//------------------------------// // Love Sick(er) // Story: Love Sick // by FlameingToast //------------------------------// Twilight groaned, why can't I focus! She had picked up a book at random, and started reading. Twilight was sitting at her desk in her bedroom, and had lit a few candles so the dwindling light wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, she had been on the same page for almost ten minutes. Her fight with Spike was bothering her, and the more guilty she felt for hurting his feelings, the more angry she became. Even though it was dark outside, she didn't feel like sleeping. By some miracle Twilight managed to take a short nap. She had dreamed about something...but she couldn't remember whatever it was about. It didn't even cross her mind to try and remember it, as her attention was fully focused on the emotions she was feeling. This odd mixture of anger, love, sadness, and happiness was making her a little sick. "Ugh!" She exclaimed, throwing the book on her nearby bed. There's no use, she thought. I should probably try and apologize again for yelling. She stood up and started trotting towards the living room, but as she got to the bottom of the steps a wave of nausea hit her like a speeding Rainbow Dash. Twilight stopped walking and saw the room around her begin to swim, but after a moment it was gone. Shaking her head, she rid herself of the rest of the nausea and frowned. What the hay was that? The only times where she felt anything remotely like that was when things would turn pink. Twilight frowned, doesn't matter. I'll deal with that later if it happens again. She walked as softly as she could into the living room, and saw Spike asleep in his bed. He was snoring lightly, and had a half-eaten emerald in his left hand. Twilight felt a another pang of regret. But a part of her was still happy about yelling at him, and making him realize that Rarity would never like him that way. Ugh, what is wrong with me today!? I know the potion is causing me to have mood swings, but come on! Twilight sighed, I just need to focus on apologizing to Spike. Twilight slowly poked the side of Spike's stomach until he stirred. "Hey Spike." Twilight said, with an uneasy smile. If he doesn't yell at me for waking him up, I think this will work. Spike yawned as he sat up in his bed "Huh? What was that?" He said, too sleepy to really pay much attention to anything. Twilight rolled her eyes "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for..." She trailed off as another dizzy spell hit her, and Twilight frowned as the room seemed to swim out of focus. "Twi?" Spike said now in front of Twilight, wide awake "What's wrong?" His voice seemed to be far away, even though Spike was right in front of her. But when she looked straight at Spike, everything doubled and become blurry. "How...are you doing that?" Twilight said with a half laugh, feeling herself fall over. The last thing Twilight saw before she blacked out was a very alarmed Spike. *** Did I get hit with a piano or something? Twilight thought with a grimace. I haven't had a headache like this since Pinkie's last party. Twilight slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her white ceiling. Wait a minute! My ceilings aren't white! Before she could panic, Twilight could feel herself falling asleep again. What happened? I think I apologized to Spike...but then what? Twilight couldn't remember, and as she closed her eyes; she fell back asleep. *** Twilight's eyes opened, and she sat up in her bed. She winced as she felt her headache intensify. After shutting her eyes for a minute, the pain went away and she slowly opened her eyes again. It looked like she was in the Ponyville hospital. What happened to me? She asked herself again and just like the other times she couldn't remember. Twilight looked around, hoping to see somepony but she was alone in the room. Twilight tried to get off of the bed, but stopped when somepony walked through the door. "Ah, good to see that you're awake, Twilight Sparkle." The stallion said "But, I would recommend that you lie back down." "What happened to me?" Twilight asked worriedly "How long was I asleep, Doctor...?" "Doctor Surge, if you will." He said with a smile "And to your question, you've only been here for about sixteen hours. Three of your friends brought you here after you fainted." He frowned slightly "Two are actually in the lobby, after we made them leave the room they refused to leave the hospital." "Could you send them in?" Twilight asked hopefully. The doctor nodded "For a little while, but we would like to take some tests soon. We're not entirely sure what happened, but we do understand the root of this is an aged potion." "Yeah, that thing has a caused a lot to happen." Twilight said with a grin in spite of her dull headache, remembering the small kiss Rarity had given her. "Okay, I'll send them right in." Doctor Surge said closing the door. Twilight sat in silence looking around the hospital room, until a muffled shout could be heard from the hallway. Was that...Spike? Twilight thought before the door was thrown open and Rarity and Spike rushed inside. "Rarity! Spike!" Twilight said happily, as Spike's eyes lit up. "Twilight! I never thought you'd wake up!" He said running to the bed, and pulling Twilight into a death grip bear hug. "I'm fine!" Twilight said laughing as she returned the hug. She looked over to Rarity and was shocked to see her mane was slightly disheveled; it looked like she had been crying. "What's wrong Rarity?" Twilight asked worriedly as Rarity trotted over to bed and pulled Twilight into a hug. "I was so worried! When Spike brought Rainbow and I to the library, you were on the ground and you wouldn't w-wake up. So, we brought you here and the doctors wouldn't let us see you. And I'm just glad you're fine." Rarity stammered out. Twilight blushed deeply, trying to hug both of them "Well, I feel good. Except for this headache." Rarity let go of Twilight. "Would you like us to leave, for now at least." Rarity said with a smile "I wouldn't want to make you feel worse." "Well, I'd feel a lot better if I got another hug." Twilight said causing them all to laugh, even if Rarity's was a little forced. A small ahem caused them to turn towards the doorway. "You both may see Twilight after we take some tests. I'll get you both once we're done.." Doctor Surge said. Spike looked up at Twilight, and sighed "Fine. But I'll be back as soon as I can!" He looked up to Twilight, and sighed before walking out of the room. Rarity trotted after him, turning back to give Twilight a smile. "Don't worry darling we'll be back as soon as we can!" Twilight beamed, blushing lightly "Pinkie Promise?" Rarity rolled her eyes, and then made the signs. The doctor shut the door after she left, and turned to Twilight who was blushing madly; with a large smile.