//------------------------------// // A new enemy appears // Story: Equestria Budokai Tenkaichi // by Kaliann25 //------------------------------// The whole stadium once again cheered in excitement. The Cutie Mark Crusaders bowed to them smiling and saluting their classmates. But after a while, Celestia made them follow her. Without saying anything, she guided them to her personal seat box. Gohan and Videl were in a corner surrounded by Luna and the Mane 6. The Crusaders joined to their masters and then Celestia spoke: "Now, do you mind to explain?" Gohan was about to start, but he was interrupted by Apple Bloom, who jumped in front of Celestia looking at her with supplicating eyes. "Please Princess Celestia, I know you're mad but please don't do anything to Mr. Gohan and Ms. Videl. It was us who forced them to teach us the techniques, we just thought it was so awesome when we found them in the Everfree Forest. "Apple Bloom is right!" added Sweetie Belle. "In fact, Mr. Gohan used to train in the Everfree forest because he didn't want to anypony found about his great abilities. But we threatened him to tell everypony in Ponyville about it if he doesn't taught us how to do that" "And he was so nervous that he agreed immediately; and it was so cool to learn all that special techniques, especially when we realized we had tallent" cried Scootaloo. Celestia was about to answer but Gohan interrupted her. "Thanks a lot girls, I know you all want to defend me but I'm the ground up here and I have all the responsibility. I always knew nopony will believe you I, as an earth pony, had special powers; but instead do the right thing and say no, I decided to take a chance and train you because you all remind me my little brother. So don't blame yourselves and let the ground ups took the responsibility. And once again Celestia tried to speak but Videl was faster. "Gohan, I'm equally guilty. We both trained the girls, we both have to face the consequences" she said calmly. Celestia decided to let them finish before another interruption. She was right. "Videl, you only taught them the basis and helped to perfect the flying technique, I was the one who taught them the Ki attacks. Don't blame yourself neither" "But Gohan…" In that moment Celestia sounded her hoof to cut off the endless discussion and smiled warmly. "There's no need to blame you for nothing because I'm not mad. In fact, I felt an unusual energy signature when we first met coming from you two when we first met, Gohan and Videl. And Twilight told me about your hard training and meditation with the girls in her letters so I started to make my own conclusions. I'd heard about some legends about ancients martial artists who had the ability to manipulate their internal energy into strange attacks; but they needed a lot of preparation and meditation. It wasn't too hard to made the connection" Gohan and Videl saw each other surprised by the Princess intelligence. Then she continued. "If I sent you the invitation to the Budokai Tenkaichi is because I knew I was going to see something amazing and I was right. I don't like this kind of tournament but I must admit this was really an entertaining one and in all my years ruling Equestria I'd never seen something like this" Gohan, Videl and the Crusaders took a deep breath relieved. Then the Princess smiled to the fillies. "And girls, congratulations, it seems like your wish was finally granted" Everypony was shocked when they heard that. Then, one by one the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw their flanks with their hearts beating hard. In the once blank flank, now there was a very special mark for everyone. Apple Bloom's was two crossed hooves with a sphere of light coming from them; the mark of the Ma-Sen-Ko. Sweetie Belle's Cutie Mark represented some kind of energy discs, the Vegetas's signature technique. And finally Scootaloo's Cutie Mark was a blue sphere of light, representing the Kame-Hame-Ha. After a minute of silence, the Cutie Mark Crusaders started to dance and yell in excitement. After a long waiting, they finally had a Cutie Mark; and not a common one, a Cutie Mark representing they mastered really powerful martial arts techniques making them the best fighters around. "I don't think I felt comfortable with this" said Applejack suddenly. "Isn't this too dangerous? Learning martial arts is one thing but learn how to shoot energy blast that can destroy an entire platform is something completely different. And I really appreciate Gohan and all, but I don't like my little sister being a danger" Rarity nodded. "I'm with Applejack, now Sweetie Belle can destroy my entire boutique with only one movement. I don't think anypony like to be in our situation" Gohan lowered his head in embarrassment. "I'm really sorry, I know I should tell you exactly what I was teaching to the girls before but I swear by Kami-Sama I was really careful. I have tons of experience with the Ki techniques and before teach them my special attacks; I made sure they all learn how to control their Ki aura first. Anyway, once we're all back to Ponyville I'll take all my stuff from Sweet Apple Acres and go away; but please Ms. Applejack, don't throw away Videl, she… Applejack rolled her eyes and petted Gohan's head with her hoof. "Oh come on, I'm upset but I'll never do such thing as throw you away just for being a good teacher. You're a nice guy, an irresponsible one but a nice guy after all" Gohan smiled weakly and Applejack winked her eye and smiled to him. The rest of them approached too. Pinkie hugged Gohan and Videl really hard. "You know I'll always be your friend, don't you Gohan? And the fact you have this great powers only makes you cooler. By the way, can you teach how to fly? "Of course Ms. Pinkie Pie!" said Gohan relieved. "Anypony can learn, so Ms. Applejack, Ms. Rarity, Ms. Twilight anytime you want I can teach you everything I know" "It isn't easy but with some practice you can master all of that in very little time. The girls are the living proof" added Videl with a grin. Fluttershy smiled weakly too. "You know I'll always be your friend too, don't you?" Rainbow Dash smiled a little. "And I, but Videl still owe me another match, this time from the air. And also we have to compete to see what's faster: Ki or wings" Everypony laughed and hugged. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched smiling. Scootaloo snuggled to Gohan. "See, Mr. Gohan, Ms. Videl? As I told you, now we all know how amazing you two really are" They laughed again. But Twilight suddenly reacted and turned to Princess Celestia. "Just a thing, Princess, you said you felt that strange energy coming from them before, why you didn't said something earlier? I'm sure Gohan had confessed with just asking" "True" said Rainbow Dash, "I mean… three little girls convinced him to train them just by threatening him with tell everypony about his true powers…" Celestia sat. "Smart as always, Twilight Sparkle. Truth is I have a feeling; or well, Luna haves it" They all turned to Luna, a little worried. "Let's go to the Castle, so we can talk more calmly. Believe me, this problem is not something we can deal so easily in here" said Luna raising her wings and flying to Canterlot Castle. Celestia followed her sister carrying Twilight, followed by Rainbow Dash carrying Rarity, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Gohan and Videl who were carrying Applejack and Pinkie Pie. As soon they entered into the Throne Room, Celestia made the guards leave them alone. Then Luna pointed the room (right behind the Throne) were the Elements of Harmony were locked up. "A few days before Gohan and Videl arrived here, I felt a kind of strange aura coming from there. When I noticed, I called my sister to confirm my suspicions. And unfortunately, she confirmed it. Somepony was trying to steal the Elements" said Luna. Celestia Nodded. "Luckily whoever tried to didn't made it. After what happened with Discord, I casted an spell to protect the Elements from everypony who tries to took it besides me, Luna and you six" "And what are we dealing with, Princess?" asked Twilight. "And more important, what does it have to do with the girls learning such dangerous techniques?" asked Fluttershy shyly. Luna lowered her head. "I apologize for my idea, because is too dangerous for the fillies, but I had to. You see: after failing to obtain the Element's power, the one who tried to take it was looking for something as powerful as the Elements to replace it. And his research was pointless… until now. After seing Gohan's pupils in Ki techniques, they called his attention" Everypony gasped realizing what was happening. Gohan walked angrily to Luna, releasing his Ki aura. "So, you let me teach them such techniques just to serve the girls as bait? What kind of monarch are you? They're strong, I know that, but this is beyond unforgivable" "What a shame" said Videl as angry as Gohan. Celestia, still calmed, raised her hoof to tranquilize the warriors. Gohan sat hiding his aura to show them he was listening, but sill furious. The Mane 6 didn't say anything but they supported Gohan this time. They were as angry as him but weren't brave enough to confront Princess Luna like that. "After a little research, we found who we were dealing with. The aura was somehow familiar; and of course, it was our old pal Discord" said Luna calmly. "Discord?" asked Videl raising an eyebrow. "The spirit of disharmony and chaos; so many years ago he terrified all Equestria leaving it in a state of pure chaos; with animals with strange body parts, changing the laws of physics and ponies making illogical things" said Celestia sighing. "Don't forget about the delicious and dangerous clouds made of cotton candy making chocolate milk rain" said Pinkie in excitement. Gohan and Videl saw each other confused. That was considered a threat? It sounded more like a joke instead as an enemy. Luna continued "We felt his presence at the tournament; he was looking just for curiosity but he interested looking at the girl's fight. He is older than us, so he was a witness of the ancient Ki techniques' power; and until an hour ago, he thought those techniques were extinguished" "And…" Celestia completed, "if there are students that men there's a teacher" Everypony muttered surprised by the whole thing. "He didn't stay much" said Luna, "so he didn't know who is the teacher; but we have to ask you to show him tomorrow, Gohan. I know is too much to ask you because Discord's powers are enormous, and we haven't found a solution for your problem but still, please. We want you to use your Ki powers in your first combat tomorrow. After the end of the tournament Discord will come for you but don't worry about it; Twilight ant the rest of the Elements will found him and seal him again. Gohan, I'm sorry I put you in this danger but still, seal him is a priority now. He has maintaining a low profile but now than he is warned about a power like yours, he'll do anything he can to found it and appropriate it. Celestia agreed. "Gohan, you have all right to deny but we humbly ask you to do this for us; and I promise to try harder to found a solution for you and Videl". Gohan nodded without a second thougth. "No Princess Celestia, I'll happily help you with this so called monster. You're doing everything you can to end us back to Japan so this is the least we can do, right Videl?" Videl grinned. "It will be really interesting, so you can count with us. I'm glad to know there's something different to deal with while we're stuck in here" "The only thing I ask for," said Gohan, "is the guarantee my students will be safe. Can you do that for me, Princess?" "Of course, Gohan" said the Princess touched by the young boy's devotion. "I'll make sure Discord don't dare to touch your students" Gohan nodded satisfied and walked with Videl to the exit. "Very well, Videl and I will go to sleep at the contestant's facility. Girls, I highly recommend you to stay with your big sisters. That Discord thing already saw you and I don't want to anything happened to you" "As you say, Mr. Gohan!" exclaimed Apple Bloom. "We'll be careful" cheered Scootaloo. "And if he come, we will beat him with our Ki powers" assured Sweetie Belle. The warriors smiled to them. "You remember me my little brother, Goten. I like the way you became so strong in almost no-time. I'm sure you'll giving Discord a very hard time" said Gohan with a grin. "Please don't dare to provoke him!" said Twilight alarmed by Gohan's attitude. And a new discussion began that Celestia cut off by stepping hard on the floor. "Everypony please calm down. I need you to all stay here to prevent any attack from Discord; Gohan and Videl as well" Gohan and Videl saw each other and tried to apologize. "We don't want to bother you" tried to say Gohan. "Yeah, thanks a lot but I think we're alright at the facility" added Videl. "Don't worry about it" said Luna. "Besides tomorrow will be a dangerous day for Gohan and this is a minor compensation for all his trouble" So nothing else was discussed and they ate before a good night of sleeping. Gohan was thoughtful about next day; he had being hiding his powers since the beginning, so the ponies didn't know what they were dealing with. But also he just heard about Discord, never met him in person or felt his aura so his enemy was a surprise for him. Anyway, he finally decided the wisest thing to do was follow his pony friends plan; after all he didn't know much about his new opponent.