//------------------------------// // First Impressions // Story: Family Mares // by SolidFire //------------------------------// First Impressions "Soarin, we need to take you into Ponyville today. It's time you learned about where I live now," Spitfire said. "I'd love to! I can't wait to meet your new friends," Soarin replied. "You're also gonna get to meet Scoots’ friends," Rainbow added. "Are they as energetic as she is?" Soarin suddenly was a little worried. "Yeah, but not when they're all together." "Really?" "When they're together all Hay breaks loose in town," Rainbow said. "They certainly live up to the destructive aspect of their "Secret Society's" namesake." "Secret society?" Soarin asked. "Yep. They call themselves the-" Spitfire was cut off as a pink earth pony with a tiny alligator clamped to her mane floated through the floor of the cloud home via a VERY large number of helium balloons. Soarin was taken aback. "Hey Pinkie, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked, unphased. "The sky! Duh! But more importantly, I'm throwing a party for Gummy! He just seemed so sad lately, and then I thought "I know how to make him happy!" So I'm throwing him a party and inviting ALL of our friends! And you better bring your family too! It wouldn't be the same without them!" Somehow she had managed it all in one breath, and she still had plenty of air in her lungs. "Did I... miss something?" Soarin asked. Scootaloo walked into the room. "Hey Pinkie Pie, what's up?" she asked casually. "Why does everypony keep asking me that? Everypony knows the sky is up. It's always been up." "Pinkie Pie, you're so random," Rainbow noted. "That party tonight Pinks?" Spitfire asked. "Yeah! It's for Gummy! He just seemed so sad lately and then I thought "I know how to make him happy!" So I'm throwing him a party and inviting ALL of our friends! And you better bring your family too! It wouldn't be the same without them!" "Did you rehearse that speech?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course I reheard it, I said it twice!" "No, I-" Rainbow put a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder. Pinkie wasn't gonna get it, no matter how the filly reworded her sentence. Nor would it click in her head that she only had to announce the party once. "I have to go invite the rest of our friends! Don't tell Gummy, it's a surprise party! It's at eight tonight!" Pinkie giggled. "Come on Gummy, let's go invite the rest of our friends!" With that, Pinkie popped enough balloons to allow herself to descend back through the floor. The clouds Pinkie displaced falling back into place. "Bye Pinkie Pie!" everypony said. Except Soarin. He didn't know what to think about whatever it was he just saw. "Wait, didn't she just say she didn't want Gummy to know about the party?" Scootaloo asked. "She's just being Pinkie Pie Scoot. She's just being Pinkie Pie," Rainbow laughed. "What the hay just happened, and why weren't any of you as confused as I still am?" Soarin asked. "When you've lived in Ponyville long enough, you get to know its resident party girl," Spitfire chuckled. "She'll throw a party for ANY reason," Scootaloo added. "She'll throw a party if she doesn't have a reason," Rainbow countered. "Remember her "I'm feeling bored so I'm gonna throw a party" party?" "Basically, she loves parties," Spitfire summed it up nicely. "And what you just saw there was her method of inviting ponies to them." "She show's up out of nowhere in somepony's home via ballons?" "Actually, that's just our place," Rainbow corrected. "She has a hard time getting the balloons through wooden walls." "Not for lack of trying," Scootaloo added. "One time I was hanging out with the Crusaders at the farm and she kept flying straight at the barn. She was quite confused when she couldn't get in that way." "That's Pinkie Pie for you," Dash laughed. "Are ALL your friends like her?" Soarin asked, obviously worried. "He's just like you when you first came to Ponyville!" Rainbow said to Spitfire with a laugh. "Yeah, it was an adjustment. One worth making." Spitfire leaned against Rainbow Dash. Rainbow kissed her wife on the top of her head. "Pinkie's a one of a kind pony," Rainbow answered. "But so are our other friends here. Twilight is Ponyville's resident egghead. It makes sense, really. She's Princess Celestia's personal prodeje." "You're friends with Twilight Sparkle?!" Soarin was stunned. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire had a personal relationship with the most powerful unicorn in Equestria! "Her ability with magic is second only to that of the Princesses themselves!" "And don't forget the Ursa incident," Spitfire added. "You weren't even here for that," Rainbow reminded her. "Yeah, but from what you told me it was pretty impressive. And from what Spike tells me, she might as well be a princess herself. However, it doesn't change the fact that she could do with some fresh air away from her books every once in a while." "Moving on to Applejack," Rainbow said. "She's been my best friend here in Ponyville since I moved here from Cloudsdale. Always honest, always dependable. Unless it's applebuck season." "AppleWHAT season?!" Soarin couldn't believe what he had just heard. "It's what the Apple Family calls harvesting time," Spitfire said. "Their family has called it that for generations. Since long before "buck" was considered vulgar." Soarin didn't think he would ever be able to get used to this town and he hadn't even visited it yet. "Fluttershy is, well, shy. She tends to the animals in Ponyville," Rainbow said. "She's mild mannered, hates the spotlight, and is the kindest pony you'll ever meet." Soarin thought he liked the sound of her. "Until she hears a noise louder than Angel," Spitfire noted with a laugh. "She doesn't mess around with the Crusaders though." Scootaloo cringed. "I love Fluttershy, but that stare..." Scootaloo shuddered. "What's up with her stare?" Soarin asked. "To put it simply, she can stare down a Cockatrice," Rainbow said. "I watched it happen. It was terrifying." Scootaloo cringed again. "I'd like to see that," Soarin laughed. "They're not exaggerating. She really has stared down a Cockatrice before." Spitfire cringed. Soarin's wings fluttered. He always had a thing for tough girls. "She sounds tough." "Soarin, if you start hanging in front of my daughter I will kick you in the dick," Spitfire said. "And with that I'm off to school." Scootaloo quickly turned to leave. "I'll be by with the guitar talons when you get out of school," Rainbow called after her. "See you then Mom! Love you!" With that, Scootaloo dove off the front porch and began her flight to school. "Last on the list is Rarity," Rainbow continued. "She's a priss, but a generous one. She's the local fashionista. Not much else to say about her except I HATE her cat." "Everypony hates that cat," Spitfire chimed in. "Probably because it isn't a cat," Rainbow said. "Then what the hay is it?" Soarin asked. "A shape shifting demon that happens to prefer its devil kitty form," Spitfire answered. "Right. Now that he knows what to expect, should we show him around?" Rainbow asked. "After work, yes. Remember the storm we have to break apart today?" Spitfire reminded. "Oh yeah, that. Tell you what Soarin, you head into town and we'll find you when we're done. We only have to work the morning, so you can get to know the townsponies." "Umm... I don't know-" Soarin tried to argue, but Rainbow cut him off. "You won't get glomped. Ponyvilleians admire the Wonderbolts, but they don't worship them like I used to." "Not to mention that I've been living here for almost a year now and I never got glomped," Spitfire added. "Alright. If I get glomped I'll hold you personally responsible." "Deal. Now get out and enjoy the town." Soarin couldn't find any more words to say, so he walked outside and jumped off the porch. He then realized that he hadn't gotten a chance to enjoy a nice calm flight since he joined the Wonderbolts. "Now's as good a time as any," he said to himself as he flew off. Moments after Soarin takes off for town... "How long before he gets glomped?" Spitfire asked. "I give it five minutes tops after he reaches town. Wanna go watch?" Rainbow replied. "He won't go to town until after he goes for a flight. He's always enjoyed nice easy flights and takes one whenever he gets the chance." "So we'll get to watch a glomping in..." "About a half hour." "We have to be at work in 10 minutes." "So we'll miss it I guess. We certainly endured a few when I first moved here." "I'm surprised you lied to him like that." "It'll be worth it." "That it will. Come on, we don't want to be late for work." "Race you there." "You're on Spitty." Soarin decided, for whatever reason, he would take a flight over the Everfree. Looking down on it, the Everfree looked no different from Whitetail woods beyond the density. The bare branches of the forest's trees were covered in snow. It actually looked as beautiful as any other forest would in winter. Before he could take a closer look, he noticed a small cottage in the distance. He then saw the last thing he expected to see in this part of the world. Something that he never expected to see in his life. Something that only existed in movies. He saw the most beautiful mare he had ever set eyes on. Her bright pink mane flowed gently down her soft yellow coat. With a gentle flap of her wings, she lifted off the ground and flew inside with some firewood that she had removed from a large pile on the side of her home. Not only was she beautiful, but she moved with a grace that he had never seen in his life. "I have to meet that mare," he said aloud to himself. "I have to meet that mare..."