Equestria: A History Revealed

by Hoofry_Poneigher

Chapter 12: The Folds of Deitism – Interlude to the Equestrian Rebirth

The discovery that Starswirl had shared with the princesses possessed the potential to alter the course of history forever. Starswirl discovered a method strongly intertwined with natural magic in which higher level unicorns could “ascend” and become a pony the likes of which were never seen before, effectively creating the first alicorns. While ascension to this “new realm” would definitely change the physical appearance, any boosts in magical power can be said to only have been minor but significant. The theory of ascension was more for appearance’s sake; by creating such a seemingly powerful and noble identity for themselves, it would truly seem that they would be superior to all others, and therefore more deserving to rule. Henceforth, Starswirl’s discovery here would essentially lay the groundwork for their façade of godhood. In the short hours of the PRE-Classical Era, Starswirl’s idea here must have certainly been a topic of discussion, with the final result being their unanimous agreement to utilize such a foul and underhanded method of ascension to complete their lie.

Of course, another topic of discussion must have come up when referring to this plan’s greatest flaws. While this plan would certainly bear fruit, it needed to rely on a system in which magical power defined superiority in the social hierarchy of ponies. If a society that praised magic strongly is created, it would only serve to reason that the most magical ponies would be most fit to rule. Therefore, the existence of divisions in class and race would have to exist for this to succeed, with the establishment of a unicorn upper class.

It was most likely thanks to the published works of infamous social theorist at the time, Pure Blood, in which Celestia was able to come up with such an idea. But of course, Pure Blood, like all unicorns, was an irredeemable racist, as seen in his pro-unicorn works such as, “Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth Ponies: Achieving Equality Among the Races”. Why did he put unicorns before earth ponies in the title? Typical unicorn scum. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s racism. But what I really hate the most are hypocrites. Anyways, it was probably due to his pro-unicorn bias in his works that Celestia was prompted to create such a warped social structure.

This ties in directly with the re-establishment of the nation’s new capital in Canterlot. Some scholars state that the act of moving the nation’s capital was only done to separate her regime from the “flaws” of the former government, and in order to consolidate the feeling of a new change in the nation. While I applaud these historians for their creativity, in the immortal words of the great philanthropist, Lex Hoofer, “WRONGG!”[42]

If one was to look at the patterns of history, it becomes extremely clear why the princesses chose Canterlot as their new capital. As the former capital of Unicornia, with its large unicorn population, it would give the system emphasizing magical power a greater boon to its supposed necessity. Of course, some definite personal bias obviously had a large part to play in Celestia’s decision as well; she could have easily chosen a system which favored earth ponies in order to make the system how it should have been. But she and her sister once again agreed to stick to such a discriminatory method.

Another topic that must have come in their discussion was the matter of sustaining themselves. And it is in this that the topic of artificial immortality presents itself, as seen in an excerpt from Starswirl’s diary.

“Age spells have been mastered only by the highest level unicorn, and in my experience, they are still very difficult to accomplish. It would require great knowledge, combining one of my greatest achievements, known colloquially as the ‘passivity’ spell, and the use of an age spell, to create a new magic all-together, a spell known as an ‘Age-Loop’. Through the use of this new class of magic, the activation of such a spell would become automatic…artificial sustainment of life could be achieved. However, I knew that such a discovery was not only limited to immortality…”[43]

While most say there is no concrete evidence that Celestia and Luna used such an “Age-Loop” to survive that long, I say stick an egg in your shoe and beat it (as in leave my sight, not beat the egg). Your evidence is right in front of you. You literally just read it. It is simply too coincidental that Starswirl’s discovery of a way to extend life indefinitely was mentioned in his studies regarding age spells. With that in mind, one can easily arrive to the conclusion that such an idea would cross the minds of the princesses as well.

With the use of such a method for achieving immortality, it seemed that the deification of the two rulers was complete. However, Celestia must have realized that in order for the regime to truly be unbreakable, all doubt over the monarchs’ power must be completely eradicated. It was during the meeting when a final step to complete their godhood was realized; raising the sun and the moon.

Under Discord, who raised the sun and the moon infrequently, taking only a couple of seconds to switch between the two (a true testament to his power by the way, which showed his magical prowess before he was unfairly beaten through the use of dark magic), many generations of ponies had never experienced the true phenomenon of the rising of the sun and the moon each day and night. The abilities of the higher level unicorns to do so was left unused under the power of Discord, and without the practice or education of the next generation of unicorns, eventually, the unicorns forgotten that they even had the ability at all. That is where Celestia and Luna stepped in. If they were able to demonstrate their complete control over the celestial bodies, they would surely amaze and impress the entire population of Equestria, strengthening their illusion of godhood.

It is here where the discussion of their cutie marks must be addressed. While general consensus among historians is that both Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks represent their power in raising the sun and the moon respectfully, a far more daring (and might I add intelligent) proposal can be made to break free from this paradigm; that Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks represent something else entirely.

After all, while the images of the sun and the moon seem to solely indicate their special talent, they may be more metaphorical in nature than commonly perceived. The sun could indicate strong leadership, a warm and loving nature, and Celestia’s “talent” as a natural born ruler. Also, the power of the sun can lead to skin cancer, just like the cancer she spreads across Equestrian society with her lies.

Luna’s cutie mark would be harder to explain, however, it could be theorized that as the moon follows the sun, her role is to follow her sister, and provide light and guidance to those lost in darkness or in their dreams. Or in a nutshell, sit on a throne and do nothing while stalking ponies in their nightmares[44] (whose repercussions will be felt later in history, as we shall see in a later chapter).

The point I was trying to make here is that the true meaning of their cutie marks could have easily been replaced in history with one far more regal. After all, nopony would dare to question them, and thus, due to this common misinterpretation of their cutie marks, their self-proclaimed rights to the sun and the moon would be strengthened even further.

On the eve of the next day, Celestia and Luna emerged from their quarters as full-fledged alicorns, the likes of which had never been seen before. With their substantial in boost in magical power, Celestia made sure that all of Equestria was able to witness the first true sunrise and sunset in over a century, with Luna manning the rise and fall of the moon. The new appearance of their leaders, as well as their total control over the celestial bodies, a feat forgotten to all ponies, entranced all of Equestria in its beauty. As they had predicted, little doubt remained over their identities as true gods, and they were fully welcomed as divine rulers by all the feeble minded idiots. With their full sovereignty now ensured, Celestia and Luna ended the short lived PRE-Classical Era, and were able to set forth in attempting to recreate a stronger Equestria (and failing tremendously) in an age titled, the “Classical Era”.

“Now Loose Change,” you might ask, “where’s the rest of the evidence for all of this? Surely if records of these plans existed, then the regime would have fallen already!” Well, to be honest, most of this chapter was all just speculation. But it was educated speculation. And it fit so well with their hidden agendas anyways, so it must’ve been true! Besides, it’s not like these events never happened, it’s just that at this point Celestia had gotten better at hiding things.

No. You know what? I’m NOT gonna apologize. At this point we don’t need stupid things like references or facts. You have the greatest source alive writing this goddamn essay. And baby, I’m all you’re gonna need here on through.


“The Classical Era dictated a new age, a rebirth, in the arts, sciences, and magic. Some scholars claim that the Classical Era was little more than a continuation of the age of discoveries which was crudely interrupted by Discord. Nonetheless, the discoveries made in the Classical Era took knowledge to new heights, and pony culture as a whole excelled.”[45]

Turns out my professor said that he wouldn’t accept my essay if I stopped adding reputable citations. So here’s a citation for ya, prof.[46]