A broken Sun

by Twilight Best Pony

Chapter 6

Celestia found nothing but confusion to Luna’s answer. “My deepest desire? Luna, what are you talking about?”
Luna sniffed. She briefed a sideways glance to Twilight, still unconscious and being drained of magic by the crystal, before returning her gaze to Celestia and replied to her.
“Isn’t it obvious, sister? What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted more than all else?”
Luna, I have no idea what you're talking about; stop being so cryptic!” Celestia yelled.
“Your greatest desire was to be treated like a normal pony, is it not? Doesn’t Iron already do that? Isn’t it also true that you had a small crush on him, before he got married?” She asked with a small smile.
Celestia’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare bring that up!” she growled.
Luna merely shook her head. “Tia, what is coming up soon? What haven't you celebrated in over a thousand years since my banishment?”
                Celestia’s eyes widened further. “M-my birthday? What does that have to do with anything?”
                “Everything, Tia!” Luna was sobbing at this point, tears running down her cheeks, staining her midnight blue coat. “Please sister, free Twilight and undo this shield so we can discuss this before somepony gets irreversibly hurt.”
                Celestia just scoffed. “Of course you would want that.” She turned back to face Twilight; her wings were going limp as the crystal absorbed the magic used to maintain them.
                “Sister!” Luna shouted. She struck her hoof against the magic barrier in a vain attempt to break it. Celestia didn’t even cast a glance behind her, instead keeping her gaze transfixed on Twilight’s de-alicornization.
                Finally, with a sigh, Luna gave up. “Fine, Tia, I’ll tell you the truth.” She then furrowed her brows as Celestia turned back around, her own brow raised curiously. “And you’ll finally realize you’ve let your paranoia get the best of you.”
                “Twilight and I have been planning this for months. We decided you should receive a truly special gift for your 4000th birthday, something that’d be worth more than every gift-wrapped box any one pony could get.” Luna took a moment to wipe some tears away before continuing. “We decided our gift to you would be a whole month living life like a normal pony; no royal duties, no groveling subjects, and especially no raising the sun. With my help, Twilight would take over for you during that time. Using the alicorn magic you granted her, she could move the sun in your absence.” Luna stared pleadingly at her older sister, hoping she’d finally see reason now that the truth was out.
                Celestia said nothing in response at first as she struggled to digest all that Luna told her. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, Celestia leaned forward so she was eye level with Luna, glaring daggers at her.
                “Prove it,” she said.
                Another moment of silence reigned before they were startled by a blinding flash of yellow light between them. Both sisters instinctively shielded their eyes with a wing until the light faded. They looked back to see Discord standing between them, his head covered in bandages and holding a cake in his mismatched hands. Written in green frosting on the cake was “Happy 4000th Birthday Tia!
                “Is this enough proof, Tia?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
                Luna smiled. “Discord! You're still alive!”
                “Indeed I am,” Discord replied. He winced at a sudden pain in his head. “That’s the last time I try to fix my own injuries.”
                Celestia furrowed her brows. “Discord . . .
                “Celestia, just look at this!” He held the cake just an inch from Celestia’s barrier, right in front of her face. “Luna is telling you the truth!”
                Celestia snorted. “You could’ve easily conjured that yourself in response to my demand for proof.
                Discord stared back for a few moments before slumping his shoulders in defeat. “Okay; that I did.”
                Celestia scoffed and turned back around to observe Twilight’s de-alicornization. Luna frowned and whispered into Discord’s ear. “Why did you admit yourself?”
                Discord turned to her and smiled. “Just watch,” he said.
                Before Luna could say anything else, Discord grabbed her around the neck and dragged her several meters backwards, away from Celestia’s barrier. He then lifted the cake over his head and turned to her. “When the going is good, rush in and grab Twilight; I’ll hold off Celestia.”
                Luna opened her mouth to retort, but Discord gave her no chance as he chucked the cake at the shield. With Celestia’s back turned, she never saw it coming. The cake hit the shield with great force and exploded. Luna expected to get showered with cake and frosting as a result, but such shrapnel never came. Looking on, she saw that Celestia’s barrier was gone; the white alicorn herself was knocked forward a few meters closer to Twilight, too stunned by the blast to move.
                Luna stared, mouth agape, for a moment before Discord ran into her field of vision toward Celestia. Coming back to her senses, Luna made a beeline for Twilight, who by this point was starting to look quite pale. Discord hurriedly leapt on top of Celestia and kept her pinned to the cavern floor with both his mismatched hands. As a failsafe, he snatched the magic suppressor off of Twilight’s horn and slipped it over Celestia’s own, cutting off her own magic.
                Meanwhile, Luna set to work freeing Twilight. With a few carefully aimed bucks, the crystal holding Twilight against the cavern wall shattered into several tiny fragments that littered the floor all around them. She caught Twilight in her telekinetic grip and laid the lavender mare onto the floor on her back. The crystal was still embedded deep within Twilight’s chest, but one good yank with Luna’s jaw was enough to pry it loose, in turn ceasing the magic drain. She tossed the crystal over the nearby cliff and deeper into the caverns, the sound of it striking a surface echoing back a few moments later.
                “Twilight,” Luna said, nuzzling the unconscious mare. “Please wake up.”
                “She won’t-argh, LET ME GO!!!”
                Luna turned to look at Celestia who was struggling to free herself from underneath Discord. No matter how much she lashed out at him, however, the draconequus held tight his grip without budging.
                “That’s not happening, Celestia,” Discord replied, nonchalantly. “At least until you come to your senses . . . I can’t believe I just said that.”
                Luna would’ve giggled had it not been for the situation at hoof. She stood up and approached Celestia, horn alight with magic as she prepared to cast a flashback spell.
                “Sister,” she said, “it’s time you saw the truth.”
                Before Celestia could get out a snarled reply, Luna touched her horn to her forehead, casting the spell. Celestia closed her eyes at the accompanying bright flash of white light. When she next opened them, she found herself to be in Luna’s bedchambers. The dark blue alicorn herself stood in front of her, along with Twilight Sparkle. A momentary panic surged in Celestia before she realized that Luna was showing her past events.
                “This will explain everything, sister.”
                Celestia started at the voice next to her. Turning her head, she saw another Luna, the present one, staring at the scene before them. Her entire person was a light blue color and slightly transparent. Looking down at herself, Celestia saw that she was too, which confirmed her prior assumption.
                Present Luna turned to her. “In hindsight, I wish I’d shown this to you much earlier.”
                Celestia looked at her for a moment before shifting to the scene before them.
                “Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere, little star,” Past Luna replied, making way toward her room’s balcony. “I feel we may not be so safe from prying ears here, after all.”
Whatever floats your boat,” Past Twilight said with a smile. The two stepped onto the balcony to enjoy the last vestiges of sunlight before Luna had to raise the moon.
Present Luna gestured for them to follow. Celestia gave a half-lidded stare, but complied, following her sister and student’s past counterparts. Present Luna trailed behind.
Past Twilight and Luna sat down upon a couple of lounge chairs and stayed silent while they enjoyed the setting sun. But it didn’t stay like so for long, as Twilight spoke up after about half a minute.
Luna, can I ask you something?”
Past Luna turned to her and smiled. “Of course, little star.”
Celestia frowned at Present Luna in response to the pet name, who glanced back briefly but said nothing in return. Maintaining the frown, Celestia returned her attention to the scene before them.
Twilight sighed. “Why did Celestia grant me ascension?”
Past Luna frowned. “Why do you ask such a question?”
It’s just that your and Celestia’s rule over Equestria is sound without my help. Sure, I help out with Day/Night Court requests from time to time, but am I really needed just for that, or is there something to it I’m not aware of?”
Past Luna stared blankly for a moment before smiling. “Still as inquisitive as ever, I see.”
Twilight blushed.
Past Luna giggled for a moment before answering Twilight’s question. “One thing you should know, Twilight, is that you and Cadence aren’t the first ponies whom have been granted ascension.”
Twilight’s eyes went wide in response. “Really?” she asked.
Of course,” Past Luna replied. “Tia always takes under her wing everypony she meets with exceptional talent, focus, and determination, but only grants them ascension under a special circumstance.”
Wow.” Twilight looked ahead blankly. “So, what’s the ‘special circumstance’?”
Past Luna shrugged. “If I knew I’d tell you, but Tia’s always a hog when it comes to such important secrets.”
Celestia looked sternly at Present Luna in response, while she just looked away sheepishly.
Anyway,” Past Luna continued, “the reason why Celestia granted you ascension might be the same as why she did so for any of her past apprentices.” Past Luna stretched her fore legs a bit before continuing. “She’s afraid.”
Twilight raised a curious brow at this. “Afraid? Of what?”
Past Luna sighed. “Afraid of being alone.” She turned back to look at the setting sun. “After my banishment, Celestia told me she was incredibly lonely. Losing her only family left a giant hole in her heart, one which she apparently tried to fill by taking ponies under her wing and raising them as if they were her own children. That way, she could have someone to reconcile with as well as have help in ruling over Equestria.” She turned back to Twilight. “Even with my return, she still feels having a third wheel in our rule is beneficial to us, but I shan’t complain.”
Celestia’s frown turned from one of anger to one of concern as she didn’t know what to think about that assessment. Present Luna turned her attention to her sister, knowing the next few sentences spoken were what had to convince her.
Well,” Twilight said, “I guess those Day Court requests can get a little unbearable sometimes.”
Past Luna laughed. “As does those of Night Court.”
The two of them laughed a bit together before Past Luna continued. “I cannot imagine what insanity Tia would’ve suffered through the past thousand years had she no help.”
Twilight smiled. “She definitely deserves her gift, doesn’t she?”
Celestia’s eyes widened slightly at that, while Present Luna kept her neutral stare.
Most definitely, little star,” Past Luna replied. “Truth be told, I wish I could have an entire month free as well. But alas, Equestria needs a guiding hoof lest it fall apart at the seams.”
Ergo, Ponyville on a weekly basis,” Twilight stated.
While both mares laughed uproariously at that, Celestia’s eyes widened even greater than before. Her train of thought took an unexpected turn as two sides of her maddened psyche fought for control. One side stood by everything she’d convinced herself of, while the other argued that what Past Luna just said contradicted all of it. The inner turmoil of these two warring beliefs tearing through Celestia’s mind was too much for her brain to handle and she promptly collapsed to her knees.
Present Luna decided her sister had seen enough and cancelled the spell.
                The two sisters returned to reality in the same positions as before. Discord was still pinning Celestia down and Twilight was still unconscious while leaning against the crystal wall of the cavern.
                “What just happened?” Discord asked Luna.
                The moon princess looked down on Celestia, who was wide-eyed, slack-jawed, and putting up no resistance whatsoever to Discord.
                “She’s seen the truth,” Luna replied. She loked over to Twilight, her face setting into a deep frown. “Something I would’ve shown her sooner had I known how dire the situation really was.”
                Discord huffed. “That would’ve saved someone a lot of trouble.” He rolled his eyes up to his bandage wrapped head.
                Luna turned back to him with a frown. “I’m sorry, Discord, but you’re not the only victim here, and not even the biggest one at that.” She enveloped Twilight in her magic and levitated her over to him. “Can I trust you to get Twilight safely to the castle’s medical staff?”
                Discord grabbed the unconscious mare from her and nodded. “Of course,” he said. He then rubbed his bandaged head. “I should get myself properly treated while I’m at it. But what about you, Lulu?”
                Luna looked down at Celestia, who was still too shocked to move or speak. Her gaze softened upon seeing her sister in such a state. “Get Celestia into bed, for starters. Hopefully, come morning, she’ll be calmed down enough to raise the sun and we can talk over this properly.”
                “Well, good luck with that,” Discord replied.
                Luna heard a snap in front of her, to which what she saw of Discord atop Celestia vanished, leaving the two of them alone. With a sigh, Luna enveloped Celestia in her magic and proceeded toward the Crystal Caverns’ exit.


                Celestia said not a word for the entire trip to her bedroom. She offered no resistance to Luna’s telekinesis, nor any verbal assaults which concerned the lunar alicorn. Every minute or so, Luna would turn her head to make sure Celestia was alive and well. While the former was true, the latter was questionable at best.
                Celestia’s face had changed from one of shock to sadness sometime during the trip. The wide-eyed stare from before had fallen into a solemn frown while her muzzle had set into a grim line that periodically quivered ever so slightly. Luna could only guess the crushing weight put upon Celestia’s mind by the realization that she’d wrongfully convicted Twilight of treason.
                “Here we are,” Luna said, having reached Celestia’s bedroom. She pushed in the doorlock to which the door opened and she slipped inside.
                Luna levitated Celestia over and onto her bed before cancelling her telekinesis. Despite being free to move Celestia remained still, so Luna took the initiative to spread the covers over her and remove her regalia, placing them on the designated spot on the nearby vanity.
                Luna then looked down at Celestia with a somber face and sighed. “Get some rest, sister,” she said, and made way for the door. “We shall discuss this come morning.”
                Celestia didn’t answer, or even acknowledge what her sister said as she exited the bedroom. Her perception of the outside world was like a fishing bobber caught in a monsoon of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The knowledge of what she’d done to Twilight Sparkle, the daughter she never had, dealt a fatal blow to the solar alicorn’s psyche, leaving it shattered and in pieces. Celestia felt like crying, bawling her eyes out with a torrential downpour of tears, but such sorrow was cancelled out by another emotion; fear.
                As she began recovering from her prior shock, feelings of unparalleled fear coursed through the broken remnants of Celestia’s psyche. Fear that she’d succumbed to the same feelings of jealousy and anger that Luna fell to a thousand years ago. Fear that Equestria’s populace would forever condemn her despicable act and shun her in turn. But worst of all, fear that Luna, Discord, and especially Twilight would never forgive her for the harm she dealt unto them, whether emotional or physical.
                How could I let my deluded assumptions get so far out of hoof that all this happened? She thought. I thought they were guilty of treason, but the only one guilty of such is me. How . . . how could I do this?
                Tears began streaming from Celestia’s eyes as she sat up in bed. Looking around her room, at all the luxuries she possessed as a princess of Equestria, a pang of guilt greater than when she banished Luna shot through her shattered psyche. She was supposed to be the kind, wise, all around benevolent ruler that Equestria looked up to faithfully, but such a ruler would never do what she did to her protégé, sister, or even her former arch nemesis.
                Celestia’s gaze landed on her regalia, sitting on the vanity where Luna left it. Seeing it sitting there, where it’d always been put before bedtime, invoked another change in Celestia. No longer did she bawl her eyes out with tears. Instead, she merely looked downcast as the reality of what she’d done finally made itself clear.
                I don’t deserve to rule.


                6 hours later
                “Hey! Watch the horns!” Discord shouted to the doctor.
                “Sorry, Discord,” Dr. Aidan apologized, and continued bandaging the draconequus’ head.
                After escaping from the Crystal Caverns with Twilight, Discord woke up the castle’s medical staff who immediately got to work treating them both. They were curious, of course, as to what exactly happened to the princess and chaos spirit, but knew to hold off such questions until after their injuries were properly treated.
                “And . . . done,” Dr. Aidan announced.
                “Thanks,” Discord said, very insincerely.
                He turned to Twilight who laid on the bed next to him. Several unicorns were hard at work normalizing the magic flow in her body. Thankfully, she’d been saved before the absorbent crystal drained too much magic from her, but the damage it did do was severe enough to warrant a full-scale magic transfusion. Also thankfully, the physical damage dealt by the crystal piercing Twilight’s chest wasn’t life-threatening; a simple stitch job was enough to fix the injury.
                “She’ll be okay, right?” Discord asked.
                Dr. Aidan briefly turned to the lavender alicorn before staring at him with a raised brow. “Since when do you care for her well-being?”
                Discord huffed. “I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I’d wish harm onto her if she didn’t truly deserve it, which she didn’t.”
                “Speaking of which.” Dr. Aidan levitated a notepad and pen from his coat pocket. “What exactly happened to you two?”
                Discord turned and stared blankly at him as his conscience fought to determine whether he should impart such knowledge onto Dr. Aidan or, for that matter, anypony period. While he cared nothing for Celestia’s reputation, a part of him felt enough pity for the solar alicorn that revealing her despicable act didn’t come as easily as some would think it’d be for the draconequus. In the end, though, it didn’t matter as Luna entered the hospital wing at that moment.
                “Dr. Aidan,” she addressed him, trotting up to Discord’s bed.
                He turned to look at the moon princess. “Princess Luna, there’s been an acci-“
                He was silenced with a hoof gesture from Luna. “I’m aware that something has happened to both Princess Twilight and Discord.” She turned her head to look at the group of unicorn doctors still operating on Twilight. “Will Princess Twilight be alright?”
                Dr. Aidan followed her gaze. “Her physical injuries were minimal at most; nothing worth too much trouble. It’s the magic drain which has proven most troublesome, and even then our unicorn magi are more than capable of healing such a condition.” He returned his gaze to Discord, who’d stopped listening and taken to rearranging the digits on his mismatched hands into various combos. “But how did Princess Twilight get impaled by an absorbent crystal in the first place?”
                Discord stopped his fooling around and gazed up at him with a disinterested look in his eyes. For a split second, Luna thought his gaze flicked over to her. She took this as her cue to step in.
                “If I may, Dr. Aidan.” She levitated the notepad and pen from his telekinesis and over to her. “Since this concerns the well-being of a member of royalty, and Celestia shan’t be up for another hour, I will ask Discord what has happened to Twilight.”
                Dr. Aidan briefly stared at her with a concerned look before nodding. “Very well, your highness.” He turned around and left the room, followed a few minutes later by the group working on Twilight. Luna instructed them to get some much needed rest and that she’d watch over both Discord and Twilight.
                “I thought they’d never finish working on Sparkplug over there,” Discord stated, returning to his rearranging of digits.
                “Magic transfusions do take time,” Luna replied, throwing the notepad and pen over her shoulder. “Be thankful Tia didn’t magic drain you as well.”
                Discord said nothing in response. The two of them sat there for a minute in total silence, unknowing what to do or say next. Eventually, Luna spoke up in a wistful tone.
                The draconequus looked to her. “Yes, Lulu?”
                “. . . Would you have told Dr. Aidan what really happened had I not arrived when I did?”
                Discord stared blankly for a moment before shrugging. “Maybe. Maybe not. You know me Lulu; I’m impossible to read.” He returned to his digits but didn’t get to do anything before he felt a hoof placed on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Luna smiling down at him.
                “Regardless, I’m glad you didn’t,” she said.
                A slight blush formed on Discord’s cheeks before he coughed and gently knocked her hoof away. “Go bug her,” he said, gesturing with his head to Twilight, who was still unconscious.
                Luna smiled and trotted over to the lavender alicorn’s bed. Sitting down on her haunches, Luna proceeded to also stroke Twilight’s body; it was purely instinctual on her part. A part of her believed that Twilight was still fully aware in her dream, sorrowful for what Celestia intended for her, and that her own touch would help alleviate the young princess’ emotional pain.
                “Twilight,” she whispered, “everything will be alright; I promise.”
                “. . . tia.”
                Luna almost jumped in alarm at the sound before realizing Twilight was talking in her sleep.
                “. . . I . . . for . . .”
                Luna leaned in closer, trying to determine exactly what Twilight was saying. Meanwhile, as he lay on his own bed, Discord noticed something out of his eye’s corner happening outside. Turning to look through a nearby window, he stared wide-eyed as the sun peeked over the horizon.
                “Um, Luna,” he said.
                “Not now,” she replied. “Go on, Twilight.”
                “. . . give . . .”
                Discord checked a clock on the nearby wall. The time was 5:19; almost a whole hour before the sun was supposed to rise. He looked back out the window to find the sun had risen halfway over the horizon, its light stretching across the landscape in opposition to Luna’s moon which still hung in the sky, creating the same twilit sky seen just half a year ago.
                “. . . you.”
                “Luna?” Discord said, genuine worry lacing his voice this time.
                The lunar alicorn growled in frustration and spun around to face the draconequus. “Discord! What cou-”
                The sight of her sister’s sun rising through the window gave the lunar alicorn pause. She stared blankly at it, then at the clock on the wall, then at Discord with an angry scowl.
                “Discord! What are you doing with Tia’s sun?” She took a threatening step towards him.
                “Oh sure, blame me won’t you? I’m not moving the sun; in fact, that’s what I was trying to bring to your attention.” Discord pinched the bridge of his muzzle and narrowed his eyes at Luna. “Even when what I have to say is more concerning, you choose to listen to Princess Sparkplug’s unconscious ramblings; how typical.”
                Luna’s scowl deepened. She was about to verbally bash the reformed spirit of chaos when the hospital wing’s doors burst open and Guard Captain Iron Shield rushed in, a slip of parchment suspended in his telekinesis.
                “Luna!” he shouted. “Your sister has gone missing!”
                “WHAT!?” She spun on her hooves to face him. “For how long?”
                “I don’t know,” Iron Shield floated the parchment over to her. She took it in her own magic while he continued. “Tempest and I were at guard outside her bedroom when we heard a popping sound from inside. After some deliberation, it was decided I would investigate since we both knew Celestia would go easier on me if it was a false alarm.” He pointed at the parchment. “Celestia wasn’t in her bed, but that note was.”
                Luna wasted no time in opening the parchment and reading its contents. With each line she read, the fear in her eyes increased, eventually to the point where her pupils were pinpricks. Not wanting to be left out of the loop, Discord snatched the parchment from her magic grip and began reading himself.
                “What does it mean, Luna?” Iron Shield asked with quivering lips.
                Luna said nothing at first. Her mind struggled to process the note’s contents and their underlying meanings. Celestia had not been abducted; the note made that apparent enough. No, it had been written by Celestia herself, but what she’d said was bone chilling in its implications, enough to make Luna tremble like a scared little foal.
                Discord, however, was less terrified and more insulted by what the note said, or rather, failed to say.
                “Oh, come on!” he bellowed. “She doesn’t even apologize to me!? Arrgh!” He lit the note aflame in his paw, burning it entirely and throwing the ashes into a corner of the room nearby his bed.
                Luna finally snapped out of her fear-induced paralysis. “Guard Captain,” she said, her voice still inlaid with fear, “gather every single last Solar and Lunar Guard and have them converge in the Royal Gardens. I’m declaring a national ponyhunt for my sister.”
                “Right away, Luna,” Iron Shield responded, and galloped out of the room faster than one could blink.
                Luna turned to the still fuming draconequus. “Discord, can you be trusted to help move the sun until Celestia has been located and returned safely to the castle?”
                Discord glared into space for a moment before deflating and responding. “Fine, I’ll help keep everypony alive and happy, but only on the condition that Celestia apologizes to me if we find her.”
                Luna smiled briefly before her face fell into a hard frown. “We shall find her, mark my words.” She turned to look at Twilight, her gaze softening as she remembered what the lavender alicorn said in her sleep.
                If Twilight can forgive Celestia for what she did to her, surely she can forgive herself for her despicable deed too.
                “Well, I guess if I’ll be acting as the de facto ruler of the sun,” Discord said, stretching his arms, “I’ll be enjoying the added benefits of the position; Tia’s bed for instance.”
                With a flash, he teleported out of the hospital wing, leaving Luna alone with Twilight. As the full weight of what was happening settled onto Luna’s mind, she looked out the window at Celestia’s sun with a mournful expression.
                “Sister . . .”


                Deep in the Everfree Forest, within the cavern housing the Tree of Harmony, the returned Elements lay scattered across the floor. Amongst them stood a statue. A statue of an alicorn with her wings tucked in and head downcast. On the ground near her front hooves was a tiny splotch of water, made from a lone tear which dropped from her eye before the petrification reached her face.
                Princess Celestia stood there, unable to move, unable to speak, able to do nothing in her petrified state besides think. Think about all she’d done, and how she deserved her self-inflicted punishment. How she’d become a monster and attacked her closest friends and family out of deluded rage. She mentally wept for Luna, Discord, and Twilight, and prayed Equestria would be in good hooves under their rule.
                I’m sorry, everyone . . .