//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 rewritten // Story: F-22 in Equestria // by F-22 Raptor //------------------------------// Date: December 6th 2019 Location: United States, AFB Wilkinson The United States is at war. Unknown terrorist forces have acquired Russian aircraft, such as the SU-37 and are now doing battle with the legendary United States Air Force. The United States is now using the F-22 Raptor, as well as the F-35 JSF. The Lieutenant came and got Captain James Sinder, also known as Ace out of bed. "Sir, we have ten SU-37s on the radar ten minutes out, how soon can you be up in the air" said the LT. "Give me five minutes and I can be at my aircraft" replied Ace. He didn't have time for breakfast. He got into his flight suit, quickly brushed his teeth, and ran out the door towards the hangers. When he got there his F-22 was ready and waiting. The F-22 Raptor was the sum of years of research into stealth and aerodynamics. With a top speed of around mach two, it was one of the fastest aircraft ever produced. Ace jumped into the cockpit of his F-22 and ran through the prefiguring checks. Once he was finished he taxied to the runway. Pushing the throttle to three fourths, he thundered down the runway. Once he took off, he immediately started scanning for targets. Even though his radar hadn't shown any contacts closer than about fifty miles. by this time the SU-37s were about four minutes out. about thirty seconds later he got a lock on one of the enemy aircraft. Thankful that his aircraft had gotten some software updates for the sensor suite, he switched over to his radar guided missiles and fired, changing targets he repeated the procedure, and reflected on the fact that the F-22 had gotten some very serious upgrades. He managed to take down four of the SU-37s before they closed to visual range. immediately they spotted each other, there was six SU-37s, and rushed towards the merge, or the point where the two aircraft would pass. Immediately Ace turned into the enemy, hoping to gain the advantage by getting behind his enemy. But it was not to be. A second enemy aircraft rocketed towards him, and gained lock. Luckily a few pilots from his squadron had gotten up into the air, and took the enemy down. However, while he was distracted, the second SU-37 got a lock, but he pulled up on the stick, standing still in midair for a few seconds in a maneuver known as the pugachev's cobra. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and Ace closed his eyes, then, after a moment of blinding brightness the light faded away, and Ace opened his eyes again. Then he saw something he couldn't believe. Flying beside him was a blue Pegasus with a multicolored tail. He ran through his memories, trying desperately to remember if he had taken any drugs or medication that could cause hallucinations. He didn't do drugs, and he hadn't taken any medication for anything he could recall. So, he chalked it up to sleep deprivation, and left it at that. Then he was shaken out of his thoughts by the missile launch alarm in his helmet. He deployed flares and pulled away from the missile. Then, with the enemy fighter in hot pursuit, he did the pugachev's cobra. The enemy aircraft fought to stay in the turn, but the enemy pilot was inexperienced, he rocketed in front of the F-22. Ace was in the perfect position for his guns. He wasn't going to waste his missiles if he could use his cannon. He took the shot and blew the SU-37 out of the sky. It crashed down on some sort of farm. Then, as he looked at his instruments, he realized that he still had full fuel tanks. However he couldn't stay up here that long. As he pondered on where to land, as he couldn't figure out any of the landmarks, he heard a tapping on the canopy. When he looked, he was sure that he was hallucinating again. The blue Pegasus was back, and it was trying to talk to him through the glass. He couldn't hear it, but he was sure it was trying to tell him to land somewhere, so he followed it. The blue Pegasus led him to a clearing large enough for him to land safely. Then, after checking that everything worked, he came in for a landing. It was a bit bumpy, but he was safe and on the ground. As he got out of the cockpit, the Pegasus started talking to him, however, that wasn't the most surprising thing, what surprised him the most was that he could actually understand it. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it. Here was something that could fly almost as fast as her while she was doing a sonic rainboom. As it got out of the glass bubble it had been in she started asking questions. The creature that came out of the metal beast, it visibly recoiled, and pulled out a dark grey object, pointing it at her. "Get down on the ground" it yelled. When she didn't comply immediately, it pulled a lever on an object it had in its hoof. There was a loud bang, and a puff of dirt was kicked up where it was pointed on the ground. Immediately she dropped to the ground. "What are you" it asked. "I'm a Pegasus" she replied, "the fastest Pegasus around." "All right, just back away, and go back to whatever place you came from" it said. The Pegasus left him. Hopefully it was just a dream, and wouldn't come back. He didn't want to deal with that right now, he had to check his aircraft for damage. However he wasn't alone for long. The Pegasus came back, with a unicorn no less. Immediately the purple unicorn started asking him questions, like how are you able to fly without wings. He tried to ignore it and finish his checks. Someone had probably slipped some hallucinogen into his dinner past night. Nothing was damaged thankfully, and the fuel tank was still full for some reason, even the cannon rounds he had shot were replenished. He just couldn't figure it out. He wasn't sure if this was a dream or not, but luckily he had brought his m9 along, just in case. After his checks he could listen to the annoying purple unicorn. He didn't like it already. ----- After Twilight had notified the princesses through Spike, she ran off with Rainbow Dash to find this creature. It took a while but eventually they found it going over something on the metal beast. She asked many questions, but it ignored them all until it was finished. After it was finished it actually started listening. It said that it was from the United States, a place she had never heard of before. Then it said that it was flying what was called an aircraft. And that the aircraft was called an F-22 Raptor, and apparently it was the best fighter aircraft there was in the world. Whatever that meant. Anyway she though that it would be a good idea to introduce herself. She said "hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?" It said "My name is John, John Sinderson. You can call me Ace." Twilight though that that was a weird name to which the creature, she assumed it was a he from his tone of voice, said that Twilight Sparkle was a weird name form where he came from. "Where am I" he asked. "You're in Equestria" she responded. He said that he'd never heard if that country before, to which shed responded that shed never heard of America. Thus he concluded that he was on a different world, though he wasn't sure he was dreaming, but, he pinched himself, and he didn't wake up, so he realized that he wasn't dreaming, unfortunately. When princess Celestia had gotten her student's letter she thought that her student was joking. But, Twilight wouldn't joke about something like the matters of national security, so she had to assume that Twilight knew what she was talking about. So, she sent some royal guards to see for sure. She had to be sure that this creature wouldn't be a threat to her ponies.