//------------------------------// // Entry 3 // Story: The Terror's Dream // by GrouchoMarxDisciple //------------------------------// I have finished translating the first chapter of Star Swirl's book, On the Origin of Magic. Fortunately for me, the cypher he is using, though it would be impossible to crack otherwise, is highly publicized as "The Wizard's Cypher", and has been used in a few popular books, such as Daring Do and the Mysterical Labyrinth, so naturally I am familiar with it. From what I have read so far, he appears to have been on the same track I was, saying that despite how uplifting it sounds to say magic comes from within, the truth is that magic is from the area around us. Star Swirl understood that years ago. He must have told Celestia something about it, I am certain of that. So why would she hide it away in the Royal Archives never to see the light of day again? This confuses me. Everything I know about the Princess is that she loves learning, and even has a school for gifted unicorns, whom she teaches personally. Her student, one Twilight Sparkle, who also happens to be the Element of Magic, is known in all academic circles as one of the most astutely well-rounded minds in Equestria. So why would Celestia spend so much time and effort suppressing the knowledge which could greatly serve our kind? Surely she must have a good reason, but... can't I know it? Perhaps I am thinking too much about this. Celestia saved the book instead of burning it, after all. Had she have done that, my own studies would have proved pointless. Perhaps she does want me to find out about magic, but my wand was too unstable and posed a threat to the ponies around me. Upon further reflection, I am certain that is the answer. I will continue my studies, still in secret, until such time as they are complete. I will begin translating the next chapter now. Entry 2 I had a terrible and maddening dream, on the prior night. O, by the stars, it was a nightmare most monstrous! For in my slumber, I dreamt of a creature so vile and evil that its mere presence could cause the greatest of minds to go mad! What a peculiar dream, but I am henceforth unable to erase it from my mind, so I will merely cope with it. My studys of magic and it's forms shall now continue. I seem to be narrowing down my choices for the 'source' of this magic. I already know it all comes from one place, and the nearer it is to that, the more powerful it is as well. I am also certain this source is the Equestrian Continent, as there is nowhere else in the world that Magic is as strong as it is here. of this I am certain. I have found that magical "surges" tend to happen the most in the Earthpony area of the world. I will continue to search there for the artifact which causes the magic, while my student Clover travels abroad. Perhaps she will find something useful as well. In the meantime, as I expect this book will not sell, I will continue work on my other book, on time spells. Perhaps this book will never be finished. I am getting old, my eyes dim, and my beard an even more deathly shade of white. But as I live, I will complete it, of this I can promise you! --- The earth pony nation? That's odd. My other research it has been said that magic surges happen most frequently in and around Cloudsdale. The earth pony nation! I must do some research, and find the ancient location of the earth pony nation. Even if I don't find the source of the magic, perhaps I can find a clue as to why it continues to shift. I will find the truth.