
by CrypticMetaphor

Chapter 19: True Colors

Silence was king and its queen was despair when the ponies arrived back at their homes in Ponyville. Even Pinkie Pie, who could find laughter in the bleakest of situations, was deflated and tearful. Twilight suffered the most, the usual magic and optimism was gone. In its place was a silent void, nothing seemed to reach her. When the door to the library opened she trudged in silently without meeting the princesses or Sunset’s eyes. She merely hobbled upstairs and collapsed on her bed in defeat.

Sunset looked at her old rival with genuine concern, “Nopony should’ve endured what she did. Hm,” she shook her head, “What are we supposed to do now.”

Celestia gazed at Canterlot, “For once…I am unsure.”


Jasper was practically prancing through the halls as he shook random guards laughing like a merry child on Christmas. Everything had gone according to plan for once, no interference, no setbacks. He had finally triumphed over the Elements of Harmony, he had broken them!

“Man, it’s good to be the king,” he opened the throne room doors to reveal Chrysalis sitting on a brand new throne that she made beside the original, “Ah, and my darling wife.”

“Hello husband,” she smiled showing her fangs, “I assume that the plan went off without a hitch?”

Jasper ran up and grasped her front hooves and started to waltz with the surprised Queen, “It went swimmingly! I’m so happy right now, nothing could spoil this mood!”

Chrysalis smiled warmly as she transformed to her human form to better support herself in the dance, her black and emerald dress spinning about her, “It’s always good to see ones significant other happy.”

Jasper tilted her back as she giggled sweetly, “Have I ever said that when you giggle, it’s the most adorable thing ever?”

Chrysalis smiled with lidded eyes, “Keep talking like that and I might have to respond with...,” she licked her lips, “my own compliments.”

Jasper raised an eyebrow, “Someone’s frisky.”

Chrysalis traced a line under his chin, “Well…I do feed off love, lust in motion is like the finest and most addicting kind a changeling can have.”

“Well then it would be rude of me to deprive you,” he gave her a quick peck on the lips, “wouldn’t it?”

Chrysalis purred lightly as she placed her hand on his cheek, “Bedroom, now.”

Jasper picked his wife up and made for the door only to stop when Ignatius opened it, “Uh….”

Jasper and Chrysalis rolled their eyes and spoke as one, “Yes?”

Ignatius raised a scroll, “The plans you requested have been finished.”

Jasper widened his eyes and a bigger smile appeared on his face, “PERFECT!”

He snatched the scroll and gazed at an unamused Chrysalis, “I’ll just be a minute.”

“Alright,” she smiled sexily and kissed him on the lips, “I’ll put on that outfit I used during our wedding night.”

Jasper glanced at the plans as she sauntered off with a sway of her hips.

Ignatius whistled slightly which Jasper noticed, “Dude, she’s my wife.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t eye ball her.”

Jasper chuckled, “You’re too young to think about girls like that,” he blinked, “plus, don’t you like females of your own species and not ponies?”

Ignatius smirked, “That’s the best part. Changelings only resemble ponies, so the cross species taboo thing isn’t a factor.”

Jasper nodded slightly, “That explains how she pulled off a human shape just by seeing me,” he blinked, “wait a minute, doesn’t that mean that-“

“Changelings are universally compatible with every species?” Iggy smiled, “Yes, yes it does. Jeez here I thought you were educated.”

Jasper gazed evenly at the dragon, “Smartass,” he then tilted his head, “you don’t think that…she might one day…or might be…”

Ignatius shrugged, “Who knows. If she is, it would be the first hybrid between a hooman and an Equestrian. Heck, there’s no telling what it might even look or sound like.”

Jasper nodded, “I won’t be long,” he smiled slightly as his back turned to face the hallway, “not nice to keep a lady waiting.”


After looking over the plans and partaking in what some of the guards call, ‘the wild rumpus’, Jasper kept to himself for the remaining days leading to the audience with Twilight and her friends. The day finally arrived and at Jasper’s request, Chrysalis was to go off and do her own matters for a while. Jasper waited patiently on his throne as the doors opened before him, the girls in question were escorted into the throne room as Jasper sat in silence.

“So, here we are again,” he gestured to the girls then to himself, “You there, and me here.”

Applejack glared daggers at him, “Just tell us want you want you no good snake in the grass.”

Jasper nodded as he took note of Twilight, “She is mourning. Understandable.”

“She hasn’t stopped since that,” Rarity looked away, “despicable act.”

Jasper placed his left fist onto his chin, “I see,” he stood as he approached the group who moved to intercept, “Calm yourselves, I only want to ask her something.”

Twilight gazed up at him with empty eyes as he knelt to her level and placed his gauntlet upon her head, “I am a merciful king, though I might be cruel. Here, as a show of good faith,” he waved his hand as the mirror shimmered, “you may go to your brother, retrieve him if you wish.”

Twilight glanced at him uneasily then spoke in a monotone voice, “Only if you escort me…”

Jasper raised an eyebrow but looked to the side, “Very well.”

With Twilight at his side, the king stepped onto the breach.


Twilight emerged and looked around frantically as the Canterlot High Five approached her, “Where’s my brother, where is Shining Armor?”

Shining emerged dressed in a white sport coat and matching pants. His cutie mark was on the back of the coat, “TWILEY!”

Both brother and sister embraced as Jasper looked on in indifference, “So, now you see the gifts I can give.”

Shining glared at Jasper as Twilight was moved behind him, “You sent me here,” he pointed at him, “what these students told me of when you first came here; it only shows that you are nothing but a coward hiding behind a metal glove.”

Jasper’s storm bluish green eyes flared dangerously, “Choose your next words wisely Armor, because they might be your last,” he gestured to Twilight, “ask your sister. I’m not above killing you cretins anymore.”

Shining’s eyes widened in horror, “You…”

Jasper sneered as he leaned against the portal, “You know, your wife is doing quite well under my banner. I can let you return to her if you wish,” he checked his nails, “there’s just one small matter that I want you and Twilight to do.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes slightly as Jasper stood.

“Bow before me, proclaim me as your king and lord,” he gestured to the portal, “and I can let you return to your home again Shining. See your family, your wife, everypony you care about.”

Shining Armor looked at Twilight then at the smug human, “As long as I live and breathe, I will never bow to you.”

Twilight widened her eyes, “Shining…”

Shining Armor set his shoulders, “I am loyal to the banner I served under and who ruled under it. You have no right or claim to have that privilege, so kindly go rot in the deepest pits of Tartarus, kid.”

“You act as though you could take me on in a fight Armor,” Jasper summoned his sword and leveled it to Shining’s heart, “I’ll dissect you on this sidewalk before you even tense a muscle.”

Shining stared at Jasper as Twilight stepped out from behind her brother, “Jasper,” she looked at Shining, “I wish to return to Equestria now.”

Jasper smiled at her sign of knowing her place and lowered his sword….only for Twilight to close the distance and disarm him swiftly. Jasper fell on the ground when the girl planted her boot on his stomach to pull the blade from his grasp. She leveled the sword at Jasper with hate burning in her eyes, hate and fury.

“There it is,” Jasper smiled like a shark, “that’s what I was waiting for. Finally you let it out Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight growled at his lack of fear and stepped forward pressing the tip of the sword into his skin, “For two days I’ve been thinking of why I thought you could be redeemed. Two days I never slept because of the screams I heard,” her irises began to darken, “you, who have caused nothing but pain. Now I’ve realized that now, you’re a lost cause, a mistake.”

Her irises then became onyx in color as her pupils became slits, “A mistake I plan to fix,” her purple skin started to darken as well as she raised the sword, “RIGHT. NOW.”

Jasper started to chuckle, “Well it seems you’re not as virtuous as you think.”

Twilight hesitated for an instant but steadied herself, “Silence!” Her voice was now more…demanding and cold?

Jasper narrowed his eyes as the blade froze in mid-air, “Even when I’m at your mercy, you still hesitate. You’re all talk and no fight,” the blade vanished from her grasp. Jasper then stood as Twilight rushed him. He sidestepped her as she tumbled through, him following soon after. After ending up in the throne room once more, Jasper raised his eyebrow at Twilight who was panting heavily. Her coat was transitioning back from a much darker shade of purple to its original color.

“So, it seems being a princess has its own disadvantages,” he walked past her as the mirror’s glass turned to stone, “I’ll make this simple, bow before me and no unfortunate drawbacks will befall you.”

The girls remained stoic as Twilight joined them.

“Fine then, this song and dance has bored me enough,” he stood and looked gazed at them with boredom, “Since you have undermined me and my kingdom enough. Effective immediately, you, your kin and any families you stay with are banished from Equestria. Any and all funds as well as business products are property of the crown effective immediately.”

Applejack yelled out in anger, “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”

Jasper blasted her into a suit of armor as his voice rose with each word, “Never speak to me in that MANNER! I AM KING! YOU WILL OBEY OR FACE EXECUTION! AM I CLEAR!?!”

The ponies gazed in fear at this new Jasper before them, “Your brand is mine. All funds made by the brand are mine. You all now have nothing to your names but the saddlebags on your backs and the bits within them. You have a week to leave my borders, if I get reports of any of your ilk remaining here. I will take action.”

Twilight looked at him with finality, “Then consider this war Jasper. We will return, and it will be to win!”

“I relish the day then,” his voice then boomed throughout the halls, “Now if you would-“

Twilight stepped forward, “Not until I have my Element back!”

Jasper smirked as the crown appeared in his hand, “Oh, you mean this? Well you see I would be inclined to give it to you but there’s just one problem with it.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “What?”

Jasper then crushed the crown in his glove as the remains fell to the ground, “It’s broken.”

Twilight screamed in horror and rage as Jasper pointed to the door, “BEGONE, ALL OF YOU!”

And so on that day, the Elements of Harmony left Equestria. But the days that followed….well…you shall see.