Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's

by PurpleProse

Chapter 2: Dark Clouds Over The Library

Zafira crouched atop one of the thatched-roof cottages near the barrier, his body low to the thistles like a wolf in tall grass. A large, brown-covered tome rested beside him as he observed the goings-on within the shield.
Vita had, as usual, gotten herself in over her head. Her duel with the one named Twilight Sparkle had been rather spectacular. It was rare for a mage to stand up and perform so well against one of them. Then again, worthy opponents were rare when one had as much combat experience as they did.
However, the arrival of the other mages and the other familiar was…troubling. Even with the unicorn out of commission, the other four had enough skill to warrant caution.
The Guardian Beast of the Shield felt his ears pull back against his skull at the familiar voice. General.
I assume, given your absence, that Vita has engaged herself in combat?
Indeed. We have located the one named Twilight Sparkle. However, there is a problem.
I see, there was a pause before the stern female voice continued, Number of targets?
Four, not including Twilight Sparkle. Two humans, one pony, one familiar. They managed to get through the Gefängnis der Magie barrier, so one is likely extremely skilled in transportation magic.
I see. Reinforce the barrier. Shamal and I shall arrive soon. Once we do so, it would be wise for you to join the fray.
Yes, Signum. The Guardian Beast peered down from his perch at the panicked ponies outside the barrier. Five of them, all dashing about, circling the barrier and looking for a way inside.


Most citizens of Ponyville were asleep in their beds at this time of night. Those who weren’t were busily trying to hide from the large dark wall that had suddenly appeared in town.
Five certain ponies, however, were taking a more direct approach.
“Any luck Rainbow Dash?!”
Rainbow streaked down through the starry sky, dust kicking up as she landed beside the others. “None! I covered every inch of this stupid thing, but there’s no gaps!” She reared back and gave the dome an aggravated kick. “What about you? Find any way in?”
There was a chorus of no’s to Rainbow’s question.
Applejack grimaced. “We done circled this entire cotton-pickin’ thing, and there ain’t no way we can get through! Ah knew we shoulda come ‘ere sooner. Ain‘t no way Twilight would be late if she could help it.”
“What’re we going to do?!” Pinkie Pie’s head rattled as Rarity clung to her neck, her Mid-Atlantic accent cracking from the stress in her voice.. “What if Twilight’s inside there? What if some horrible fiend is attacking her?! What if she needs our help!? What about Spike?! We‘ve got to DO SOMETHING!”
“Rarity, calm down!” Applejack stomped a hoof, shouting over the panicky unicorn before turning back to her sky-blue friend. “Rainbow, ah need ya’ll to fly to Canterlot as fast as them wings a-yours can carry ya.”
“Canterlot? You’re kidding!”
“I ain’t. Ya’ll need tah go get tha Princess. She’ll know what tah do.”
“Right… I just hope I’ll make it in time.” Rainbow crouched, then streaked into the air like a rainbow-colored bullet. There was a distant boom as Rainbow went supersonic.
“Applejack, why did you send Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked quietly as she approached, glancing over at the barrier as she did so.
“’Cause Rainbow’s tha fastest pony we got. ‘Sides, don’t y’all think somethin’ mighty peculiar’s goin on?”
“Now that you mention it, the Princess should have been here. When Twilight first fought that monster, the Princess arrived within seconds…”
“So why hasn’t she shown up yet?” Rarity released Pinkie. “I mean, she’s the Princess. She’s Twilight’s teacher. Surely she’d be able to sense if something was amiss, much less if a gigantic dome was erected over the library.”
“Exactly! Which means that somehow, this thang’s blockin’ Twilight from callin’ for help. There’s somethin’ really weird goin’ on, an’ ah don’t like it one bit. As for the rest of us… just don’ panic. ” Applejack turned to the shield again and rubbed her head. “Ah jus’ hope Twi’s okay…”


Vita stood very, very still. The crackling blade of electricity hovered a few inches in front of her neck. Her eyes flicked down, then over to the dark-haired young man pointing his staff at her.
“This is the last time I’m going to ask you. Lower your Device and deactivate your Barrier Jacket. Am I clear?”
“Yeah, I heard you.” Vita tilted her head to the side. Her pigtail brushed against the shaft of the scythe at her throat. “And if I don’t?”
“I’d advise against it.” the kid smiled thinly, his stance shifting as he gripped his staff tighter. “You’re not exactly in a position to resist. I’d prefer to do this with as little fuss as possible.”
“Heh.” Vita couldn’t help but smirk. “I’m so scared. Look at me, I’m shaking. You think a scythe around my neck is going to keep me down? Do you know who I am?”
There was a loud hiss as Vita’s hand snapped up, her glove smoking as she grabbed a hold of the blade at her neck.
“I am Vita, the Knight of the Iron Hammer,” her lips pulled back in a sneer as she crushed the blade, the remaining beam retracting into the Device, “and there is nothing that I cannot smash! Now come at me!”
The wind whooshed about her as she leapt upwards, her dress fluttering dramatically as she took to the air. She could hear the mages below shouting. However, her attention was more focused on her burning hand.
That probably wasn’t the best idea, but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t cool. Vita shook her hand, wincing as she pulled around and swung Graf Eisen out to her side. She didn’t have long to wait. The blonde unicorn and the dark-clothed mage quickly followed her up, their Devices held at the ready.
I’m down to my last two cartridges, my hand is damaged, and I’m outnumbered. Vita brandished Graf Eisen. This should be a fair fight then.
“This is your last chance to surrender, even though I doubt you’ll take it.” The young man’s eyes narrowed slowly. “If you do surrender, the Bureau will show some mercy.”
“I don’t think so. How about you-” Vita paused as she found herself surrounded by a crackling yellow nimbus.
“Chain Bind!”
“What?!“ A Mid-Childan spell circle sprang up underneath her as blue chains of energy snapped around her body, pinning her limbs to her sides. Vita grunted and twisted, but the chains seemed to be holding firm.
“You talk too much, you know that?” the gold pony lowered her axe slightly, its golden core gleaming. “Now if you had any sense, you’d surrender. Unless you want me to teach you a lesson for picking on my big sister.”
“Like I’m scared of a pair of young punks like you. Besides,” Vita smirked as she glanced upwards, feeling a familiar presence, “you’ve got bigger problems than me.”
The two mages looked up, then dove out of the way as a curtain of flame lashed downwards. There was a loud snap, like a sword striking glass as Vita’s bonds were sliced apart, followed by a soft hiss of cooling metal.


Fate blinked as the fire faded, her attention focused on the new opponent. It was another mage, this one older and taller. Her hair was long and pink, pulled back behind her in a pony tail that streamed down her back. She was dressed in a high-collared white coat with what looked like a long, dark purple surcoat underneath. Her arms and legs were well-armored, and a long, single-edged sword gleamed in one hand.

“I apologize for my tardiness.” The woman flicked her sword to her side, her eyes calm and focused on her and Chrono as she hovered between them and Vita. “I did not expect you to have such difficulty.”
“Feh, I was just about to turn the tables on them when you showed up, Signum.”
"Is that so?"
"Of course!"
“You take far too much after our mistress, Vita. You two.” Signum raised her sword and addressed her and Chrono. “I ask that you lay down your arms. If you do not, then your life shall be forfeit.”
Fate narrowed her eyes as she heard Chrono’s voice in her mind. His thought-voice was cold, as though he was barely containing his anger. Yes?
You take the one in purple. I’ll contend with our hammer-wielding friend.
What? But she-
You and the one called Signum seem to be closer in power level. I’ll focus on apprehending Vita.
Alright. Are you alright, Chrono?
No. No, I’m not. Because if what I think is happening is happening, then we’re in grave danger.
Good to know.
“What say you then, children?”
Signum arched an eyebrow slightly as Fate brandished Bardiche. There was a loud clack as the head rotated into Scythe Form, the brilliant golden blade re-emerging.
“After what happened to Twilight, there’s no way I’m just going to let you go without a fight.”
“Good.” Signum smiled and raised her sword, holding it in a two-handed grip.
The two mages and the pair of knights hovered there for a brief moment. Tension thrummed as they gathered themselves, right before the combat began.


“Stay still, alright?”
Twilight winced as Yuuno’s hand stroked her leg, a brilliant green aura coating the limb. A green circle slowly rotated underneath them as Yuuno worked his magic. “Hurts…”
“I know it hurts. I’m doing the best I can, but this injury is pretty severe. If your Barrier Jacket hadn’t taken most of the blow, you wouldn’t even have a leg. Though it looks like you‘re not the only one that‘s taken a beating.” Yuuno glanced over at the busted Device beside Twilight with a mournful look.
“Got ‘em!” Arf trotted over to Yuuno, carefully cradling Spike. “Out like a light. Looks like your assistant got his head rattled, Twilight.”
“Set him down right here. I’ll get him up and running as soon as Twilight’s leg is stable.” Yuuno frowned as he looked up. “Who are those people? Why did they attack you Twilight?”
“I don’t… know. The red one…just showed up on my doorstep…in pony form…”
“In pony form?”
“If they’re evil mages, they probably went after you because you’re…you.” Arf crossed her arms. “You are one of the most powerful mages in this world short of the Princesses. It’d make sense to target you.”
“We can worry about motive later.” Yuuno held his other hand over Spike, triggering a second healing spell. “What we need to do is get out of this barrier. Even with the Arthra’s support it took a lot of doing just to get inside. I don’t think it’s going to be as easy to escape.”
Twilight winced as Yuuno removed his hand from her foreleg. “It’s probably…the barrier. If we could disrupt it, we could probably teleport out…”
“That could work. I’d need to work together with someone. Arf, would you… Arf?”
The wolf girl growled softly, her attention drawn towards the smashed wall where the front door used to be. “Someone else is here. Just outside. I can smell them.”
The deep voice belonged to a tall, muscular man, easily a head taller than Arf. His skin was dark brown under his blue tunic and black pants, his fists clad in large metal gauntlets and his feet hidden by thick grieves and boots. His footsteps fell with a heavy thud as a long, dark blue wolf tail swished behind him, his large canine ears twitching beneath his spiky hair. His crimson eyes were focused on Arf, who had fallen into a defensive stance.

“A familiar?” Yuuno stared at the man.
“You two stay back.” Arf growled softly, her tail fluffing up. “I’ll handle this guy.”
“Wait Arf. That’s what he probably wants you to do!” Yuuno stared at the beast man. “He probably wants to draw you out and into a one-on-one fight…”
“STEEL YOKE!” A brilliant white triangle sprang into being. Twilight covered her eyes as she heard a sound like shattering glass. She opened them, only to find a wall of glowing white blades separating her and Yuuno from Arf.
“I’m fine,” came a shouted response, “I just need to- augh!”
The sounds of combat broke out behind the wall of white razors, gloved fists making contact with each other. Twilight winced as she heard a loud yelp or two that sounded distinctly feminine.
“Arf! I’m coming to help!” Yuuno started to stand.
“No!” Arf’s voice was a throaty, enraged growl. “Stay there! I’ve got this! Protect Twilight!” There was a loud crack of splintering wood. “Come on you lap dog! Come and get me!”
There was another loud detonation that shook the library’s walls before the sounds of the fist-fight faded into the general melee outside. Yuuno covered Twilight as best he could, wincing at the din outside.
“Sounds like everyone’s fighting.” Yuuno risked a glance upwards. Streaks of color danced against the barrier-colored sky as the combatants fought.
“Yeah.” Twilight groaned as she rolled onto her stomach, wincing in pain as she put weight on her injured leg.
“Hold still. Your leg’s still not healed fully…”
“I’m not just going to sit by… while my friends are fighting for their lives.” Twilight tried to get to her feet, only to whimper in pain and collapse again. “I need to do something. Help…help me over to my desk. My notes…”
“This isn’t a time to argue… get me to the desk.”
Twilight paused as she felt Yuuno lift her up. For someone so small, he certainly had a lot of strength in his arms. Slowly, the young mage carried Twilight over to her desk.
“Ugh… What a mess.” Twilight grimaced as she closed her eyes. Raising Heart? Status.
Core has been bre-e-e-e-ched. The telepathic response was choppy and static-filled. Central Ring Ssssstructural Integrity-ty-ty-ty compromised. Transfering-ing-ing essential programssss to undamaged ma-ma-matrix.
Twilight winced. Raising Heart was as badly hurt as she was, if not worse. Come on Raising Heart, I need you.
There was a loud hiss of static, before Raising Heart’s voice came back, this time stronger. Core functionality currently limited to calculative functions. What do you wish, my Master?
“Thank Celestia.” Twilight exhaled. “I thought you were too far gone. Can you function?”
Trust in me, my Master.
“Alright.” Twilight settled onto her non-wounded side and focused. “We need to break out of this barrier. Raising Heart, I want you to modify my Bind Break spell so that we can generate a small rift in the barrier. Yuuno, I want you to set up a shield around us, then start preparing a transport spell for everyone in here.”
“And what do I do, aside from have a splitting headache?”
Twilight glanced back as Spike sat up, rubbing his head. Twilight smiled. “Spike, you keep watch. If you see anyone coming, shout and shoot fire at them.”
“You got it, boss.”
“Are you sure about this Twilight?” Yuuno frowned. “We’re awfully exposed here.”
“It’s better than trying to brute-force our way out.” Twilight smiled weakly. “Now come on, let’s get to work.”


The whirling dart of magical energy darted and swerved through the air, rapidly colliding and reflecting off of Vita’s defensive barrier. The knight growled, her eyes darting about as she tried to keep track of the annoying spell. It was too fast for her to simply bat out of the air with her hammer, and too powerful to simply let it connect, as the long slices on her Barrier Jacket attested to.
It didn’t help that its master seemed quite intent on keeping his distance; every time she closed to melee range, he’d sic the spell on her and dart out of the way, forcing her to defend. Even now, he hovered a fair distance away, his staff leveled at her like a rifle.
“Enough of this!” Vita growled and stretched out her hand, four iron spheres blinking into existence in front of her. “Playtime’s over!”
“SCHWALBE FLIEGEN!” There was a crack as Vita sent the spheres flying with a swing of her hammer, causing the young mage to shoot off, weaving and dodging as his Stinger streaked away.
The red mach cones of her projectiles stood out amongst the dim light, soon followed by the brilliant blue ribbon of the Stinger Snipe. The spheres detonated one after another as the projectile bounced among them like a mad weasel. However, whatever energy was keeping the spell intact scattered as the last sphere detonated.
The kid in the black coat was nowhere to be seen, though.
Where are you? Vita turned slowly, looking around an spreading her senses out. Where are you, you little-
Vita spun and raised her injured left hand, a triangular shield springing up as the mage dove in, driving the butt of his staff into it. Red and gold sparks sprayed like fireworks as the melee spell bit into her shield, the sharp black spike doing its best to pierce the defensive wall in its path.
“If you’re going to get this close to me,” Vita grinned as she swung Graf Eisen up, batting the staff away as she closed in, “then you’re either really skilled or really stupid!”
Vita swung again, only for the young man to duck under the strike, circling around towards her left. She turned quickly, swinging again only for him to float just out of her hammer’s reach.
Trying to exploit my weak side, eh? Clever. Vita pushed on, her swings flashing out quickly, her weapon only biting air.
“What’s the matter, kid? Too scared to actually come in and fight me? Come on! Even your unicorn friend had the stones to go staff-to-hammer with me!”
No response. The kid simply flew back, ducking and weaving under her strikes.
“Argh! Stay still!” Vita raised her hand up to swing… only for her arm to jerk to a stop. She glanced up, only to find a bright blue ring of light encircling her wrist.
“You have no idea how hard it was to land a bind on your weapon arm.”
Vita’s attention snapped down again, only for her to receive a staff strike to the solar plexus. A second blow landed the rounded side of the shaft under her chin, knocking her head upwards.
“Stinger Blade.”
There was a loud, wet noise as the spell hit home. Vita clenched her teeth as her damaged hand went to the glowing blue blade buried half-way in her right shoulder.
“You…little…creep.” Vita hissed at the impassive mage as he leveled the staff at her face.
“I first thought it was just a coincidence. A red-haired girl with a hammer-shaped Device. But after your ally showed up, it stopped being so. I know you. I know what you are, and what you serve, Wolkenritter.” He said that name almost like it was a curse.
“So you…know what we are. Congrats, whoever you are.”
“My name is Chrono Harlaown. You should remember that name. Does it sound familiar?”
Vita hissed, glaring at the kid.
“No. Should it?”
That elicited a reaction. Vita coughed as the staff drove into her stomach as Chrono growled under his breath.
“You’re…hurting me. Stop it.” Vita let a little bit of a whine enter her voice.
“You can stop pretending to be human.” Chrono’s voice was cold and pitiless. “You’re a lot more durable than you look. If you don’t surrender right now, then I’ll just keep hitting you until you do. I’ll put so many blades in you that you’ll look like a knife rack, if I have to.”
Vita chuckled, glaring up at Chrono through her red bangs. “You’re good… It’s been a while since I’ve had a really good fight. But you really…should have finished me off… when you had the chance! Graf Eisen, Cartridge Load!”
“EXPLOSION!” There was a thunderous crack as the cartridges fired. Red light coated Vita’s body as mana rushed down from her Device. She reached up, pulling the Stinger Blade out with a pained shout before throwing it aside, the wound knitting up into a dull red scar on her shoulder. The binding crackled and fractured as she yanked her arm free, her pupils retracting into tiny black dots in the blue of her eyes.
Chrono stepped back, then raised a hand. “Stinger-”
“NO YOU DON’T!” Vita roared as she shot forwards, Graf Eisen’s head a silver blur as she attacked. Vita was on the assault, forcing Chrono to parry rather than dodge. Each shield he raised shattered under Graf Eisen’s mighty blows, pushing the Enforcer backwards.
“Break Impulse!”
Black staff and silver hammer collided, sending red and blue sparks in all directions.
“I should…have expected that…” Chrono growled through gritted teeth as he held back the strike.
“What’s the matter? What happened to that cool confidence?” Vita growled, Graf Eisen’s head dropping closer towards Chrono’s body. Cracks began to spread along the black staff’s striking head. “Nothing else up your sleeve?!”
Vita blinked as Chrono let go of his staff, pointing at Vita.
“Stinger Blade - Pulse Shift!”
“Oh damn!”
Vita drew back, throwing up her shield as small blades of magic began to fire from Chrono’s outstretched arm, shattering against her defenses like so much glowing blue shrapnel.
“Don’t get too cocky,” Chrono drew his arm back, blades appearing around his arm like bullets in a revolver cylinder. “I’ve got more than enough tricks to keep up with you.”


Sparks sprayed in great arcs as Signum parried the brilliant yellow blade, her eyes flicking as the pole-arm spun and whirled around her equine opponent. The strikes were surprisingly fast, the sound of each individual swing blurring together into a continuous thrumming.
Laevatein’s edge caught the light from the blade of electricity as her foe darted about her, her yellow and black form a blur as she circled Signum. The knight could feel the static crackle over her Knight Clothes as she parried each blow.
Interesting, Signum’s mind ticked off quietly as she defended herself, movement enhancement magic combined with a Device-based melee attack spell. Pole-arm build. Good reach, excellent speed, likely barrier-penetrating. She has some modicum of skill.
Signum twisted her sword up, parrying another swing. The next strike didn’t come as the yellow unicorn flickered back, reappearing some distance away.
“Laevatein,” Signum held her sword up as bolts of yellow light formed round her opponent. “Grant me my armor.”
“JA!” The sword chimed as it replied. “PANZERGEIST!”
Signum felt the protective spell roll over her body, a soft pink light suffusing her Knight Clothing and skin as her opponent swung her scythe forwards.
The bolts streaked out, shooting towards her. Signum simply closed her eyes as the blasts scattered against her defenses.
“You are quite skilled, child.” Signum smiled faintly, opening her eyes again as she looked at her. “It has been a long time since someone has challenged me. What is your name?”
“My name?” The filly huffed slowly, holding her scythe in a defensive stance as she circled around her.
“In the Belkan tradition, worthy foes share their names and titles before dueling as a show of respect. I am Signum, the General of the Blazing Flame.” Signum raised her sword and saluted with it. “This is my sword, Laevatein. What are you called?”
“I’m Fate Testarossa-Sparkle, the Child of Lightning. This is Bardiche.” Fate swung her scythe back, the yellow core glinting.
“Testarossa-Sparkle and Bardiche. Very well, child of lightning,” Signum took hold of her sword with both hands. “be on guard. Laevatein! Cartridge Load!”
“EXPLOSION!” The purple chamber just above the hand guard shot up with a thunderous crack, steam hissing outwards. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Signum shot towards Fate like a bullet.
She saw Fate’s eyes widen as she closed to melee range, her scythe swinging forwards to parry her slash. Sword blade and scythe blade clashed as Signum went on the offensive, her sword flicking back as she rained down blows on the pony from different angles. Fate’s scythe blade crackled as she brought both ends of the weapon to bare as Signum’s sword sliced and chopped away, sparks flying when Laevatein connected with the pole-arm’s hard shaft and telekinetic field.
Pony and human circled one-another, locked in combat. Whenever Fate pulled back, Signum darted closer and kept up the pressure, a least until Fate curled back slightly.
Signum’s slash missed as Fate seemed to blur out. Signum felt a sharp pain as a slit opened in her sword-arm‘s sleeve, the skin underneath blackened slightly. Her hand went to the wound in reaction. Despite herself, Signum smiled. This time, however, it was a thinner, harder smile. Her blood thundered in her veins.
“Good. Very good.” She heard Fate panting behind her. Signum spun around, raising her sword as Fate swung her scythe about, the blades clashing. “Perhaps I should take you seriously, child of lightning.”
Fate’s eyes widened. Signum could see the fear in them. “You’re-”
“Burn bright, Laevatine!”
“JAWOHL!” There was a noise like a thousand matches being struck as Laevatine’s blade ignited, its cutting edge wrapped in a vortex of purple flame.
Signum struck first. Her blade made contact with the black head of the axe, sending cracks along the blade. Fate broke off, blurring again as she Flash Moved away. Signum gave chase, her purple contrail tracing after Fate’s golden as their blades flared in the dwindling evening light.
Fate slid to a stop as Signum appeared before her. Signum’s sword flashed out, striking Bardiche across the shaft. There was a hideous snapping noise as the shaft gave way, neatly bifurcating the pole-arm. A second swing struck the Device’s black head, sending shards of black metal and yellow crystal flying as the strike bit deep, the scythe blade fizzling out.
Fate lunged backward, panting as Signum floated back, the purple fire covering her sword disappearing as her sword ejected the now-empty cartridge.
“You have done well for one so young. There is no shame if you wish to yield the field of battle to me, Testarossa-Sparkle.” Signum straightened her sword, leveling the tip of her blade at Fate as the pony stared down at her fractured Device.
Fate’s head snapped up as she glared at Signum, her horn lighting up as her Device began to glow. “Neither of us give up that easily.”
There was a crackling noise as the Device fused its broken shaft back together, the glow dispersing. “RECOVERY COMPLETE.”
“Very well then.” Signum drew her sword back and into its ready position. “Come at me.”


Zafira felt the girl’s fists pound away on his gauntlets. Each punch had a great deal of power and anger behind it, but little else. She had some skill, likely some training in unarmed combat, but to him she was a novice. It was painfully easy to read her movements.
The next punch collided with his guard, and he struck back, grabbing the girl’s wrist and yanking her close, driving a knee into her stomach. There was a loud, satisfying noise as her breath whooshed out of her mouth. He stepped back, letting go of her arm and letting her fall onto the ground.
He shook his head and stepped over her prone form, dusting his hands off. With any luck, Shamal would be close by, and he would be able to take up a defensive position guarding her while she did her work.
His thoughts were interrupted when a bright orange chain of energy wrapped around his neck.
“And where… do you think… you’re going?” The growl came from behind him. He turned slightly to stare at the crouching wolf-girl, an orange chain linked to her wrist, her pupils tiny slits of black against her blue eyes.
“It seems you have some fire left. Good.” Zafira wrapped an arm around the chain and gave it a fierce yank. The girl leapt upwards into the air as he pulled, orange spheres of light springing up around her and lancing down at him.
His Panzerhidernis swirled up before him in a white dome of energy, the shots breaking against it.
Zafira blinked as the girl’s fist made contact with his barrier, orange cracks spreading over its surface like kudzu. There was a loud sound like snapping ice before the defense gave way, her strike continuing until it landed right on his nose. The assault continued as she pounded away at him, landing blows on his stomach and chest as her Chain Bind dissolved.
“And DOWN!” The last blow was a powerful kick to the chest that sent Zafira flying backwards, knocking him head-over-hindquarters to land on his chest. “Had enough yet big boy? Huh? Don‘t tell me the big bad wolf is going down that easily.”
Zafira growled softly and rose to his feet, wiping his bused lip from where her first punch connected. “Pathetic.”
“What?!” The girl snarled, her tail fluffing up.
“You’ve got strength and talent, but you lack any sort of discipline. And that’s why you’re going to lose.”
“Like I’d lose to someone like you!” His opponent snarled again and charged him. Her body lit-up mid stride as she transformed into a massive red wolf, fangs bared.
Zafira grinned and dodged out of the way of those snapping jaws, his own form igniting as he transformed into his feral form, a great blue wolf bigger than most grown men. He snarled in reply and pounced, the two of them rolling on the torn-up ground as they snapped and clawed at each other.


“How’re we looking?” Spike peered cautiously up through the roof before glancing back towards Twilight. She and Yuuno were crouched underneath a glowing green dome of light, surrounded by a green Mid-Childan circle.
“Not bad. The Bind Break spell is one of my simpler spells. It’s not that hard to modify it to be used against barriers.” Twilight frowned. “I just hope it’s enough. I’m still exhausted from my fight…”
“Even if you just make a small crack in the wall, I can teleport us out.” Yuuno rested a hand on Twilight’s back, his other held before him as a loop of glyphs rotated around his wrist, a glowing sphere hovering above his palm. “I just need some area of weakness that my spell can slip through.”
Twilight shifted slightly, causing Yuuno to retract his hand. “That may be, but I have to get close to the barrier. Which means going outside…”
“Well, not to put any pressure on you guys, but I think we’re in trouble." Spike called over ot them as he glanced upwards through the massively damaged ceiling. "I think we might be outmatched, and it sounds like Arf and that other guy are fighting like dogs!”
“That might be true, and I’m very sorry about all this.”
There was a soft green glow as another person entered the library. It was another human woman, clad in a pale green and white dress with a high-collared cloak folded over her shoulders. Her blonde hair was short under her hat, and golden earrings hung from her ears.
Spike growled softly, standing between her and the shield. “Who the heck are you, lady? Another one of those crazy mages?!”
The woman frowned. “Sort of. My name is Shamal, the Knight of the Lake. I’m very sorry to have to do this to you, really, I am.”
“Well, if you’re sorry, then go away! Just leave Twilight alone!”
The woman’s eyes were sad as she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. You have to understand, I wouldn’t fight you if I didn’t have to...”
“Twilight,” Yuuno rose to his feet, “stay inside the barrier. I’ll handle this.”
“I’ll be fine. If you see an opening, I want you to make a break for it, understand?”
Twilight swallowed, then nodded as Yuuno stepped outside the barrier. Spike, wisely, scrambled out of the way and into the defensive dome.
“I don’t know why you’re after Twilight,” Yuuno said as he raised his hands before him in a defensive stance, “but it can’t be good. If you want her, you’re going to have to go through me first.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Shamal sighed, shaking her head before her gaze became determined. “Unlike my fellow knights, I don’t like to fight. Please forgive me if I hurt you.” She raised her hands, her index and ring fingers on either hand bearing a golden ring.

“Klarwind, guide me.”
There as a soft hum as the rings began to glow. Two gems floated out from each hand, connected to thin, gleaming wires. Shamal spread her arms out, the pendulums swinging gently beside her.
Yuuno, please be careful. Twilight sent out a telepathic message. If this one is like her allies, she’s probably extremely dangerous.
I know. I’ll try to keep her occupied. You just focus on escaping when you can.
Shamal’s hands swung up, out, and then snapped forwards, the gems shooting forth like darts. Yuuno’s shield snapped up instantly, the gems colliding with them and sending peridot-colored sparks of mana every direction.
“Chain Bind!” Yuuno swung one hand forwards, bright green chains launching towards his opponent. Shamal stepped out of the way as the chains struck the wall behind her.
“Commandment Chain!” Shamal slung one hand downwards, the wires of her pendulums shining green as they darted into the ground like snakes. Yuuno leapt sideways as thin green chains leapt up from the ground where he stood, ensnaring only empty air. The young mage rolled to his feet and, with a yell, charged Shamal.
The woman squeaked and shouted in panic as Yuuno’s upraised shield collided with her. Yuuno continued forwards, buffeting her backwards until she was pinned between his shield and the library wall.
“Twilight! Go now! Get to the barrier!”
Twilight winced as Spike helped her to her feet, her assistant supporting her injured side. She risked a glance back at Yuuno, then froze.
“Yuuno, look out! BEHIND YOU!”


The transition from Day Court to Night Court was handled with only a mild bit of fanfare and pomp. When the sun officially set over the horizon, Celestia would officially yield the court to her sister Luna, allowing the dark alicorn to take her place on the shared throne. Those who wished to petition the princess of night were welcome to step forwards and make their requests.
Luna, however, was distracted. Her attention was diverted from Celestia’s announcement. She felt her attention drawn elsewhere, her eyes flicking out towards the dark sky as her moon slowly peeked over the horizon. That strange, nudging feeling, the prickling in the back of her thoughts; what was it?
“…and in accordance to the ritual, I do hereby yield the court to my sister. May the Night Court commence!” Celestia nodded gently and stepped aside, pausing only to look at Luna questioningly before coughing delicately.
“Oh…” Luna rose from her seat and strode up the steps to the dais. “We thank thee sister. As the day ends, so does night begin. We welcome all petitioners who seek our-”
Luna paused as she heard shouts beyond the door. Celestia turned as well, her wings fluffing.
“What’s going on out there?!”
The doors of the throne room slammed open as a multicolored streak shot through like a cannonball, quickly followed by a squad of white-coated pegasi guards. The streak landed and bounced, revealing it to be a panting, sweaty, obviously exhausted Rainbow Dash.
“Rainbow Dash?” Celestia and Luna spoke nearly in unison and in surprise.
“Prin…cess.” The pegasus’ voice strained as she gulped down air. Celestia waved the guards back as she and Luna approached.
“What in Equestria are you doing here?” Celestia glanced down. “Did you fly here by yourself?”
“Prin… cess… Twilight… in danger!”
“In danger?!” Celestia leaned down, a pale white glow streaking from her horn and striking Rainbow Dash. The pegasus leapt from her crumpled and prone position like she’d been struck by lightning.
“Woah! Wow, that’s definitely a pick me u-”
“Rainbow Dash, explain, now.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed, and her voice was serious. “What do you mean Twilight’s in danger?”
“Oh! We were going to get Twilight for Fate’s coming home party, but there was this really weird dome thing over the library! We can’t get through it, so I came here to get you!”
“A dome?”
“Yeah! Like some kind of weird magic wall! Please you’ve got to come with me to Ponyville. Twilight might be in danger!”
Celestia rose up slowly, then looked over to Luna. “Luna, quickly. Come with me.”


Twilight stared in horror at the scene in front of her.
Yuuno stood as if frozen, his shield slowly dissolving into fragments of mana. A blue-green disk hovered behind him, about level with his shoulder blades. A long-fingered, green-clad arm extended from within the portal, gingerly holding a pinpoint of green-and-white light. The only noise that came from him was a strained gasp, like he was choking.
“I’m sorry.” Shamal whispered as she stepped around Yuuno, one arm extended through a similar blue-green disk. “I don’t like doing this when people are awake…”
“Let him go.” Twilight turned to face Shamal, balancing precariously on three legs.
“Let… him… GO!” Twilight screamed. She didn’t care about her injured leg, she didn’t care about her exhaustion or her pain. She drew in her power, vaguely aware that Spike was shouting at her, that she could hear Raising Heart’s telepathic alerts in the back of her mind.
It didn’t matter. It was one thing to go after her. It was something entirely different to hurt her friends.
Yuuno‘s shield shattered as Twilight‘s horn exploded into a plume of light, her eyes turning solid white. She was going to crush this person, this horrible woman who was staring at her in fear.
There was a brilliant burst of light as she reached out, telekinetically, to grab Shamal…
And then the world froze. Her heart stopped for a second. The light in her eyes and from her horn died.
Yuuno was laying on the ground in a heap, gasping for air. Shamal‘s hand now extended from her own chest. A brilliant purple spark, shining like a violet supernova, hovered in her outstretched hand.
“I‘m sorry that I have to do this to you…” Shamal said quietly as she produced a large tome. Twilight had seen many books, but none like that. It seemed to pulse with its own life, like it was a living thing.
The tome opened with a snap, the pages within blank.
“Linker Core captured.” Shamal whispered in resignation, touching the book with her other hand. “Begin collection.”
“SAMMELN,“ A feminine voice replied. A voice that sounded eerily familiar to Twilight. The pages began to rapidly fill with text written in purple ink.
The recognition was replaced by pain. Twilight couldn’t help but scream. Something was pulling on her insides, riffling through her mind like wind whipping over an open book. The spark glimmered and started to dim…
Twilight’s eyes re-focused as she heard Spike shout. The little dragon had pounced on Shamal’s arm, biting down hard on her sleeve. The woman cried out in pain as green fire licked through Spike’s jaw. The smell of smoke and burnt flesh was unmistakable.
Twilight tottered to one side. It was hard to breathe. She couldn’t move. She heard a scream as the hand pulled back, the dimmed spark disappearing into her chest as the woman held her injured arm, the book snapping shut. She glanced upwards, then vanished in a green flicker of light,
She heard Spike shout her name as the world dwindled into a gray haze, and then into blackness.


She’s too powerful!
Fate swung around, parrying Signum’s sword strikes as best she could. The pink-haired knight was relentless; whenever Fate tried to get some distance, she would block her route, forcing her back into melee. Fate was no stranger to close-quarters combat; when she fought Twilight she would close in to strike with her scythe, using Flash Move to ambush her from behind.
However, against an opponent like Signum, she was at a grave disadvantage. Bardiche’s head had dozens of grooves cut into its edge from where the knight’s sword had connected, some deep enough that it cracked Bardiche’s core. Her Barrier Jacket was no better; the dozen or so slices in the fabric and slowly bleeding lacerations stood as a testament to the knight’s sword skill. Fate’s reactions were starting to slow, while Signum continued attacking as quickly and cleanly as she had when the fight first began.
Signum was toying with her. That was the only explanation as to why she wasn’t dead yet.
“ARC SABER!” Fate launched the scythe blade at Signum, the crescent spinning into a looped blade of lighning. The blade connected with Signum’s sword as Fate dodged downwards, her coat slick with sweat and her breathing quick.
Need space. Need space to maneuver. Need breathing room. Fate winced as she heard the Arc Saber shatter behind her. She spun around, summoning Photon Lancers and launching them upwards, forcing Signum to defend.
And defend she did. The knight simply batted the projectiles out of the way with her sword. The one shot that did manage to connect left a scorch mark on the woman’s coat.
Fate willed another scythe blade into existence as Signum dove towards her like a a stooping falcon. Fate swung Bardiche up in reflex, barely parrying the knight’s stabbing blow, the sword spraying sparks from the collision as the point grazed Fate’s cheek.
And then Signum’s hand wrapped around Bardiche’s shaft. Fate’s telekinetic grip crackled as Signum pulled her sword back, the edge raking along the Device’s core.
She’s going after Bardiche! Fate shouted as she lunged forwards, a hoof connecting with the knight’s face. Signum smiled again, only for her to strike Fate across the side with the flat of her blade. The force of the blow sent Fate flying sideways at impressive speeds into the barrier. The impact knocked the breath from Fate’s lungs, her concentration broken as she began to fall.
At least the ground was relatively close. Her Barrier Jacket detonated as she hit the dirt, taking most of the kinetic energy from the fall with it. Fate coughed, gasping for air as she tried to get up. Her ribs felt decidedly loose. Her struggles stopped when Signum landed before her, her boots level with Fate’s eyes.
“You have done well, child.” Signum’s voice was calm and measured. “You are a talented fighter. Had you a better Device, you would have likely stood on even ground with me.”
There was a loud, glassy snap. Bardiche’s blade and fragments of his core landed at Signum’s feet, soon followed by the rest of the staff.
“Bardiche…” Fate managed to whisper as the Device’s telepathic voice crackled in her head.
ERROR. ERROR. Massive structural damage incurred to core and body. Combat system inoperative. Scythe Form inoperative. Shutting… down…
Fate glared up at Signum, her horn lightning up as sparks began to crackle along her skin.
“You still wish to fight? Quite brave, and quite…”
Signum stopped. She turned away from Fate, her eyes wide. Her sword swept out as a shiny white sheath appeared on her hip. In one smooth motion, she sheathed Laevatien and leapt up into the air.
“Sadly, I must quit the field. Good night, Testarossa-Sparkle,” Signum shouted down as she streaked off in a brilliant flash of pink light.
“Come back here!” Fate coughed as she yelled, stabilizing herself as best she could. And then she felt it. A great sense of heat and power, like an approaching forest fire…


Chrono groaned as he bounced and rolled along the ground, tucking his arms against his chest as he did so to keep from flailing. S2U clattered just ahead of him, having been knocked from his grasp by Vita’s mallet.
The young enforcer swallowed, the world still spinning as he landed on his stomach. He reached out slowly starting to push himself up and reach for his Device, only for his opponent to land atop his staff, the black disc at its tip snapping under a stomp of her foot. Its central, cylindrical core, however, was mostly intact.
“So much for your tricks.” Vita spat between intakes of breath. The young-looking knight looked decidedly worse for the wear; fighting two consecutive opponents had left Vita’s red dress quite tattered and riddled with holes. She growled as she reached over to her midsection, pulling out one of the glowing blue knife-blades that was sticking out of her stomach.
Chrono panted softly, glaring up at Vita as red blood trickled from the cut on his forehead. Those damn balls she kept shooting had landed some lucky hits with their shrapnel. His black Barrier Jacket was riddled with holes and coated in a fine metallic dust. He gripped the ground and wobbled to his feet, raising his fists into a combat stance as he did so.
Vita snorted at the sight. “What, now you’re going to fight me bare-handed?”
“If I need to, yes.”
“You’re really that driven to fight me, huh? Well, if you want me to break your bones, go right…”
Vita stopped, her head snapping off to the side, her eyes widening in fear. “They’re here,” she whispered under her breath.
“What?” Chrono narrowed his eyes.
“We’ll finish this later, Chrono Harlaown-whoever you are!” Vita kicked S2U in his direction and took to the air at full speed.
“Stop! Come back here!” Chrono swung his hand up, launching a Chain Bind up after Vita. The blue chain of energy snapped around empty air as Vita swerved out of the way, her body turning into a scarlet streak of light.
“Damn…” Chrono winced, leaning against his staff, then paused, turning slowly and looking up.
His eyes widened at the rapidly growing brilliant red disc at the barrier’s apex.
And then the night turned to day.


Arf panted softly, stumbling punch-drunk from side to side as she glared at her opposite number. She could taste copper in her mouth from the blows he’d landed on her jaw, and her stomach was busy roiling from the hits it took. Everything ached; punching and kicking him was like hitting concrete, and fighting him in wolf form was little better.
The wolf-man in blue huffed softly as well. A good chunk had been torn out of one of his ears, and his bare arms were adorned with numerous scratches from her claws. However, his stance was as solid as a rock, and he watched Arf cautiously, waiting for another strike.
“You know…” Arf grinned, steadying herself, “you’re…really kinda cute. Too bad… you’re a dick… whoever you are.”
“My name is Zafira. I am the Guardian Beast of the Shield.”
“Arf. And I don’t have a fancy title.” Arf grinned, then lunged forwards, only to stumble and collapse into a heap.
Ugh. This is what I get for playing lapdog for a year… Arf thought to herself as she heard Zafira’s footsteps approach. Her limbs felt like jelly as she started to push herself up.
A whine escaped Arf’s throat as she was lifted upwards by her hair. Her hands went up, grabbing Zafira’s wrist in reflex as he hauled her upwards to her feet.
“For a Guardian Beast, you’re rather pathetic.” Zafira growled softly, reeling back a fist. Arf clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the knock-out blow.
When it didn’t come, she cracked an eye open, only to groan as Zafira released her hair. The blue wolf-man darted off, blue light flickering as he launched into the air away from her.
Arf collapsed onto her side, panting. She had his scent, at least…


Applejack paced nervously, glancing up at the sky in worry every so often. Rainbow had been gone for a while, and still there’d been no sign.
“Do you think she made it to Canterlot?” Fluttershy glanced over from Applejack to Rarity.
“Of course she did dear. Rainbow is the fastest flyer in all of Equestria. I’m sure the Princess will be here any second.”
“I hope she gets here soon!” Pinkie ran her hooves over her face, stretching it slowly. “I’m going crazy!”
“Ya’ll ain’t the only one. But what else can we do right-”
Applejack froze as she felt a surge of warmth on her back as the street lit up. There was a brilliant flash as Princess Celestia emerged from the light in all her glory, Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash flanking her.
“Princess! Ya’ll…came?” Applejack felt her voice die as she looked at Celestia. The alicorn’s eyes were wide as saucers for a brief moment, before they narrowed. She strode forwards, her horn igniting with golden flame. Princess Luna held out a hoof, gently pushing Rainbow Dash back.
Applejack and the others wisely followed suit. Light radiated from the princess, motes of rainbow-colored fire dancing around her hooves as she approached the barrier. She stopped, then spoke a single word, a word backed by a terrifying amount of power and wrath.
There was a distant thundering, and then the night sky lit up. A streak of golden light arched over the horizon, then descended from heaven and struck the top of the dome. Applejack threw herself to the ground as the world became as hot as high noon in a Summer drought. The grass wilted and bleached, and she could swear she was getting a tan under her coat.
The barrier lasted all of five seconds before it disintegrated. The pillar of golden flame vanished as quickly as it came.
Whoa nelly… is that what Celestia’s like when she’s a-ragin’? Applejack blinked the sun-flares out of her eyes and shook her head. Even when covering her eyes, it was still like looking up at the sun.
Celestia strode inside, her wings flared wide. Applejack stared in horror at the scene. The library was utterly destroyed, more so than usual. The ground was torn up, most of the structure had been blown open, the treetop had been denuded, and everything was in a state of catastrophic ruin.
“What in tha’ name a’ Equestria happened?”
“Twilight!” A familiar voice shouted. Fate stumbled from around the side of the library.
“Fate!” Applejack shouted with the others as they rushed in after the Princess, only to fall silent as she heard Spike screaming.
Applejack urned and rushed towards the Library, arriving just behind Celestia. Spike was crouched over Twilight, the unicorn laying sprawled and barely breathing on the ground. Across the room from her, Yuuno laid on his side, one hand on his chest and another reaching towards Twilight as he gulped for air.
Spike looked at them with tears in his eyes. “Something’s wrong with Twilight! Please! Help her!”


Silence had descended on the Arthra’s bridge. Lindy stared at the monitors with hard eyes, some deep part of her offended at the devastation she was looking at.
“Amy, tell me we have a lock or something on whoever did this.”
“Negative… I’m sorry ma’am…” Amy’s voice was stricken through the communication link. Lindy could hear her pound her palms onto the desk in frustration.
“Captain,” a voice came over the bridge. “This is Enforcer Chrono Harlaown.”
“Chrono? Are you alright?”
“No.” There was a hint of rage in Chrono’s voice. “No, I’m not. It’s here.”
“What’s here?” Lindy shivered at the anger in her son’s voice.
“The infamous Class One Lost Logia... The Book of Darkness... It’s here in Equestria.”
Lindy froze. “Are you certain?”