Spike's Little Ponies

by TheLoveless

Spike's Little Lovefest

Its the 13th day… Twilight said i could leave on the 14th. So far so good. If everything goes well, i’ll be out in no time. Besides the fact i can move around the house, i’ve decided to stay here, in my bed.
It’s been about 2 hours since breakfast. I think its a saturday, i really want to go outside. It’s really dark in here. Stuffy, and kinda boring. I guess i sorta deserve it. I did eat her book. Maybe if i ask her i can leave early.
If i don’t make it back in 5 minutes, assume i either am outside or, i was getting punished. sincerely Spike, the punished dragon.

P.S. Whom ever read this next, books do not taste good.

Closing his ‘notebook’, and hitting the light switch, he emerged from his cover and bed spread. Resealing his personal ink bottle, and hiding his pen and notebook, the door was his next objective. clutching his claw onto the door all his regret began to pile up, ‘What if she says, “No”? What if she complains to me about me staying here for 2 weeks?’ Regreat was the last thing he needed. He opened the door, letting a blinding ray of light entered his eyes, dilating them severely. In front of him was the one he had angered. The alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle.

“Spike!” Grabbing her child in between two open arms, she squeezed his light purple body, against her lavender fur. The joyous reunion lasted for quite some time, “I thought you died! I was so worried!” Gripping him tighter, increasing the chances of Spike squeaking, she collapsed to the floor, enjoying Spike with too much love and embrace.

Spike, tied down in the arms of his mother, fought the hug, trying to get a word out before getting smothered to near death, “Twilight. Can i get out early?” Ss simple as he wished it could be, Twilight released him, and stared into his eyes. Giving off the strange sense of obsession. “Can i be ungrounded today?”

Grabbing Spike once more she shrieked with happiness, “You’re so cute! I haven’t seen you in ages!” Acting crazy, and insane Spike fought back her loving embrace once again, failing, and getting pulled in. “Of course you can! Just don’t leave me for that long again. Okay?” She pressed her snout against his nose, peeking into his eyes. Loving their green color.

“Okay, i promise.” All had gone well. Twilight wasn’t mad anymore, he got to enjoy his saturday, and got huggled to near death by his mother. “Can you please let go? I need to go somewhere.” Releasing her hostage, she watched as her only son left the house.

“Come back soon!” Waving a wing at him, she got a claw back. Smiling, she stared at the wall, “Some day, you’ll make everyone happy.”

“Hey Discord!” Pinkie screamed at the unique individual by her side, “I just got the best idea!”

Enthusiastic as always when it came to pranks, he couldn’t resist knowing her plan, “What might that be?” Sending an ear to Pinkie’s mouth, he heard her devious plan. “Well Pinkie,” he looked down to the pink ball of fluff below him, petting her head, “You’re really starting to get serious. I love it!” Peeking over the shrub they hid in, he surveyed the park for possible candidates. “Who should we do it to?”

Pinkie pushed her head through the bushes leaves to sneak a peek at the crowded, almost every pony was there, “Well i don’t know.” Looking more, she spotted Spike, enjoying the sun’s heat and a stroll in the park, “Why not Spike? He’s cute. No one will suspect a thing.”

Staring at Spike, he found something in himself, something he never knew existed, “I don’t know why, but he is cute.” Punching his chest, trying to silence his emotions, “I blame you for the feels. Shall we begin?”

With a swift nod, and recoil of hair, Discord began his work, forcing Spike to be loved by everyone. Every one, but Pinkie and himself. Spike didn’t feel anything, or know of anything, just did as he normally did. “Did it work? Nothings happening!” Throwing her hooves in the air Discord grabbed her hooves, and covered her mouth.

“Calm down. It takes a while.” Discord smiled, and watched with Pinkie in a painstakingly real test of patience.

“Oh, Spike!” Running at him with full speed, was a enjoyable honest mare with her leather hat. “What ya’ up to?” Stopping right before him grinning wider than usual, she seemed like she had something important to say.

“Hi Apple Jack.” Spike stepped back from the discomforting mare. “I was just walking. Why? Did you want to do something?” Spike was never one to leave his friends helplessly alone.

‘I can’t believe how easy he’s making this!’ Apple Jack took a step closer, forcing Spike to move back once more, “Well, i did have one thing i’d like ya to do. Will you-,” from the air Rainbow Dash kicked Apple Jack away, making sure to get enough time with Spike.

“So Spike. I heard you’re free.” Leaning in close to Spike, making eye contact she began to ask Spike for his company, “Do you want to go on a da-,” returning from her short departure, Apple Jack had caught Rainbow Dash in a lasso. “Dream on Apple, he’s mine.”

Disturbed at the site Spike began to run from the fighting pair. Bumping into one of the sweetest mares around, “Hi Spike. I see you’re busy now, so i’ll be back.” With that said, Derpy threw a muffin at Spike’s face and flew off. “Don’t eat the muffin!” She called back, wanting it for herself.

‘Whats going on!? And what’s with this muffin?’, taking a sniff of it, he threw it down and wiped his claw off on his leg. Behind him, two white arms enclosed him and a mare tumbled to the floor, squeezing him tightly on the side. “Rarity?!”

“Guess again sweetie!” The voice of the filly entered his ear and shocked him, “Hey Spike, i got something for you.” Spike, not wanting it, and Sweetie Belle, going to give it anyways, licked his ear. “I know you like-,” turning her head Rarity was standing over them. Releasing her grip on the dragon, she made her way home. ‘Atleast i got more than Rarity ever gave.’

Glad to see his only true love he hugged her, “Thank you!” In return Rarity hugged back.

“So Spike, why are those two fighting?” Watching the two duke it out, she took her time with Spike. “Thier fighting over you right?”

Spike pressed his face against Rarity’s soft white fur, “I don’t know why, but everyone keeps fighting over m-.” Spike’s mouth had been invaded mid sentence by Rarity’s tongue. catching the attention of AJ and Rainbow.

“Hey everypony!” Apple Jack called out for every mare in the park to here, “Guess who just got Spike’s tongue!” At that, every mare and stallion watched as Rarity took her sweet precious time with Spike.

Moments later, a group of 14 mares began to crowd the space with Rarity, forcing her off Spike. “Like i’d ever let him fall for you!” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom dragged the white mare away while everyone else fought out their problems. Tying the white unicorn up, she was discarded into a tree, “I’ll deal with you, after i get him!”

Angered by the ignorante filly, Scootaloo tied her up as well, and threw her into the tree, ”Like i’d let you have him. He’s all mine sista!” Looking back at the crowd of ponies fighting, she was amazed. “Guess i’m not getting him either.” Both the mare and filly laughed at her failure.

Spike, in the middle of the crowd, tried to escape the 12 mare’s who had fought over him viciously. “Spike get over here!” Rainbow grabbed him with in her cyan arms and shot to the sky, leaving a trail of colors as she raised. “Finally!!! Got you to myself.” Grinning evilly, she pressed her cheek against his, “How about i let you taste the Rainbow?”

Before he could answer what ever he wanted, Rainbow had already began kissing him. Second after second, she explored new areas of Spike’s mouth she never know he had. Trying to escape her grasp, he submitted to her, realizing how high he was, and knowing what the mares would do to him if they got the change. Minutes passed and Spike, nearly exhausted from his special exercise.

“Rainbow!” A squeaky voice pierced their ears, a sign of relief and a sign to know time is up. “Give me Spike, and go to your room!” Her voice didn’t hold much authority over anypony, but like always, it did the trick. Spike was in her arms and Rainbow was on her way.

Spike was ready for yet another mare to violate him, “So you’re going to kiss me to, right?” starting at Fluttershy, she seemed nervous.

“Um, actually, i just wanted to hug you. Can i?” Spike opened his arms, and Fluttershy pulled him in, shrinking in joy before nuzzling his cheek. “I’m going to put you down now. Okay?” Before Spike could reply Fluttershy had already began her drop off. “I’m sorry, it’s just so high.”

Dangling Spike by her hooves every mare piled up on top of each other, trying to be the next to get some with the loveable dragon. “Don’t do it Fluttershy!” She wiggled her hoof slightly, letting Spike fall into the pile, her mouth moved as if trying to say ‘Sorry’.

“Well this is interesting.” Discord keep his camera aimed at the pile of mares, and the extreme act of violence. “Can’t believe rainbow got him.”

Pinkie pouted sadly next to Discord, “I wish i could get him.” Discord petted her head softly, “I know Discord, you're mine.” She threw herself around Discord’s slender body. “Do you think Spike’s had enough?”

Discord gave Pinkie a blank stare, “Na, i want to see Apple Jack in action.” Anger glared onto Pinkies face, “What? She’s so tough and everything, i want to see her soft side. I figured she’d be cute.” Still aiming his original project, Spike, she smiled. “If they try killing each other, then i’ll stop them.”

“Okie! If you promise,” Pinkie nuzzled her way into a small slit between Discord and his arm, rubbing her cheek against him. “Once this is over, we need to apologize.”

After an hour of senseless fighting, only one mare came out on top. No pony, but Apple Jack. Spike was huddled against a tree burying his head in between his knees. ‘Time to make my move.’ Tapping Spikes head, he looked up to his once held dear friend, “What’s wrong Spike? You don’t look to good.”

Turning to his side, he pushed Apple Jack away, “Go away! I don’t want you here!” Tears entered his eyes as Apple Jack leaned against him. “I said go aw-,” AJ had pressed a hoof against his mouth.

“Spike, i just fought off all dem’ ponies, just gt get Ya’. I’m not leaving till i get ya’,” throwing her hooves around his neck and falling to the floor with him, she brought him close, and placed a brown hat on his face, “If you want me to leave then you’re gonna have to deal with me.”

Held in her hooves Spike didn’t have a choice. “What do you want with me?”

Apple Jack squeezed Spike, “I just wanted ta kiss ya, but a hug will do.” Apple Jack laughed, releasing the dragon.

Spike took the hat and placed it on his head, it covered his face, “Do i still have to hug you?” Two orange arms spread wide, and he did what he needed to do, “Just go away after okay?” Spike wrapped his arms around her, letting the hat curl back, and press against his forehead.

“Thank ya’, Spike.” Just as she promised she was off, heading to her brother with her success story. ‘I knew i could do it.’ Big Mac stared blankly at his sister as she expressed her happiness, “I told you!! No dragon could resist me!”


“Okay Discord, now lets apologize to Spike. He deserves it.” Pinkie propped herself out of his arm, and headed to the edge of the bush, getting stopped by Discord.

“I don’t think we should tell him yet. He might hate us.” A look of worry was displayed on the Discordians brow, “Maybe after his birthday.” Removing Spike’s blissful curse, every pony, but the three, lost memory of what had happened. “I find it sad. He gets the girls of all his wildest dreams, and yet they won't remember.” Being Discord was a pain, “maybe next time.”

“I’m hungry. Whats for lunch?” Pinkie returned to her lovely joy, poking his tummy with a hoof.

“I think we should get everyone to the hospital first.” Pinkie nodded, and headed off to the office to get nurse RedHeart, while Discord piled up the ponies onto spreadsheets.

I made it back alive gladly. A lot of crazy stuff happened today. Some of which i enjoyed. First off, i got kissed by Rarity! Other than that, Fluttershy hugged me, and so did Apple Jack. Rainbow Dash took things too far, but i’m not really complaining.
Sadly everyone was fighting. And over me. Derpy gave me a muffin, but it was soggy. Wonder why she gave it to me. Oh well. Today was the best day ever! I was so happy! But ponies got hurt. :(

“Spike dinner time!” Twilight called to her lovably cute dragon. “We have guest!”

closing his book, and hiding his ink, he headed down the stairs, “Who’s eating dinner with-,” at an extra long table, every pony he had gotten something from, and Derpy, had been waiting at the table. “Well this is nice,” a swarm of red and pink invaded his cheeks as the thoughts of the midday violence occurred.

“Who do you think it was for?” Sweetie belle asked her sister, getting smacked upside the head.

Derpy trotted to Spike and kissed his cheek, “Did you like the muffin?” everyone broke out into laughter at Derpy’s adorable display of affection.

Rainbow peered at Derpy with dark eyes, “Guess it was for derpy.” ’Some day Spike, i will get you to hug me.’

Twilight hit derpy with a rolled up newspaper, “Derpy, thats just creepy.” Pointing her back to the seat, Twilight spoke again, “So who wants to spend quality time with Spike?”