Do Wishes Come True?

by WishingStar

Season Premier review

That...Was... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the best premier of MLP: FiM so far and with that said I will now give my thoughts about it. I found nothing wrong with this season premier (Other then the fact that there was no song). But the best part of this premier was getting a bit more of a back story on what happened on the day that Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. I loved every second that happened. It got me so pumped that I wanted to continue writing and editing this story nonstop, but I had to work today which now leaves me with only two hours left to do any of that.

The edited version of the first chapter will be either posted tonight or tomorrow afternoon. If you have any questions I will answer them for the next 2 hours right away (or until morning)

P.S. MaroonIllustrator's comment with the image made me laugh so hard that my neighbor came over to yell at me. Nice post and I can't wait to see more like that.