World of Tanks

by cellum95

Chapter 7-World of Tanks(Tier VI) 2

The ponies still tremble in fear of the creatures, knowing that they will bring death and destruction everywhere in Equestria, should they be granted access to the other cities and towns of Equestria, like Manehattan and Fillydelphia. For the Princesses, it is much more. What if those creatures will invade Equestria? What will it bring? More chaos? That answer must be answered soon until:

"Hello Princesses. I could see this as much." Celestia and Luna turned their heads and saw Discord, Deity and God of Chaos.

"Discord?!" They screamed in unison, making the ponies turned their heads, including the Mane 6, to see the princesses with the incarnation of chaos itself.

"What are thou doing here Discord?!" Luna asked, in her normal but Royal Canterlot voice, but not like screaming.

"Just cut the voice Luna. It's just that I will watch these creatures only. Giving me monstrous headaches because of the chaos they bring up to me many hours or days? Can't tell, but my head is hurting like it races to Tartarus and back." Discord replied. It was typical for the God of Chaos to sense any chaos in Equestria, but since these creatures are masters of chaos and the art of war, it made the Spirit himself dizzy and having a splitting headache.

"I could also the names of those creatures Princesses. Very peculiar names I could tell." The ponies look at him, that it was obvious to them. But for Discord, there was something even strange than the ponies could ever know.

"I keep hearing booming sounds from them. I know normal creatures would not make any booming sounds. What could get them to go, you know, boom?" Now the ponies began to understand what he meant. In every time the creatures kill one of their own, they would go boom. What could make them to go boom so much? Normal creatures would not go that way. Then, if that's the case, what are they? Suddenly, the score changed from the green-tainted creature's favor to the red-tainted ones.


The green-tainted creatures, knowing that they are now losing the match, tried a different approach. Instead of splitting up their team, they re-grouped and charged the enemy to the death, much like the griffons would do. However, the enemy set up an ambush spot, and were now waiting for their pray to fall to their deadly trap. One such creature from the red-tainted ones that are waiting is a creature named 'rainbow12'(in which Rainbow Dash was wondering about it) or known as the 'KV-1S'. They examined the 'KV-1S' closely. This creature has a almost rounded head, with a long stick poking out. It's body, however, was long, but not that long like the 'TOG II*'. When the green-tainted creatures crossed to their killing zone, everything changed. The red-tainted ones fired their deadly weapons of death, killing fellow creatures in the wake. However, the only artillery in the green-tainted creature fired also it's deadly cargo, killing some of the red-tainted creatures also. However, an American Tier VI Scout, the 'T21' as it was called, put an end on the green-tainted creature's life, freezing the remaining creature's, and they disappeared in their wake.

"Well, that was gruesome. Something that I don't like. I must research on them if I could get any lead." Discord said, and with a snap of his fingers he was gone, leaving the ponies wondering what will he research on the still-mysterious creatures.