//------------------------------// // (Bonus) Dear Princess Celestia // Story: Time to Get Serious // by Snake Staff //------------------------------// Dear Princess Celestia, I write to you now because, honestly, I feel like it. Now that I'm free from under your hoof I can finally say all the things I thought while imprisoned but could never tell you. Where to begin? Ah. The Element bearers are dead. I suppose I should start with that. You were clever, I'll grant you. Using the Elements' own magic to ward them from me was a rare stroke of brilliance, Celly. And here I thought you didn't have a creative bone in your body. Ah well, live and learn, as you ponies say. Now, where was I? Oh, right, the bearers. You were clever in some ways, I'll grant you, but did it ever occur to you that I'm the very spirit of chaos and change? A stick-in-the-mud old fuddy duddy like yourself couldn't realistically hope to outthink me. You got me twice, I'll grant you, but that was my own failing at work, not any special brilliance on your part. Anyway, your ward was quite the smashing success - I couldn't make the Elements vanish again. Unfortunately, that left me the task of winning freedom from that cruel threat hanging over my head. Or did you really expect your little reform plan to work? You hold a gun to my head and demand I change into your good little draconequis pet. It was self-defense. And I saw through your cynical little ploy. Last I checked, friends don't threaten friends with an eternity as a statue if they don't live up to their expectations. Admit it, you only wanted to use me and my powers to preserve your comfortable little throne. Queen Chrysalis' victory over you shook your confidence, so you wanted an obedient, "reformed" trump card. All that bunk about friendship and harmony and morality was just a cover story. But what else should I expect from a mare who claims to despise cruelty yet put a chaotic being like myself through 1,000 years of the worst torture you could ever have inflicted on me instead of just executing me and being done with it? Didn't seem to care much about my reformation during all that time, did you? Perfectly content to leave me to suffer until you were shaken out of your comfort zone. Though I was the one that did the deed, the blood of those six ponies is on your hooves, Celestia. You backed me into a corner where I could choose slavery to you, a living death of petrification, or escape to freedom. Let me make one thing clear, Princess: Discord is nobody's servant. Not now, not ever. I'm not one of your little ponies, slavish and fawning at your greatness and wisdom. I would die before I live my life by the will of another. The bearers were your victims as much as I ever was: raised to see you as the end-all be-all, to bow to your wisdom and authority and live their lives by your decree. I would have been happy to just zap the Elements away and create my world of chaos, but you forced me to do otherwise. A being like me can't live life with the threat of the Elements above his head, so I did what I had to do. So, now we come to the ultimate question: what am I going to do about you? I've had a long time to ponder that question. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be turned into a moose? Banished to your own Sun? Made to live life without all the magic you hold so dear, your subjects having forgotten your very existence? I have. I thought about it quite a bit before I finally hit on the answer: not a damn thing. I'm leaving you with all your power, secure in your palace. You'll find it rather difficult to get out, though. But go ahead and try for just as long and hard as you like. Meanwhile, I'm going to take apart your nation, piece-by-piece. Everything you ever did will be undone, put through a blender, then spat out in the most chaotic and unrecognizable form I can imagine. And I do have such a wonderful imagination. And you're going to watch helplessly as I undo everything you've ever achieved and the world forgets you even existed, the same thing you did to me. Who knows, perhaps in 1,000 years I'll let you out and we'll see how you liked it. Your favorite Draconequis, -Discord