The legion of light

by Sveciadash

chapter 1: The Darkness Ahead

The doors slams open as a pony of the royal guard quickly makes his way to the throne, he gasps for air as he bows before Celestia, the expression on Celestia's face grows more worrying as the seconds fly pass. The guard informs Celestia that King Sombra needs to see her immidiately. Celestia wastes no time and quickly gathers a small escort and starts to make their way to the Crystal Empire.

King Sombra impatiently waits at the castle doors wandering in circles awaiting Celestias arrival, he stops for a moment as he sees Celestia in the distance and goes to meet her halfway. Celestia wants to know why it's so urgent and Sombra simply replies that he needs her to accompany him to the Crystal Empire hospital. The hospital is heavily guarded, as they enter a doctor comes up to Sombra and tells them that they are about to lose the scout. The two Royals makes their way to the patients room whitch is guarded by two guards so that no one can enter without permission. As they enter the room they make their way to the bed in the middle of the room where an heavily injured pegasi pony lies. The pegasi tries to sit up but is forced to lay down again due to pain. Celestia asks Sombra what is going on and the pegasi replies that his watchpost in the Crystal mountains was attacked by a group of changelings, he explains that he was the only one who survived and when he made his way up into the sky he saw that the horizon was filled with black dots. The changelings are planing to invade Equestria and the Crystal Empire is first on the list. Kings Sombra turns to Celestia and says that the Crystal Empire wont stand a chance if they do not receive help. Celestia quickly replies that it is not only the Crystal Empires battle, it is an battle for all of Equestria.