
by Spirals95

Part 10 (chapters 42-end)


By Spirals95

Chapter 42

The side door on the shuttle opened up, and the ramp came down. The inside of the bay was not unlike what you’d expect of a giant space station. It was quite empty; no other craft were parked inside it, leaving it an empty box of steel bathed in fluorescent lights from overhead. The ponies disembarked from the shuttle and proceeded forward towards the doors to move deeper into the station.

“Oh my gosh, this place is huge.” marveled Rainbow Dash as she flew a bit up into the air of the hangar.

“It’s also completely empty.” noted Twilight.

“Keep in mind only 6 humans came here, so they wouldn’t need that many spaceships” said Techorse, “this is mostly Wizard showing off his magical construction skills again, as well as his teleportation skills. He had to move this from Earth orbit here.”

Twilight said in awe, “Wow. Magic of that scale must have taken him forever to master.”

Techorse continued with sadness, “Really, he just sacrificed morality for sheer power.” The ponies walked up to a submarine-styled fire door, and Techorse twisted it open with his robotic hands. Walking through, they found themselves in narrow halls with very little interesting features. They were simply gray with a light bulb every once and awhile to prevent the hallways from becoming pitch dark. The long hallways sometimes came to an elevator, where the team would board and be carried up to yet another hall.

“This is so boring” complained Pinkie.

“It’s about to get real interesting.” Applejack said to her, “once we find that Wizard.”

The last elevator door opened up to a tiny closet-like room with a single oak door. Opening the door, the ponies entered the room the humans first assembled in. A long wooden table with 7 chairs was in the center of the room. Although no windows were present, there was a large stand in front of the table with multiple devices used for presentations.

Techorse said like a tour guide, “This is the room we all started this invasion in. Here, Wizard passed around those crystals you saw around the humans’ necks. I need to find that last one so I can make my element artifact.” As they walked by the table, they came to a metal staircase leading upwards. They followed it up one floor, where they were met with a fork in the staircase. The sign between the two options read, “Observation deck” and “sleeping quarters.” The friends used Occam’s razor and headed up for the observation deck. They stepped into the room Wizard had planned and puppeted his entire invasion from. The wreckage of the destroyed command table sat in the middle of the large room, the walls of which were painted a dull tan color. To the left, the large window showed Equestria below as well as the moon and stars. Behind the table wreckage was the hologram communications disk on top of an ionic styled marble column. There, at the back of the room, stood Wizard. He was turned away from the ponies, knowing they were there, but refusing to face them immediately.

Twilight shouted at the man, “Wizard!” The human in the navy blue cloak turned around. Wizard’s shaved black hair and goatee gave him a fearsome appearance to the ponies, except for Techorse, who was used to his cruel master’s looks. In truth, Wizard was not ugly at all, rather having the appearance of a tough and lean biker, almost. Wizard’s slightly tanned skin and moderately muscular body completed his physical form.

He turned to face them and said, “Ponies. How nice to finally meet you.”

“Give up Wizard!” shouted Pinkie Pie, “We have you trapped.”

“Is that so?” asked Wizard, “do you have any idea what sort of magic power you are dealing with, pink one?”

Applejack shouted, “It’s over Wizard, now go home before we make ya!”

Wizard said very calmly but with malice, “I have no intention of leaving. Soon, I will cast a spell that will make Equestria’s residents my slaves. I will turn them all into mindless beings that are easily controlled.” Wizard then turned around and walked up the stairs behind him. He cast a blue energy field from his hand, which blocked off the entrance with a force field.

“This field will only be passable by Techman.” He said, “I only desire to speak with him.” Wizard then walked up the stairs and disappeared.

Applejack rammed against the force field at full charging speed, hoping to break through. But it was no use, the field was way too strong to be broken.

Twilight asked, “What are we going to do now?”

Techorse said, “I guess I’ll have to face him alone. While I’m fighting Wizard, I’ll keep him from remembering the force field.”

Twilight said happily, “Right! Because magic is based in the mind, if he forgets he cast the field, it’ll weaken!”

“Exactly!” said Rainbow Dash, “now what are we really going to do?”

Techorse opened the battle saddle and took out the six element crystals. He placed them gently on the floor of the station.

“Take your element artifacts back. If I don’t make it, you’ll still have a shot at beating Wizard. I must face him alone. It’s the only way to get this field down.”

Twilight said to him, “Be careful. If you distract Wizard long enough, we’ll come to help you.”

Techorse nodded and then ran up the stairs to confront his old master.

He went up the short staircase and ran into Wizard’s private room aboard the space station. It had a glass panel in the ceiling which opened up into the giant glass dome of the space station, as well as a few thin side windows. Lining the walls of the room were many bookcases, full of books of spells and magic. In the middle of the back wall was a giant throne decorated ornately with many gold and silver items. The chair was lined with velvet cushions. Wizard got up from his throne and approached the green pony. He went to the wall of the large room and stared out one of the few side windows deep into space.

“Techman,” he said, “I don’t really want to destroy you. You’re like a grandson to me. It just hurts so much to see you betraying your own kind like this.”

“I didn’t betray humanity, I betrayed you.” replied Techorse with anger, “The other humans back on Earth might disagree quite violently with your invasion of another planet.”

Wizard kept holding his hands in a resting pose behind his back, and continued, “I wanted you to make plenty of money to cover your father’s debt. I could then return you to your family by giving them their memory back and making you human again. You just have to give up and come back to me.”

Techorse said trying not to spit, “You never cared about me. You called me private, treated me like a worthless soldier, and destroyed a planet to prove your power to me. But instead of becoming hateful like you, I devoted my life to science and learned a way to beat your plans. You’re just trying to save your hide from me now that I have you trapped like a rodent.”

Wizard turned and faced Techorse, and gave the pony a surprised look. “You think I feel trapped by you? That I’m afraid?” he asked curiously. He then smiled and said, “Oh Techman, I’m not afraid of you. I’m just trying to save our chance to become rich friends.”

“Three things” answered Techorse, “My name’s not Techman, it’s Techorse. Second, I have friends now, something I didn’t have as a human because of you. And third, you never cared about becoming rich. You just wanted to take over a planet of sapient beings and rule them like a tyrannical god. You don’t care about the cash, you just want power and control you heartless ape.”

Wizard still refused anger for some reason, and said, “Heartless ape? Reality check Techman, you’re a human, not a pony! It’s my magic keeping you a pony.”

“No” said Techorse shaking his head, “It’s your magic partially, but it’s also Twilight’s.”

“Twilight?” asked Wizard. “The purple unicorn you saw early on? That’s Twilight Sparkle. She fused her magic with yours to save my life from you, and it opened my eyes to how magic can be good. It changed my perspective from hatred of magic to a love of good magic, something you’re incapable of. She really is a very special friend to me, but you wouldn’t understand that because you treat this entire planet’s population as a bunch of chess pieces you can control.”

Wizard nodded slowly like a psychologist listening to his insane patient. He then said to his old slave, “Look, Techman. I offer you but one chance to become human again and leave this whole thing behind us. I no longer intend to keep you as my soldier. In fact, I wish to return you home. You just have to give up this notion that these ponies accept you as one of their own. I mean really, you think that Twilight pony cares about you? She’d just as well be rid of you because you’re a human at heart.”

Techorse plowed through the psychological weapons Wizard was throwing down. “That’s not true.” He said, “We’ve all been through too much as friends. It’s how we beat your men, and it’s how we’re going to beat you.”

Wizard laughed, “By friendship? Magic’s the most powerful force ever.”

“That’s just it.” said Techorse, “you see, through science, I learned...”

Wizard waved his hand and finished, “It’s a process of brainwaves, yes blah blah I heard that from you ages ago. It means nothing to me your freaking science.” He then said sternly after a pause for breath, “Choose now Techman. Human or pony?”

Techorse planted his hooves firmly on the floor of the room and said, “I am Techorse, the pony. I refuse your offer politely to become a human again and follow you, Wizard. You wish nothing but destruction of worlds and to enslave their natives.”

Wizard said calmly, “Fine.”

The colt got a confused look on his face and asked, “Fine?”

Wizard shrugged and said, “Yeah, fine. I understand.”

He then backed up from Techorse and continued, “It’s settled then. I shall allow you to continue life on Equestria as a pony.” Wizard’s hands began to glow orange, and he raised them up.

He then shouted with intense rage: “IF YOU SURVIVE THIS BATTLE FIRST!”

Techorse rolled to the left to dodge the incoming orange rays which shot from Wizard’s hands. Taking out his laser cannons, the pony opened fire at his old master, determined to strike him down and save the planet. Wizard deflected the bolts with his magical energy shield.

“Your guns are impressive Techorse, but my magic is far better!” he laughed as the yellow bolts of light were absorbed or reflected by his magic shields.

Wizard ran around the room and continued his assault, blasting away with shots of orange and green energy, attempting to vaporize Techorse. One bolt came close, and the concussion from the explosion flung Techorse into a bookshelf. The books piled up around him, burying the pony underneath. Wizard charged up his hands and vaporized the pile with a great blast.

“He’s dead already, such a waste.”

Wizard was impacted by Techorse’s hooves as his turbofans provided a boost, knocking the man down.

“How are you still alive?!” screamed Wizard as he stood back up.

The hovering Techorse answered, “I slipped out behind the bookcase. Learn some tactics, old man!” Wizard shot more magic blasts out of his fists, determined to kill his slave and end the fight. Techorse continued his evasive maneuvers, sometimes landing to avoid the closer energy blasts.

Back downstairs, the force field was starting to flicker. In Wizard’s frustration, he was beginning to forget about the field, and his brainwaves were no longer providing support to keep the field up.

“It’s working.” said Fluttershy.

Back in the throne room, Wizard started spraying energy in the form of twin particle beams from his fingertips, making an even greater mess of the giant throne room. Techorse jumped over the beams like they were ropes and fired back with a couple of lasers. It was obvious the magic energy shields on Wizard were beginning to falter. He couldn’t take much more firepower until they dropped. Techorse also spotted a silver briefcase beneath the throne.

He thought to himself, “There’s the crystal. I have to get it!” He flew towards the throne. Wizard used a simple spell to detect the intention of his actions, and magically pulled the briefcase into his hands before his enemy could grab it.

“You want this?” he teased as he held the briefcase in his hands. He then dropped it and stood on top the silver case. “Come and get it then, Techman!” he laughed as he opened fire again. The green pony evaded the shots easily, and continued his assault with his laser cannons. Wizard must have sensed his shield going down, for he began to actively try and dodge the return fire.

Back downstairs, the others had yet to put on their element artifacts. The crystals glowed and hovered on their necks, but they would not change form for some reason. Twilight looked at the forcefield, and saw it vanish completely.

“Now’s our chance!” she said. The friends rushed upstairs, crystals in tow, to assist their friend. They found Wizard about to blast Techorse to smithereens with his magic energy.

“Even at the end, Techman, you’re still a weakling compared to me. Now, once I’m done with you, I’m going to revive your body and shrink you to the size of a marble. Then, I’ll put you in a jar, seal it, and grant you long life so you’ll spend thousands of years in the jar. I’m going to then toss that jar into a black hole. But don’t worry Techman, I hear the other side of the universe is quite lovely this time of year!”

Wizard cackled and charged up a huge energy blast, “Have a nice death!” he shouted.

Wizard then gasped in pain as Twilight hit him in the back with a magic missile. The man lost his power temporarily, and the energy blast disappeared. As Wizard turned around, Applejack ran up and bucked him hard in the front, knocking the wind out of the man and sending him crashing into his throne. Rainbow Dash went next, and flew rapidly around the human, bashing the splinters of the throne around him. The human fell down on his knees; his energy shield was nearly gone. As Wizard stood up again, Rarity went next, throwing a gemstone from a nearby decoration, which vaporized on the energy shield and drained it further. Pinkie Pie came around from the side, and hopped on Wizard’s head, causing the human to lose balance just as Fluttershy gently walked up to him. The lightly yellow pony gently nudged him gently with one of her front hooves, making the human come crashing down to the floor with a big thud. The energy shield around Wizard dissipated completely with this impact. The human stood up and scowled in rage, his hands glowing with pure energy. But then, he howled in pain as Techorse got up in front of him, laser cannons blazing. The bolts burned through cloak and flesh, injuring Wizard greatly. The human shrieked like a demon as he was hit repeatedly, getting more and more hurt by the second as the blasts burned small craters into his flesh. He curled up into a ball at the base of the throne’s remains. Techorse stepped closer, revenge in his eyes, determined to end the evil man’s life once and for all. The lasers continued to tear into the human, and Wizard began yelling and howling.

“Please!” he begged while nearly in tears, “don’t do this! I give up! Techorse, please, mercy!”

Chapter 43

Twilight looked at Techorse’s face of pure anger. This was not the sweet colt she knew.

“Tech!” she said to him desperately, “That’s enough, stop it! I know he took you from your parents and everything, but he gives up! Let him live, please! This is not you at all!”

Those words reached Techorse’s soul, and he knew he had taken things too far. The laser cannons fell silent as they retracted back into his saddle, and he let out a deep sigh. Wizard’s clothing was a smoldering mass of burned blue polyester, making it cling to his skin. What once was a powerful and mighty evil man was now a helpless person whimpering on the floor.

Wizard was shaking in pain and defeat, “You didn’t finish me. Despite everything Techorse, you didn’t finish me.”

Techorse told him, “That’s right Wizard. Twilight is right, I mean. If I were to destroy you mercilessly like you tried to do to me, I’d be no better than you.”

Wizard got on his knees and pounded the ground with his fist. “I can’t believe this. Beaten by….. ponies.”

Twilight asked rhetorically, “Do you want to know why you were beaten by us Wizard? It’s not because we’re more powerful than you individually, it’s because of our friendship and bonds between us. Techorse taught me magic is only so powerful on your own, without your friends, you’re quite weak. Throughout my adventures, I had no idea our friendship powered some of my spells which saved our very lives. But you, you’re so selfish and egotistical, you never wanted any friends to help you. You just wanted to rule alone, which makes you weaker magically, and morally.”

Techorse said to his old master, “Go home Wizard. Leave Equestria, and do not return. Do not try to invade another planet again, thinking they’ll be weak. They will learn the same as us ponies, and defeat you again.”

Techorse went over to the briefcase and opened it. The crystal inside glowed a grayish color. It was attracted to the male pony’s neck, and as it touched him, it changed form. The crystal became a silver dogtag-styled necklace, with Techorse’s cutie mark of the 3 stacked symbols on the front. He then returned to Twilight’s side.

Wizard looked at all the ponies and said softly, “I have a secret for you all.”

“What’s that?” asked Fluttershy.

Wizard then said in a sinister tone, “Always finish your enemies.” He then rapidly shot magic bolts at Twilight and Techorse. Techorse was struck, knocking the colt unconscious. Wizard removed his battle saddle and then crumpled the gadget up with his magic as if it were no more than aluminum foil. After dropping the smashed device, he electrocuted Twilight Sparkle and tossed both of them through the glass ceiling. Wizard jumped up through the hole.

“Come on girls, we have to save them!” said Applejack as she jumped up to follow them. Outside, the dome of the space station was visible. On top of the rest of the structure were 5 stone pads evenly placed around a center one, all connected by stone bridges. Wizard flew up high into the air using his magic, and threw Twilight down onto the center pad, nearly breaking her tiara artifact. Wizard drew a floating pad from a reserve stack and smacked Techorse onto it, then cast him down so he floated several feet above Twilight. The other ponies emerged from the shattered glass pane and started gathering around Twilight Sparkle.

“We’re going to try the magic of the elements.” said Rarity. The girls positioned themselves at the ends of the pads. Conveniently, there was one for each of them, and they placed themselves in order identical to the drawings in the prophecy book, leaving Twilight at the center.

Wizard then started glowing an intense red color. A massive ring of energy burst from him, shattering the glass of the space station’s dome and tearing away the support structures. The oxygen was immediately vacuumed out, but the element artifacts provided an air supply to the ponies. Techorse lay unconscious and hurt on his floating pad. Wizard was high above the friends, looking down at the arena they stood on and laughed heavily. He grew to double his standard size, and his cloak repaired itself, turning a deep red color. Wizard’s hair and goatee changed to a fiery white color as well. His eyes’ gray irises disappeared, and his eyeballs were nothing but an eerie glowing orange.

The human shouted, “If you ponies refuse to bow before me, I shall destroy your entire world! The next planet will hear of it, and in fear will worship my very name!”

Wizard began to form a gigantic ball of orange magical energy over his head. He looked down at Equestria, knowing within the minute he would destroy it. Techorse got up on his hooves shakily and looked down at the dogtag around his neck. He thought deeply as he heard the panicked screams of his friends about to lose their home. It wasn’t right for Wizard to destroy the planet. It wasn’t…

Twilight said, “alright girls! Let’s stop him!” The elements glowed furiously and produced the rainbow beam. It surrounded Techorse in a tube pattern and headed straight for Wizard. To the horror of the girls though, it did absolutely nothing, Wizard simply absorbed the blast and grew brighter.

He cackled heartily, “That stupid element magic does not work on me. It takes real, violent magic to stop even the simplest spells I control! With my power, I control truth and reality!”

Techorse then knew what element he actually held; Wizard’s last statement had sealed his fate. The ball of energy was getting massive over Wizard’s head, time was running out.

Looking up slowly at Wizard, Techorse shouted, “That’s where you are wrong Wizard! You just want to control everything, but you can’t! The will of others is too strong!”

He continued, “I’ve learned I represent an element like each of these amazing mares here! At first, I thought it was reality! I like science, I like to take life as what it is, and I don’t like people making things up.”

Techorse breathed and continued shouting, “But I also know my element is powerless without the others. So alone, it is just reality. These marks on my flank are not chevrons, but checkmarks, the symbol of taking the time to make sure things are really what they are. But guess what happens when the other elements are taken into account with reality? We get something new; something that holds the fabric of society together, and deals with those who dare break it, like you!”

Techorse’s artifact began to glow and change shape. When it settled, a silver set of scales with his cutie mark on the fulcrum was hanging around his neck.

“Justice.” He said proudly.

“When we take loyalty, add honesty, laugh about our mistakes, show kindness and forgiveness, and give generously in the magic and name of friendship, justice will prevail and harmony stands!” Techorse then glared at Wizard directly and shouted again, “But there are those like you who want to create a false reality and keep justice from coming through! For them, justice deals what it deals best: judgment.”

Techorse’s set of scales began to glow intensely. The stones between the platforms flew up and began to form a chimney-like structure above Techorse. The floating platform fell away when the stones rested in place, and Techorse was floating right at the entrance to the tube of stone.

“It’s a cannon.” whispered Twilight in awe.

Techorse turned around and said to Twilight, “I know what I must do. I must bring Wizard to justice before he changes reality forever.”

Twilight nodded and charged up the beam again. The girls concentrated hard on their new friend as Wizard brought his destructive power to maximum. Techorse closed his eyes after one last look up the stone tube, which was aimed right at Wizard’s chest. The rainbow colored beam built up behind him, and he was suddenly moving at high velocity through the magical cannon. Wizard looked down at the gun pointed straight for him, and furiously tried to build up the energy he was holding above his head faster. But Techorse had left the tube and was shooting straight at him, with a rainbow beam trailing him. Wizard’s expression changed to pure horror: the magic of the elements had made Techorse human again. Techman flew in front of the element magic, approaching Wizard at faster and faster speeds. The scales still around his neck despite the change back to human; Techman looked directly at Wizard as he closed the distance with the overlord. He pulled back his fist and looked Wizard directly in the eyes. The scales made his hands glow silver with the power of justice.

“HEY WIZARD!” shouted Techman,


Techman brought his fist forward and impacted into the oversized Wizard’s chest. The teenager disappeared into Wizard’s torso, and the evil man screamed in pain. Instantly, they both vanished in a fireball of white light, and Wizard lost control of his ultimate energy blast in one extremely large magical explosion. This caused a blinding flare of white light, visible from the ground of the planet, to fill the sky. The blast vaporized the space station and any remains of it, but the magic of the elements flung the 6 girls back down to their home planet in a rainbow-colored comet.

Chapter 44

It was predicted by the astronomers that the ponies would re-enter the atmosphere outside of Ponyville. The elements were bringing the girls home. Celestia and Luna departed using teleportation and took Jools and Jops with them. Once they arrived, they told the citizens that they would be crash-landing just outside of town, and that they should get ready to treat them medically. Spike and PAL of course tagged along, hoping their best friends would be ok. They watched sadly at the sky, hoping to receive any sign the girls were still alive.

“Look, there!” shouted Bon-Bon, pointing at the incoming rainbow projectile.

The ball of pony and energy impacted the ground and bounced once before coming to a rest. When the energy field faded away, the 6 females shook themselves off and met the princesses. The element artifacts returned to crystal form once more, and Celestia collected them in her case.

Spike ran up and gave Twilight a hug. “Twi, you’re ok!” he said with great joy.

“Oh Spike, I missed you so much!” replied Twilight as she hugged her dragon.

Big Macintosh approached Applejack and said, “You Did well sis. Eyup. Ya did well.” Applejack threw her hooves around her brother and Apple Bloom, who also tagged along to see the event. Sweetie Belle ran up to her sister Rarity and glomped her.

“You’re back!” she cheered, “way to go.”

“Easy now!” laughed Rarity.

Fluttershy was greeted by the many animals that remembered her care, including her rabbit Angel. Derpy Hooves had arrived on the scene, and talked with Pinkie Pie about the experience battling Wizard. Rainbow Dash was greeted by the Wonderbolts again, and also the pony who saved her life, whom she made sure she gave a big hug this time.

Celestia asked Twilight, “Where’s Techorse?”

Twilight grew deeply sad along with the others.

Luna said with pain, “He didn’t make it?”

They shook their heads sadly. PAL put his hands on his robot face and wept.

Spike said, “Aw PAL, I’m sorry. Don’t cry man.”

PAL replied, “Cry? I’m crying?” He then said, “I wasn't programmed for emotion. I must have learned it myself.”

Celestia and Luna lost it after a while too, Celestia’s waving hair fell down again, and they wiped away their tears with handkerchiefs provided by Jools and Jops. The two guards took off their helmets in respect and laid them on the ground. Even though they wanted to cry for the guy who freed them, they couldn’t in front of their princesses. But tissues offered to them from their masters let them know they could shed some tears without judgment. The guards let the manly tears flow.

“We should build a statue of his human and pony form side by side, with you six little ponies surrounding him.” declared Celestia, “To remember the day we were all saved by his ultimate act of kindness towards our people.”

Luna nodded and added with sobs, “We shall remember his sacrifice forever.”

Pinkie Pie had already lost her hair’s fluff to her misery, and her straight pink hair and tail was limp. It was really too sad, losing such a good friend.

“Why couldn’t it have been me?” she said.

“We can’t think that way.” said Applejack to Pinkie as she removed her hat, “we just gotta get by somehow.”

“Wait! Look up everypony!” shouted Lyra.

The crowd turned their attention to a fireball in the air. It hit the ground and dragged at least a hundred feet of turf, coming to rest on a boulder. It was Techorse, and next to him, the broken remains of the saddle. The scales of justice still sat around his neck and glowed softly. He propped himself up against the rock and looked at his six best friends and PAL.

Twilight said with extreme joy, “You’re alive! Oh my gosh, you’re alive!”

Techhorse said weakly, “We did it girls, Wizard’s gone and our magic protected me enough to re-enter the atmosphere.”

He then took off his scales and laid them on the ground next to him. He walked up to his friends and said to them, “Even If I hadn’t have made it out of that, thank you, all of you, for what you taught me.. Pinkie Pie, you taught me to be positive about life, and to laugh. Rainbow Dash, you taught me to stay loyal to my friends, and never give up. Applejack, you taught me how to get through anything just by being honest with yourself. Rarity, you taught me that it’s worth giving things up to save others. Fluttershy, you taught me mercy and respect.”

He then looked again at Twilight Sparkle and said, “But you, Twilight Sparkle, have taught me the most. You taught me that evil magic can be overcome by the good, with friendship. You helped me see I wasn’t bad at heart, and that I could make a difference in the lives of others. You saved me, Twilight.”

Techorse then turned to the two princesses. “Celestia, Luna, you have ruled this land with peace and love. Keep it up. I see why you destroyed my element artifact now Celestia. You only needed it once to determine if it was just to seal Luna away. Based on how she’s still here after being hit two other times with the magic, I’d say by justice, she has learned her lesson and should stay your co-ruler and sibling. Never let anything come between you two again, promise me.”

“I promise.” They both said, granting his wish.

“I’m so glad you’re ok, but there’s just one thing I don’t get. I don’t understand why you’re a pony now!” said Twilight in awe, “Didn’t we see you as a human again?”

“Well, even though you saw it, my human body was destroyed in that final strike. But the scales heard my wish to remain with my friends, and I had another place to go, my true one. I’m now 100 percent pony, Twilight, not a human in a pony’s body.” The crowd cheered excitedly as the ponies looked at each other. Techorse looked at the crumpled saddle and looked back at Twilight. He moved some of her straight dark colored hair out of the way so he could see the whole of her unicorn face. She gave him a look of great joy, and dried her tears.

Techorse said sweetly as he got closer to her, “In all of this, I learned to find friends. But most importantly, I found love. I love you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled in sheer joy as they moved together. Their eyes closed as they drew near each other, Twilight and Techorse’s lips locked, and they kissed for a few seconds in front of the others.

After drawing away from the moment of romance, Pinkie Pie cheered, “This calls for a party! A planetwide one!“ The others roared in happiness and agreement. The six others ran after Pinkie Pie as she went for her bakery to begin setting up for the biggest Pinkie Pie Party Equestria had ever seen.



And indeed a party it was. Pinkie Pie’s great talents showed that night as the entire town of Ponyville celebrated. PAL had even managed to make a fireworks display from Techorse’s castle, filling the air with colorful bursts. Zecora showed up in Ponyville to congratulate her friends on their success. The entire planet declared a night of celebration, and the cities partied as they enjoyed their freedom from Wizard. From Appleloosa to Canterlot, to the edges of the planet, the ponies were partying and dancing as they reunited with their captured loved ones. Braeburn and Sheriff Silverstar even invited the buffalo tribe to swing by if they wanted to join in. At Canterlot, the celebration was reported to outrank even the Grand Galloping Gala, which is quite impressive indeed. Cloudsdale had a huge dance party in the sky. The only pony who did not show up was the mayor, who was busy trying to re-organize his campaign to save his tail. Many suspected the partying would last all night and for at least a week after that. They certainly deserved to celebrate after what they had been through.

Back in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and Techorse sat on the cool grass outside of town next to each other, looking up into the night sky. Their tails were overlapping each other, and they were in close shoulder contact. Techorse pointed with his hoof where the Earth’s sun was once more to Twilight. She rested her head gently on his right shoulder and listened to him talk. Princess Celestia and Luna stepped up behind them.

Celestia said gently, “Well Twilight, it’s been nearly a week without a friendship report. What did you learn?” They turned around to face the princesses.

Twilight hugged Techorse and said, “Everything I’ve learned could take entire books to sum up. But most importantly, I’ve learned friends can come from anywhere, even different planets. And sometimes, when you think you’ve found a friend, you actually find love.”

Celestia said, “Excellent. How about you, Techorse? Learn anything?”

Techorse said cheerfully, “Hey, everything I learned I said when I was dying! Don’t you remember?”

They chuckled a bit about the terrible joke. The princesses turned to leave.

Luna told them, “We must be going to Canterlot now. Goodbye.”

“Ok” said Twilight, “see you again soon.” The princesses teleported away, taking Jools and Jops with them. After she was sure they were gone, Twilight whispered something in Techorse’s ear. He nodded and followed her back into town.

They walked by the brightly-lit colonial buildings, watching their friends partying the night away. The two looked at each other lovingly and entered the library, shutting the door behind them. Soon Spike walked up to the tree building and put his head on the door, listening in on the two. He heard them giggling behind the closed entrance, and slowly opened the door with his right hand to spy on them. Inside, Twilight and Techorse were reading a very humorous book together, trying to spend some quality time away from the craziness of the celebration outside.

“Hey, Twilight, Techorse, the party’s out here!” he said to them.

“We know, we'll be out soon.” said Twilight, giving him a smile. Spike nodded and closed the door gently.

“Oh well. They’re going to miss all the fun! Hey Rarity, wanna dance?”

The dragon ran off to try and dance with Rarity. Applejack watched the scene before her and sighed gently. She then turned and watched Rainbow Dash look longingly at the brown Pegasus that saved her life in the battle for Cloudsdale.

“Everypony’s happy in the end.” she said softly. Her best friends were dancing in the center of the town, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. Applejack joined them in the celebration after taking a last look at the starry night.

And so it was. Wizard was destroyed, along with his dreams of conquering another people. The planet was safe, free, and peaceful once again. The elements of harmony had done their job, and their representatives continued their lives in peace.

For the time being, anyways...

The End