Seeing Rainbows

by Android

Chapter 3. Party with Pinkie


Music blares, hitting you with like a wave and a room full of ponies pops seemingly out of nowhere. You saw this coming before you walked in the door. All the hushed, “ssshhh, here they come,” and the sound of breathing may have escaped a normal pony’s ears but not yours. Music turns on and Pinkie Pie bounces up to you.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, welcome to your ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party.”

“I bet you had something to do with this,” you say, turning to face Dash.

“Nope,” Pinkie Pie replies, “this was my idea, but Dashie did help bring you here. Let me introduce you to my friends.”

Four other ponies walk up to you. “This is Twilight, and this is Rarity, and this is Applejack, and this is Fluttershy,” Pinkie says as she points at each pony left to right.

“Hi, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I run the town library, and this is my assistant, Spike,” says a warm and welcoming voice.

A small bipedal creature walks up to you; you can only assume it’s a baby dragon, “what’s up dude?”
Another pony draws his attention, and immediately he’s fumbling with his spikes.

“I’m Rarity; it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You simply must come down to my shop so I get your measurements,” a fancy yet not too uptight voice addresses you.

“Alright Rarity, don’t pester the fella too much. I’m Applejack; my family and Ah run the apple farm in town,” says the pony with a southern accent. She had something on her head that you assume was a hat.

“Well go on Fluttershy dear, introduce yourself to the nice pony,” says Rarity.

A Pegasus who seemed light on her feet quietly walked up to you, “I’m Fluttershy…,” she says, her voice growing faint towards the end of her sentence.

“Um, hi I’m Solarstorm. Thanks for all the warm welcomes but I’m not new here,” you say.

“Really? I haven’t seen you around town,” says Dash.

“I rarely go into town, I mostly explore the mountains and forests around Ponyville but I’ve lived here for seven years,” you reply.

“Wait, earlier you said you’ve seen Pinkie all tipsy, you weren’t here for the celebration four years ago, were you?” Dash asked.

“Yup, I kind of stopped visiting town after that,” you say.

“I still don’t even remember what happened that night either,” says Pinkie.

“Yeah well ur not gettin any of that cider again. Not after what ya did to that nice young Pegasus, scared the daylights outta him, not to mention the rest of us,” says Applejack.

“I said I was sorry,” Pinkie replies.
“Um, that nice young Pegasus was me, but it’s nice to see you not curved out of your mind,” you say, soliciting a laugh out of everypony.
“Well no point in letting a perfectly good party go to waste, LETS PARTY!” yells Pinkie. And with that DJ Pon-3 puts a new record on restarts the music.

“So you said you like exploring, where do you go when you do?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Surprisingly, there is a lot to see outside of Ponyville. There’s the Everfree forest, the caves at the base of the mountains, the mountains themselves, it’s a lot of fun,” you say.

“Wait, how far do you go into the forest? I mean, our friend Zecora lives in the forest so we see her there all the time, but you go into the caves? There’s rumored to be an ursa major living in one of those caves. That’s so awesome,” Dash says, clearly impressed.

“Really? I’ve never run into one before but if I see one I’ll te-”

“You two just gonna sit there talking or are you guys gonna dance?” yells Pinkie. She has something in her hooves. What is it?


And with that you no longer see. The world goes black, slowly returning in patches. There’s a loud ringing in your ears.

“Hey, Storm. You OK?” the voice sounds faint, out of touch. Who is it? You wait until the ringing stops enough for you to get a blurred look on your surroundings.

“Ow, what was that?”

“Party poppers,” Pinkie says, “why?”

“Nothing, I just have a slight ringing in my ears,” the environment has not returned into focus. You stand up. “Just don’t do that near my head like that. I have…sensitive hearing.”

“Uh, partner? You’re kind of talking to the ice sculpture,” Applejack remarks.

You feel your face heat up, “Oh, uh, I knew that.”

“Hey no problem, I talk to ice sculptures all the time,” Pinkie says, and bounces away.

The world has returned to focus again. You turn to Rainbow Dash, “She’s like this normally?”

“Eh, you get used to it, besides, she grows on you.”

The party continues for a few more hours. You and Dash continue to talk.

“So how many Wonderbolts’ shows have you been to?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“As many as I can. Whenever they are in area or nearby town, I’m there,” you answer.

“What’s your favorite trick? I love The Flamethrower.”

“Oh my gosh, I absolutely love The Fire Bomb. The beautiful shape of the flames is what I love the best. They always bring the best for all their shows.”

"Ya know, I met Spitfire once," Rainbow Dash says.

"NO WAY! What's she like?" You respond excitedly

"She's awesome, the leader of the Wonderbolts, she has got to be the coolest pony in the world," she says as if Spitfire is here in front of her.

“This is so great,” Rainbow says excitedly, “I never knew there was another pony who appreciated the Wonderbolts with such enthusiasm, we have to go to a show together.”

A few hours later the party begins to wind down and ponies begin to leave.

(Yawn) “Alright guys, I’m gonna head home, besides, Spike is tired,” says Twilight as she walks by carrying the baby dragon, “It was nice meeting you, Solarstorm.”

“Me too, I’ve got some apple trees to harvest tomorrow, I’ll see ya round partner,” Applejack says as she heads out the door.

The party is over, you start to head home when you hear a Pegasus flying to catch up to you. Its Rainbow.

“Hey, you heading home?” she asks.

“Yeah, so same time tomorrow?” you ask.

“Uh hug, 9:30 Monday through Friday. Hey do you wanna get hangout for real tomorrow? I mean, I’m sure you didn’t expect that party, but maybe we can do something fun. ” she says, her voice is slightly soft.

“Uh sure,” you reply, your face blushes slightly, “right after the weather.”

“Oh, ok, see ya tomorrow, hotshot,” her voice regaining its confidence.

You return home. Climbing into your bed you feel happier than ever. Suddenly it hits you.
Did she just ask you out?