Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight

by TDR

“..light at the end of the world..”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“.. light at the end of the world..”

The pair of ponies shivered violently, huddled together in the darkness, though their shaking had nothing to do with the cold air that had suddenly blown into Canterlot. The young colt looked up at the grate above him, the drain not letting in enough light to see properly, but it was unable to keep out the chilling sounds.

The small pegasus colt hugs his sister tighter, glad she had stopped crying, though he could still feel her choking sobs against his chest as she struggled to remain silent. Just above them on the streets hooves thundered, spells blasted, and armies fought. The noise in the storm drain was deafening, but it had been the best spot he could find to hide when the black creatures had first shown up. The Guard had rushed to counter the creatures, and judging by the sounds they still fought. Battle cries and shrieks of pain cut though the thunder of hooves and clack of claws on the streets above.

Their father would be up there some where, dressed in his armor, fighting for them. He had no idea where their mother was, she had gone to the shops first thing that morning and had not returned before everything happened.

The colt hugged his sister close listening to the steady drip of liquid falling into the storm drain with greater and greater frequency. He was glad his sister was not looking, though he couldn't help but stare as the puddle of blood under the grate rapidly grew. He offered a prayer to Celestia and Luna and any other god that might be listening as he shut his eyes from the sight.


“PRESS FORWARD! KEEP THEM AWAY FROM THE SHIELD!” screams out a unicorn Guard, his horn trailing wisps of arcane energy as his small group fought back against the changelings advance.

The dark green stallion grits his teeth firing another blast of energy that knocks a changeling from the air. A pair of earth ponies with spears rush in to finish off the fallen foe, icor spurting into the air before they move on, bringing their weapons around to meet another attack.

They had not trained for this. There was no amount of training in the world that would prepare for a full scale invasion on your home. Even so he wished there had been more combat training then protocol training. It seemed rather silly now to even think that rules for dealing with a Princess’s tea party meant anything at all.

Granted there was the option for more training if they wanted their life expectancy all but halved. The monster hunter division was always looking for recruits, though the high injury and death rates from some of their missions kept all but the most foolhardy or skilled from joining their ranks. It was rare that any pony with a family joined that group. There was the training for something called the 42nd recently, though most of those had been pulled from the Guards that fought to destroy the changeling hive in the south, all hoof picked as well. Of course no pony knew what exactly that group was training for, it could have been worse than the 666th. No pony expected this though, at worst the Royal Guard expected to do a bit of police work and run off a trespasser or over zealous paparazzi. Not fend off an invasion.

Even after the first invasion security had only been tightened a little, with no advanced training in anything other how to spot a changeling.

Greentail snorted reaching up to push a strand of his off white mane back under his helmet, he could spot a damn changeling pretty easily right now even without that training.

Despite everything, being outnumbered, being under trained and unprepared,the line did not falter. No Guards left their post, when the alarms finally sounded all of them reported in, several bringing their families along as well, remembering from what training they had what the alarm horns sounding meant.

These Guards were the lucky ones. The ones who knew where their loved ones were, safe under the shield behind them. They fought with the strength of a mother bear protecting her cubs, but that was weak compared to the other Guards.

Far too many fought on not knowing the fate of their loved ones. Not knowing if they had managed to get away from the attacking forces or were trapped in a cocoon or dead somewhere in the city. These ponies knew the only way to find out for certain was to beat back the changelings and the crystal golems so they could find out. And they were not about to let anything stop them from doing so. They fought with a savagery seen only in dragons of the current age, lashing out to take back what was theirs. But despite the drive that caused these ponies to fight, they were still outdone.

There was a much smaller collection of Guards who actually knew the fate of their loved ones, their friends. They had seen the bodies or had been told of them from those who had been on the Princess’s evacuation route. These ponies were perhaps the worse of the lot, they had nothing left to fight for, nothing left to protect. No one could fault them if they simply gave up and let death bring them back to those lost.

None of them did.

They had no reason to hold back, they had no reason to go on and yet no reason to stop. These ponies no longer feared death as it was the only way they could see those they lost again. These ponies fell far too often in the surge of battle, not caring enough about their own lives to stop attacking. The changelings standing against these sorrowful souls were given no quarter, no chance to breath as they were set upon ponies seeming to possess the rage of a storm. Despite the number of them succumbing to their wounds the devastation these ponies wrought in the changeling ranks allowed those not overcome with their grief to press the fight back, gaining ground against the attackers.

Though it all another group formed, pulled from the ranks of all three types. It was small at first but as the battle continued the numbers grew. Ponies that adapted and changed with the flow of combat, survived and killed against the tide of the swarm. Ponies who if they so chose could likely trace their bloodlines back to the dark days of the Dragon wars and War of Night.

These were ponies who blood was set boiling by the conflict, who were feeling more alive with the clash of steel and the spray of blood then any other time in their lives. Ones that burned with a fire that had long been dormant in Equestria. Souls of warriors reborn in the heat of conflict.

When the dragon and the beast appeared these ponies barely noticed, the roar of the creature was heard and dismissed almost as readily among them as they pressed the advantage and the sudden intimidation the creatures cry heralded.

Mercenaries who cared only for coin ran, changelings and small animals ran, civilians who could run, ran.

The Royal Guard stood fast and fought on.


Pony Joe was having a bad day.

It started out fairly well. The morning rush came and went with out incident, or any dumb mares spilling coffee on their own laps and threatening to sue. Seriously how did she even manage to pour coffee onto herself like that. The cups even warned the coffee was hot.

Anyway, it started out well enough, then everything changed when the fire nation attacked, or well, who ever it was that was attacking attacked. There was a bunch of fire so he did assume that was what happened.

A large number of ponies had run by the shop screaming while being chased by monstrous bug creatures and some strange shadow things.

He paid it no mind at first, honestly he had seen stranger things on the late shift, though it did seem like there would not be any more customers for a while. He thought it might be a good idea to help himself to a donut or two.

It was while he was finishing off a chocolate glazed and about to start on a triple cream curler that he designed himself, and was not any sort of ripoff of the that griffons eclairs, despite what the bird said, that some one entered the store.

Pony Joe swallowed the last of his doughnut to greet the new comer though as he looked up he found himself staring straight into the eyes of black pony covered in chitinous plate with large bug eyes and very sharp looking fangs.

He yelped stumbling back as the bug pony lept onto the counter hissing at him. Panicking he grabbed the first thing he could and flung it at the creature. Which happened to be his triple cream curler. The pastry struck the bug square in the face and sent it tumbling off the counter top with a surprised yelp.

The earth pony scrambled back up to his hooves grabbing a broom ready to beat the tar out of the thing if it got back up. There was a noise from the other side of the counter and the bug pony popped back up suddenly licking cream off it's muzzle, a rather puzzled and strangely pleasant expression on it's face.

Pony Joe stared at the creature as it finished licking the cream off it's face before looking around and finding the smashed pastry on the floor near where it landed and devouring the thing in moments.
Once it finished it looked back up at Pony Joe and opened it's mouth showing far more sharp teeth than the earth pony was comfortable with. The creature points a hoof at it's mouth with a slight grunt as if expecting something.

Pony Joe blinks glancing back at his stock before grabbing basic glazed donut and tossing it to the creature.

The Changeling snaps the donut out of the air falling back over munching on it happily. The stallion stares confused at the bug creature looking up as the door chime goes off and another black bug pony steps into the store. It spots him and immediately launches itself at the donut maker with a hiss, only to be tackled out of the air by the first one.

Pony Joe winces as the two start hissing and carrying on in some sort of language before the first pops up with the second one in a headlock and points at the donuts.

Joe takes a chocolate glazed and a powdered sugar setting them in front of the pair of struggling changelings. The first grabs the powdered donut shoving it into the seconds mouth before all but leaping on the chocolate glazed.

The first one nearly chokes on the sugar covered pastry though after a moment or two it also licks it's lips and starts asking for another just as the door chimes again.

To make a long story short, his shop was now filled with these bug creatures all of them demanding donuts or what ever else he could offer. Pony Joe thanked Celestia he kept such a large stock on hoof for the rushes he got in the morning or he might have been out by now.

As he reaches for another donut to pass off to a fanged maw he can't help but let his eyes travel up to an ad banner he had recently put up over the counter. It was an older picture from an ad he ran a few years ago featuring a pretty little yellow pegasus model in a bakers outfit holding up a donut. The caption at the bottom read, 'Pony Joe donuts, made with love.”


“DAMNIT GUARD GET ON YOUR HOOVES! THIS IS NO TIME FOR A NAP!” someone shouts in his ear, causing Shining Armor to flinch and groan slowly trying to push himself back up right as his brain tried to rearrange itself in his head.

The memories suddenly flood back about the massive dragon attacking the shield and his own attempt to stop the blast. He winces gingerly touching his horn before he snaps his head up to look at the castle, a sigh of relief escaping him as the pink shield, while cracked, still stands.

His gaze turns slight however seeing a massive creature of some kind and the large dragon fighting and flailing about near the other side of the shield.

A slap on his back knocks him out of the shock of what he was seeing and he turns meeting the annoyed face of Guard Captain Nicker Fury.

“Bout time you woke up. Thought you mighta scrambled your brains with that last one.” Nicker grins.

“Gah, what is going on what did I miss …. most importantly what is that thing?” he points at the monster trying to gnaw the dragons arm off.

“Dunno, don't care, it's keeping the dragon that attacked the castle busy so fer now I’m inclined to hope it's on our side. If it isn't well.... let's hope Moskau gets back here and knows how to deal with it or one of the Princesses can take a stab at the thing. Best we can do is take out as many of these bugs as we can.”

“Gah.. right sir..” Shining grumbles gingerly picking up his crystalline sword with his magic trying to work through the headache. He turns looking up at the tower far above him spotting the pink flutter of wings there. He smiles at that, scooping up his helmet with a hoof and turning to meet the enemy.


A spray of icorus blood bursts out of the hoof shaped indentation in the changelings face, it's wings seize up and it falls. The other changelings hiss and rush the dark form among them, only to be sent to the ground from the impact of hoof or wing. The dark pegasus mare growls lightly looking up at the towering form of Forgescale. Jer'rahd and Twilight must have been too late to stop Silver Claw, or had the dragon beaten them? No, even with as bad as Jer'rahd looked he would not have lost to Silver Claw... but then how....

Luna winces as another roar echos across the land, one that sends a shiver along her spine. She snaps her gaze back to Canterlot and the towering beast that lunged at the massive dragon. Despite the situation she could not help but smile that Jer'rahd still lived. That smiled faded in realization that if the unicorn was willing to let loose the beast then something must have happened to Tia.

Luna narrows her eyes snapping her wing back suddenly and smashing in the face of a changeling that had been trying to sneak up behind her. She sighs as the bug creature falls before surging forward in the air, winging towards the fighting monstrosities. Twilight had to be in the garden somewhere and she would know what was happening.


“What the buck is that?!?” Dash shouts staring at the two massive forms fighting in the center of the city.

“Damn it, Jer'rahd.” Starfall shouts ducking her head back inside the ambulance. “Rhede, Velkorn, Jer'rahd's turned into that monster again, he's fighting some massive dragon near the castle.”

“Shit.” curses Rhede. “The Windigo said that he and Twilight went to Canterlot, do you see her any where? What about Celestia or Luna?”

“No, there's a shield around the castle, so that might be Celestia.” Starfall mutters.

A Windigo gallops up poking it's head in the window before Starfall.

> > Queen of the Zebra's, we regret we cannot bring you to the city with the Firelord present. There is only so much of the summer lands that we can deal with and if his attention were turned to us we would likely be destroyed utterly.<<

“You have done more than enough for me, you can go with the debt paid, though you never owed me a fee.” Velkorn sighs.

>>” As you say. “<< the Windigo pauses pulling it's head out of the window. .>> “ If you survive this day Queen of the Zebra's, we would welcome you again if you came to the Winterlands.”<<

“I will see what I can do.” Velkorn smiles. “Starfall I suppose the rest is up to you.”

“What? Oh right the cart, I got this. Dash keep an eye out for either the Princesses or Twilight.” Starfall moves though the wagon, pushing open the back doors pausing briefly before pulling a necklace from around her neck and offering it to Applejack. “Before I forget again, this is yours.”

Applejack blinks looking at the amulet and the red crystal apple in the middle. “Is this....?”

“Yep, We have one of them at least and that's a start.” Starfall smirks hopping out of the back of the cart and flying to the front taking the Windigo's place pulling the wagon. Once she's settled the Windigo fly off as the cart lurches forward from the wing power of the pegasus warrior.

“Alright Dash tell Starfall to head towards the garden, Firelord was one of the titles Forgescale went by, at least if that draconic history book was correct. Looks like Silver Claw managed to free his father, we should start there.” Rhede groans out his eyes still shut tight.

“Got it! “ Dash states sticking her head out the window to shout the information to Starfall.

“Everything’s coming to a head,” Velkorn mutters “Here is hoping no other pony is dead.”


A cloaked figure looks up from one of the shattered walls around Canterlot, it had taken far too long to get to this place and now this was happening. Still the task remained, and it was perhaps of even greater urgency now.

The figure scrambled over the rocks clambering across the ground with it's sights set on the garden. If Forgescale was awake, then something must of happened in the gardens. The ones it was looking for had a higher chance of being there than any where else right now.

That was the logical destination, and hopefully the conclusion of this task.


Discord winces glancing back over his shoulder at a figure behind him. His usual telltale smirk was no where to be seen. The forest around them seemed to loom over the pair, some of the trees and bushed twisted and turned as if they had been through a fierce wind.

“While I knew that was going to work, I really did not expect all the screaming. I think my ears are bleeding from that. So how do you feel?”

The figure behind the draconequus says nothing though Discord nods as if it did respond.

“Well I expected as much, considering what you just went through, I can fully understand how you feel. Well not really, it's not like I have ever heard of any one doing that sort of thing with an earth pony before, but still seems it worked.” Discord shrugs.

The figure says nothing though discord's ears perk and a small smile crosses his face.

“While it is nice of you to be so forgiving, I didn't do this as an apology. Despite all you have done to me still felt I owed you something, even considering how long it's been since I’ve seen you.”

The figure seems to say nothing though Discord laughs.

“Oh no, Celestia is by no means included in this. Honestly I don't care what happens to her. Never liked the girl, I do remember when she tried to kill me..... twice.... oh sure I laughed and laughed, except I wasn't laughing.....”

Discord pauses his rant and sighs.

“You are correct we really should get out of these woods and to Canterlot, seems a rather big show is going on and I do so love to show up fashionably late. I am sure you are all set for your own big reveal as well. Even my appearance will get less of a reaction than yours. Well at least to the ones who recognize you any way.”

Discord sighs snapping his fingers. though nothing happens and he looks at his hand in annoyance.

“Hmmm, seems I spent a little too much magic today... give me a few moments and I'll be good to go...Oh it's alright, I’m fine, just finally showing my age after all, stone facials are murder on the complexion.” He looks back down at his hand that was glowing gold. “Ahh there we go fully charged and ready to go.... just call me Bruce Leroy cause I got the glow, hehehhee”

Discord snaps his fingers and both he and the figure he was speaking with vanish.


“FASTER MINION MUSH!!” Bleu shouts bouncing on top of Lion Hearts back between his wings. The half dragon was getting more and more annoyed at the little dragon as he galloped, though he was doing his best not to say anything to the damn lizard that might offend the white mare in the cart he was pulling.

Unfortunately he was quite sure that Captain Bleu knew this was why he was relatively silent and she was doing her best to get him to snap.

Fluttershy, and Rarity rode in the small cart that he pulled behind, a group of five other guards galloped or flew around the wagon as he pulled it, and of course Bleu was hopping on his back.

The medic had stated it would be a bad idea for Rarity or Bleu to walk or fly with their injuries so a cart was the only way to go. The commander of the small group of Guards had not wanted to let them leave until he was sure everything was secure, though between Rarity;s charm, his own logic, and Bleu's madness and thinly veiled threats they managed to acquire a ground bound cart and a small escort. Once set the rag tag group was off to find out what was going on at the castle and more importantly the Royal Gardens.

Bleu had recognized both the creature, and the dragon that appeared, she had also pointed out that likely some one was in the Garden where Forgescale had been imprisoned, considering Twilight and Luna had been with Jer'rahd they were the most likely to be the ones they found there.

Lion Heart had decided to take the back roads towards the castle expecting the main roads would be clogged with changelings and the strange golems and shadow creatures, the back roads likely would not be as bad, though doubtlessly not clear.

This had proven true so far as the few stragglers they found were easily taken down by their Guard escort before they got any where near the charging cart.

That changed as they rounded a bend and came within sight of the hedge wall surrounding the garden.
Easily a score of changelings and a number of shadow golems milled around on the street, most of them staring up at the dueling giants towering above them.

“Crap.” Lion Heart curses shifting to slow down and turn around when Bleu yanked on his ear.

“No you don't, keep going full speed ahead.” Lion Heart couldn't see the dragon, but he knew she was grinning.

“That is too much to go through Captain” the half dragon grumbles.

“What, don't want to impress the pretty mare in the cart with your skill?”


“Oh please she's been staring at your flank the whole ride and you've nearly been drooling over her.”Bleu chuckles noting the sudden red tinge to Lion Hearts scales. “ Don't worry I’m old hat at getting ponies together.”

“And how many have you successfully gotten together?” grumbles Lion Heart.

“Well if your two hook up, that'll be one.”

“You are not helping your case.”

“Shut up and charge.” Bleu shouts grabbing onto the half dragons mane as he speeds up rushing towards the changelings. “ Hang on to your flanks back there! This is gonna get bumpy! You Guards get up here in front of the cart, pegasi guard the rear!”

The Royal Guards move into position as the dragon ordered, though they didn't seem thrilled either. The thunder of hooves and the rattle of the cart charging them did not go unnoticed by the changelings and a number of them turned, hissing at the approaching ponies. Bleu seemed to be laughing, though Lion Heart was not liking this one bit, and judging by the screams from behind him in the cart the mares were not too thrilled either.

“Now a little trick I learned from Starfall!” Bleu laughs standing up on the half dragons back with her tail wrapping around his torso to keep steady. “ PLOW THE ROAD!”

The dragonling's uninjured fore claw presses on his head pushing it down as she opens her maw wide letting loose with a blue ark of electricity that sizzles across the road ahead of them smashing into the Changeling lines and electrocuting the first one hit before jumping spasticly around to any others even close to the first one struck and spreading out like a wave from there .

Lion Heart growls bracing him self as he plows into the first blasted changeling toppling the still standing corpse and trampling or smashing aside the ones gathered behind. The guards flanking him swung weapons knocking aside any the blast missed leaving a relatively clear trail for the cart he was pulling.

One of the golems reacted and swung at the cart as it was passing only to be engulfed in a mass of green flame from the small dragonling. The golem burnt up to ash in a eye blink and the ash was whisked away suddenly.

Lion Heart curses and closes his eyes as he smashes into and through the hedge wall landing on a pebble strewn path that lead further into the garden. He slams his hooves down to brake, twisting his body to face down the path, letting the cart continue it's momentum behind him, the steel shod wheels kicking up sparks as they skidded over the pebbles. A sudden yank by the half dragon pulls the cart forward suddenly ending the slide and brings the cart back up to galloping speed in moments.

“Woot, pony cart drifting!!! “ Bleu shouts as the other Guards scramble to avoid getting run over and move back up along side the cart.

“YOU ARE A MAD DRAGON DO YOU KNOW THAT!” shouts Rarity from the cart.

“I was just following orders Miss.” winces Lion Heart.

“I wasn't yelling at you! I was yelling at the one on your back!” shouts Rarity again.

“Then I decidedly agree with you Miss.” Lion Heart responds while Bleu cackles on his back as the strange convoy rushes closer to it's goal.


Far above the group just entering the gardens a gout of green flame suddenly bursts into being and drops a black crystal golem that looked like a minotaur from the air.

The construct falls and lands heavily on top of a strange spiked land mass.

The golem has a brief moment to try and figure out where it is before a large crimson claw lashes out slamming and clawing at the head of the gigantic beast it landed atop of. The golem was turned to dust under the might of that strike though the beast only growls and shrugs off the blow.

Far below a small blue dragon was the only witness to the golems destruction, though her laughter at the plan coming together was short lived as she realized no one else around her saw it happen.


A mountain lion cries out as it drops, brought down under a hail of claws and pounding hooves by the changelings.

A horde of squirrels explodes into splatters of chum as a snake shaped crystal golem slams its body down atop them.

Almost half of the animal force fled when the Beast first roared, and no amount of gesturing by the angry white rabbit was getting them to come back. The tank was still down, though it was alive,Chrysalis’s attack ensured it was not likely to make it back to the fight.

Still hordes of other animals fought on. There was not a creature in the Everfree forest that did not know of Fluttershy, and when the angry white rabbit asked for help on her behalf. Near the entire forest answered. Still there was only so much most animals could do in a fight, that is not to say they were ineffective however.

A number of larger birds bombard the changelings with rocks. A group of hawks and owls swoop down on the swarm to peck out their eyes and claw up faces. One particularly large barn owl flits around a golem, the massive harpy shaped creature swinging wildly at the annoying bird taking out a number of it's own companions as it tries to destroy the owl.

A flight of Phoenixes led by Philomena roast waves of the bug creatures leaving a chard path through their ranks much the same as her mistress did.

A massive alligator bursts out of the castle moat and drags a changeling screaming into the still water, while a much smaller alligator chomps toothlessly on a rather annoyed looking changelings leg.

A turtle with an odd helicopter device on it's back flies around erraticly slamming into the bug ponies heads like a mad pinball.

A tiger flinches and slowly backs away from a small white Persian cat sitting atop a rather sizable pile of bloody changelings, licking her paws clean.

A pack of wild dogs trounces though the swarm biting and snapping at the carapaces hides while a bounding border collie leaps about the creatures backs grabbing at ears and trying to alter the flow of the swarm like they were cattle.

The massive Ursa Major rears up slamming it's claws down on a massive changeling hydra, the creatures heads lashing out at the star bear as it's claws rip the changeling apart. One of the chitinous hydra heads strikes near the white rabbit perched on the ursa's head flinging the bunny from his perch to fall and rather roughly in the rubble of a cart that had been carrying bolts of cloth

A number of the changelings had seen the bunny directing the attack and quickly moved to surround the the fallen rabbit as it struggles to free itself from the tattered cloth in the cart.

Angel Bunny scrambles to his paws as he clamors out of the cart, a number of strips of cloth tangled about his form as he looks around for his helmet. He lifts his gaze as changelings move towards him. The rabbit narrows his eyes brandishing his butter knife like a sword. The changelings pounce on the rabbit fangs bared looking to remove the leader of this attack force.

There were several bright flashes of light and a little white rabbit lands on the other side of the still leaping attackers, a strip of red cloth covers over the lower part of his face, the ends trailing off whipping in the breeze like an oversized scarf. The little bunny stands up straight and makes the motion as if he was sheathing his butter knife as the leaping changelings all collapse behind him.


A changeling chimera lands atop a struggling Appiloozan dropping it's head quickly, jaws snapping shut and yanking back upward stained with blood.

A number of mercenaries attack a golem that had already smeared several of their companions across the ground, many of their bodies joining their companions as the golem strikes back.

The bodies of several armor Royal Guards lay in pools of their own blood surrounded on all sides by the twisted bodies of changelings, the ground as far as any one could see was a wash of blood and gore.

Far above it all three fillies looked out over the top of the ramparts in horror, finally seeing the price of that which they cheered on not long before.


Bloodtail groaned giving a last lurch as he ripped his body free from the jagged rock he had been impaled upon. He stumbling across dirt soaked with his blood, to lean against the the sheer wall at the bottom of the canyon.

He curses heavily as he feels his body heal, a number of small rocks and shards of stone falling out of the wounds as they close up. He turns his gaze upward at the line of light far above and redoubles his swearing, going so far as to use words in languages other than zebra.

[“Damn that Pelt, I had her. Why couldn't that stupid mare keep the fool occupied for a moment more?”] Bloodtail grumbles his eyes looking over the sheer walls of the bottom of the chasm. A glance behind him shows nothing but piled and jagged rocks covered in his blood and the end of the canyon blocking his path, ahead of him was little more than uneven ground that might lead out or to another dead end. In any event he was not likely to get back to Velkorn in time to finish the ritual, or even make Pelt pay if Scarlet was still up there.

His ears perked as the light clack of hooves on stone echos along the canyon. After a moment a cloaked figure appears stepping though the shadows as it slowly approaches him stopping a number of paces away, golden eyes regarding the zebra from under the thick hood it wore.

Bloodtail's eyes widen, not from the figures appearance, he had expected some pony sooner or later, but from only now realizing how long the shadows were in the bottom of the canyon. It was nearing sunset, how long had he been unconscious?

[“Several hours.”]

[“What? “] Bloodtail demands, snapping his attention back to the figure before him judging by the voice he could tell that it was a mare, but beyond that, and that she spoke zebra with no determinable accent he knew nothing.

[“You have clearly just noticed the approaching darkness. I am informing you that you have been down here for several hours. Both Velkorn and Rhede Pelt have left for Canterlot some time ago. There is no need for you rush anywhere anymore.”] the mare states as she sits down regarding the pool of dried blood surrounding the rocks behind the zebra with some apparent interest. Bloodtail's eyes run down to her exposed legs noting the stripes his eyes narrowing again.

[“Who are you?” ]

[“Just a potion maker. Who I am is not as important as to what you are.”]

[“ Oh? What I am?”]

[“Indeed, what you are.”]

[“And just what might that be?”] the zebra stallion snaps.

[“ A dismal failure. A pathetic creature that tried to be a monster and only wound up being a nuisance at best.”]

[“Such insults from a lesser creature. How dare you! You know nothing!”]

[“I know Bloodtail is not your birth name. I know you killed any one who did know your birth name as you falsely believed your true name held power. I know you are the seventh son of a seventh son, which also means nothing despite your belief that it does. I know you fled the Shadow Walkers when they found out your plan to become a god at the cost of a zebra godlings life. That would have failed as well. I know of the shaman you spoke to, the one who told you of a bloodline that would bear the next god. I know you made yourself invaluable to the warlord Zal'Torack, knowing that his bloodline would be the one to bear the god. After his first child was born a normal zebra you took interest in his sister Velkorn, assuming she would be the one to bear the godling. I know you hid when the Equestrians came and snuck back into the city after it fell. I know you used old magic on the mare and I know you failed to make her yours due to the interference of Rhede Pelt.”]

Bloodtail's eyes widen as the mare lists everything off.

[“ I know that because of your spell Velkorn chose to follow Pelt rather than rule justly. She left a corruptible council in her place and when she returned and killed a zebra god and destroyed the last colony of Shadow Walkers she was regarded as a exile rather than a hero. If not for your spell the zebra empire could have been much more than it was and the zebra civil war never needed to have taken place. The zebra empire could have stepped in and possibly prevented the Equestrian civil war and the death it caused.”]

[“Who the buck are you mare. You should not know any of that. That history was purposefully lost.”]

[“None of this is secret information. All of it is in plain view for any willing to ask the spirits about it. I also know that you have been spying on me.”] The zebra mare flicks her foreleg and a skeletal mouse crashes into a rock at Bloodtail's hooves, twitching a few times before remaining still.

[“You are the zebra from the forest. The one the locals call Zecora.”]

[“I see even you have heard of me.”]

[“Anyone who figures out a cure to one of my hexs in a matter of hours is deserving of my attention. That does not explain why you are here.”]

[“In truth it does. You have hurt a great many today, but that is a small number compared to those that you have hurt in the past. I am here to ensure you do not harm any others.”]

Bloodtail growls darting forward suddenly his red crystal horn glowing and yanking a bag of powder from under his cloak, slinging the contents wide and splattering the cloaked mare across her muzzle and hood, the white and green powder drifting like a cloud down from the covered mare as she blinks in surprise.

[“I do not have time for this. Lead me to the exit mare, I seriously doubt that even if you drank any of your damned cure before hoof, it would be enough to block the effects of a concentrated hex.”]

Zecora stands there a moment then chuckles softly pushing back her hood and licking the powder off her muzzle, much to Bloodtail's shock.

[“A interesting mix you have here, Nirnroot is it? If I had known you used such a simple herb I would have had a cure in moments, not hours. I thought you would have used something more potent like Poison Joke or the like. Seems I over estimated you. You really are a failure.”]


Zecora pulls off her cloak using it to wipe her face before she shakes it out, clearing it of the dust before tucking it into her saddlebag.

[“Interesting story about that. You see once Velkorn was no longer a queen her brothers son Baelit became ruler of the zebras. With the help of Princess Celestia he made sure that the same equality and balance among the tribes that existed in Equestria took hold in the zebra lands. The age of warlords ended, as did the age of the untouchables and the zebra gods. Celestia and Baelit married and he sired a daughter. It was this daughter who the shaman saw, she was the zebra god fated to be born of that bloodline. Born of Baelit, not Velkorn. Since that child’s birth there have been no other zebra gods born anywhere. The old habits of untouchables faded into obscurity over a thousand years the very point of the segregation forgotten with no gods that needed to be put to death. With that cultural hurdle overcome, even the zebra unicorns like yourself became much more accepted into society. It has been a golden age for our race.”]

Zecora smirks slightly as she ruffles her Mohawk getting more of the powder from it.

[“The god never sought to rule or even come to power as her mother taught her better than that. So she wandered about the lands offering aid where she could and ending threats to her race before they can harm the golden age that her father and mother brought about.”]

[“You.... you are speaking of yourself...”]

Zecora smiles a bit wider, a faint flow of red coming from her Mohawk, the stripes on her nose slowly start to turn crimson as the dye she kept her stripes colored with was removed the illusion of her amber colored crystal horn being part of her hair vanishing as well like a ripple on a still pond.

[“You are clever, but still a failure. If you had run off and hidden as soon as you were freed or even after you became a god, no one would have found you until you tried something. But you simply had to make another play for my aunt despite it all. You poisoned my mothers subjects and put a village though a hell that it should not have suffered. I know you Bloodtail and you would do the same to the zebra race if given the chance. I go by the name Zecora now, but have been known by many names over the last thousand years, my family however knows me as Sunshine. Tis a silly name I know, but my mother loves it, so I do not argue much.”]

Bloodtail frowns thinking of what else he might have to deal with this. This was far too much far too quickly.

[“What do you care of the zebras then since you do not rule them? You do not even live in the Zebra lands, you hide out among ponies!”]

[“One does not have to rule ones subjects to care for them. That is something you would have never learned, corrupted Compassion or no. Just because I do not rule them as my mother does her subjects down not mean I do not care for them or that I will not protect them from threats.”]

Zecora's eyes glow amber her amber crystal horn glowing brightly as she stares at the zebra stallion before her.

[“Now allow me to show you how a proper god deals with threats to those she cares for.”]

Bloodtail did not even manage to open his mouth to scream as the lance of light enveloped him. The bright beam radiated from the zebra goddess horn for several breaths before fading.

Sunshine shakes her head exhaling heavily, not used to expending any sort of power like that. She trots over to the pile of ash that was all that remained of Bloodtail the necromancer. A single shoot of a blue plant pokes up from the ash slowly spreading it's red lined petals towards the sky and the disapproving face of the zebra goddess.

[“ Zebraland's Poison Joke. I should not have expected one so foul to grow anything else.”]


The dragon's claws drug across the beasts flesh, digging furrows that would cause a plow envy in the monsters flesh. The Beast barely notices as it's jaws clamp shut on the dragons shoulder, the myriad of teeth filling it's maw digging deep into Forgescale's flesh.

The dragon roars in pain, lowering it's head, maw opening as the heat and flames of it's breath trickle across the Beast's back. The monster shoves a clawed hand up suddenly grabbing the dragon by the jaw and forcing it's head upwards just as it releases the super heated blast of it's breath weapon. The atomic wash of heat sears the scales and clawed digits of the beasts hand, bubbling the flesh and blackening scales simply by being close to the source.

Far above them the wave of heat dissipates clouds and ignites the gasses in the upper atmosphere for a brief, but chaotic display of multicolored flames that fan out like an aurora.

Those watching from leagues away stare in wonder at the lights going off over Canterlot, though none could identify what exactly was happening.

The Beast turns suddenly yanking the massive dragon away from the shield wall, throwing Forgescale back towards the garden and thundering along after him, both creatures vanish as they cross the gardens thresh hold only to appear a few moments later flicking between existence and non as the fight continues in the Canterlot Royal Gardens..


Twilight stares as the dueling monstrosities seem to flicker in and out of existence like a slow moving film reel.

“Princess, what … what's going on?” Twilight stammers.

“The gardens are larger on the inside then they look from outside. It is due to the multiple layers Luna and I made to hold all of the prisoners. I do not know if Kaisur is in control enough to know that, but so long as they remain in the gardens there will be room for them to fight with out destroying the city.” Celestia responds.

A loud flap of wings draws the pair's attention upwards as a dark pegasus glides down and lands before them her gaze on the fight between the dragon and Jer'rahd rather than the pair of ponies near her.

“I do not believe he is in any sort of control, likely this is just a fortuitous event. We do not get those often.” Luna states with a sigh.

“Sorry Princess, we stopped Silver Claw but Sombra woke him up anyway.”Twilight states sheepishly.

“Lulu? Well it has been a long time since I have seen you like that.” Celestia chuckles softly.

Luna looks puzzled a moment before putting a few things together. “Tia? Is that you? What happened?”

“I could ask the same of you, though I believe I may know already. With both of us like this we have a problem.” Celestia sighs.

“GANGWAY!!!!” shouts a voice as a cart erupts though a bush and ramps up the pile of stone changelings sailing into the air and spinning like a broken ride at the Pinkie Pie Fun Faire. The two riders shriek as they are thrown free of the cart, the yellow one remembering her wings in enough time to also catch a small blue bundle of scales that was flung off the pullers back.
The half dragon pony in the harness shakes free and manages to twist enough so that a white unicorn lands heavily atop of him before they both crash into a bush on the other side of the stunned trio standing there.

The cart flips a few more times tumbling down the path, before slamming into a changeling that poked it's head into the garden to see what the shouting was about.

Fluttershy hovers in the air holding a giggling Bleu.

“Oh by Luna's fluffy tail, THAT WAS GREAT!!” Bleu gasps, nearly chokes on her own laughter “ DO IT AGAIN!”

Lion heart and Rarity both growl from the bush as they struggle to extricate themselves from each other, though clearly not with any real speed.

“Blast it dragon if you make a grab for my flank one more time I swear to Celestia I will skin you and give to Miss Rarity to make a hat!” Lion Heart curses.

“Not enough there to make a hat. Perhaps a nice little vest for my cat.” growls Rarity.

Luna, Twilight and Celestia all blink as the three start arguing.

“Did we miss something?” Twilight mutters.

“ I am not sure I wish to know what we missed.” Luna responds.

“Well that's three of them any way.” Celestia sighs glancing up at another flap of wings as a large hospital cart glides in making a much more gentile landing in the ash on the ground. Starfall shrugs out of the harness as Applejack and Rainbow Dash emerge from the back.

“Twilight, there yah are. We need tah find the Princess. Something weird's going on.”Applejack shouts running up to her friend.

Twilight slaps her face with her hoof as Forgescale and the beast briefly appear in the air behind them still locked in a duel before fading away. “ Really AJ? Something weird.... yah think!?!?”

“She does have a point there AJ, though this still isn't as strange as dead ponies telling live ponies that we need to get to Canterlot.” Dash states hobbling over.

“Rainbow! You're alright....sort of.” Twilight smiles as Rarity and Fluttershy walk up leaving the rather manic Bleu behind to continue laughing at Lion Heart.

“Well we did not have any ghosts telling us to be here, but we did have a rather insistent Guard tell us that Celesta wished us to come to the castle. “ Rarity points out looking at the the dome around the castle. “ I am not sure how we shall get there though with that shield up.”

Twilight looks over the bandages on Rarity with a wince. “No need, this … well this is Celestia here.” Twilight points out to the white earth pony beside her.

“Hello again.” Celestia chirps, slightly distracted watching the half dragon behind the small group try to strangle Bleu to say much more.

“What?!?” the four of them shout at once.

“Long story and we are kinda pressed for time here. Or well we actually have a bunch of time, because I have no idea what to do right now.” Twilight sighs.

Luna grumbles going off to break up the fight between Lion Heart and Bleu as Celestia finally notices the amulet Applejack wore.

“The Element of Honesty? Applejack where did you get this?” Celestia questions.

“Huh? Oh Starfall gave it to me. Dunno where she got it though.” AJ looks back to see Starfall and Velkorn trying to pull Bleu away from Lion Heart who was currently hogtied in bandages with Bleu slapping his flank with her tail. The other guards that came with the cart were keeping themselves away from the fight and trying to avoid eye contact with Lion Heart as they snickered. Luna mutters to herself and tries to untie the bound Guard.

“Then all we have to do is find Pinkie Pie and get the other Element's and we can stop both of them from fighting right?” Fluttershy points out her voice trailing off as she notices the rather depressed looks of Twilight, AJ, and Rainbow Dash.

“What's wrong girls? Don't tell me the other Elements were destroyed or something like that.” Rarity pipes in looking a bit worried at the expressions.

It was Dash that broke the uncomfortable silence.

“Pinkie Pie's dead. Wind Razor killed her.” Dash manages to spit out, her ears drooping.

Celestia, and Rarity stare in disbelief as Fluttershy breaks down bawling.

“Is this true Twilight.” Celestia stammers.

“Yes Princess......” Twilight mutters.

“What's going on?” Bleu questions as Starfall trots up the little dragon perched on her back. Velkorn moves up a little slower with Luna helping her move Rhede up with the rest of them.

Rarity and Celestia wince at the sight of Rhede though the earth pony still managed a smirk despite his condition.

“Finally sandwiched between a pair of pretty mares and I hurt too much to enjoy it.” Rhede chuckles.

“We were being told about Pinkie Pie.” Celestia comments noting All of them but Bleu and Luna flinch at the statement.

“Wait what about fluff butt? What happened? “ Bleu questions the smirk leaving her face as Starfall explains.

“It wouldn't have mattered any way as we have no idea where the other element's are.” Twilight points out.

“They appeared to us randomly before, so as long as they were needed.” Luna responds her ears flattening as Starfall finishes explaining, though Bleu seemed to be taking it harder.

“Damn this sucks. Two groups of bearers and we are short one in both cases.” Rhede curses.

“Can't we just use Bleu or something ,or let Dash and the older bearer's give it a shot?” AJ questions.

“I doubt it would work. Unless there is a certain connection the Elements will not work. The last time we attempted a mix and match situation it failed.” Celestia sighs looking up to the fight that was fluctuating in and out of existence behind them. “If Lulu's powers return quickly enough perhaps we can stop Kaisur if he wins.”

“Pffft boss won't to lose to some damn dragon.” Bleu snorts halfheartedly. “Right?”

“Forgescale is not some dragon. He is strong enough that it took both myself and Celestia to stop him last time we faced him. That act left us drained for several weeks.” Luna points out.

“Doesn't help that if that book and Sombra are correct he was the same dragon imprisoned with the love cursed pair in Tartarus, who then clawed his way out of it dragging Sombra behind him.”Twilight sighs rubbing her temples with her hooves.”

“It is also quite possible his imprisonment has driven him mad.” Celestia mutters watching a spray of blood arch out of the garden coating the side of the pink shield, though she could not tell which giant combatant was injured.

“He was also once the Bearer of Honesty and one of the many trysts that Aviana had.” states a voice from no where ”He also has a lousy poker face and snores like a steam train and such a temper on him. Also absolutely no sense of humor, not a funny bone in his entire body.... though he did put on some weight since the last time I saw him, perhaps he found one. I wonder who he ripped it from.”

The group blinks looking at each other as if trying to figure out who spoke. It was Celestia who finally found the source of the voice, mostly due to the speaker dancing Gangnam style atop of her head.

“Discord!” Celestia snarls her mane starting to catch fire.

The draconequus taking note of what happened flipped off of the irate princesses head with a somersault and triple half gainer and lands lightly on the ground on the other side of the group making sure that every one else was between him and Celestia.

“In the flesh yet again.....” Discord grins as a explosion of confetti and balloons erupts around him along with a massive glowing 'Welcome back Discord!' banner.


Peach Blossom glides down to the hospital noting all the 42nd and 666th milling about setting up fortifications. The rest of the town was a wreck, at least sixty percent of it was burned or destroyed at this point.

He was looking for Major Rose first and foremost, and it was not difficult to find the stallion as he seemed to be having an argument with Breezy and Dusty in front of a gazebo on the hospital lawn.

“I don't care what her eyes looked like, this is a training unit, unless Princess Luna herself comes down here and tells me to send this lot to Canterlot I am keeping them here to make sure this town is secure.” Rose bellows.

Peach Blossom winces a little gliding in before the Major and snapping a salute.

“Wondered what happened to you Captain. Good to see you're not dead. You have something to report?” Major Rose states.

“Yes sir. A number of things sir.” Peach Blossom exhales, this was going to take a moment. “I have confirmation that the wanted criminal Wind Razor has been terminated. There are also two unconfirmed reports of the criminals Nocturne and Bloodtail also being terminated. Major Kaisur and Miss Sparkle are in pursuit of the one known as Silver Claw and have gone to Canterlot. I can also confirm that Captains Silvertail, Pelt, and Velkorn are making their way to Canterlot as well along with the current Element bearers of Honesty and Loyalty. Captain's Scale and Lion Heart have also went to Canterlot earlier with the Bearer's of Compassion and Generosity. There is also a unconfirmed report that Princess Luna is making her way to Canterlot as well. The unconfirmed reports are from the race know as Windigo, which have come to aid Captain Velkorn due to an old debt they owed her. They likely will not fight, but they are not here to hinder us. Unfortunately I can also personally confirm that the Bearer of Laughter was one of the casualties of Ponyville.”

Rose perks his ears at the sudden glut of information before turning to look back Breezy and Dusty. The latter of which was idly toying with a rather bloody looking sack.

“Nocturne is confirmed terminated, and we think we can confirm the Princess's departure as well as Major Kaisur's and Miss Sparkles.” Rose grumbles. “ What of one known as Scarlet?”

“The Windigo simply stated she was beyond our reach now. In any event Captain Silvertail has informed me to gather as many troops as I can and move towards Canterlot.”

Rose slaps his face with a hoof as both Breezy and Dusty grin.

“Look, it is not as if we are even that big of a group. Not even a hundred Ponies is not gonna make or break a battle, we can be better used here to help get everything back in order.” Rose grumbles. “Besides Bloodtail and Scarlet are both unconfirmed and we know they were in town, there's still zombie ponies and what ever those dead things are running around.”

“Ve can deal with them Major.” Guard Captain Moskau states trotting up to the arguing group. “Gather vhat you need and move. Dhere are four flying vaggons here dhat you can take up to Canterlot. Most of you ponies are already veterans of the dhe hive raid, dhat is why dhe were chosen for dhe training. Dhey held dhere own here against a superior force with only four debilitating injuries and one dead. Even one of your troops is worth five of dhose who have not taken dhe training. Tis vith no small vound to my pride dhat ah vould say dhey could best my troops. Keeping varriors some vhere for clean up is not good planning.”

The zebra and the the crystal pony stare at each other for a moment though the stallion flinches a little as the mare mouths the word 'three'.

“Fine. You two get the wagons, Captain alert the troops, fly over to Sweet apple Acres and check up on the ones still there, get me a tally of how many civilians are still there and try and get them all to come into town with the Guard now that the roads clear. I want everyone here and not spread out,hopefully Miss Smith won't be stubborn” Rose glares at Moskau. “ Looks like we get to show Celestia what we've worked towards.”

“Vhy do ah have dhe feeling dhat helping Celestia is dhe main reason you vere against going?” Moskau chuckles.

Peach Blossom chuckles ready to leave when a large red stallion trots up to him. He blinks looking up at the pony who adjusts a strand of wheat in his mouth.

“Er can I help you....?”

“Yah said the Element of Loyalty was on her way tah Canterlot right?” Big Mac questions.

“Yes, she's with the other group.”

“She alright?”

“She was injured in the fight with Wind Razor, but none of the wounds were life threatening.”

Big Mac nods. “Ahm, going with yah.”

“No, there's bound to be enough problems with out having to watch out for a civilian.” Peach Blossom states his eyes widening as the large pony casually swings his fore leg around and strikes the side of the gazebo with it knocking the stone and wood structure off it's foundation and sending it crashing to splinters a full pony length away from where it once stood.

“Ah said ahm going.”

“Right then..... “


“What the heck do you want.” growls Twilight glaring up at the draconequus.

“Oh silly little twilight Sparkle. What do I always want? “ Discord grins.

“The spread of chaos,annoying everyone, and rampant destruction” snarls Celestia.

Discord waves his hands in the air with a shrug. “Well to be honest I was going to say punch and Pie, but that works too.” Discord turns staring at Celestia curiously. “Hmm you look different... did you do something with your hair? Maybe get your hooves done? It has been a very very long time since I saw you like this Celestia. I must say the retro look is not in vogue at all.”

Bleu shakes her head, though a small grin remains on her muzzle as she glances back at Starfall. “And you thought I was nuts.”

“Who is this guy?” questions Starfall.

Discord pops up in front of Starfall tying a purple balloon to her mane and a green one to Bleu's tail.
“What's this? We have new ponies in your little herd Twilight, how nice. Still doing that whole making friends business I see” Discord blinks noting Bleu and Velkorn. “Well I was half right any way.”

“Discord we do not have time for this right now. Why are you here?” Luna states glaring daggers at the floating creature though she moves between Celestia and Discord noting her sister starting to gnash her teeth. The Princess of the Night jabs a hoof towards the draconequus only to have Discord tie a purple balloon around her hoof. A number of other Discords pop up rapidly tying a single balloon to every one in various places on their bodies though for Rarity he wraps it firmly around her muzzle.

“Why am I here?” Discord strokes his beard. “ Let me tell you why I am here, nice look for you Luna very moe, though you act to much like a tsundra for it to work properly, I suppose sempai might like that though.” Discord rambles suddenly wearing a Japanese school girl outfit, while still holding a red and blue balloon. “Hmm, seems I have to many, ah well.“ he ties the balloons around his own horns as the uniform vanishes.

Celestia yanks the yellow balloon off her ear only to find the string is some how attached to her hoof now.

“As I was saying I am here because of all this.” he makes a sweeping gesture showing all the carnage and havoc plying out behind him. “Never in my wildest dreams... even those involving frosting, did I expect this grand of a scale of mayhem. Truly this is a glorious day. “

“If that's all ya want then get outta here an watch it from somewhere else. Now git or else.” AJ snorts.

“Really?Or else what?And what if I don't want to? What are you going to do turn me to stone? Hit me with the magic of friendship? Sick ole sun butt over there on me like some attack dog..... A fitting description by the way.” Discord taps his chin in thought. “I know there’s another name for that,but I just can't put my talon on it, I think it rhymes with stitch.....”

“Discord... um not to be a bother but since you still have your powers and all could you at least try to save the ponies here.” Fluttershy questions trying to undo the pink balloon from her wing.

“Yeah, after all the trouble you caused you owe every pony at least that.” Rainbow Dash shouts.

“Owe......what I owe?” most of the group blinks as the Draconian voice deepens into almost a snarl. “ What I owe you......?”

Dash takes a step back as Discord whirls around his eyes glowing with a brilliant blue light. All of the balloons pop save the pair tied to his horns, covering every one with confetti and streamers, save Rarity who was doused with green paint.

“WHAT I OWE ALL YOU LITTLE PONIES IS A SWIFT AND HORRIBLE DEATH FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME!”Discord stops suddenly as the red balloon tied to his horn bounces against his face, and smooths his hair back his voice calming . “I owe you nothing, least of all Princess sun butt over there. I hope Forgy steps on you and makes you a Princess pancake. Because of you damned ponies everything I worked for is gone, Forgy and I both suffered due to your kind. While I chose to simply torment you all he chose a slightly... more drastic route.” Discord sighs pointing back at the massive battle behind him.

“You know Forgescale?” Twilight questions suddenly, a few pieces starting to fit together in her mind. “You mentioned things about him earlier too.”

“Know him? Of course I know him. We were friends once, while never close, after all fighting over one mare tends to drive a wedge, we managed not to kill each other long enough to use the Elements of Harmony and stop an ancient evil, yada, yada, yada, long boring story Sparkle, I'll tell you when you're older, there are some adult themes in it.”Discord states waggling his eyebrows.

“Wait you wielded an Element? How? When?” Celestia stammers some what derailed.” You have to be lying.”

“I don't think he is.” Rhede points out. “Though if anything I would say he may have once been Laughter.”

“Ding Ding Ding, give the pony a cigar!” Discord pops up next to Rhede dressed like a side show barker and shoves a massive cigar in his mouth quickly lighting it and vanishing just as the cigar explodes covering Rhede's face with soot.

“Wait. We found two of the books in your castle. You used them did you not?” Luna points out.

Discord stops bouncing about looking over at Luna, though not angry this time, his face held a more dejected look for a second or two.”Well I had them used ON me if that is your indication. Like I said long story.”

A movie theater seat appears and Discord plops down into it pulling a pair of 3-D glasses and a massive tub of popcorn from nowhere. “ At any rate I am here to see how you all deal with this nonsense. It should be quite the show.”

“Great a heckler.” Bleu rolls her eyes though stifles a chuckle watching Rarity have a minor meltdown about the paint.

“I don't know what you are expecting to see, even if we had the Elements we can't do anything.”Twilight sighs.”Even if you don't owe us anything can you still try to save some ponies? “

Discord flips his glasses up and kicks back in the chair, the balloons bobbing in the air above him still tied to his horns.


“Why not? There won't be any pony left for you to play with if Chrysalis and Forgescale kill every one. Isn’t that enough to get you motivated?” Twilight shouts getting a little frantic.

“In this case no. Everything that is going wrong here stems from one source. And I will not go against that source despite all the hardship and heart break it caused me. They all want revenge on her and they can't have it, so they are going for the next best thing, her minion. To be honest Forgy might even stop his rampage if he gets to rip the throat out of the mare who imprisoned him. Isn't that right right sun butt?” Discord questions looking oddly serious.

“I imprisoned him as well, would he not also need me to do that same?” Luna questions looking back at Celestia.

“Not the in the statue moony. In Tartarus. Of course it doesn't matter, he's gone mad.. trust me I can tell. Even that wouldn't stop him, looks like you big friend there might though... Ahh that's who I brought the extra balloon for. I knew there was another one of you.” Discord smirks untying a balloon and letting it float away the red one still on a horn though it had drifted down and was bopping him in the face again as he let the other go.

“Great, so now what?” Dash growls.

“Well Celestia and I can try to do like Jer'rahd says and just blast the winner, though if it's Forge scale I don't think we will do very well.” Twilight sighs.

“That would work, I do not think the creature is immune to fire, though Forgescale is.” Celestia responds.

“How depressing, and a boring tactic too, listen to the suicidal one, feh. “Oh, 'I have a monster in me, please end my suffering'. Seriously that colt could write a song for Linkin Park at this rate. All he needs is some eyeshadow and skinny jeans. You lot are no fun at all..”

The whole group glares at him save Rarity who was franticly trying to scrub off the green paint with some extra bandages.

“Ah well, small minds and so forth. I suppose I need to get to the meat and potatoes of it.” Discord smirks as a pile of french fries crashes down on Dash. Starfall barely seems to move though Discord floats up and away avoiding the two sword blades that sliced through the spot he was standing and lands lightly on Twilight's head.. ”Ooh some ponies testy. Relax she's fine aside from being in bad need of ketchup.”

“Now what is it Discord?” Twilight grumbles as the draconequus hops off her head.

“Now keep in mind I am not doing this for any of you, least of all you Celestia. I still don't owe any of you anything and I think you are all jerks.” Discord rants.

“You don't even know use to say that.” growls Rhede.

Discord appears in front of him. “ Oh you are too right, where are my manners. I'm Discord, God of Chaos and you are..?”


“I DON'T CARE!” Discord shouts throwing his arms in the air, the limbs spin away from his body for a moment before floating back down and attaching to the wrong sides. “There is however one of you I do feel I owe, not the little dragon there despite how she laughed at my jokes.”

“What are ya talking about now?” AJ snaps.

“My dear hayseed did it ever cross any of your feeble little minds what happened to me the last time you turned me into a statue?”

“Didn't tha Guards take yah back ta the garden?”AJ responds.

“Well if they had found me they might have. But no, a group of you back woods yokel types drug me off into the woods and were going to smash me with a hammer. Wouldn't have done any good mind you though it would have been uncomfortable. Of course they were stopped and I was rescued by a delightful little mare, which I do feel some overwhelming desire to help.” Discord suddenly pops a thermometer in his mouth and places a ice pack on his head. “ I seriously hope that is not catching.”

“Who would save you after what you did to Ponyville?” Dash questions.

Discord grins catching the red balloon tied to his horn and pulls it down in front of him with a wide grin. “My only regret is that this will help you all as well, but beggars can't be choosers and she has been quite insistent to rejoin you all.”

Discord pops the balloon with a claw and explosion of confetti fills the air showing every one around with streamers and bits of paper. A pink form somersaults out of the exploding balloon flipping a few times and landing on her back hooves with a flourish as if she was striking a ballerina pose.

“DATA!!!” shouts Pinkie Pie.

“You really didn't think I would let the bearer of my favorite Element die, did you?” Discord grins looking at the stunned faces.