hard cider too. But selling him some cider wasn't the part that made me happy, I would have just given it to him if he let me. The part that made me really happy? He wants to build a life. I'm not sure why that made me so happy, but it did. Signed, Happy And I Don't Know Why Dear Diary, Tonight Alex invited me and all the girls to a dinner party. I was worried about the food, but Alex never stops surprising me. His apple pie was Apple good. I swear, he's an Apple in the wrong body. Signed, Pleased Dear Diary, He stood under her house all night. All. Night. Calling up to her like a love-lost colt. Does he have feelings for her? No, I think he's just a decent person. Wouldn't tell me anything and Dash isn't talking. I told Rarity I cared for him, and you know how she is, she just gave me that knowing smile and promised to keep it to herself. Ah didn't realize how much it would bother me when Dash hugged him and he hugged her back. Sighed, Flustered Dear Diary, When I saw Alex come up to the stand in that funny little run of his, I did something stupid, I made fun of him. I don't know what possessed me to say it, it just came out. I'm finding when he's around I just get, I don't know, silly. When he's around, I feel like a silly filly with her first crush. He's such a kidder, he just joked right back, as if we had planned it. Just when I think I have that man, that's what they call human stallions, figured out, he does something else to worm his way into my heart. As soon he saw the flyer for the Sisterhood Social he wanted to help. He practically begged me to help set up. I know he's not that strong, but his heart is always willing, and that means more to me than anything else. As a final act to make my heart flutter, holds me in his arms and tells me I'm his inspiration. I'm starting to think he's got feelings for me. I don't mind saying I blushed all over. Signed, Smitten Dear Diary, That Mac always worried about my virtue. Heck, I'm stronger than a lot of stallions. And it really got me steamed when he started in about Alex hugging me. Well, I wasn't going to tell him how it made me feel, that was none of his business. I think I understand what they mean by inner beauty now. He's always kind, always doing what he can, and I saw him work so hard he would put Mac to shame. When he helped with the setup, he never stopped, never complained, he even sang for a while, until Mac stopped him. I didn't understand it, but it sounded happy. Dash flew in and started distracting him, so I sent Mac to send her on her way. I was busy, but I could see Alex and Mac were talking. Mac sure looked mad for a second, so I decided to trot on over. By the time I got there, they has shaken hooves. Alex, always trying to get a laugh, squawks like a chicken before heading off. At the end of the day, he worked as hard as I did when I refused help that one apple-bucking season. I've never said this about any pony but in some ways he's stronger than Mac. I'm glad I had the chance to sneak over to his place and get him something to eat. A hard-working stallion needs a little something at the end of the day. He's a smart one, he'll know who it was from. Signed Falling in Love Dear Diary, So, Alex announced his hair-brained scheme to us. Dash was behind him 100%. I've never seen Dash so, submissive. She may as well have said, “Whatever you say dear.” When he was asking my permission and he put his hand on me, I had to fight not to blush from my nose to my tail. I hope it didn't look like I was scowling at him. I'm sure Dash has feelings for him too and I ain't never backed down from a fight. Now I know he's the stallion for me, even with his crazy ideas. The next day, when he brought me a coffee (he always gets it fixed up just right), I caught him getting an eyeful of my cutie mark. If we had been in a more private spot, I think I would have invited him to touch it. I know I'm not that kind of mare, but I also know he wouldn't be doing it for a cheap thrill. Dash was playing some stupid trick on him. The way he acted when I explained what it meant, well I know he's not that kind of man. I had to wave him off before he caused a scene, and I felt my heart ache to do it. Darn it, why didn't he do that in private? I can imagine those hands just... [spilt ink] Now, for the part that made my heart melt, after he finished apologizing for Dash's stunt (I never get tired of that, it's so cute) he said I was just like his Ann. He loves her something fierce and maybe he can love me just as fiercely. Still, he was mighty mad at Dash. I'm not proud to say it, but that made me happy. Signed Determined Dear Diary, Alex Roberts is the biggest fool in Equestria! Rose came to me and told me he bought our mortgage from Coins, which we were going to pay off in a couple of weeks, for Ђ65,000,000! That stupid idiot! I don't know why I had any feelings for such a stupid stupid pony. Signed, Frustrated Dear Diary, Maybe Alex isn't as much of a fool as all that. This morning I get the rest of the story. I found out Coins made some kind of threat and Alex paid without hesitating. Well, this afternoon I saw Alex, I told him how I felt. I beat around the bush and he was still upset about Coins so he didn't get what I was saying. The thing was, he was more upset at himself for falling for the trick than at Coins for tricking him. In the end, he just shrugged, counted his blessings, and let it drop. If that's not Apple family material, I don't know what is. He gave away most of his fortune without a second thought. Then, he was going to give it to me as a Hearths Warming gift. I knew I had to tell him in no uncertain terms. Not that I'm prideful but I know I'm a looker. I started to get my man, and then he dropped a sonic rainboom on me. He thought it was Dash! Now to be fair, she didn't tell him, he just assumed after she went and declared herself! Well, there was no way I was letting her take credit for that. And then he asks me for advice on how to woo her! I felt like he had apple-bucked my heart. Well, when he put his hand on my shoulder I just couldn't stand it and I admit that I cried. Anyway, I told him everything. And he basically said he loved me too. But he needed time to think. I think that's why I like love him. His big worry was that he was being fair to me. He didn't want to hurt me. Me. It wasn't himself he was worried about. I think he would make a fine addition to the family. Signed, Hopeful