My Little Spike

by Blueninetails

Chapter 4

"So what is she doing?" Spike asked Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as they all looked up at Scootaloo, who was up in a tree, "I thought the point was to help me out today."

"It's suppose ta be." Applebloom replied, "But ah dunno what that filly is doin' all the way up there."

At the moment, it's evening and Scootaloo had decided to climb up a tree and take a break. It was a modestly good sized tree that was growing near one of the lakes around Ponyville. After spending a day working on Twilight's request of them to teach Spike how to function as an earth pony, she wanted a break, but of course that was far from the truth.

"Scootaloo! What in ponyville are ya tryin' ta teach Spike?" Applebloom shouted up towards her friend

"Well...uh...swimming. I'm sure he doesn't know how to swim like one yet. Afterall, it's gotta be important." she replied

"She's just trying to have fun now, isn't she?" Spike asked a little dully at Applebloom


"Well, we have been doing this all day, so a little break should be alright." Sweetie Belle replied

"I guess so." Spike simply said as he gently wiggled the semi-heavy pack off his back and sat down, "'ll give me a chance to rest my back." he added with a huge sigh of relief to have that weight off him.

"Ah guess it couldn't hurt." Applebloom stated with a shrug and jumped into the water, soon followed by Sweetie Belle

Scootaloo watched as the others seemingly decided to take a break, then jumped down to join them, making a splash that almost hit Spike from the dry shore.

As the sun was setting, just barely any of it still left peeking over the horizon, the three fillies got out of the water. Spike had opted to only get his feet a little wet, and nothing more. He figured taking the on the more responsible of the four would be better for them all. Granted though, the three fillies did make it look very fun.

"Well, it's time I head home. My folks don't like it when I stay out past dark." Scootaloo stated

"Yeah, my sister Rarity isn't gonna be happy either." Sweetie Belle stated

"What about you Spike? Would Twilight get mad if you stayed out past dark?"

"Nah, Twilight would just get worried. She trusts that I know how to stay out of trouble though." he simply replied as the four began walking back towards Ponyville.


As the four walked, they talked about how things have been with each other. Mostly it was about hobbies, what they had attempted to do on their own, namingly Sweetie Belle once again attempting to help Rarity, and Applebloom and Spike's attempt to help Pinkie the other day. It did eventually shift towards what the CMC should try next for their cutie marks, well Spike didn't speak much during that part, and ended with a small mental list for them. Soon Scootaloo had to part ways, followed by Sweetie Belle as soon as they hit the town square.

"It's kinda dark now." Spike stated looking at the sky.

"Yep. Applejack is definitely not going to like this at t'all." Applebloom stated, the last part more intended for herself to remind her that she's probably in trouble now.

"Would you like it if I walked with you? Applejack might not be as mad if somepony was keeping an eye on you."

"Um...are ya sure. Twilight wouldn't mind if y'all stayed out longer?"

"I'll just tell her I was doing something to help the Crusaders. Twilight probably wouldn't mind then."

"Well...alright, if yer sure." Applebloom stated with a smile as the two started walking toward Sweet Apple Acres.

As the two walked, they remained mostly quiet, finding nothing of interest to talk about. Besides the night seemed rather peaceful, compared to the day. A few ponies were still up and about, but it seems more like they're preparing their stores for the next day. Spike spent most of the time just looking at the sky, supposedly Luna could be seen flying around on occasion, but lately she's been absent, probably very busy helping Twilight find the answer when not busy trying to run the kingdom. Applebloom had been following Spike, occasionally looking at him in what light the moon had to offer. Finally, Applebloom spoke up.

"Say, Spike..., did ya ever wonder what y'all gonna do if Twilight can't change ya back?"

"Hm...just get use to this life I guess, but I trust Twilight will figure it out. She is the best magic user in all of Ponyville afterall."

Applebloom just looked off to the side before saying, "I-If it did happen, y'all ended up stayin' that way, would ya consider stayin' a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"I'd have to think about it first." he simply replied, "Why the all the questions Applebloom? You know, those questions would probably make somepony wonder that you actually wanted me to stay this way."

"And...what if ah actually...did?" she asked after a moment of silence in a tone that almost seemed ashamed to admit it.

Spike just stopped in his tracks and looked at Applebloom in amazement, "What?! Why would you want me to stay this way?"

"Um...well...cause ah like ya as a pony..." she replied as she scrapped the ground with a hoof

" me as a pony?" he repeated, confusion written on his face.

"No, ah LIKE you as a pony." she said again, this time a little louder and with more expression on the word 'like' as she blushed a bit.

Spike looked at her cluelessly, trying to figure out what Applebloom meant. As he noted her posture and slight blush, he blinked a few times as his mind put the pieces together. Before he could ask again to check if he understood what she meant, they heard some 'clomping' on the ground, before hearing a familiar voice.

"Applebloom, there you are." they heard Applejack say as they both turned to look at the older earth pony, looking a little upset, "Where have ya been?"

"Applejack! Well...I um..." Applebloom started

"We were just out by the lake just outside of town." Spike explained, "Scootaloo wanted a break and we all ended up going for a swim. We're sorry Applejack, we just lost track of time."

"Well that's all fine n' dandy, but ya'll should know better than ta stay out this late." she stated

"I'm sorry, sis." she apologized.

Applejack just gave a sigh as she put a hoof on her face, then looked at Spike, "How 'bout you sugercube? Shouldn't ya be headin' back home too? Before Twilight get's mighty upset at ya."

"Twilight's never bothered with me staying up a little later, just as long as I get back before I fall asleep." he explained, "I was trying to help Applebloom home since it was out late. We thought you'd be less mad if somepony was keeping an eye on her."

"Well..., at least she wasn't alone. Ah suppose that is a good thing." Applejack stated as she thought about it, "Well, alright, but don't let me catch ya out late ever again. Now come on, keep up ya two." she added as she began walking towards the library.

"This isn't the way back home." Applebloom stated

"Ah know, we're gonna help Spike back home first."

"But-" Spike stated

"I know what ya said sugercube, but I'm sure as sugar ain't leavin' ya out on your own. Figure Twi wouldn't appreciate it at t'all if ah did just that." she stated with a slight grin as she looked back at the two.


"Thank you so much for escorting Spike home Applejack. I was getting a little worried." Twilight stated as she stood at the doorway. Spike had already walked inside as he sat down on the staircase.

"T'was nothin'. Just mighty glad ta see both these two youngin' were safe." Applejack stated as she rubbed her sister's head.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Would you care to come in and grab something quick to eat before you head back?"

"Thank ya kindly for the hospitality Twilight, but we're gonna have ta declin'. We already got supper waitin' on us back at the farm."

"Understood. Before you go though, Applebloom, how did you and the girls do with my special request?"

"Oh, we managed to teach 'im a couple o' things. Not everythin' though." she simply replied with smile

"That's good. Which ones did you learn Spike?"

"Carrying, how to kick, and a little writing." he replied

"It's not as much I was hoping for, but I suppose that'll do. Thank you for the help Applebloom."

"You're welcome."

"Well, if that's gonna be all Twi, Ah think Applebloom and myself should get goin', before Ganny Smith get's angry about lettin' our supper get cold. Have a good night ya two." Applejack stated as she gestured to her sister that it's time to head back.

"G'night Applejack, g'night Applebloom."

Both Twilight and Spike simply conversed for the remainder of the night, mostly just talking about how the day went for both of them. Twilight did want to test how well Spike picked up on those skills the Cutie Mark Crusaders were suppose to teach him, but before she could, Spike gave a yawn.

Twilight looked out the window before saying, "Guess you've had a long day. Come on Spike, let's get you to bed." as she levitated her onto her back and carried him up to the bedroom.

"Twilight, how far are you in turning me back?" Spike managed to ask as Twilight was tucking him in.

"That depends on how quickly I can master the counter spell. Which I suppose you hope is soon, right?"

"Actually...*yawns* I wanted to...ask..." Spike was saying before falling asleep, almost as promptly as he usually did.

"You can tell me tomorrow morning Spike." Twilight just stated with a smile, and using her levitation spell to gently cover him with his blanket, knowing fully well that Spike didn't hear her, then turned back to go finish tidying up the library even a little bit before heading to bed herself.

Later that night, Twilight woke up feeling someone nudging at her tail. She assumed it was Owlicious picking at her tail trying to keep himself entertained since she decided not to write a letter tonight or ask Owlicious to do something for her. Looking down though she caught a glimpse at the figure. It was Spike.

"Spike...?" she asked tiredly as she shifted in her bed to look at him, "What's wrong?"

"I...uh...kinda had a bad dream." he simply replied embarrassingly.

"Hm, I haven't heard you complain about a bad dream in a while. I didn't hear you scream either, so how bad was it?"

"Look, I just...just need something to help me sleep again. Would you mind reading me a story, like you use to? Or maybe a spell to help me sleep."

Twilight gave a light groan, "Spike I don't know any sleep spells, and I'm too tired to read you a story."

"Please, Twilight, just this once." Spike begged, even temporarily putting his front hooves together as he would with his usual hands. Temporarily, since was still slightly working on balancing himself on his hind legs. It wasn't too hard, but he's been finding the feeling a bit weird.

Twilight gave a sigh as thought about the simple request, "Look I'm too sleepy right now, I might fall asleep before you do. How about this though? I'll let you sleep with me tonight."

"Really? Are you sure about that?"

"I use to do that when you were younger. Since Princess Celestia left you in my care then, I was responsible for you. Also my parents used to tell me to sleep next to you, or let you sleep with me, occasionally so if you had a bad dream you'd stay calm." Twilight explained, "Just remember to stay on your side of the bed, okay?"

"Understood." he replied as he tried getting onto to the bed and under the covers, which required a little help for Twilight, "Thanks Twilight."

"You're welcome." she simply said, "Now try getting some sleep. You might need the energy tomorrow."

The rest of the night came and went without a problem. As the sun rose up the next day, Twilight was once again the first one to wake up. she woke up with the feeling of Spike cuddled up against her body and his mane directly under her chin. Occasionally it would even tickle her nose.

Using her magic she moved the covers to check, and sure enough Spike was doing just that. He was holding her in what looks like a hug as his head was pressed up against her body.

Twilight only gave a curious look as she smiled. Certainly was similar to how he was when he was younger, with the exception of him hugging her. She had to admit it was kinda cute seeing him like that, but as cute as she found it to be, she had to get started on her morning routines. Before she make an attempt to peeling Spike's arms off herself, Spike began to shift a little in his sleep as he pressed up against her body even more as he muttered the words, "I love you...mommy." It was quiet, but was loud enough for Twilight to hear.

She blinked a few times as she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach at those words, her face showing a very surprised look as she gazed down at her little assistant. Eventually Twilight just gave a small smile and used her magic to get out of bed without disturbing Spike too much. She assumed that Spike was just having a good dream, pretty good considering he had a nightmare during the night, and left it at that as she headed down into the main area of the library to find something to eat.

Twilight decided to just eat some fruit that she had lying around for breakfast as she went through her checklist for the day. Since she had to run most of the errands herself these days, she's had to rework her schedule several times to better manage things. Twilight had managed to get it right for the most part, though she still was usually off by a few minutes, and returning back home past her usual.

As she ate though she couldn't help but think about Spike, and turned to look at the stairs leading back into the bedroom. Twilight thought about it and shook her head, there are a few things she doesn't understand, but she knew how she felt on several occasions and somehow whatever Spike had involuntarily said to her felt troubling. Even though it wasn't actually meant for her, she felt...content it happened and the thought that it was directed at her; and that's what she found troubling.

"I can't possibly be considering what he called me, can I?" she asked herself out loud, "No, that's not logical, I'm not his mother. He's a dragon, not a pony. He's just my assistant and closest friend." she added as she shook her head.

Twilight tried keeping her mind busy, and off of Spike, as she packed her things, but with little success. Her mind continued to go back to Spike, and what he had accidentally said to her. Her mind raced back and forth between trying to find any kind of logical reasoning and simply happily accepting it. She eventually concluded she needed to talk to Fluttershy, seeing that she might be of some help in understanding all this, maybe. Eventually though, she needed to go back up and wake Spike up. She couldn't just let him sleep all day. As Twilight went back up, her thoughts continued to be a hectic storm, but seemingly slowing down; and, amusingly, it was leaning toward accepting it as her logical reason seem to only point back to accepting this status.

As soon as she was back up in the upper room area, Twilight quietly trotted over to the bed and looked down at Spike, who was still fast asleep. Twilight looked at him for a moment before giving a small smile, her mind settling that she should just think it was directed at her. He was her assistant for years now, and true his egg was simply just a test for her to get into the academy, but Spike didn't know his genetic mother, and she did try to taking care of him the best she could.

In the end though, she felt that it was probably true, to a certain extent. The memory of the night Spike ran away only served to consolidate this feeling. She remembered when he admitted that he had felt she had replaced him and didn't care about him anymore, she had felt very much hurt too. She felt hurt that she had failed him as a friend, and overall as somepony who was suppose to be responsible for him.

"Don't worry, I'll still work on finding the solution to change you back." Twilight said quietly to him, "I just hope you don't mind that I play along with you for a little while Spike." and gently nuzzled the side of his face, being careful not to wake him, each time only sending a feeling that gradually lessened any doubt she had.

Spike simply shifted in his sleep, oblivious to what Twilight just said to him.