//------------------------------// // CH.3: Lupus Major // Story: Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia // by Vinetion //------------------------------// ~5,000 B.D. Iron-Oak forest~ Gray. That was all that could be seen. Gray leaves, gray trees, and gray ground. Not only had the life been taken from the forest but even the color itself, as though to turn this into a twilit wasteland, dark and dead where no soul could reside. "This place seems to have a might more decayed than before." blade thinks out loud. "Now you said that your were gonna stop the wolves by uprooting tree? how if i may ask will that work?" "Timber-wolves as you know differ from common wolves as they are made, body, mind and soul, from wood. Most ponies know this, however most don't know their origins. Timber-wolves are born from the fallen buds of a special tree. The tree from which the timber-wolves originated, the Canus-lupus tree, was most notably known for its bleached bark yet bright almost blood red flowers from which the souls of the timber-wolves are born. These very flowers are also what makes timber-wolves hostile by infusing them with high amounts of adrenaline and rage." I answered "Didn't you say timber-wolves were passive creatures that only react when threatened though?" Blade asked. "That is true. Timber-wolves are like any dog you find in that they can be trained. Pack leaders train the pups when they are young to control their barbaric emotions. If they didn't the pups would run off and get themselves killed on a moments notice. And if the young die who will carry on the species?" I reply. "Ok but that still doesn't answer my original question." Blade said rather tiredly. "Think of it like this Blade, When you have a lake that gets its water from a single river what happens when you cut off the river? The lake dries up. The Canus-lupus is the lifeline of all timberwolves that have come from it. Chop down, burn, blow up, or some other means of getting rid of it will cut off the timber-wolves life line and they will all slowly die off." I said with a hint of sadness. Blade didn't notice and continued with "Huh that makes sense. Mind telling me where you came along knowledge such as this?" "It comes with the job" i reply simply and we continued in silence. We had managed to make fair distance into the forest but still hadn't found twig nor bark of the tree. Unsettling though is we haven't seen any timber-wolves either. As we made our way deeper in the feeling of dread i had earlier grew. 'What is this evil i am sensing? I've seen creatures of destruction and failed creations mother destroyed before me and while they felt evil, they were never this alien and...chaotic. Get it together you'll deal with it after you take care of the timber-wolves. Once you're done with that all you have left is a simple rain-' my thoughts were interrupted as we heard the sound of howls off in the distance. Blade and I looked at each other and nodded as we quickly but silently ran towards the howls. What we found was the biggest gathering of timber-wolves I've ever seen. There was hundreds upon thousands of them circling around the Canus-lupus tree. The pack leaders were closest to the tree as if they knew it needed to be guarded. The rest of the wolves just kept circling it with a bloodlust look about them. "This just got a whole lot more difficult than was needed." I said as I slumped against the tree. "I take it you didn't plan on this many?" Blade was starting to look worried. "No I did plan on at the most this many, the problem is there's something more than just the tree they're guarding. If it was just the tree I could have done this myself but now? I'm going to ask for your assistance unfortunately." I said sadly having to put Blade in danger. "If it'll get rid of these pests once and for all I would give my life for my children to live without fear." Blade said nobly accepting that he might die. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that Blade. As for what you'll do, I'm going to need you to distract them. And i mean ALL of them. And only long enough for me to get to the base of the tree.Once you see me get there, fly and don't stop flying until you've lost them. When I've destroyed the tree I'll meet you back at Clay's camp." He gave me a nod and goes off to the other side of the clearing to start his distraction. While I waited for Blade to get into position I started to gather energy into my hooves. As I saw Blade in position i had gather all the energy I needed and gave Blade the signal to start. He nodded and launched over them yelling the most vulgar thing ever. "Hey toothpick dicks! What would you say to me turning your tree mother here into my cat's scratching post?!" *facehoof* Well that was effective. The entire colony of them charged after him as he ran into the forest. Once the majority of them we clear i made a break for the tree base. A good chunk of them caught on and immediately chased after me. once I was in range I turned and controlling the earth to give me an extra push I bucked the tree with so much force the entire tree lifted out of the roots snapping all at once and flew 20 feet away crushing the main force of the timber-wolves. I looked to the skies to see Blade flying back to the encampment. With the Canus-lupus tree felled the timber-wolves slowly turned into normal logs and twigs. With the timber-wolves taken care of I laid down to take a small rest. This was short lived when i noticed the dead timber-wolf bodies rolling past behind me. I got up and turned around to face a thing of nightmares. A Celestial beast and a Lupus major at that. How fitting. 'This was where that feeling of dread was coming from! But, something off? Why does it feel so chaotic? Wait a Lupus major isn't supposed to be made from timber-wolves. It's supposed to be made from star energies just like all celestial beasts.' During my mental tirade I was slowly making my way away from the beast hoping not to give away my presence. That was until I stepped on my of the leftover timber-wolf bodies and snapped a twig. The beast immediately looked at me and began to growl. "Oh shi-" before i could even finish my curse the Lupus hit me with its paw into the fallen Canus tree and let out a mighty howl. ~Back at Clay's camp~ As Blade touched down Clay and the guards came up to greet him. "Blade I'm glad your safe but where is the miss?" Clay asks a little worried "Back in the forest making sure that all of the timber-wolves are dead." Blade says proudly. "Are you telling me she actually did it?! She managed to finish off the pack?!" Clay asked dumbfounded "You should have seen it Clay! She asked me to distract them long enough for her to get to the tree so i flew over and got them to follow. When she got to the tree I took flight. That was when she did something unbelievable. She bucked the entire tree out of the ground! The whole thing. And not only that, there was so much force in it that it flew into the pack and crushed them!" Blade recounted as though it was an epic tale of lore. "You must be pulling my chain here Blade. How could such a small lass do such a thing?" "I'm telling you she's got more power than she shows. It's almost as tho the gods are loo-" right as he was about to finish a piercing howl was heard as it echoed all the way from the forest. The howl traveled so far that even Sunny and Darkened heard it back at the house. They both looked at each other with worried looks knowing exactly what that howl came from. "I hope she knows what she in for." Clay concluded. ~Back in the forest~ I was in a daze. It felt like I had a boulder smash into me. As I got up I saw the Lupus looking at me as wanting his meal to play for a little longer. "You want to play huh?" The lupus just grinned his sinister grin. "Fine but I'm not going down with out a fight." i yell at him as my hooves grow a bright emerald. The lupus began to charge when i had challenged him. As he began slashing at me i swiftly jumped and ducked slowly luring him into the forest. Once we were at the forest's edge I disappeared into the ground only to pop out behind him. "Hey Flea-Brain over here!" I yell at him as I dig my hooves into the ground. The lupus turned around hoping to bite my head off but was met with fist made out of stone and bark. In front of him stood a stone golem standing at an equal height as himself. He was wielding the old Canus tree with me riding on it's shoulder. He knew that in front of him stood a powerful foe and went on the defensive. As my golem swung towards him he leaped out the way began to swipe at the it's arm uselessly. As I made another swing at him he yet again leaped out of the way but this time I grabbed him with the golem's free arm and held him place. He began to scratch at the arm leaving gouges slowly destroying the arm. As I lifted him up to throw him back the arm broke off and he fell to the ground. He than sprang up and with a twist wrapped his tail around one of the golem's legs and toppled it. As we landed on the ground i was tossed off it's shoulder and with my contact gone the golem shattered into pieces. I laid on the ground with blood welling up from my head and dripping down past my eyes. The lupus approached me to make it's final move. ~Back at Clay's camp~ A while after Blade and Clay heard the howl a messenger from the Equ capitol Solluna touched down and gave them a message signed by the Kings Solaris and Lunaris themselves. Dear command of troops for the town of Trotters, Recently it has some to my attention that the howl of a Lupus Major was heard in a nearby forest of your peaceful town Lunaris and myself, along with my 10 best guards are currently travelling to your position to help correct this situation. By the time the messenger gives you this letter Me and my comrade should be at your position in no more than 5 minutes tops. Signed, The kings of the Royal alicornian family "Well if all things go to hell at least we'll have back-up." clay responds cheerfully "I hope so partner, I hope so." Blade says knowing something is about to go wrong. ~Back in the forest~ The lupus was right on top of me with it's paw poised to kill. I looked at him readying myself hoping this will work. As a goddess i cannot die but i can feel extreme amounts of pain, and that will knock me out which will allow the Lupus access to attack the town. As the Lupus' claws came down I rolled away and it's paw was now stuck in the ground. Before the Lupus could pull his paw out immidiately began strapping it down with vines. Eventually I had brought down the beast keeping it secured to the ground. 'there no way I will be able to destroy this physically. I'm going to have to disintegrate it with energy to get rid of it. Fight fire with fire. Destroy a beast of pure energy with energy.' with that thought I took to the skies. Once I was above the treeline I flared my wings and began to absorb the sunlight into my being giving me a yellow glow. I began to summon up my powers in nature and earth as well making my hooves shine bright emerald and brown. I brought my hooves together and began to chant. "By the powers of the land, sea, and sky I call upon the swiftness of the winds to deliver a quick blow. I call upon the Strength of the earth to deliver a single blow. And I call upon nature to return the mortal shell of the being I am about to destroy. All came from the earth and all shall return there upon their ends." By this point I held in my hands a ball of pure green energy. Down below the Lupus was beginning break free from his vine chains. Once i had gathered as much energy as i could dive-bombed towards him. Upon impact I saw the Lupus' entire being disintegrate from existence and than everything went white. ~back at Clay's camp 5 minutes ago~ As the royal carriage touched ground two alicorns, one with a black coat with an equally dark mane and one with a sparkling white coat with a mane of fire stepped towards Blade and Clay who bowed upon their entry. "Rise fair ponies, tell me which one of you is in charge?" The black one Lunaris asked. "That would be me your highness." answered Blade. "Could you please inform us of the situation?" Solaris asked quickly. "Of course your majesty. We've recently been having major timber-wolf raids upon our town. The other day a green pegasus mare came into town saying she had business to be done in the iron-oak forest the source of the timber-wolf raids. She informed us that her business would take care of the timber-wolves as well so we kept watch over her. I followed her into the forest and found the timber-wolves canus tree to which she destroyed it killing off the timber-wolves. She told me to retreat so that she could clean up the stragglers and that was what i had done. Once I had gotten back here we heard the howl and knew something had gone wrong." Blade recounted. "So that would mean that mare is still in there?" Lunaris asked. "She has not yet returned as far as we know your majesty" Clay answered. While the two royals contemplated the news they were given they notice the ground began to rumble. When the building itself began to shake they looked out towards the forest to see what could only be described as a wall of green rushing to wards them. "EVERYONE DOWN NOW!" lunaris screamed. Everyone took cover as Lunaris and Solaris put up a magical barrier covering everyone. When the wall hit the building everything was blown away. Lunaris and Solaris were having trouble holding up the barrier against the powerful storm of energies. The storm outside of the barrier sounded like the mix of an angry god and cries of a thousand tortured souls. Once magical storm had passed everyone looked around to find the once dead plains the base was built on lush and green with renewed life. The grayed forest once again had its green hue and the forboding black tree was nowhere to be seen. As they looked out towards the forest edge they saw a green pegasus mare passed out on the ground. They flew over and immidiately took her back to the town's clinic to get her looked at and hopefully get some answers at what the buck just happened. A/N once you get an idea going you simply cant stop until you finished. hope you all enjoyed the longer chapter ~Vinetion