//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Know your surroundings part 3 // Story: Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one // by Brony117 //------------------------------// Chapter: 11 Know your surroundings part 3 “I told you to move out of the way!” “And I told you to get out of the way!” “Gentlecolts please!” said one of the armored guards. “Can’t we settle this argument peacefully?” “NO!” shouted both old colts. “*Sigh* They don’t pay me enough for this position, I need a promotion…” While this was going on, the ponies on the ground didn’t pay attention to the roof tops as a mysterious figure ran passed them. As the figure ran, it hid behind a chimney to know what it was dealing with. Before it could, something inside it moved. “Can’t breath…need…air…” The figure opened his coat to reveal an orange Pegasus filly. “*Gasp*huff*huff*huff* This was your plan to keep me safe?” “*Sigh* I told you to stay at the place that is safe, but you insisted to come.” “Come on Connor,” said Scootaloo. “you wouldn’t last a second without me.” “I know how to take care of myself.” “Just face it Connor, you need me.” Connor faced hoof as he couldn’t believe he was arguing with a child such as her. “Alright, what do we got here?” said Scootaloo as she was eager to for their next adventure. Connor looked around to study what he was dealing with before he could continue moving forward. “It seems what the guard said was true, the reinforcements have arrived.” “Yeah…a lot of them.” said Scootaloo. Connor continued to look around. “There are earth pony armored guards patrolling the area on the ground, and unicorn armored guards carrying rifles with their magic on the roof of the buildings.” Suddenly a shadow flew over Connor and lands on a nearby building. “And armored pegasi guards…that’s surprising.” said Scootaloo. “It looks like this won’t be easy as I thought,” said Connor. “ but nothing is never easy…I have to be careful.” “Yeah…” “However, with you here I won’t be able to move properly.” “Oh…”Scootaloo took a moment to think. “I got it!” The orange filly went inside Connors robes, and appeared on his head with the hoodie still on. “Haha! What do you think?” “…” “What?” “Nothing…lets just get this over with.” With that said, Connor ran to the next building and to the next building carefully as he tried not to make too much noise that could attract the guards and keeping Scootaloo safe. Least to say she was having fun as Connor jumped and moved building to building. Landing on another building, Connor stopped and looked around to see if there are any guards nearby. Only one, a rifle colt. Connor knew he could take down the guard, but if he did that would cause some suspicion to the other guards wondering what happened to their rifle colt. To avoid that kind of attention he decided to move along and ignore the guard. Until. “Connor what are you doing? You can take this guy out easily!” said Scootaloo. “Have you lost your mind!?” said Connor. “I cannot go running around and push ponies off of buildings for fun! Incase you have forgotten, we are heading to the store that will fix my equipment with out attracting any attention!” “Come on Connor, its just one guy.” “I will not commit that kind of action!” “Please?” “No!” “Please?” “No!” “Please?” “NO!!!” As this was going on, the rifle colt guard who was minding his own business as he did his job heard some noises not too far from where he was at. He followed the noises and found two pegasi arguing at each other for some reason. “What the…” “Please?” “No!” “Pleeeeeeeease?” “NOOOOOO!!!” “Come one Connor! Just take him out!” “For the last time Scootaloo, No!!!” “*Gasp* Put your hoofs in the air where I can see them now!” shouted the guard as he pointed his rifle at Connor. Both pegasi looked at the guard with his rifle pointed at them with a serious face, Connor raise his arms up as he didn’t want to start a fight, especially with Scootaloo here.” The guard spoke again. “W-What’s your business up here?” Connor replied to the guard. “Guard please, we mean no harm. The filly and I only want to get across, let us leave and there won’t be any trouble.” “W-Well it’s too late for that, you found trouble and I’m going to turn you in.” Scootaloo whispered to Connor. (“Great, what are we going to do know?”) (“Only one thing I can do, try and reason with him.”) Connor whispered. Making a daring move, Connor walked forward slowly. “Please, let us not make things worse.” Seeing the Pegasus moving forward, the guard shouted. “DON’T MOVE! DON’T MOVE OR I”LL SHOOT!!!” “You do not have to do not this.” said Connor as he continued to walk forward slowly. The guard pulled the hammer of the rifle. “Don’t. Move.” “If you do that both of us will regret what happens next.” Without warning the guard pulled the trigger. *Bang* Connor dodged the bullet while Scootaloo held on tight, out of instinct Connor flew towards the guard and pushed him off the building. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” *Crash* Seeing what he has done Connor ran towards the edge of the building, looking down he saw the guard fell on a cart full of vegetables. “*Phew* He is safe.” said Connor. “Yeah…at least you pushed him off the building like I told you to right?” said Scootaloo. Connor gave Scootaloo a serious stare after hearing what she said. “What?” Connor was about to reply back until. “MAN DOWN! WE GOT A MAN DOWN OVER HERE!” Dozens of guards heard the shouts and saw one of their own unconscious on a cart full of vegetables. “WHO DID THIS!?” shouted one of the guards. “Look sir, on the building!” Hearing what they were saying, Connor took a few steps back. “Now you understand why I push others off the building unless it’s necessary!” said Connor to Scootaloo. “Yeah…I do.” Before they could do anything a group of armored pegasi landed on the building with spears on hoofs. “HALT!” shouted one of the guards. “Damn/Drat…” said Connor and Scootaloo.” Connor knew he could take them on, but hand to hand. Or in this case, hoof to hoof. He cannot kill these guards in front of Scootaloo, there is only one thing left to do. “Connor, tell me you have a plan?” said Scootaloo. “I do, and it’s something that I don’t like in this situation.” “Which is?” ”RUN!” With that being said, Connor, with Scootaloo still on his head and inside his hoodie, ran from the guards fast as he could. Seeing this happening, the guards ran after the Pegasus to catch him. As Connor ran, he looked back to see the guards chasing after him. It was not the first time this happened, being chased by guards on purpose or by accident. (“This chase brings back memories, just like old times as they say.”) Thought Connor. Still running building to building, one of the guards had came up with a plan. “Men, lets take this chase to the skies!” Hearing their orders, all the guards opened their wings and took flight. Connor continued to run and tried to come up with a plan. Until. *Bang* The bullet missed Connor a foot away in front of him, he stopped running and looked up, the guards were flying with rifles pointing at him! One of the guards shouted. “Surrender! This is your last warning!” Connor tried to reason with them. “Stop! Think about what you are doing!” “Reasoning with us won’t work fool!” “You do not understand! I have a child with me!” Connor pulled Scootaloo from his hoodie and showed them. “Uh…hi.” said Scootaloo as she waved at them nervously. “Sweet Celestia he’s got a hostage!” All the guards pulled the hammer of their rifles. “Uh oh.” said Scootaloo. Connor couldn’t believe what he just heard; he tried to stop them to chase him, told them to don’t shoot by showing Scootaloo is with him. And now he’s in a hostage situation where Scootaloo is the hostage and he is the criminal! What kind of guards are these!? Connor took a step back and spoke. “Think about what you are doing…” “We know what we are doing…men, get ready to fire.” “NO!” “Ready…” “Connor what are we going to do?” said Scootaloo as she started to panic. “Aim…” Connor looked behind him and thought of another idea, a risky idea. “Fire!” Fast as he could, Connor jumped off of the building as he held Scootaloo tight. A soon as the guards pulled the triggers the hooded pony jumped off the building as the bullets hit only the roof. Seeing this happen the guards saw the hooded pony falling to the ground, until the pony opened his wings and flapped to slow his down his fall and landed safely. The pony then ran away and suddenly disappeared within the crowd. “He’s getting away!” shouted one of the guards. “After him!” All the guards flew onto the ground and searched for the white hooded pony, they searched and searched for the criminal but no luck what so ever. Until. “I found him!” All the guards rushed over to one of their own to see him holding the white hooded pony, who was struggling to get away. The guards laughed and spoke to the criminal. “Thought you could get away eh? It’s all over now give up!” The pony still tried to get away. “Still tryin to get away? I don’t think so.” The guard then grabbed the pony, and pushed him against a nearby wall and hold him. “Where’s the filly pal, where is it!?” The pony still struggled to, not answering his question. Getting angry the guard shouted. “I’ll say it again, where is the filly!!!” Still no response, only struggling.” Getting even more, angry the guard shouted louder. “WHERE IS THE FILLY!!!” The guard then pulled the hoodie down, only to reveal- “*Gasp* a mare!?” The guard let the poor mare go and apologized. “Ma’am…forgive me I-I-I didn’t know.” The mare responded back. *Kick* A kick to the crotch and ran away. With the other guards seeing what happened grabbed their own crotches and oooed. They asked the poor guard to see if he’s ok, “Sir, are you alright?” “Just…just give me a minute…or two…maybe three…” Suddenly. “HAHAHA!!! DID YOU SEE THAT CONNOR?” “There they are! At the corner of the street!” Connor then gave Scootaloo a smack at the back of her head for giving away their hiding spot. “OW! What was that for!?” With no time to speak, Connor picked up Scootaloo and ran. Continuing to run with Scootaloo on his back, Connor looked around fro any shortcuts while avoiding civilians that were in his way. With no time to think he did a quick right and suddenly found him self in an alley way, with one way in, no way out. “Great short cut Connor, what know?” said Scootaloo sarcastically. Knowing the answer, he spread his wings to take flight. Until. “Stay where you are!” Connor turned around and saw the guards behind him pointing their rifles and spears at him. “We got the place surrounded you can’t escape!” For one last time, Connor reasoned with them. “Listen to me! This is all mistake! All I want is for me and the filly to-“ “Shut yer trap and give up!” “…Then you leave me no choice…” Connor picked up Scootaloo from his back and settled her on the ground. “Scootaloo, hide behind those trash cans and stay there. “O.K but why?” Connor took an attack stance and slightly thrusted his arms to take out his hidden blades. “I don’t have time for this…” Seeing he meant business, Scootaloo did as she was told by hiding behind the trash cans. The guards laughed at the criminal. “Is he serious?” said one of the guards. “Doesn’t he know he’s fighting the royal guard?” “Hehehe, gentlecolts, let’s show this idiot a lesson not to mess with us.” Connor prepared himself for any attack that they will throw at him, without killing them. The first guard charged at Connor with his sword, he slashes. Connor dodged it by taking a step to his right side, kneed the guard on his stomach and hit him on the back of his head. Knocking him out. The second guard charged with a spear, he thrust it forward. Connor ducks the attack and slices the guard’s weapon in half with his blades, and kicked him on the chest. Flat on his back, the guard ached in pain from the attack. The third and fourth guards charged with rifles with a knife attachment, the third guard swing his rifle upward. Connor kicked the rifle down before it could be raised, he then saw the forth guard about to swing his rifle horizontal. As the rifle swing Connor jumped rolled over it and elbowed the fourth guard on the back of his head, and kicked the third guards back. Making them both unconscious. Connor looked at the other guards waiting for their turn to attack; taking his stance again he spoke. “Who’s next…” … With fifteen guards knocked out, Connor just kept on fighting the royal guards endlessly. He looked around to see how many was left. Only one, the leader. “So,” said the leader. “you took out my men all by yourself. Not bad, not bad at all.” The leader then took out his sword and point it at Connor. “Still, you’re going to pay for trespassing!” “HALT!” Before anything could happen, both Connor and the leader turned to see more royal guards armed with rifles pointing at them. The leader smiled. “Ah…more reinforcements.” “Not good.” said Connor. The leader the gave his men their orders. “Men! Get ready to open fire!” “I don’t think so!” (Stop music.) Out of the group another guard walked towards the two colts. The guard had more armor that the rest of the guards and he is a unicorn. “C-Commander!” said the leader nervously. “Men, take the sargent away and lock him up!” Hearing their orders, the guards grabbed the leader and tool him away. “W-What is this!? Unhoof me!” “Sargent, you are hear by locked up until further notice!” “On what charges…”said the leader angrily. “Oh I have few, I received reports that a group of guards were chasing and shooting a Pegasus in public.” “So?” “So!? You opened fire on a civilian area populated with ponies that could have been hurt or worse! Then you attacked a civilian with force! A mare sergeant! A mare!” “Well…I…” “I think a said enough, take him away!” With that said, the guards took the sargent away. “Sir,” said one the commander’s guards. “what about the injured?” “Take them back to base to be treated.” “And what of the Pegasus?” “I’ll speak to him.” “Yes sir.” … Seeing what happened, Connor sat against the wall, tired from fighting the guards hoof to hoof. If it was a real fight things would be quick. “Is it over?” He then turned to see Scootaloo coming out of the hiding spot. Connor replied back. “Yes…it’s over.” The orange filly ran up to him. “You O.K?” “I’ll be fine…Just need to rest…” Suddenly the commander walked up to Connor. “That was quite a mess you made.” “I did it only to defend myself and the filly, your guards are troublesome when I tried to convince them that we didn’t want any trouble.” “Sorry about, the rookies had their first assignment to clear the area. But it looks like they failed.” “Rookies? You mean they are recruits?” “Yup! And I must say you took them down quick! Ever thought of joining the royal guard?” “Thank you for the offer but no, don’t follow orders well.” “Heh I understand, anyway where were you going?” “A blacksmith shop.” “A blacksmith shop? Why there?” “I need to repair an item of mine, and perhaps purchase a few things.” “I see…well how about I take you take there personally, as a favor for not hurting my men too seriously.” “…Very well, I accept commander…?” “Shining Armor.” … Later that day. *creek* “Were home!” shouted Scootaloo as she and Connor entered the house. Carrot Top came out of the kitchen as she heard her name. “Oh, you’re both home! And just in time, dinner is ready.” “Great! I’m starving!” As both pegasi went to the kitchen they saw Derpy and Dinky sitting down at the table. “Hello Mr. Connor, you back!” said Derpy. “Good to be back.” Connor replied with a smile. “What took you two so long we were getting worried.” Said Carrot Top. Connor and Scootaloo looked at each other and looked back at Carrot Top. “Nothing actually,” said Scootaloo. “Just walked ponyville for awhile.” “Yes, just walking.” Said Connor. Both pegasi looked at each other and smiled, knowing what actually happened will be their secret. Items gained and repaired: Assassin tomahawk Sword Bow and arrows Dual flintlocks and bullets To be continued…