//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The First of Six // Story: The Everlasting // by THEqwabik //------------------------------// Here they stand right out infront of the Everfree forest, they seem hesitant to walk in but they've done this before. "Come on guys, we can't just stand here. Equestria needs are help!" Twilight commanded. "I know but.... But.... There are very s-scary m-m-monsters!" shouted Fluttershy in fear. Fluttershy jumped so high that Rainbow Dash caught her and she flew into the Everfree Forest. "Comeone! We can't keep Equestria waiting!" Rainbow Dash commanded. The six went into the forest to find the castle were the first element was, they went through the same path to find the castle, was guarded by changelings. "Why are they here?!" whispered Rainbow Dash. "Maybe to guard the element that is here?!" whispered Twilight. "Then let's through a parta!" screamed Pinkie Pie as she started to walk up. "Pinkie! No!" whispered Twilight in a command, but Pinkie kept on walking. "Hello! Is this were the party is? Ooooo I like the decorations! It looks like an old castle party! Are you throwing and old-timey-wimey party in this castle! Woah! I see you want to play tag! Tag your it! Tag your it! Tag your it!" said Pinkie as her normal self. The rest of the six rushed to pinkie inside the castle to see the first element, generosity. "My element is just as powerful as anypony else's and it's so much better and more esqusi-" "Rairity, it's an element that places together the whole-" A changeling with the last of its abilities and strength shot up a distress singnal. "We gotta get out of here b-before they c-come!" "Oh come on the party just started! See!" The door swung open and a army of changelings rushed through the door. It was a battle alright, Rarity was striking from a far so she doesn't get dirt all over her. Applejack bucked a changeling out of the roof and lassoed a group of changelings and tied them together. Rainbow Dash went through a hole in the roof, got up and went down, she gained so much speed the a sonic rainboom appeared and she went through a whole row of changelings. Twilight was in the back guarding Fluttershy from the changelings, Twilight bent her head down and all the magic bolts sprang from her horn. Knocking down about twenty changelings. Pinkie pie was being her usual, playing tag with the changlelings and throwing pies in their faces. "We have to get out of here!" Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs. "Rarity! Get your element and let's go!" Twilight commanded. "OK OK! Sheesh dont have to be all fussy about it!" said Rarity. Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie, Fluttershy grabbed Rarity, but who was going to grab Applejack? It can't be Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. It had to be Twilight, she was already an alicorn. "Come on Twilight! Rember the training!" shouted Rainbow Dash Twilight grabbed the hips of Applejack and made her stance. "Come on sugacube! You got this!" cheered Applejack. Twilight began to flab her wings at a steady pace. She could feel her hooves floating of the ground and when she opened her eyes she was in the air. "Way to go sugacube!" "All my training worked! Yes!" After the round of cheering the flyed back to ponyville and settled into the library. They agreed that this will be their base until the attack is over. They went downstairs and put the first element in the old glass case that was were the element originally were. "Twilight! The Princess Celestia wrote a letter, I didn't open it till you got here," said Spike, proudly. "Thank you Spike no lets see this letter," said Twilight. After a few mumbles she shouted "The next element is in the old castle of the two pony sister! Princess Celestial and Princess Luna are to stay until the attack is done and over with!"