//------------------------------// // The Time for Think-Talking is Later // Story: Bionicle: The Darkness Within // by FenrisianBrony //------------------------------// The group of ponies and Toa pushed their way out of the train carriage, Matau leading the way through the crowds of ponies. They had boarded the train in Ponyville, ignoring the looks that they had got from some of the ponies. A conductor had initially attempted to charge them for tickets, but the Toa were having none of it, and had told the guard in no unsure terms, that if they were not waiting for formalities. Chastised, the pony had scampered away, and shortly after, the train had begun to move. No one had spoken on the journey, the ponies unsure what the Toa were going to do. They weren’t shouting, or screaming, but everypony present could tell that they were angry, and the thought of warriors such as the Toa being angry was not something they wanted to imagine. Continuing through the crowded streets of Canterlot, the group made their way towards the castle, pushing anything in their way aside. “You there. Stop.” A guard ordered as they approached the gates to the castle. “Move. I need to talk to Celestia and Luna. I want answers and solutions now.” Matau growled. “No one may enter the castle without permission from the princesses or a prior appointment. I am sorry, but…” He began again. “This wasn’t up for debate.” Matau shot back. “We are going inside, whether you want us to or not.” With that, Matau pushed the guard aside, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor, stunned at the sudden attack. The others moved past, walking into the castle. “Sorry.” Rarity said apologetically to the guard, before hurrying after the rest of the group. *** The throne room was packed full of ponies, all clamouring and murmuring to each other. Both of the princesses were sitting at the front of the room, sitting on their thrones with impassive views on their faces. At the front of the room, a blond haired white unicorn was addressing the two Alicorns. Beside him, a second unicorn, this one was also white, but sported a blue mane and was wearing a monocle. “…the new schooling project is an absolute waste of the royal treasury, and is an expense that we cannot handle, what with the repairs from the Changeling invasion still ongoing.” The blonde unicorn finished, looking at the princesses. “That’s a tad untrue Blueblood.” The second unicorn said to Prince Blueblood, before turning to the princesses. “The royal treasury is currently spending sixty three percent of its income on the repairs on Canterlot. A further twenty one percent is being spent on a diplomatic missions to the Changelings. This leaves sixteen percent of the budget, which can be spent on new schooling projects, which I assure you, is more than enough,” “No.” Blueblood stomped. “That money is being spent on renovating my wardrobe Fancypants.” “Your wardrobe?” Fancypants asked in astonishment. “Surely schooling is more important.” Before Blueblood could reply, Celestia stood up, and the room went silent. “Prince Blueblood. Minister Fancypants. Thank you for your proposal, but I am afraid Blueblood, I must side with Fancypants on this. Fifteen percent of the royal treasury income will be devoted to new schools for the ponies of Hoofington. Blueblood, you are not to use any of the Equestrian money for your own purposes. If you would like to get a new wardrobe, I am sure Rarity will make you one, for a price of course.” “But auntie…” Blueblood began, but was cut off by a slamming sound, before the doors to the throne room smashed open, revealing the five Toa. Behind them, the five elements of harmony peer out, looking at the assembled ponies in slight embarrassment. “Stop right there!” A guard shouted, but Onewa’s mask began to glow, and the guard sat down. “Toa.” Luna nodded, looking unwarily at the five bipeds. “Would you mind explaining why you are attacking our guards?” “We want answers, and solutions.” Whenua said. “How dare you!” Blueblood fumed, turning to face the Toa. “You savages interrupt my breakfast, and then a royal meeting. Auntie, I want these creatures imprisoned.” Celestia contemplated the situation for a moment, looking at the gaze on the Toa’s face, before coming to a decision. “Court adjourned. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused, but I invite you all to return tomorrow to present your cases.” The majority of the ponies grumbled as they left the room, shooting the Toa disgusted looks. Blueblood looked like he was going to argue, but a glare from Luna put pay to any attempt he may have made. Fancypants also left the room, stopping just in front of the Toa and looking up and down at them. “Good show.” He said simply, a small smile on his face, before he to left, leaving the throne room empty aside from a few guards, the Toa, the elements of harmony and the two princesses. “Now we are away from prying ears, I would like answers.” Luna said. “Where are Twilight and Vakama?” Celestia asked. “That’s why we’re here.” Nokama said solemnly. “What happened?” Celestia asked urgently. “We were going through the Everfree forest when we found a temple. Twilight insisted we examined it, but it was completely empty. All we found inside were a pair of carvings. One was an exact copy of a Kanohi disk that Vakama owned, and the second…” Nokama began. “…was a mural of the nightmare era. Written in the ancient Matoran language.” Rarity finished. “Exactly. So what gives?” Onewa asked. “I want answers, and you’re are the only ones who have them.” “You still haven’t explained what happened to the others.” Celestia pointed out. “After we read the mural, a completely black pony appeared. Then more, until we were surrounded. A Rahkshi appeared to lead them, and we were forced to retreat. Vakama and Twilight formed a rear guard to help us, but…” Nuju trailed off. “Describe the pony!” Luna shouted, suddenly alert. “Umm, completely black, no eye whites, a mix of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns.” Whenua said after a moment. “It’s not possible.” Luna breathed softly. “Are you sure?” Celestia asked. “Why?” Applejack asked. “What’s wrong?” “The last time those, ‘things’, began to appear was over a thousand years ago. At first, they just sort of were, they didn’t do anything, not even eating or drinking.” Celestia said. “And then?” Fluttershy asked. “Then Luna was changed. She went on an expedition to the Everfree forest, hoping to find a solution for the ponies. When she came back, she was at the head of an army.” Celestia said solemnly. “Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie asked. “Yes.” Luna said softly, before looking up at the others. “I lead a massive force of these, shadow ponies, against Canterlot. My sister gathered the Canterlot guard together and tried to stop us outside of the city, but there were too many. So many of the guards died, and Celestia was forced to retreat. We lay siege to Canterlot for almost a year, before attacking it. Celestia lead the population against my army again, but the result was the same. Only she survived, fleeing from the destruction.” “For three years, the Nightmare ruled Equestria, her shadow army growing, but I wasn’t idle for that time.” Celestia continued. “I had returned at the head of a horde, to find Equestria shrouded in shadows, the ponies enslaved and being converted into more of the Nightmares army. I had convinced the rest of the world to rally to me though, and any remaining ponies flocked to my side. For a final time, I clashed with the Nightmares army.” “Millions died. Millions more were injured. Whole races were wiped out in a battle that lasted for days. The goblins had volunteered to help the Nightmare of their own accord, and were wiped out, but so were the Cynogryphs, who fought for my sister. At the very centre of the battle, my sister clashed with the Nightmare. For the entire three days of the battle, we fought. Spells and swords, physical bodies clashing while our minds raged against each other. At the end of the third day, almost everyone else on the field was dead, torn apart by the sheer ferocity of the fighting, and suddenly, the Nightmare faltered. It was like whatever was powering it left.” “I took advantage of the situation, and used my final trick.” Celestia said reluctantly. “The full power of the elements of harmony banished the remaining Nightmare, and my sister, to the moon. It was hard, and so many across the world died, but we won. It took centuries, but we rebuilt everything we lost, alliances were made, old grievances were forgotten, and we managed to propel ourselves into an age of peace. Don’t you want to know why we haven’t had a war for years, why the warlike Gryphons have never attacked the barbaric Minotaur’s? It is because of our fear that something like that could happen again. If it does, we would be ready.” “It’s happening.” Nokama said firmly. “Did…did you say…millions?” Fluttershy asked, the thought of death on that scale being almost incomprehensible to the timid Pegasus mare. “Yes.” Luna said sadly. “And it was my fault.” “Whatever happened, it wasn’t your fault.” Nuju pointed out. “The fact that the shadow ponies were led by a Rahkshi, one of Makutas sons, proves that he is behind their creation. If you found his lair one thousand years ago, he may have corrupted you, like he has done to so many others. It is not your fault.” Celestia silently mouthed her thanks to Nuju, while Luna managed a tearful smile. “Ok, thanks for the history lesson, now what are we going to do about it?” Matau asked, sounding impatient. “Matau!” Rarity snapped, shocked at the rude outburst. “But I guess you do have a point. You said the other races were prepared for this outcome again.” “They are.” Celestia nodded. “But it will take time to gather all the representatives to the same place, and even more to convince them to call in their armies. I fear by the time we have managed to do that, the shadow army will be on the move. And if you believe that the Makuta was behind the corruption of my sister, then I fear that Twilight Sparkle and Vakama will also fall, and with those two at its head, I’m not sure if we will be able to stop them.” “But, you’re princesses.” Applejack pointed out. “Surely if the two of y’all fight together y’all can beat anypony.” “Twilight is the element of magic. In terms of raw power, she is more powerful than the pair of us, we only outclass her in experience. If she is transformed as Luna was, we will lose that advantage. We have also lost the elements of harmony, them being useless without their leader. And with Vakama at the head as well, I fear we will not even be able to rely on having the tactical advantage of the Toa.” Celestia pointed out. “If we disturbed the Makutas plans now, he will likely be preparing to move quickly.” Whenua pointed out. “It’s just like last time.” Celestia said. “They attacked so quickly that we didn’t have time to react properly. Only luck and chance allowed me to raise the army I did. Any longer, and the shadows may have taken the entire world.” “We can’t let that happen. Not this time.” Luna proclaimed. “I refuse to let Equestria fall again, and I will die before that happens.” “It won’t come to that.” Nokama said firmly. “But the fact remains, we need to do something.” “What about a pre-emptive strike?” Pinkie asks. “Pardon?” Celestia asked, turning to face the Pink ponies. A pre-emptive strike. Ya know, take a force and attack before they get moving?” Pinkie continued. “When did you get so tactically savvy?” Luna asked. “Last night.” Pinkie admitted, before looking around. “Didn’t anyone think something like this would happen? Nope? Just me? Fine.” “It does make sense.” Nuju agreed. “If we managed to find the Makutas lair, maybe we could stop him before the shadow army is on the move.” “I agree.” Luna nodded, looking at her sister. “And I.” Celestia agreed. “Good, we’re getting somewhere. Now how about less think-talking, and more action-taking?” Matau asked again. “Luna, please call the guard commanders to the war room. The Sunlight and Moonlight wardens as well. We need to make our plans quickly.” “Meet you there.” She nodded, before walking out of the room. “You five, please return to Ponyville.” Celestia said, turning to the elements of harmony. “This is not something you need to hear. Once the plans are made, you will be informed of your parts in it.” Rainbow and Applejack looked like they wanted to complain, but nodded and walked from the room. Rarity stopped just before the door. “Are the Toa coming?” She asked expectantly. “No, I feel like they will be needed. They have experience fighting, something a lot of other guards haven’t.” Rarity nodded, leaving the room. Celestia turned back to the Toa. “You five, please follow me. Equestria is going to war.