//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: You're Gonna Go Far Kid // Story: Electronic Heart Beat // by Nightlock106 //------------------------------// "Vinyl, can you and Pinkie help me move these crates into the store, please?" called Mr. Cake. "Sure thing, c'mon Pinkie." It has been three days since I moved into the Cake house. And I've been having the best time in my life. It had been ages since I last felt this kind of happiness. I didn't mind the work. Sure it was hard, but it beat out being in some motel room on my back. They didn't mind me staying. I was a hard working and respectable mare, never complained too much, and kept Pinkie Pie in line. Pinkie and I had grown quite fond of each other. We had a lot in common, our hobbies, taste in music, things to do on a Friday night. We eventually became marefriends, and I couldn't have been happier. She was a lot like me, random, funny, and always down for a party. "Thanks girls, I don't know what I'd do without ya," said Mr. Cake as we got the last of the crates into the store. "It's no trouble Mr. Cake. I'm so really-super-extra excited to help anypony. Isn't that right Vinyl?" "Right," I said, trying to catch my breath. The thing about me and Pinkie is, when we start working, we get competitive. We had a contest to see who could carry the most crates in at one time. She lifted ten of them up without breaking a sweat. I could barely manage five. Remind me to hit the gym later. "I need you girls to do one last thing," Mr. Cake said. "What is it?" Pinkie asked with excitement. "I need you two to take this cake to Sweet Apple Acres for Applejack's birthday party. When that's done, give me a call here and you can have the rest of the day off." "Thanks Mr. Cake," I said, grabbing the cake with my magic. "You are gong to love my friend Applejack, she's sooooo amazing." "What's she like?" "She's a country gal, hard working, honest, and a very dependable friend." "Sounds nice." We arrived at Sweet Apple Acres in no time. I looked around. Apple trees as far as the eye could see. "What is it they do here again?" "They grow apple trees and make some of the most delicious apple treats in all of Equestria." "Well howdy there Pinkie Pie," called a young filly. "Hey there Applebloom." "Who's your friend? Or is she your marefriend?" "Applebloom, I'd like you to meet my marefriend, Vinyl Scratch." "Yo." "Nice to meet you Ms. Scratch." "Please, call me Vinyl. Ms. Scratch makes me sound old." She laughed then looked up giving me a warm smile, "So what brings y'all here?" "Mr. Cake sent us to deliver your sister's birthday cake. Where is she anyway?" Pinkie explained. "She's in town getting some parts for our wagon. The thing lost a wheel again. Well follow me to the barn, you can set the cake down in there." she led us to the barn and we stepped inside, "Just set the cake on the table over yonder." "Pinkie, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go call Mr. Cake." "We don't have a phone here." "Oh?" "Granny says that in her day, they didn't have them fancy technological devices to talk to people." "It's okay Vinyl, you can use my cell," Pinkie said tossing me her phone. I stepped outside and made the call. How it is possible for us to use these things is beyond me. I stepped back in when I finished the call, tossing Pinkie her phone back. "Applebloom, there you are." called a voice from behind me, making me jump out of my skin. "What do you need Granny?" "I need you to go get yer sister, the party starts in an hour. Also I have bed news." "What is it?" "That darned DJ quit on us. Says he has more important things to do." "How are we going to have the party without music?" "Um... if you guys need a DJ, I'm more than willing to help." "You're a DJ?" Applebloom asked in excitement. "Why else would my name be Vinyl Scratch?" "Well, we don't have any money to pay ya with." said the old mare. "It's fine, I'm always happy to help my friends without anything special in return." With that Applebloom rushed off to get her sister, and more party guests were starting to arrive. It was great meeting all these new ponies. The ones that stood out the most were Pinkie's friends, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. It surprised me to find out that Pinkie and her friends are the famous Elements of Harmony. I was star stuck, I began to ask them all kinds of questions. I talked a mile a minute, that was until the big announcement. "QUIET EVERYPONY, SHE'S COMING!" With that, everypony fell silent and hid themselves. The door opened and they stepped in. "SURPRISE!" yelled everypony. "Fer me, y'all shouldn't have." "C'mon eveypony leeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's PAR-TAY!" I dropped a record onto the tables and got into the zone. Everypony was enjoying themselves, even old Granny Smith was dancing her tail off. That was the start of the best music career I could have ever had. Later in the party, a stallion walked up to me. "What's your name sweetheart?" "I'm not into stallions." "That's not why I'm asking, I can assure you." "Well then, I'm Vinyl Scratch, aka DJ Pon3." "I'm Gold Star, owner of the famous Aftermath Records. I saw you DJing and I wanted to know if you wanted a career in show business." "You mean you are the Gold Star. Your record company has my favorite artist in your recruits, DJ UnRaTeD." "Sure do." "Where do I sign?" He pulled out a contract from his briefcase, "Just sign on the dotted line." I took the quill from him and signed my name. "Perfect, send us a demo in two weeks, and we'll take it from there. You're gonna go far kid." With excitement I ran to Pinkie Pie and gave her a kiss. "What's got you in such an excited mood?" "My music career has just got it's kick start." After the party, I went home and began to record my demo album. I called DJ Pon3's Kick Start, go figure. I finished the recording in one week and sent it in. Now all I had to do was wait. Three weeks later, a letter came to me in the mail. "What's it say?" Pinkie asked looking over my shoulder. As I finished reading the letter, I began to hop up and down with joy. "I GOT ACCEPTED TO AFTERMATH RECORDS!" I shouted. "That's great." "What's with all the yelling girls?" asked Mrs. Cake as she and Mr. Cake walked into the room. "Vinyl got a record deal with Aftermath Records." "That's wonderful dear, I'll go bake a cake to celebrate," said Mrs. Cake as she left the room. "Did the letter say anything else?" Pinkie asked. "The only other thing it said was to be in Canterlot by next week." An hour passed and the celebration was on. I got out my equipment and began to play the music from my album. After the party, Pinkie and I had a little "celebration" of our own. And it was the best party out of them all.