Subsolar's Super Short Stories

by Subsolar Drift


A bead of sweat made its way down Twilight's face. Her ears twitched searching for any sound in the dark room. The shadow's were thick and oppressive, and Twilight couldn't see more than a pony's length ahead of her. She had to flee. Her pursuer could be anywhere in the darkness. If she could get outside, Twilight just might be safe.

The sound of breaths behind her made Twilight jump. She turned as fast as she could manage, quickly tilting her head down and firing a blast of mana from her horn. The violent bolt illuminated the room, and Twilight stared in shocked confusion.

The blast hit the wall. There hadn't been anypony behind her. Twilight began to sweat more, eyes darting around the room. Had she imagined the noise and given away her position for nothing? Her brain worked double time, crafting her escape route. The basement window, no way anypony would think she'd leave through there.

Twilight turned and took a step. A flash from the hall made her stop. There, catching the light of the moon the streamed through the window, were a pair of eyes. Before Twilight could move, the pony darted out. Twilight scrambled backwards, her horn aglow but she wasn't fast enough. A hoof flew out and struck her horn. Twilight cried out in pain as she fell back, the magic she had gathered gone.

There was a quick tussle that was over far too quickly. The strength of the earth pony won and Twilight was pinned. Twilight began to shake underneath her captor.

"I've got you right where I want you," Pinkie said, a manic grin growing on her face. Her pupils were small and her smile too big. "Now, are you ready for some fun?" she asked the terrified unicorn.

"Please, just let me go," Twilight whispered, trying to squirm away from the deranged mare.

"No, you're going to get exactly what you deserve!" Pinkie cackled.

"Anything, anything but this please. Please!" Twilight begged.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with you!" Pinkie reared up, ready to attack.

"No!" Twilight screamed as Pinkie fell on her.
Pinkie ignored her and dived into a raspberry on her stomach.

"No, please!" Twlight giggled, trying to resist the laughter. Pinkie's hooves danced all over her sides, hitting all the rights spots to make her squeal. "Stop! Please I can't stand it!"

Her pleas fell upon deaf ears and her screams and laughs carried on late into the night.