//------------------------------// // The Beautiful Dress // Story: A Beautiful Dress // by Eros //------------------------------// "Scootalooooo!" "Where are you Scootaloo?" "Scootalooooo!" "Ah can't find her anywhere" Applebloom said dejectedly. "Me neither" squeaked Sweetie Belle. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had been looking for Scootaloo for the past 4 days, but couldn't find the orange pegasus filly anywhere. Scootaloo wasn't even in school anymore. They had looked all over Ponyville, but not a single trace of the filly could be found. They were going to ask Scootaloo's parents, but as far as they knew, Scootaloo didn't have parents. Sweetie Belle had walked to the orphanage the day before and asked the pony in charge about her, but she just shook her head and told Sweetie Belle that Scootaloo hadn't been seen for days. "I just don't know what to do anymore. We can't lose Scootaloo, she's a Cutie-Mark Crusader."Sweetie Belle sighed. "I think it's time to tell somepony about this" Applebloom shook her head. "No, we can't. Everypony will blame us, ah just know it." "I don't see how we'll be blamed. We can't find her either." "Thing is, Scootaloo was supposed to be stayin' with me the day she disappeared. If we tell anyponyelse, then I'll be blamed!" "I think you're overreacting Applebloom. Nopony will think that it's your fault" Sweetie Belle was very reassuring. "Ah guess...alright then, lets ask mah sister fer help" The two young fillies trotted off the cobbled ground of the town center to Sweet Apple Acres. It was just past midday when they reached Applejack's house, being that it was quite far away from the rest of the town. The sweet scent of apples filled the air as they entered. Applebloom never got tired of the delicious smell, and Sweetie Belle thought the fragrance was heavenly. Despite their worry for their friend, smiles still stretched across their young faces at the enticing smell. They trotted up to the house and Applebloom went in. "Applejack, yah home?" "Ah'm right here sugarcube."came the reply. The fillies went into the kitchen, where they found Applejack patiently watching an apple pie in the oven. "What can I do fer y’all?" the element of Honesty asked kindly. "Umm..." Applebloom tapped her hoof on the wooden floorboards. "Well..." "Scootaloo's gone missing!" Sweetie Belle finished for her. "What? When did yah last see her?" Applejack’s ears perked up at the news. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen the filly anywhere for a long time. "Four days ago" said Sweetie sadly. "Did yah look everywhere?"asked Applejack. "Yuh we did" "Did yah ask at the orphanage?" "Yes, I did but she wasn't there and hadn't been seen for ages" Applejack thought back. The last time she had seen Scootaloo was five days ago, when Applebloom had asked her if Scootaloo could stay over at their house the next day. Applejack liked the orange pegasus and felt sorry for her, so of course she had said it was fine. But the next day when she asked Applebloom where Scootaloo was, Applebloom had said that Scootaloo had to stay at the orphanage. "Applebloom..." Applejack asked suspiciously. "Yes...?" Applebloom had seen the wheels turning in her sisters head and knew what she was about to ask. "When Scootaloo was supposed to stay over here a few days ago, yah said that she had to go back to the orphanage. Did yah lie tah me?" "Applejack I..."Applebloom knew her sister had a very dim view of liars. "Did yah lie?" "Yes ah did and ah'm sorry!" Applebloom broke down and started crying. Crying for her lost friend and crying because she had lied. Sweetie Belle watched the proceeds sorrowfully. "Now listen here Applebloom, it ain't good tah lie. Otherwise, ponies won't trust yah when yah do tell the truth. But it's okay, I'll forgive a little filly’s mistake. We need tah focus on findin' Scootaloo." "I know, lets organize a search party!" Sweetie Belle piped up. Applebloom looked her in the eyes. "Maybe we could get our Cutie-Marks in searching!" Applebloom exclaimed excitedly. "This ain't about gettin' your Cutie-Marks." Applejack said sternly. Some strange feeling niggled at her about all of this. "But that's a good idea Sweetie Belle." Lets go get the rest of mah friends" Applejack smiled warmly at the worried unicorn filly. They made their way over to Ponyville and by the time they got there, they had already found Fluttershy, who was tending to her animals but agreed to help right away, and Rainbow Dash who was flying above them. She had been cloudbusting, but stopped as soon as she heard that her honorary sister was missing. Rainbow Dash was very, very worried. They went to Rarity's house and Sweetie Belle ran inside to get her sister. When Rarity came out, everypony stopped and looked at her. "Hi there everypony, don't I look fabulous?" She did. While all the other ponies weren't wearing clothes, since it was just a normal day for them, Rarity had an outfit almost everyday. Today she was wearing a sparkling orange dress with frills at the shoulders. "How do you like my new dress?" "Yeah it's great Rarity, but now’s really not the time" said Rainbow Dash. She was incredibly worried about Scootaloo. "Oh it's very nice Rarity. Did you make it yourself?" asked Fluttershy, always kind and caring. "Thank you for asking dear Fluttershy, and yes, I did make this dress myself. I'm rather proud of it" Rarity said, admiring the front legs. "Took me days. Anyway, whats happening everypony, why are you all here?" "It's Scootaloo! She's gone missing!" yelled an angry Rainbow Dash. Here her sister had gone missing and they were admiring a dress? "Please could yah help us find her Raridy? I know yer awful busy, but she really means a lot tah us."Applejack asked kindly. "If you don't mind" Fluttershy asked courteously. Rarity looked at the group. They certainly looked tired. "I'm sure I have some time left, I could help them look," she thought to herself. "I'd love to help you look for dear Scootaloo."Rarity offered generously. Rainbow Dash was a bit happier. That feeling had gone away now and was replaced by a burning desire to find Scootaloo. "Why don't you guys start looking, I'll go get Pinkie Pie and Twilight." Rainbow Dash wanted to help them look, but she knew that more ponies meant more ground they could cover. "Okay, we'll start searchin' the town. Ah'm sure you'll be able to see us if you fly." Rainbow Dash nodded and took off. In a few short minutes, she was at Twilight’s house. Twilight happily accompanied her to find Pinkie Pie. They trotted to Sugarcube Corner, looking for Scootaloo all the way. It was getting late. They walked into Sugarcube Corner and rang the bell. They waited at least ten minutes but nopony came out. Rainbow Dash rang the bell impatiently. "Coming!" a pink pony bounced out of the back room. "Hiya everypony!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as usual. "Umm... hi there Pinkie. What's that on your face?"Twilight asked curiously. Pinkie Pie had red liquid all over her face. "Twilight you silly filly, that's cranberry sauce from the cake you interrupted me making" "Oh, is it the chocolate and cranberry one you mentioned yesterday?" Rainbow Dash was getting angry again. "It DOESN'T MATTER! Scootaloo is lost and you ponies are sitting here talking about cranberries?!?! Twilight was shocked by the blue pegasus’s outburst. "Calm down Rainbow Dash, I'm sure she's fine." "Whats this about Scootaloo?" Pinkie asked, concerned for her friend. "She's gone missing. Nopony's seen her for days and we're all really worried about her. Will you help us look for her please?" Twilight explained carefully. "Of course I'll help you guys. Sorry Dashie." said Pinkie Pie, genuinely concerned. "s'alright" sniffed Rainbow Dash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They had been searching for hours with no luck. They searched the entire town, but nopony could find her and it was getting really late. They all met back at Twilight’s house. Everypony was feeling very down. "I think we'll have to continue this search tomorrow everypony. It's already eleven and you ponies need your rest." Twilight was sorry to have to stop looking, but they had searched everywhere and Scootaloo was nowhere to be found. Twilight decided she would stay up late tonight and try to find a location spell that she had seen a few days ago. The spell allowed you to locate any pony, but you needed something that belonged to that pony for it to work. Even so, Twilight didn't remember how to cast the spell. Everypony filed out sadly. "Oh my, it's very dark outside" said Fluttershy, beginning to tremble. "I've never been out this late before" "Are you okay dear?" asked Rarity. Her dress was still immaculate, and that thought filled her with pride. "I'll walk you home if you like" Fluttershy trembled again. "I'd hate to be a bother" she said in a quiet voice. "Oh nonsense dear. I'd love a relaxing walk after all this drama." "Okay then. Thank you Rarity. You're a good friend" The two ponies walked halfway to Fluttershys house in silence, when a strange feeling of weakness overcame Fluttershy. She could barely stand, and before she knew it, the ground came rushing up at her and connected with her face. When Fluttershy woke up, all she saw was darkness. She smelt an odd scent, a strong, metallic smell. She tried to get up, but found that she was pinned to a cold metal slab. "He-hello?" Fluttershy called tentatively. "Is anypony there?" Suddenly, a harsh flickering light was switched on. "Hello Fluttershy" Rarity stood in front of her in her dress. Rarity's cold eyes surveyed her. "Ra-Ra-Rarity? What happened? Why am I chained here? Where is here?" "Oh do stop stuttering dear, you're making a fool of yourself." Looking around, Fluttershy saw that she was spread eagled and her hooves had thick iron bars pinning them to the slab of metal. She tried to move her wings but cried out in pain as some of her feathers were ripped from her back. Small beads of blood ran from her wings down her legs. "Don't struggle or you'll hurt yourself. I've pegged your wings to the metal, so the more you struggle, the more feathers you'll tear, and we don't want that." Rarity's cold voice sounded different. Darker. "Wha-what are yo-you doing?" Fluttershy shook with the unexpected pain. "Fluttershy dear, tell me something. Have you ever seen fabric being delivered to Carousel Boutique?" Fluttershy was surprised at the change of topic, but nevertheless, she thought back. Come to think of it, she had never seen anything being delivered to Rarity's shop. She shook her head. "N-no." "Do you want to know why that is?" Rarity asked smiling. "I'll tell you. It's because, after years of dress-making, I've discovered something. I have found, that pony skin is really quite durable." Fluttershy's eyes widened as she thought it through. "Does that mean..." Rarity’s eyes lit up as she explained. "Yes dear Fluttershy, all of my dresses are made from pony skin. I kill a pony and skin them. Then, I hang the skin in this room while it drys and when its done, I cut it up and make my beautiful dresses. I even use needles made from pony bones, as I hate to waste things." "No..." Fluttershy was shocked. How could Rarity do this? "It's really quite ironic isn't it?" Rarity giggled. "Wha-what is?" "Come now dear" Rarity said, lifting her leg up and showing Fluttershy her dress. "Haven't you guessed what my new dress is made from?" Fluttershy stared at the orange dress. Orange. Dress. "Scootaloo..." Fluttershy gasped. Rarity was wearing a dress made from Scootaloo's skin. "You ponies spent all day looking for dear Scootaloo and I even helped you, yet what you didn't know, was that Scootaloo was here all the time! If only you ponies hadn't come over when you did, her skinned corpse would have been alive for a few more hours. Well no matter, I got what I wanted." Fluttershy couldn't believe her ears. She had complimented Rarity's dress, not knowing that it was the coat of her friend... "B-but we wore y-you're dresses t-t-to the Gala." Fluttershy realized. Rarity's eyes gleamed again and she smile. "Yes, you did. Remember your green dress?" "Ye-yes?" "Have you noticed how quiet Lyra's been lately? Did you know, dying blue yellow makes it green?" Oh Celestia, she had been wearing Lyra. Fluttershy couldn't take it. She broke down crying. Rarity watched her unhappily. This is not how it works. There's supposed to be pain and then crying. Fluttershy was becoming louder, her sobs filling the room. Her tears ran onto her wings, and they burned her in the places her feathers had been torn out. She was making too much noise. Fluttershy started screaming as she realized what was going to happen to her. There was only one thing Rarity could do. She levitated a cup over Fluttershy's mouth and the next time she opened it, Rarity poured hundreds of small needles down Fluttershy's throat. Gasping, Fluttershy felt the needles pierce her throat, her warm metallic blood filling her mouth. The scent of freshly spilled blood filled the air. She couldn't keep screaming, or she'd choke on her own blood. She coughed and sprayed hot blood on Rarity, who laughed. Fluttershy's tears mixed with the blood trickling down the side of her mouth. "Well that was no fun. You didn't scream very much did you? I think it's time for you to go to sleep for a while dear." Rarity jammed a thick syringe into one of Fluttershy's arteries, and Fluttershy lost consciousness. When Fluttershy awoke, the first thing she noticed was that the needles no longer stuck in her throat. She attempted to sit up, but froze with pain as more of her feathers were ripped from her wings. The scabs from the last time this happened were half congealed, but the sudden movement opened them again. More blood trickled down her back and dripped off the end of her hoof onto the floor. The lights were off, and she cried again. She lay alone in the dark for hours, until she heard a faint clattering noise. "Wh-whose there?" Fluttershy stammered. There was the sound of metal grating on stone and a faint light shone into the room. Rarity had returned. "Oh good, you're finally awake dear. Now the fun can begin." Rarity cocked her head and looked at the blood running down her leg. "Didn't I tell you not to struggle?" said Rarity coldly. Fluttershy quivered at Rarity's dark tone. "Rarity I-" Rarity cut her off by stepping forward right up to Fluttershy. Rarity put her head down to Fluttershy's hoof and licked the blood from her. "You look hungry darling." Fluttershy realized she was ravenous. She hadn't eaten for what felt like two days. "You could really do with some food." Rarity remarked. She walked back out the room and disappeared for about ten minutes, and when she came back, she was holding a bowl of soup. Rarity levitated a spoon of soup to Fluttershy's mouth, and Fluttershy was so hungry, she didn't even think. She ate the soup and Rarity kept feeding her until half the bowl was gone. It was surprisingly good soup, and Fluttershy enjoyed it immensely. "Th-thank you Ra-Rarity. It's v-very nice," Fluttershy stuttered. She still felt uneasy. Why was Rarity being so nice to her? " Yes, it's very good soup isn't it? You could even go as far as to say it was made with the help of an angel?" Rarity's tone lifted at the end of that sentence. Fluttershy puzzled over that, and then her eyes widened as she realized what Rarity meant. No. No she did not. In answer to her unspoken question, Rarity smiled and lifted up a rabbit paw. Fluttershy nearly heaved. She had eaten angel. She had eaten Angel Bunny. "How could you y-you monster!" Fluttershy cried, and then lost control of her stomach. She vomited on herself and the floor. Rarity looked at the mess and frowned. "Oh but he was so delicious." With that, Rarity shoved a piece of cooked bunny flesh into Fluttershy's mouth. Fluttershy tried to resist, but Rarity's magic was strong. "By the way Flutters dear, Angel wasn't the only one of your friends in that lovely soup. What do you think I did with Scootaloo's body?" Fluttershy couldn't take it. She wet herself. She cried and cried. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, like a pinprick. Then another, and another until her stomach was being pricked from all directions. Rarity giggled. "Would you like to know what that is honey?" Remember the needles? Well, after you passed out, I used my magic to melt them into a ball of pony bone. I'm levitating it inside your stomach, and I can harden it whenever I want and poke you with the needles again. I can even make it explode and rip through your little tummy." "W-why? Why are you d-doing this Rarity?" Fluttershy cried as the needle stopped. "Why? I need more fabric. I have a lot of orders to fill." "But why me? Wh-what did I ever d-do to y-you?" "You think I'm doing this as an act of revenge? You think I'm some psychotic serial killer? You are most mistaken my dear Fluttershy. Ponies these days think that for a pony to do this, one would have to be insane, but that simply isn't the case." Rarity's eyes glowed with fire as she spoke. "B-b-but why?" "Why?" Rarity turned away from her and shrugged as she trotted out the door. "Because I can."