//------------------------------// // How is it worse? // Story: A New Reality // by ThecynicalGingerpony //------------------------------// Twilight was soon on the outskirts of the Everfree. At least this looked the same. She looked around where she was. A few tears came to her eyes when she realized where she was. She was where Fluttershy's cottage used to be. It took everything she had to not cry. Where was Fluttershy? She still fell down in the race and Onyx said that she was never seen again. She let out a scream of anger. If that stupid stallion hadn't caused this, her friends would still be okay. They would be safe instead of in pain, heartbroken, and maybe even dead. "No! She isn't! I would know if she was!" She raised her chin up. She couldn't let herself get down and had to stay confident. Surely, she could try to find a way to fix all of this. "I have too check out the changes it made. And that fairy thing is a good place to start. Maybe it can link together or something." The unicorn took a deep breath and ran inside. She ran as fast as she could through the forest. There was many places she remembered from her adventures with the others. She closed her eyes for a second as she remembered it, only to be interrupted by a roar. Twilight stopped and gasped. In front of her was the manticore, though it was not like when she encountered it with the others. His fur was darker and mangy, matted with elements of the forest. His kinder face was twisted and seemed bloodthirsty. This manticore wasn't going to play around this time. His body shook as a growl rumbled from deep inside his as he showed his sharp, yellow fangs to his prey. Twilight quickly teleported into a tree when the beast swiped at her. Luckily, she kept her unicorn powers with the earth pony disguise. She quickly realized that it was a bad move as he threw his angry paw at her branch, snapping it like it was a mere twig. The unicorn tried to fly, used to the wings from back in her time. "Son of a diamond dog!" She groaned in pain after her body collided with the ground. It took all her strength to get back up and to look at the snarling monster. "No...I can't die here...I can't!" The wind picked up around Twilight's hooves once again. Normally, she would be against this, but she had no choice. Her life was in danger. She had to survive here to fix everything. "I won't die here!" Her eyes started to get an eerie dark glow around the irises as she felt the power gather together in her horn. She had never felt power like this before. The pain numbed as she got ready to blast the manticore to Tartarus. Twilight was interrupted though by a yellow light flashing by and knocking the beast to the ground. She was knocked out of the spell and the pain slowly started to return. She looked at where the light landed. As the dust that was stirred up cleared, it revealed a pegasus pony. Her long pink mane and tail were tangled and shaggy, like she had been cutting it herself. There was twigs and flowers intertwined too. Her eyes were colds as she stared down the monster. Her cutiemark was a lantern with a pink glow surrounding it. "How long will it take for you pitiful ponies to realize that you need to stay away from here?" Fluttershy's cold eyes glared back at Twilight before looked back at the manticore that was getting up. "Stay right there. This shouldn't take long." She flew up quickly, barely avoiding the scorpion tail aimed at her head. Twilight was in shock seeing her once shy friend fight something so huge. It wasn't like with the bear. It was serious. She wanted to take him down and she wasn't going to stop. Shouldn't you help her? The day-dreamer snapped out of it and readied her spell again. It felt strange to feel the darkness surging through her. A foreign being inside her that belonged in her body. Yes. That is it. Let it take hold of you. Use it! A gasp escaped from her muzzle. Was that her voice? As the darkness faded once more. The unicorn finally subsided to the pain from falling out of the tree. Her head got light and her legs could no longer hold her up. She collapsed to the ground just after the manticore did. Fluttershy landed next to Twilight and looked down at her. "Took a lot of damage." Her eyes widened only slightly as the disguise hiding the unicorn faded, revealing the 'Queen' underneath. "Well, that is something you don't see everyday." The mare sighed and put the other on her back. Her morals made her at least want to tend to her wounds. She wasn't just going to leave her there. --------------------------------------------- Twilight woke in a place of pure white. There was no floor, no ceiling, no walls. "What the hay...?" "Don't be so surprised, goody-goody. Surely you've been wondering where I am?" Twilight looked to see...well,herself. Her eyes were dark and malicious. It was the corrupt Twilight of this time. No! Twilight wouldn't accept her as herself. "So this is pitiful Celestia's student, or should I say slave? That is what I've been getting from your head at least." The corrupt Twilight chuckled as she circled around the other, looking her over. "I expected more from the one that was able to take over my body." Twilight glared at the other. "Princess Celestia is not pitiful! And there is more to me then you think! You know nothing about me!" Then something clicked with what she said. "Wait, have you been going through my head?" The dark-eyed unicorn rolled her eyes. "I already said that, didn't I? Not much else to do since you took over my body and most of my magic." Her look of boredom disappeared to give way to one of anger. "You shouldn't be here anyways. Haven't you had your fun getting my royal treatments? I bet an idiot like Rarity wouldn't even notice. It is even like her brain is made of hair." "Don't you dare talk about my friend like that?!" "Oh yea, she is your friend in your time,huh? Same with that rock farmer. You need to get better friends." "Shut up! They mean the world to me. My friends are everything and I would be nothing without them. Like you can talk!? The only friend you have is Onyx! And you sent him to change everything,didn't you?!" The corrupt Twilight was unfazed at the tears developing in Twilight's eyes. "No,I didn't. Onyx did that all on his own. But if your sad mind needs somepony to blame, then by all means blame him. As for him being my friend, no. He is just there for me to look better to my subjects." "Subjects that hate you! You destroyed their world and they will never forgive you!" "Guess you will have to handle that for now,hm? While I get my powers back at least." Twilight couldn't express how much she hated herself right now. "You're in my head. How are you gonna get your powers?" From the corrupt one's muzzle came an evil laugh. "Like this!" Before their eyes black started to break the white. It traveled like ink in water. It didn't get too far though. "Soon enough. It will all be mine again!" The corrupt Twilight got right in the scared one's face. "And you will not be able to stop me. You will sit there and watch through our eyes as I kill your old 'friends' one by one." "You won't. Because I won't let you!" She headbutted the dark Twilight in retort. The headbutt broke them both out of the space they were in. ---------------------- Twilight sat up quickly as she was kicked out of...of well, her head. Though, sitting like that made her injuries from earlier pain her entire body. She let out a sharp wince. "You need to lay back down. You are still healing." The unicorn turned to see the yellow pegasus that she still remembered as shy. Instead, there was a cold, rough looking mare. She also realized she was in a wooden hut with overgrown plants everywhere. She was on a hammock that had a lot of wear. "So,uh....Thank you for helping me. I'm In-" "No, you're not." Fluttershy looked up from her herbal medicine she was making. "Your disguise fell. You're Twilight Sparkle, the so-called queen." Twilight gulped. No way this could end well. "I,um...Well, you see." "Don't bother. Did you lose your memory or something? Surely the evil that had made the darkness that has corrupted my forest would of defended herself." Even with her new detective skills that made Fluttershy not fear her, she still didn't trust the unicorn. "Yes. My memory. It must of happened with the fall." Twilight was getting a hang of this just rolling with it thing. Fluttershy went back to mixing her medicine. "You won't do much good lying to me. I'm the one making your medicine. I could just slip something in and make it easier for everypony else." The thought of it just made the purple mare gulp. "Now, tell me the truth." Twilight took a deep breathe and let it out in a sigh. She had no choice,did she?