The Original Mad Scientist in Equestria

by Br0nyb0y123

Chapter 6: Broken Memories, Capacitor Banks and Apple Slicing Machines

Tesla's third day in Equestria. It was approximately one week before the storm arrives in Ponyville and Tesla along with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity were heading over to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack buck down a certain number of apples and have them sliced up, so they can baked in pies, fritters and be used for other things by the certain deadlock when they have to be sent over to places all over Equestria, but more importantly, they need to send them there before the snow storm arrives. Since Tesla has been out of Twilight's home, he has been struggling to walk in his Pony form, as he has spent most of his time in Twilight's basement trying to perfect his machine which doesn't give him a huge amount of space so he doesn't move around as often, even when he stole junk from the scrap yard he had difficulty doing so,

"Nikola, are you alright?" Twilight asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. Just this body is hard to walk in" Tesla replied.

Pinkie then bounced beside him and observed how he was moving, she hopped alongside him and asked him,

"Nikola, do want some help?" Pinkie asked.
"No. Thank you, Pinkie. But I think I'll be able to walk by mys..." He said before almost falling to the ground, "Jibati!" He cursed in Serbian.
"Oh yeah, by yourself, works like a charm" Rainbow Dash sarcastically joked.
"Rainbow, don't be mean to him" Rarity told Rainbow Dash before turning to Tesla, "Listen, Nikola darling, you're not doing the best. Me and Pinkie will help you, there's a technique on how to walk like a pony" Rarity told him.
Tesla sighed, "Fine. The help would be great, thank you"

Rarity went over to Tesla and stood next to him on his right, whilst Pinkie was on his left,

"OK, so the way to do it is, you have to lift your left foreleg and move it forward and just before you place your left foreleg on the ground, you lift your right hind-leg, then you do the same thing only with your right foreleg and left hind-leg" Rarity explained, "Watch me and Pinkie, then try it yourself, OK?"
"Of course" Tesla replied.

Rarity and Pinkie then proceeded to walk forwards, Pinkie and Rarity walked in a very similar way, they were both light on their hooves, bouncing slightly with every step they made, Rarity did it to show her elegance whilst Pinkie did it because she loves to bounce while she walks, but either way, Tesla wasn't going to do that,

"OK, Darling, now you try" Rarity said as soon as she and Pinkie stopped.

Tesla took a deep breath before moving forward, he followed Rarity's technique and moved his left foreleg, then right hind-leg, and after that he moved his right foreleg and then the left hind-leg. He repeated the technique again and again and did exceptionally well in Rarity's eyes, even through he lunged over every now and again but still did well,

"That's it, you're doing it" Rarity praised.
"Thanks, Rarity" Tesla replied.
"Not a problem, darling" She said, "Question though. How do you walk, back in your home world?"
"Like Spike, with two legs, it's easier for me that way" Tesla replied.
"I would struggle with two legs" Rarity said.
"It gives you more freedom, strangely enough" Tesla told her.
"How so?" Rarity asked.
"Since people in my home world are similar to Spike, that means we also have arms, with our arms it's easier to do things, but in this pony form I feel like my arms are tied behind my back" Tesla said, "It keeps me from doing other things"
"I feel sorry for you darling, me and Twilight have horns, so we can use magic to our advantage" Rarity said.

The mentioning of magic made Tesla roll his eyes, after he rolled his eyes, he moved his eyes to look at Twilight who was actually glancing at them and shaking her head in reminder of their argument back on Tesla's first full day in Equestria,

"What's the matter, Nikola?" Rarity asked after she saw him roll his eyes.
"It's just...." He paused, "It's just that magic is something completely new to me, for the most part"
"Do you not have magic in your world?" Rarity asked.
"Well, yes, but it's more illusion than fantastical in my world, in my world magicians pretend to do what you Unicorns can actually do" Tesla replied.
"Your world seems interesting" Rarity said.
"Pfft" Tesla replied, "Hardly. the most interesting thing about it, to me anyways, is the evolving sciences"
"I'd like to visit your world, even if means slipping into a new body" Rarity said.
"Oh yes, I hope once I get transported back to my home world, I'll go back to my original form, that's the only thing I'm not sure on how it happened once I came here" Tesla realized.
"Maybe we both try to look on how it happened, together tonight?" Twilight optioned.
"No, I don't know how long it's going to take for me to complete Applejack's machine, it could take me all night" Tesla replied.
"You're seriously not planning on staying the entire night to try and complete the machine, Nikola?" Twilight questioned.
"If it requires for me to do so, then yes, I am serious" Tesla responded, "Twilight, I am usually the man who will not stop until it's complete, how I got coaxed out of stopping my work on the pulse is another story"
"Well, that's very kind of you, Nikola" Twilight smiled, "I'm sure Applejack will appreciate that very much"
"I hope she does" Tesla said.

Tesla, Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity finally made it Sweet Apple Acres, where they were greeted by Applejack,

"Howdy everypony" Applejack greeted.
"Hi Applejack" All the ponies said, apart from Tesla who greeted her with a small nod.
"OK, so the amount of Apples we're trying to get bucked within three days, is approximately fifty thousand, and on the final few days before the storm, we can get the apples sliced up with Tesla's machine and we'll get them baked, packaged and sent. That is if Nikola can finish the machine by then" Applejack said, "Think ya can do that by then, Nikola?" She asked the inventor.
"Yes, of course" Tesla replied.
"OK, thank you Nikola" Applejack thanked, "What things are ya going use to make it?"
"That's what I was going to ask you, Applejack" Tesla replied.
"Ask me what?" Applejack questioned.
"Well, if two of the girls can with me to help me get my equipment, it would speed up things" Tesla told her.
"I'll go" Rainbow Dash spoke out.
"Nah, RD, ah need ya here to help, yer good at bucking apples so ya'd be good to help" Applejack said.
"Can I go? Can I? Can I? Can I?" Pinkie asked energetically.

Applejack stood there and thought for a little bit, she thought about how well Pinkie worked, Applejack admired her energy, though she tends to struggle a bit with kicking after she get's tired from bouncing too much,

"Yeah, you can go, Pink" Applejack replied.
"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered.
"Can I go please?" Rarity asked.

Applejack thought to herself again, this time about Rarity's working performance, she is a strong pony and would be able to get the job done if she wasn't afraid to get her hooves a little dirty, but unfortunately, she is, and that slows her down in her performance, but Applejack still decided to keep her,

"Yer strong, Rarity, ah kinda need ya here, please" Applejack said.
"Fine" Rarity said before sighing, no pony could tell if she was sighing over the fact she couldn't go with Tesla or that she didn't want to get her hooves dirty whilst bucking down apples, none of them were sure.

Applejack thought of who the second pony Tesla should take along with him to get the things he needs, she then thought of the weakest worker, which happens to be Fluttershy. It ain't because she's a bad worker, Applejack thought to herself, She just gets so frustrated that she ends up being bored of it, ah don't wanna put her through boredom again,

"Fluttershy, how about ya go along with Pinkie and Nikola to get the equipment, hon?" Applejack optioned to her shy friend.
"Em...OK" She replied softly.
"Alright then, me, Twi, Rarity and RD will go help my workers and my brother, we'll all see ya when ya come back" Applejack said.
"OK, bye" Tesla said.
"Bye, girls" Fluttershy followed.
"Bye-bye, everypony" Pinkie finished as she bounced in the direction of where Tesla and Fluttershy were walking to.

Tesla, Pinkie and Fluttershy were now behind a scrapyard, where Tesla managed to gather resources for his previous machine during his first night, they took a way toward the back of the junkyard, where they would less likely be caught. Tesla knew how to get in behind the scrapyard, as there was a piece of wire fence that had been lifted up, leaving an entrance for Tesla, Pinkie and Fluttershy. Tesla was calm whilst sneaking in, as was Pinkie, but Fluttershy was nervous about getting caught,

"Em...Nikola, are you sure we should be here?" Fluttershy asked.
"We'll be fine, Fluttershy. I've been here before, no one found here the last time I was here, so we'll be fine, I promise you" Tesla replied.
"OK, Nikola" Fluttershy said.
"Oh, Nikola. What exactly do we need to get?" Pinkie asked.
Tesla thought to himself, "A few blades, or something sharp like a blade, try to find a large piece of metal, that resembles a bowl if you can and finally a cylindrical piece of metal that resembles a barrel, and if not, then I'll just work with the best I got" Tesla told them.
"OK, I'll get right to it" Pinkie said before diving into a pile of junk, how she never got any cuts or bruises, is anypony's guess.

Fluttershy nodded at Tesla's request and started to dig through the scrap to find what Tesla wanted, and Tesla started to do the same thing.

Five minutes and they still haven't found anything in the piles of metal and scrap, they all stayed in silence for the majority of the five minutes, until Tesla himself broke the silence,

"So Pinkie, what exactly do you do for a living?" He asked.
"Well, I work at bakery" Pinkie said, "I used to work at my parents' rock farm but I moved away from that"
"What about you, Fluttershy?" Tesla asked.
"I work as an animal caretaker, I have plenty of pets back in my cottage, some animals just need some looking after" Fluttershy said.
"I know what Applejack and Twilight do, but what about Rarity and Rainbow Dash?" The inventor asked.
"Rarity is a fashion designer and Rainbow Dash works with weather" Fluttershy replied.
"But what she really wants to become the greatest flyer in the WHOLE OF EQUESTRIA!!" Pinkie said whilst making hoof gestures.
"Do you mean with her wings or with a plane?" Tesla asked.
"With her wings of course" Pinkie said happily.
"What do you mean by plane?" Fluttershy asked.

Tesla realized asking if it's either her wings or a plane was dumb. Of course they haven't even heard of planes, this isn't my world, planes aren't even popular in my world yer, damn Wright Brothers, though rest in peace Wilbur, Tesla thought,

"Nothing, planes are something in my world, you wouldn't know what they are, sorry" Tesla apologized.
"It's OK" Fluttershy accepted and smiled.
"Rarity's right, your world does seem interesting" Pinkie told him.
"Your world is interesting, Pinkie. It's very strange and fantastical" Tesla replied.
"Well, to us, your world sounds the same" Fluttershy said.
"Speaking of Rarity" Pinkie said, "I think she seems to have something for you..."
"Yeah, I think that too" Fluttershy added.

Tesla shook his head at their remarks whilst keeping it to himself, he knew what they were talking about,

"Maybe she likes you, Nikola" Pinkie said.
"She's only known me for three days now" Tesla replied, "I think she's just fascinated by where I come from"
"You and Rarity would make a good couple though" Pinkie smiled.
"I'm fifty-six and she's at least twenty-odd years old, besides, she's a pony and I'm a human in a pony's skin" Tesla explained, "I don't usually date people anyways"
"Why's that?" Pinkie asked with a puzzled tone in her voice.
Tesla sighed, "Because I made a promise to a woman a long time ago"
"Who? Are you married?" Fluttershy asked.
" I never married" Tesla told them, "But this woman I met when I was twenty-three, that was the only time, ever in my life, when I felt truly in love with anyone, her name was Ana"
"What was the promise you made to her?" Fluttershy asked.
"I made two promises, one of them I kept. The promise I kept was that before Ana succumbed to death, I would think about her for the rest of my life. The promise I never kept was that I would move on from her. But I couldn't. It hurt" Tesla told them.

At this point, Tesla was starting to have memories of Ana, most prominently, her death, she died aged twenty-eight, Tesla was twenty-nine at the time, he remembers how she died, she died peacefully in her deathbed due to cancer, she had no family members, Tesla was her only family.
It made Fluttershy cry a little and Pinkie sniffed,

"I've always been prone to keeping to my work, it's gotten the better of me for many years now, it causes me to be, somewhat, a loner, I have many friends, though I'm not a very sociable man, most of my assistants are the ones I'm sociable to the most. I've had many assistants, my most recent one, Byron, I can't imagine what's going between him and people in my world over me" Tesla said.

Fluttershy and Pinkie both didn't know what to say, so they continued to search through the scraps, leaving Tesla to his memories for a short while before he once again broke the silence,

"Girls, sorry about that" Tesla said.
"It''s OK" Fluttershy replied.
"Let's just keep on searching for the equipment" Tesla said.

It was nighttime, and Tesla had to go back to the scrapyard for one last trip in order to get another piece for the machine, once he arrived back at Applejack's, it was just her, Rainbow Dash and Twilight left at her home, everypony else decided to go home. Tesla was half done with the machine, and Applejack was happy, but she felt like Tesla needed to rest as well,

"Nikola, stop making the machine now. Ya've done well enough, thank you" Applejack said.
"I can't stop, I will complete it in a few more hours" Tesla said.
"No, c'mon, you need to rest as well, go back to Twilight's, get some sleep, come back tomorrow, finish it off" Applejack said.
Tesla sighed, "But I said before, I'm the kind of person that work until the project is finished"

Applejack went outside the barn, which was where Tesla was building the machine, she went over to Twilight,

"Twi, talk to Nikola, he's not listening to me" She told her.
Twilight sighed, "I'll talk to him, AJ"
"OK, thank you, Twilight" Applejack thanked.
"It's OK" Twilight said.
"You know what girls? I think I'm going to go home, get some shud-eye, tell Nikola I said bye" Rainbow Dash said.
"OK, Dash, see you soon" Twilight said to her.
"Bye, Rainbow" Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash then hovered away from Sweet Apple Acres, leaving Applejack and Twilight outside the barn,

"I'll go inside, Applejack" Twilight said.

Applejack nodded as Twilight entered the barn, once she entered, she saw Tesla still working on the machine,

"Nikola" Twilight said, but Tesla didn't hear.
"Nikola!" Twilight spoke louder, getting his attention.
"Hello Twilight" Tesla greeted.
"Come on, let's go back to my home, you can continue working on the pulse, I'll need to go to the bank first, if it's open, I'm not sure if it is, but we'll check" Twilight told him.

Instantly, as soon as Twilight said "pulse" and then "bank", he got an idea for his teleportation machine and the pulse, an idea which could possibly help him in the greatest way,

"What did you say?" Tesla asked.
"The bank, just need to check if it's open..." Twilight began to say.
"No, Twilight. You've just given me a great idea. We need to get back to your home, pronto" Tesla told her.
"Wait, what idea?" Twilight asked.
"A bank" Tesla replied.
"A bank?" Twilight replied, puzzled.
"That's the thing my pulse needs, a capacitor bank" Tesla replied, feeling energetic.
"Em...." Twilight hummed.
"Let me explain. If my intentions are to generate a extremely large pulse of electricity into the machine, it needs a capacitor bank, it will store energy that isn't needed, therefore it will not explode or cause any sort of hysteria" Tesla told her.
"That's....that's brilliant" Twilight said in surprise.

Tesla then stormed out of the barn in a hurry, and Twilight awkwardly followed, once Twilight stepped outside, Applejack said,

"Thanks for getting him out, Twi" Applejack said as she saw Twilight try to catch up to Tesla, who, despite his age, was walking at a very fast pace, "What's the rush?" Applejack asked.

Twilight turned around and shrugged and said, "Long story", before turning around to catch up to the inventor,

"Nikola!" Twilight shouted, "Wait up!"
"Twilight, you're going to help me make this bank" Tesla said as soon as she caught up to him.
"We're going to make this thing now?" asked Twilight.
"No, I'm going make it now, you're just going to help" Tesla replied.
"Why do I get the feeling this is going to end badly?" Twilight asked herself.