//------------------------------// // A Long Way Up // Story: An Earthbound Journey // by ShadeJak //------------------------------// “Uh, Excuse me…” Twilight said, entering the lobby of the Bridleway Theater. “What do you want?” A large earth pony stallion in a black suit asked, glaring down at her. “Shows aren’t open for a while.” “I need to speak with whoever’s in charge here.” Twilight said. “It’s an important matter regarding Vinyl’s contract here." The guard raised an eyebrow and shrugged, as if figuring it wasn’t really his business whatever the unicorn had in mind. Leading her to an office door, he pushed it open with his hoof. “Try anything, and I’ll throw you out so hard the wonderbolts won’t be able to catch you in time.” He warned, closing the door behind her. Turning nervously, Twilight faced the pony who sat at the desk. It was a grayish-blue unicorn stallion with a spiky black mane and wearing a matching black suit and white tie. A trio of white stars adorned his flank and his eyes were concealed by a pair of large, black sunglasses. “Yes? Can I help you?” The stallion asked. “Neon Lights?!” Twilight asked. “I thought you worked in Canterlot!” “Well, what can I say, change of venue came with Fancy Pants’ expanding his business to Manehattan.” Neon replied with a shrug. “Anyway, what do you want…” He lowered his shades, looking down at the other unicorn. “…Twilight Sparkle?” “You’re Vinyl’s manager right now, right?” Twilight asked. “More or less. I’m middle-management to Trixie, but I handle all her… red tape and paperwork regarding this place.” Neon said. “Now what’s Vinyl got to do with you being here? Looking for an autograph?” Twilight sighed. “No, I’m here to clear off her debt to you so she’ll be free to leave.” She explained. Neon burst out laughing. “Twilight, you may be Princess Celestia’s personal student but even that sort of leverage means nothing against a signed contract. We businesses don’t exactly appreciate government interference after all… It’s one million bits up front or she stays here till she pays it off herself.” “What about something of equal value?” Twilight asked. “I suppose that would be acceptable.” Neon said, rubbing his chin with his hoof. “But I can’t see even you having anything like that.” “Are you sure?” Twilight asked, floating the prism diamond out of her saddlebag and onto Neon’s desk. The stallion removed his sunglasses and stared agape at the glittering, hoof-sized diamond. “I… wha… where did you?!” He stammered. Using his magic on it, he took a closer look and marveled as brilliant colors shone from it. “Where… did…?” “So will that pay off her debt?” Twilight asked. Neon, mouth still hanging open, slowly nodded his head. Reaching under his desk he removed the contract with Vinyl’s name on it and set it over a candle, burning it. “She’s free to go as soon as her next performance ends. We’re already sold out for it, I’ll give her word immediately.” Neon said. “And I have your word that her contract is terminated, and she’s free to go without any underhoofed efforts to force her back into servitude?” Twilight said, approaching with a dangerous glare in her eyes. “Because THAT is something I would not appreciate in the least.” “Sure! Sure! No problem! I promise!” Neon said with a nervous smile, pocketing the gem and bolting out the door. Seconds later, Twilight heard a mare’s voice cheering and Neon Lights returned with Vinyl Scratch following, a wide grin on the deejay’s face. “Thanks loads, Twilight!” Vinyl said, giving Twilight a hug. “Sorry… just, you need anything at all, you just ask, got it?” “Just meet with us later, me and my friends are gonna go have a few words with Trixie…” Twilight said with a smile. Neon cleared his throat. “At any rate, I believe there’s still one show left to do, Vinyl. Soon as that’s over you’re free to leave, and I’m free to enjoy…” He floated the gem out of his suit again, grinning like a schoolcolt. “THIS!” He said, trotting to his desk and staring at it happily, prompting Twilight and Vinyl to exchange a look and shake their heads. “Well anyway, I’m going to go check back in with my friends. I’ll see you later, Vinyl.” Twilight said, trotting out of the office and giving Vinyl a wave. ~ “Unnnghh” Rarity moaned softly as she slowly opened her eyes. As her vision cleared up she heard movement around her and saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash looking down at her. “Twilight? Rainbow? …Where am I?” She asked, looking around and sitting up. “Please tell me none of you kissed me…” Both mares looked away awkwardly. “You did?!” Rarity protested, causing both to start laughing. “Gotcha!” Rainbow said, attempting to compose herself. “Shoulda seen your face, Rarity.” “I’m sure it was hilarious.” The unicorn said with an eyeroll as Twilight giggled. “What happened exactly? Why are we back in the hotel room? I remember us being on our way out of the department store and suddenly… here I am…” “Well, you kinda turned into a Nightmare, like Luna was, trapped us in the store with a bunch of creepy shadow monsters, then we escaped, told Vinyl we found the gem to pay off her debts then found out you had gone into the Rock N’ Roadhouse, and we would up in this way-way-waaaay freaky dimension you were ruling over, and fought you on a just as freaky moon and wound up destroying the Alicorn Statue, which was apparently the reason for your new look and that crazy dimension, so when it got smashed apart you turned back to normal and the other dimension disappeared. You were out like a light and we brought you back here. Twi went and gave the Bridleway Theater that gem up to clear Vinyl’s debt and got back here just before you woke up.” Rainbow ranted. “Or something like that.” Rarity sat quiet for a moment, as if unsure what to make of the pegasus’ strange story. “I see.” She said at last. “Well thank you very much then. Though I have to admit ruling my own reality sounds delightful.” “Everything was made of neon colors, and everypony there talked in complete nonsense. …And the moon looked like it was made of oil stains, like something Discord would make.” Twilight said. “On second thought, I’m rather content with what I have.” Rarity said quickly. “I do admit I wish you remembered it, though. Shoulda seen how totally awesome I was when I busted up the Alicorn Statue.” Rainbow said with a laugh. “I’m sure it was a lovely sight, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said with an eyeroll. “With the statue gone, you should be safe from repossession and we can get ahold of that book next, so we should probably go and deal with Trixie and Fancy Pants now.” Twilight said. “Are you able, Rarity?” “I’m quite well now, dear. I’ve been asleep for what I’m certain is long enough.” The other unicorn said, climbing off the bed and stretching her legs out. “Besides, I’m quite certain if I can just talk to Fancy Pants, he’ll see what a no-good scheming showoff that Trixie is and will be more then happy to assist us.” She explained, floating out her mirror and brushing her mane out for a moment. Before they could leave, however, a gray form crashed through the window and tumbled across the floor. “Derpy?!” Rainbow asked, staring down at the ditzy mailmare. “That’s my name!” Derpy said happily, standing up. “I was worried I’d get the wrong room, too! Aaaaaaanyway, I came to deliver a package for you!” “Rainbow, you didn’t order pizza again, did you? Because that was only funny the first time.” Rarity asked, annoyed. “No pizza! This one’s from…” She pulled a box from her messenger bag. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders! Here ya go!” She said, placing it on the floor and nudging it to Rainbow Dash with her muzzle. “Well, I better be off, I got other things to deliver and other ponies to deliver to! Derpy Mare Mail, AWAY!” She said, flying towards the window but crashing into the wall next to it. “My bad!” Righting herself, she hovered out the window slowly and flew off. “Well, let’s see what the squirts came up with this time…” Rainbow said. “I just hope it doesn’t explode. Sweetie Belle can sometimes get into things she really should stay away from.” Rarity said, using her magic to tear the wrapping paper off and open the box, revealing what appeared to be some kind of soft-serve dispenser. “Oh MY! A yogurt dispenser! I’m very much in the mood for a good mid-day treat!” She said excitedly. “Who can say if it’ll work or not but I’ll say if it tastes good Sweetie Belle has outdone herself!” Humming to herself, Rarity floated herself a coffee cup from the cabinet on the nightstand and held it under the dispenser, using her magic to activate it. Soft, lime-green yogurt poured from it and the unicorn gave it a smell. “Well it does smell divine! I can’t wait to taste it!” Meanwhile, Twilight looked inside the box curiously. “Hm, there’s a note in here. Let’s see what it says.” She used her magic to float it out and unroll it, Rainbow walking over beside her to read it. “Oh! It’s as delicious as it smells! Do give my little sister my thanks, will you? She certainly deserves a cutie mark for whatever part she played in this.” Hi! We’ve been super-busy and thought maybe to make some extra money we’d try and get a cutie mark in frozen treat-making! So anyway, we made this new magical-flavor yogurt dispenser and it works perfectly! Its got magic in it to supposedly create yogurt of any flavor! …Unfortunately something went wrong with the spell… for some reason we always end up with fish-flavored yogurt! Funny, huh? We mixed basic ingredients and stored them in it for you so you can try and get a different flavor, but we wouldn’t count on it, really. Well anyway, we decided fish-flavored yogurt wasn’t gonna get us a lot of customers (except that griffon, Gilda who’s still in town. She seemed to like it just fine) so we thought we’d send it to you and maybe you can find somepony who’ll appreciate it more! Hope you’re all doing okay saving the world! We’re gonna keep on trying to invent new stuff to earn us our cutie marks! Signed, the CMC! “Fish-flavored yogurt?” Rainbow asked, staring in disbelief at Twilight. “This is simply divine but I can’t place the flavor!” Rarity said; finishing the serving she’d gotten. “You should really try some!” Twilight and Rainbow both looked nauseous. “What’s the problem, you two?” Rarity asked, confused. “Uh, Rarity? That’s fish-flavored.” Twilight said at last, floating the letter in front of her friend’s face. In seconds, the white unicorn’s face turned an interesting shade of green. “Please excuse me…” “Go right ahead, carnivore.” Rainbow said, chuckling as Rarity galloped past her and into the bathroom. Seconds later loud hacking and gagging, followed by the sound of intense vomiting was heard from behind the closed door. “Well, I guess we may as well bring this along, our time in this room’s gonna be up in the next half-hour.” Twilight said. “Honestly, Twi… who’s gonna want a yogurt-dispenser that’s stuck on fish-flavor setting?” Rainbow asked with an eyeroll. ~ “The Great and Powerful Trixie demands an explanation!” an angry showmare snapped, glaring down at the earth pony bowing before her. “Your Great and Powerfulness! It’s true! Vinyl’s out of her contract and the statue you had safeguarded at the Rock N’ Roadhouse is destroyed!” the guard said, not wanting to look at the livid blue unicorn. “Did Trixie not order that lout of a stallion Neon Lights to keep Vinyl under Trixie’s hoof?!” Trixie demanded, snorting heavily and causing her masseuse pony to step away from her. “Now her glorious shows will be only sub-glorious! Semi-phenomenal! NEARLY-cosmic!!!!” She sighed, flopping back on her bed, her hoof over her forehead in melodramatic despair. “What is the Great and Powerful Trixie to do now?” The door opened and another pony rushed in. “Great and Powerful Miss Lulamoon! We got more trouble!” Trixie sat up, growling. “How? Trixie is certain that creep calling himself her legitimate number-one fan was already tossed out the fifty-story window!” “…N-no, ma’am. Still in a bodycast.” The second guard explained. “It’s those three ponies from before, they’re already outside the building right now!” Trixie paused for a moment, then laughed. “Oh, is that all? Trixie knew hiring a griffon as the one guarding the elevator was a stroke of genius on her part! Like anypony but Trixie would have a means of providing him fish products to regularly enjoy!” She said, laughing proudly. ~ Down in the lobby, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity walked over to the receptionist, who stared down at them. “Floor 50.” Twilight said. “Whatever. Proceed.” The receptionist answered, returning her attention to the Mare Do Well comic she was reading as the three ponies walked over to the elevator where a pony stood inside. “Welcome to the Equestrian State Building. We’re under extra supervision on Miss Lulamoon’s orders.” The mare in the elevator said. Rainbow’s eyes drifted over to the pony’s flank, due to the rather odd cutie mark that simply resembled an arrow pointing up and down. The mare sighed in annoyance. “Stand behind me and don’t stare at my cutie mark. I know it’s a rather disappointing one.” She said. As they reached the top, they were greeted by a large griffon with a black suitcoat and sunglasses. “You three… you match the photos Miss Lulamoon gave me. I can’t let you through here.” He growled. Rarity smiled flirtatiously. “Oh really, handsome?” She asked, sauntering over to the stone-faced griffon. “You sure we can’t persuade you? Perhaps treat you to dinner?” The griffon narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses. “Not gonna work, pony. Even if—” The griffon’s stomach made a loud growl as the word ‘dinner’ went through his mind, causing him to glance sideways in slight embarrassment. “Well, someone hasn’t eaten today, has he?” Rarity asked. “That’s hardly your business!” The griffon said. “Hungry or not, you’re not going through, end of story.” “Oh really, even if we offered you a…” Rainbow said with a coy smile as she opened Twilight’s saddlebag. “Fish-flavored yogurt dispenser?” The griffon removed his sunglasses and stared at it with the slightest hint of longing in his eyes. ~ “Uhhh, Miss Lulamoon?” A unicorn guard asked. “You did remember to give him his fish meal today, right?” Trixie paused for a moment. “He can survive one day on fruit.” The guards looked nervously at one-another before the one who’d spoken before decided to speak up again. “Griffons are known to betray others for a good snack if they’re not fed what they like… you sure that’s a good idea? Plus, it’s been two days now…” Trixie glared angrily at the shaking unicorn guard. “Oh, Trixie is SO sorry! She didn’t realize YOU were the Great and Powerful one here!” She said sarcastically. “It will be fine, what are the odds Twilight and her friends are going to conveniently have anything that could meet his needs?” She asked smugly as she walked out the door of her office, followed by her guards, pausing right as they stepped outside and staring agape at the griffon who was now holding a dispenser of some kind and shaking Twilight’s hoof while sporting a huge grin as he rushed into the elevator and departed immediately. “Huh… imagine that.” The unicorn guard muttered, cowering when Trixie shot him a dirty look. “Trixie!” Rainbow shouted. “Out of our way, we have an appointment with your boss!” “Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie wishes you the best of luck with that!” The showmare said with a laugh, setting off a burst of smoke. As it cleared, Trixie was seen rushing into the next elevator while her bodyguards stood there coughing from the smoke. “Farewell, foals!” Trixie said, taking a bow as the doors closed and she was gone. “We gotta catch up to her!” Twilight shouted, rushing to the elevator followed by Rainbow Dash and Rarity. After a few moments, the elevator door opened and they piled inside; the guards finally managing to stop coughing and staring in disbelief at the three ponies. “Later!” Rainbow said; blowing a raspberry as the doors closed around her and her friends. As the floors zoomed by, Rainbow grinned with anticipation. “Trixie’s going down now.” She said proudly. “Soon as those doors open, we give her a what-for!” “I can’t say I’m able to argue with that, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said. “You’ve both got a point.” Twilight said. “Trixie’s gone too far, now. We get that book back and handle Fancy Pants, whatever Sombra’s up to can be delayed a little while longer.” At that moment, the elevator ‘dinged’ and the doors slid open. The three ponies stepped out cautiously and the intercom suddenly cut on above them. “Welcome to the top floor, foals! Mr. Fancy Pants is a tad busy right now with being locked in his office, so allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to make this show a little more entertaining with a few of this building’s top-quality security inventions, courtesy of some very helpful freelance gizmonk inventors!” Trixie’s voice declared with a laugh as a door at the end of the hall opened and a large tank with a dragon head emerged from it, rolling towards them. “Oh bucking Tartarus!” Rainbow shouted as the tank’s mouth began to glow bright orange. Twilight immediately summoned a barrier just before they were hit with a missile that fired out of its mouth, causing a massive explosion that nearly knocked them back into the elevator. Immediately, the dragon tank fired a pair of laser beams from its eyes, causing Twilight to strain a little holding up her barrier. Looking over at Twilight, Rarity turned her attention on the dragon tank and waited patiently. “Go ahead, try and break this barrier! Do your worst!” Rarity shouted, prompting Rainbow to stare in disbelief at her. As the dragon’s mouth began to glow again, another missile shot out. Rarity smirked and focused her magic on it, causing it to freeze in place and flipped it over so it’d face the dragon tank before she released it. Immediately, the missile flew at the tank and into its mouth, causing it to explode violently. “Yes, lovely taste, wasn’t it?” Rarity asked as Twilight dropped her barrier and let out a sigh of relief. “Don’t get too cocky, there’s more where that came from.” Trixie’s voice said over the intercom before it cut off. “Let’s get going, girls.” Twilight said, leading the way down the hall and through the door the tank had come out of. Entering the room, they found it turned right, and another dragon tank stood between them. Its mouth began to glow and a missile fired out. “I got this one!” Rainbow said, flying foreward and grabbing it with her forelegs, flipping in the air and steering it towards the dragon tank that had fired it. “Say ‘Ah’!” The pegasus said, letting go as it flew right into the dragon tank, blowing it up. “If this is the best Trixie has, she’s gonna go down fast.” Rainbow said with a smirk, kicking open the door ahead, this time greeted by two dragon tanks. “C’mon, plenty for all!” Rainbow shouted as Twilight and Rarity galloped in behind her. The dragon tanks locked onto Rainbow and prepared to fire, Twilight promptly summoning another barrier to protect them. As the dragon tanks prepared to reload, Twilight used her magic to turn the tanks towards eachother, causing them both to blow eachother up, trashing the room completely. Getting up from the floor, Rainbow shook her head off while Rarity sighed and dusted herself clean. “I must say, we’re really ruining the décor of this place, aren’t we?” Rarity asked. “Though honestly this room could use a different color anyway; I blame Trixie.” “Well let’s hurry, Trixie and Fancy Pants can’t be that far ahead!” Twilight ordered, leading the way through the next door, which lead to a hallway that had a door to their far right and three dragon tanks in their path. “Password.” The middle tank ordered in a monotone voice. “Buck you.” Rainbow said, flying forward and going in circles around them, causing the winds to pick up and lift them off the ground. Twilight and Rarity ducked against a wall, another barrier up as the tanks spun out of control and Rainbow quickly moved out of the tornado as it flung the three tanks in random directions, smashing into walls and putting them out of commission. “Ugghhh… Trixie admits defeat. Proceed.” Trixie’s voice deadpanned over the intercom. “Trap?” Rarity asked. “Trap.” Twilight and Rainbow said in unison. “In that case I’ll lead.” Twilight said. “I’ll put up a barrier for whatever shows up.” As they entered the next door, a missile came straight at them, causing Twilight to quickly put up a barrier. A violent explosion caused the three of them to tumble back through the door, and clanking steps of four metal hooves were heard. As their owner stepped into the light, Rarity stared agape at what stood before them. It resembled her sister, though clearly robotic in nature. Its chest had a small gem that powered it, and its eyes glowed bright green. Its face was frozen in an impassive expression as its eyes flashed red, looking the three ponies over. “Analyzing first intruder. Pegasus. Mare. Threat Level: Moderate,” it said as its eyes projected a beam that scanned Rainbow Dash. “Excuse me?! Only MODERATE?!” Rainbow demanded indignantly. “Unicorn. Mare. Anomaly Detected, resemblance to sister unit uncanny,” the robot continued. “I’d really like to know why Trixie would have such a thing,” Rarity mused, staring awkwardly at the robot as it turned its attention on Twilight next. Unicorn. Mare…” Its eyes suddenly flashed red. “CRITICAL ALERT! HIGH PRIORITY TARGET BY ORDER OF MISS LULAMOON!” It stood up on its hind legs and its chest cavity opened, another missile emerging from it. “EXTERMINATE!!!” it declared in a loud but monotone voice as it fired at Twilight before she could put up a barrier. The explosion blasted Twilight off her hooves and through the next room, sending her tumbling across the floor. “High-priority target of Miss Lulamoon disabled. Resuming passive mode,” the robot said, a compartment in its back opening and a daffodil sandwich popped out. The small robot used her magic to float it in front of her mechanized muzzle and munched on it. “Restorative measures…” She paused for a moment, her eyes changing from red to green. “…Complete.” “Hey, hang on a sec!” Rainbow said angrily, flying at the robot and decking it with her forehoof, sending it tumbling across the floor and into the wall. The robot rolled its body from the neck down over and stood itself back up, its eyes turning red again. “Come on, you wanna keep going?” Rainbow asked. “Angry Younger Sister Mode Enabled. Commence Tantrum Sequence,” the robot said, sitting down on its haunches as its head extended upward, its mouth opened wide, and its head immediately began spinning around, firing lasers in every direction. “WHOA!” Rainbow immediately ducked down, narrowly avoiding getting incinerated by one of the energy bolts. “Twi, you okay back there? We could use some help!” she cried out, Twilight moaned in response from the pain she was in. “Seriously… for a robot copy of your… little sister, Rarity… it sure puts up a… fight…” Twilight muttered, attempting a healing spell on herself as she tried to keep as low to the floor as possible to avoid getting blasted by the lasers the robot was firing. “Twilight, dear, I’m already extremely uncomfortable as it is dealing with this,” Rarity said, ducking down as well. Taking aim, Rarity prepared to fire a blast of magic at the robot, then paused. “I’m sorry, Twilight… I can’t fire upon something that looks like dear little Sweetie Belle, even if it is trying to kill us!” she said, tearing up and letting out a melodramatic sigh, earning a facehoof from Twilight. “Then what do we do?!” Rainbow demanded. At that moment, however, the door opened and a large speaker of some kind wheeled in, an electric-blue tail peeking out behind it. As it got closer, the pony behind it became fully visible. “Vinyl?! What are you doing here?!” Rainbow asked. “Figured you girls needed help, and wouldn’t you know it, looks like I was right! Don’t worry, I got this!” Vinyl said with a grin, patting the large, wheeled speaker next to her. The robot suddenly stopped firing lasers and stood back up, its head retracting back down and cocking sideways in curiosity. “Analyzing… analyzing. Unable to compute device. Analyzing new lifeform… Unicorn. Mare. Threat level… unclear...” The robot’s eyes glowed red. “Potential danger, defensive mode activating,” the robot said; its chest opening and a missile readying itself. “Cute, but can your missiles cut it against DJ PON-3’s BASS CANNON?” Vinyl shouted, her horn glowing and the speaker’s cover split open, revealing multiple glowing blue lights. “You girls may wanna move outta the way,” Vinyl said as a growing humming sound began to build up. The three ponies complied and leaped out of the way just before a powerful beam accompanied by noisy dubstep beats erupted from the strange weapon, blasting the robot clear through the wall and into the next room, and into the next wall before the beam faded. “Told ya, I had this!” the eccentric deejay said with a grin. “Uh… thanks, Vinyl,” Rainbow said, removing her hooves from her ears. “I gotta admit, that was pretty awesome, but we still woulda had it in the end!” she said with a smug smirk. “I suppose that horrid noise you call music does have its uses,” Rarity said, standing back up and dusting herself off again. “That was pretty helpful, though,” Twilight said with a smile, but then watched as the Bass Cannon immediately sparked and fell apart. “Eh, yeah but I can only use it once before it falls apart. Tryin’ to fix that little problem,” Vinyl said. “I think the wubs are a bit too strong for her still!” she added with a laugh. “Well, you girls go on ahead, I’m gonna get this thing picked up and get back to my carriage, believe me this thing’s not easy to lug around. I’ll be just outside if ya need me!” “Thanks again!” Twilight said as the other unicorn left and the three of them proceeded into the next room, where the strange robot was staggering to get up, sparks bursting from parts of its body. “Servo motors reeling from power of bass. Emotion levels down to 35%. Beginning soft cry mode,” the robot said, before making whimpering noises. “Sheesh, who knew a robot version of Sweetie Belle was that tough?!” Rainbow said, letting out a deep sigh. “Relax, Rainbow. At least it’s over now and it can’t get any weirder,” Twilight said with a smile, only for them to be interrupted by the next door opening and another, accented mechanical voice spoke. “Initiating Panic Mode: What have you done to my darling little sister?!” the voice demanded, and out of the door emerged a robotic version of Rarity. “You realize this is your fault for saying that…” Rarity said, facehoofing. “Exclamation! Sister Unit!” the smaller robot said. “Query Mode Initiated: Sister Unit, are you well?” the robotic version of Rarity asked as the real one simply stared agape. “Running Diagnostic Scan… No permanent damage detected. Charge at 27%. Entering Sleep Mode for power preservation until proper repairs are made,” the robotic filly said. Rarity looked about ready to faint as her friends slowly put their forehooves around her and dragged her off into the next room. “Initiating Relief Mode. Begin Loving Sister Nuzzle Program,” the Rarity robot said from the other room as it proceeded to gently nuzzle the Sweetie Belle robot while the latter powered down. “Honestly, what use would anypony have for such ghastly contraptions?” Rarity asked, shuddering a little as they proceeded onward. ~ “The Great and Powerful Trixie is lonely. Robots, return at once and entertain Trixie!” The showmare ordered through the intercom. Getting no response, she sighed. “So they’ve overcome Trixie’s entertainment robots!” Trixie froze for a moment, staring upward as she sensed something in the room with her, or perhaps in her mind with her. A moment passed and she sighed again. “Perhaps it is best Trixie cancel this performance prematurely! Farewell, Fancy Pants!” Trixie shouted to the cowering figure behind the nearby desk, setting off a burst of smoke. As it cleared, she ran up the nearby stairs and was gone, just as Rainbow Dash kicked open the door. “Alright, Trixie? Fancy Pants? Where are you?” The pegasus demanded, searching around and seeing a figure hiding behind a desk. “Aha!” Thought you could hide?” Rainbow asked, flying over the desk and glaring at the well-dressed unicorn behind it. “Please! I say, miss! Don’t hurt me! I never… I couldn’t… the statue!” The unicorn pleaded. “Fancy Pants! I’m VERY disappointed in you. Serving King Sombra is hardly becoming of the most important pony in Canterlot! What have you to say for yourself?” “Please, Miss Rarity! I’m so, SO sorry! Let me explain!” Fancy Pants insisted. The pained, honest look in the businesspony’s eyes was all Rarity needed to know he was very much himself now. “Understand, when Miss Lulamoon approached me in Canterlot a few days ago, she presented me with that statue, insisting it would be a fine centerpiece for my new business in Manehattan! I complied, while she may be a boastful showoff, she knew how to draw in crowds so I decided to give her a chance. Then… things happened… it was like for some reason I couldn’t say no to anything she proposed to me! We set up business in the Equestrian State Building, took upper management of the Bridleway Theater, with my every intention of giving the likes of miss Octavia and Fleur De Lis a boost in their own careers…” He explained. “But then… once more, it was as if I couldn’t say no to anything Miss Lulamoon wanted. The Alicorn Statue began to… draw me to it, I say. The more I was around it, the more I came to fear it, feeling as though it were watching my every move. Trixie advised its relocation to the Rock N’ Roadhouse, a place I liked to frequent from time to time to enjoy myself away from business so transporting it there was easy enough. But that only made it worse…” “Worse, how?” Twilight asked. “The room I put it in… took on a life of its own. The Alicorn Statue’s power grew, and I was approached by a strange, dark mare who told me her new master wished to speak to me.” The businesspony continued. Rarity shifted uncomfortably at Fancy Pants’ words and looked over at her friends, then down at her hooves. “Miss Rarity, a-are you alright?” Fancy Pants asked, concerned. “Y-yes. I-I’ll be quite alright, please continue.” “Very well… you see, as I mentioned, the room took on a life of its own. I was drawn into a strange, abstract mockery of Manehattan, where a voice began speaking in my head. Apparently, this statue was like a conduit for King Sombra’s power, weakening a pony’s soul and putting them further under his power… I suspect this has already befallen Miss Lulamoon long before I met her…” Fancy Pants mused. “A horrible, deep voice like something from the pits of Tartarus itself spoke to me in that twisted world. That his new servant would challenge them shortly… though I suppose you already took care of her, I trust?” Twilight and Rainbow both nodded while Rarity again flinched. “Also, that you are to be kept from reaching Bahamare Island. It’s a rather lovely resort just to the southeast, in the Mareibbean Sea… and something about an ancient tomb in Saddle Arabia…” Fancy Pants mused. “Well, thanks to you I imagine, I’m free from Sombra’s influence. Perhaps I can still be of service for your help, and to make up for what I’ve been forced to do…” He said. “That means a lot to us, Fancy Pants!” Rarity said with a smile. “We are very grateful for any assistance you may provide us.” “On that subject, do you happen to have a spellbook that Trixie may have had in her possession?” “You mean Baccus Brew’s Potion Compendium? Right there on my desk. Trixie left in quite a rush so she must have left it behind.” Fancy Pants said, gesturing to the book on the desk. Smiling, Twilight floated the book into her saddlebag. “Thanks so much. But what about the Sapphire Spire's barrier, and how will we get to Bahamare Island?” Twilight asked. “Well, Trixie set up the barrier remotely with a spell that can only be deactivated from within the barrier itself, so we're out of luck there unless a way in is found. As for how to get to Bahamare... I do remember the FlimFlam brothers selling their invention to me, and we were experimenting with a air-travel method for it… oh my… are they alright?” Fancy Pants asked, as memories of what had happened last he saw them came flooding back. “They’re in the hospital, last we heard.” Rainbow said with a shrug. “But hey, it’s about time they got theirs… anyway what’re you getting at, you made that thing fly?” “To my understanding, yes!” Fancy Pants said. “I believe it was going to be called the Cider-Copter 6000. By now it should be functional. It’s up on the roof right now so its test flight could be attempted.” “Well let’s get going then!” Rainbow said, flying up the stairs, followed by Twilight, Rarity, and Fancy Pants. ~ “No… bucking… way…” Rainbow muttered as she saw the copter lifting off already. Peering over the edge was the unwelcome sight of a smug blue unicorn in a wizard hat and cape. “Trixie was wondering when you would show up!” Trixie yelled proudly. “This is far from over, for once again the amazing, show-stopping magnificence of the Great and Powerful Trixie triumphs over your filly-grade efforts! Farewell for now, foals!” Trixie said with a mock salute as she reared back in her seat, setting off an explosion of smoke. When it finally cleared, Trixie turned the flying machine around and flew off, blowing a raspberry at them as she laughed victoriously before it suddenly picked up speed and sped off into the afternoon sky. “WHY THAT LITTLE—” Rainbow snarled, spreading her wings and preparing to fly after her, only to find she couldn’t move at all. “What the… what’s going on?!” At that moment, a fanfare sounded off. “Oh COME ON!” Rainbow protested. “NOW?!” Glancing upward she saw a familiar serpentine figure come spinning down from the sky and touch down on the rooftop in front of her and the others. “Ohhhh, YES, now!” Discord said in a jolly tone, chuckling as he snapped his claw and a camera appeared in it. “Discord, seriously?! I gotta catch Trixie, she’s getting away!” Rainbow shouted indignantly. “Yeah, this is kind of serious, Discord!” Twilight said. “Oh pish-tosh! There’ll be other opportunities to trade hits with that loud showmare!” Discord said. “However, one can never miss a golden opportunity for another photo!” He said, snapping his other claw and causing Rainbow to land on the roof, mobile again, though her wings would not unfold. “Now all four of you, close together and say… blue cheese!” The draconequus said with a grin. “Blue-wha—” The four ponies said in confusion as Discord snapped the photo, preserving the baffled looks on their faces and watching the photo slide out of his camera. “Oh this one came out just spectacular! Wouldn’t you agree?” He asked, showing it to them, prompting exasperated groans from the businesspony and the three friends. “As for the blue cheese thing I just thought I’d change it up a little and take you by surprise. At any rate, have fun on your adventure, my little ponies!” Discord said in a mockingly cheerful tone, placing his paw to his chest and outstretching his eagle claw, spinning back up into the sky and vanishing in a flash of light. “I say, with all due respect to Celestia… I’ll never understand her reasoning for allowing such a being to roam freely again…” Fancy Pants mused. “At any rate…” Twilight sighed. “We’re gonna need to find another solution if we’re gonna get to Bahamare Island...”