//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Wait, What? // Story: The Everlasting // by THEqwabik //------------------------------// After getting two elements by force and putting them in the library. It's time to get the kindness, it was located at the Crystal Mountains on an altar. Getting there and finding this altar was already hard enough, but making sure no changelings were there too, was even harder. They all ready up until Celestia stops them. "Twilight, I need to give you this," Celestia said. She gave her a necklace with a purple diamond "It will activate when you get worried." "What will it do?" asked Twilight. "That is for you to find out," replied Celestia. Twilight looked at it eagerly, she wondered what power it held, she also feared that Pinkie would ask if she could use it when she's worried that her parta isn't parta worthery, and she did ask. Twilight responded in a nice tone that sounded like "NO!" and then Pinkies hair was straight. So she took an hour cheering Pinkie and geeting her mane to a cotton candy mane so she could then get the whole gang moving to the Crystal Moutains. --- The gang is now over the mountains staying together, everypony's scouting until Applejack breaks the silence. "Hey Twi, what would happen if the changelings got to an element sugarcube?" Applejack asked in a concerned voice. "Well, we would have to break in and get the element stealthy from Chrysalis the bring it back and put it somewhere safe A.K.A my basement, why do you ask?" replied Twilight. "Well I think I see this altar, but theres no element" --- Twilight nearly wet herself at this sight. No element to grab and put it in her saddlebag. As she nearly wetting herself the cross flew out of her saddlebag and a hologram shows a squad of changeling taking the element and running as fast as they can. The direction they were going in, ofcourse, was towards Chrysalis' castle. --- They all flew away back to the library, they had to think of a plan. A good plan, a plan that could the elements and not kill themselves. As they landed at the library and walked in the door. Princess Luna asked "Did you get the element all right?" Twilight responded in a head shaking nervously. The room fell silent, how in Equestria did they find that element? And how would they get it back? Twilight broke the silence and got everypony in a circle. "This is how we're going to get this element,"