Eternal Harmony

by Morrin

Chapter 1(Pre-Edit)

This chapter has not been looked at yet by my editor, my wife. Holidays and such has been too hectic for her to have time. She will begin editing it in a day or two, but I really wanted to get this out too you guys on new year. So, here it is! Please take it with a grain of salt and keep in mind it will be reposted once it's been edited and proofread.

Chapter 1

“WAAAAAHG!” The orcs charged, outnumbering the enemy, the formidable Space Marines, a chapter of the Ultramarines, untold numbers against one. Hundreds of them were slaughtered by heavy bolt fire as they charged the entrenched marines location, yet they kept going, uncaring about their losses, as many more were behind each fallen greenskin.
In their fortified position, the Space Marines laid down heavy fire upon the incoming wave of green. They numbered in mere hundreds, but they felt no fear, no lost of bravery against the unstoppable surge of orcs that heavily outnumbered them. “FOR THE EMPEROR!” they all roared out. Their faith in the Emperor in his Golden Throne will give them victory today, that many greenskins will fall under their fists.
The ground trembled under the feet of the incoming green swarm, the air rippled with the non-stop explosions of bolters firing death upon their targets. The high pitch squeals of goblins riding on their ugly squigs, darting ahead of the hulking orks, both rider and beast loaded down ‘big boom sticks.’ Galloping ahead, the living explosive packages, the little green goblins eyed the entrenched ‘hoomans’ pushing their mounts forward to cause a booming distraction. Luckily, so far none has reached the marines, being mowed down quickly before getting near enough to be effective in anything other than themselves and their surrounding orks.
Within the encampment of the Marines, every last one was focused the surge before them, hailing down bolts non-stop. Except for one. This marine, despite looking like the rest, his thoughts were much different. It was not of the Emperor, of no surrender, of battle. “Oh by the astral lights, this is not what I expected!” was his thoughts
Ailan Sempar, was not a Space Marine, a human, or even a humanoid. He just looked like one. Having just left his mother a few months ago, to travel the astral realms, to visit new realms, see new sights, meet new people, and enjoy discovery. The world he ended up on randomly, was a dark world, where there was only war. His form this world has given him was that of the elite of the human race, the Space Marines. He was then shipped off to this planet, where him and his ‘fellow brothers’ have been fighting these orks non-stop for the past month.
When he left, he knew it wouldn’t be all happy and utopian worlds, that some worlds were violent, dark, grim. He cursed his luck that the first world was this hellish place. He fought though. There wasn’t much else he could do, other than aim down the barrel of his bolter and fire. He also knew his time on this world was short. Ammo was short, their high concentration protein rations were low, and the orks were relentless. Ailan knows he has fired millions of bullets, and killed about the same, and knows the other marines have done the same, but the wave has not lessened. Hour by hour, the orks have gotten closer and closer to their positions. Surrounded and low on supplies, this was a lost battle for the marines. “If I see another ork after this in a thousand years, it’ll be too--”
The clip on his bolter was empty, Ailan reached for another clip, and found none. He looked down the row of marines, them all realizing the time for melee was upon them.
“Come on men! It’s time we took the fight to these greenskin spawn! FOR THE EMPEROR! CHARGE!” The Captain of this contingent of marines bellowed out, reaching out behind him to heft up a massive hammer, which crackled with energy. He didn’t wait for this men’s response, he charged out, rushing the oncoming swarm.
“Idiot.” Ailan thought as he tossed his bolter to the ground, watching as the rest of his men in arms charged out from the entrenchment, pulling out combat knifes and chainswords, following the captain into the fray. “Idiots. Idiots all of them.” Ailan sighed inwardly. “Well, I won’t miss this world.” the marine that was not charged in after the rest.
No one can say Ailan didn’t give the orks an easy time in killing him. He was technically a space marine, with the armor and strength to go with it. His innate regeneration of what he actually was kept him going longer too. Him and the marines fought hard against the orks, but they were slowly whittled down, till only him and the captain remained.
“Well, this is it marine. It’s time we die for the Emperor!” The hulking captain said to Ailan as they were back to back, surrounded by the throbbing mass of greenskins.
Ailan eyed the marine captain over his shoulder. “Oh fuck the Emperor.” Ailan said, as the orks charged in to finish the two.
The Captain had enough time to narrow his eyes at Ailan. “You Heret--” He never finished the sentence, distracted by the heretical curse of Ailan that he did not see an orks chopper coming down, cutting right through the thick marines neck.
Ailan chuckled, eyeing the surrounded orks. “I’ve had enough of this place. Come on you ugly sacs of fungus, kill me so I can be done and move on!”

3 years later

The crowd surrounding Cherry Creek in the state of Denver measured in near millions. Ranging from military, reporters, and normal ‘professional’ gawkers. All there to see the first dragon ever seen in person. Dunkelzahn was proof of things science couldn’t prove, a massive dragon that just randomly appeared next to the lake.
After a 12 hour interview, Dunkel surprised everyone when he suddenly shape shifted down into a tall caucasian man in a sharp business suit, and said he needed to rest. He booked a room at a nearby Hilton hotel, oddly having cash to pay for the top floor suite. The military of course was not going to just let him stay there, unguarded, to protect Dunkel, or protect others from this still strange creature.
Three guards stood outside the door, one of them being a young tall man, standing tall on the right side of the door. Ailan yawns, covering his mouth as he glances down the hallway. This world was way better then that horrendous non-stop violence fest before, but it was kinda dull
“Wonder if things will get interesting now that another dragon here is here. Odd though…” Ailan thinks back to when Dunkel walked past him as they were guarding the door. The dragon, who even in a humanoid form, was imposing, and very charismatic. Both dragons in disguise looked each other in the eyes and the very much elder dragon gave a warm smile as his booming mental voice echoed in the youngers mind.
“Well, looks like I’m not the first one to arrive. I warn though, and am sorry, you’re time here will be short, but you’re time will come as well.” The mental link was then cut short as Dunkel walked into his room, not giving Ailan time to reply. Said young astral just stood there in a bit shock, surprised his disguise was easily seen through. Not many creatures can do that.
Ailan has been pondering on his elders words though, trying to understand their meaning. His thoughts were distracted as the elevator to the floor opened, revealing a very odd group. Four stepped out, and 2 were definitely not entirely human, having pointed ears like an elf, and all of them had something he hasn’t seen in this world since Dunkel, magic. It was strong in 2 of them, the two females, the other two, males were weak in it.
Ailan and the other two guards stood at attention, readying their weapons. “Nobody is allowed in this hallway.” Ailan called out, not taking any risk at this sudden ‘unknown’ group.
The tall ‘elf’ tilted his head, raising an eyebrow high above his sunglasses. “Dunkel is expecting us.” He said, eying the guns pointed at him, a chuckle emitting from his throat. In fact, none of them even seemed to be nervous or scared at the fact Ailan and the other two guards had assault rifles aimed at them.
“Likely story. Why would the dragon invit--” The other guard said, before being interupted by the hotel room opening, Dunkel peaking his head out with a disarming smile. “Please, let my friends in. I need to speak with them.”
“Oh, yes sir.” All three of the soldiers blink, and nods, moving out of the way to let the group in. Dunkel eyes Ailan again, giving a slight frown, giving a mysterious nod before closing the door.
“That was interesting. Wonder who they were. They had magic as well, when this world has zero magic. Seems things are getting interesting.” Ailan thought to himself, going back to leaning against the wall, struggling against another yawn.
After about an hour, the group leaves again in silence, and they return about 3 hours later. Again in silence, but the look on their faces seem to be very downfallen, like a group who failed at something. They got back in, and silence in the hallway continues.
About an hour later, the tension in the air intensifies dramatically. Ailan looks around, the air around the hotel room is, even with his weak magic senses, is growing heavy with magic. “You guys feel anything?” He asks the other two.”
“No man, other then boredom. You’d think guarding a real life drag--” Ailen stops paying attention to the guard as the magic in the area grows even more, nearly blinding to his senses. He feels it coming from the hotel room.
“Such power! What’s going on in there?” Ailan clenches his eyes shut as he hears the other guards finally feel it as the magic reaches a crescendo, knocking them completely out and dropping Ailan to his knees. “Ahhh!!” He manages to hold on a bit longer, before succumbing to the intense wave of arcane energy washes over him.
An hour later, Ailan groans as he regains consciousness. “Uhhg..What was-What was that?” He mutters to himself as he gets to his paws. “Wait...Paws?” He opens his eyes, and he see’s that he’s in his full draconic form.
“AHHH!!!” One of the guards behind screams, and opens fires. Not on the dragon before him first, surprisingly, but the other guard, who looks like a troll, his soldier outfit ripped to shreds by the increased bulk, who drops under the assault fire.
The guard who fires, who has not notices he is looking a lot like the Elfish guy earlier, pointed ears and all, turns his attention to the dragon in the hallway, and points the assault rifle, and fires the grenade launcher. The shot couldn’t of been more perfect.
“Oh shit!” The young dragon was still just flabbergasted at the current events, the grenade lands right in his jaws, and explodes! Astral creatures like himself can usually regenerate from massive wounds, but not from a grenade in the mouth blowing his head off completely.
“Well, I guess Dunkel was right about my time was short. But what did he mean about my time is going to come?” Ailan ponders, as his headless body slumps, and his astral form leaves this plane, and onto the next.

75 years later

“Allons-y!” The strapping man in a suit and a tanned overcoat ran long the younger man, both panting heavily from the running.
“Everytime doctor, every single time Doctor, I end up getting a months worth of cardio whenever I’m with you in a single day!” The younger man, dressed in a simple blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Ailan laughs though as he complains. “Worth it though!” He chuckles, before ducking a blast of laser shotgun.
“Worth it? I’m the one who got who was forced into a shotgun married to Queen Bess!” The man named the Doctor hollered out. “I say she’s no longer Good Queen Bess.” He grins as him and Ailan jumped over another crack in the tunnel. “We just need to get to the Tardis and we’ll be fine.”
Ailan rolls his eyes. “Next time when the locals says anyone who looks at the queen will marry her, don’t look at her!” He dodges another blast, looking back at the mob of drunk humanoid aliens.
“Bring back my husband! New husband, come back! I’m all out of cousins to marry!” Cries out the heavily overweight female in the back, dressed in a white, heavily stained wedding dress.
Both the Doctor and Ailan shudders. “Please tell me why we even came to this backwater hick planet anyway?” Ailan asks.
The Docter grins. “Why not? I’ve never been here before. New place, I go!” He says, tripping over a rock, causing another blast from the aliens laster shotguns to miss him, if barely.”
“Sigh.” The younger ‘immortal’ creature shakes his head. “Been traveling with you for the past 72 years, since you picked me up on earth. I should know better by n--Agh!” Ailan falls down, crying in pain as his side is peppered with blasts. The Doctor immediately stops, hefting Ailans right arm over his shoulder, and carries him.
“Almost there buddy!” He says, finally turning the corner where the his wonderful blue police box stands. he kicks open the door, and drags himself and Ailan in, closing the door behind him, and dropping him to the ground careful. He runs over to the console, starting it up with a few twirls of a knob here and there, ending off with a kick to get her moving.
“Nnng…” Ailan holds his bleeding side, wincing. “Dammit. This is pretty bad, even for me Doctor.” He says, panting as he leans against the Tardis door, gritting his teeth.
“No no no...You’ll be find buddy.” The Doctor moves back over to Ailan, kneeling beside him, looking over the rather bloody wounds, wincing. “Oh...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sighs. “Pretty bad, even for you and your ability.
Ailan coughs, small amount of blood comes up, dribbling down his chin. “Eh, at least it’s not my end. Who knows, we might end up running into each other again.” He says with a weak smile. “But. *Cough* what will you do till then?”
The man before Ailan sighs, the man who looks so young, so full of life, yet feels so old, closes his eyes, lowering his head. “I...I think it’s time I stop running actually.”
Ailan blinks, tilting his head a little. “What do you mean? Sure, we’ve ran. We ran a lot actually. But usually things with guns, or claws, or both, or other nasty things to dismember us with...Like Laser shotguns!” He says with a laugh, then hisses in pain as pain lances through his body. “But what could you be running from?”
The Time Lord looks at the Astral Dragon, and just smiles. “My song is about to end, it was foretold. The ones who foretold it are calling me back.” He sighs, looking up to the tardis roof, standing up, then looks down at Ailan. “I don’t want to go.”
Ailan gives a weak smile. “Neither do I, but our times come.” He coughs, his eyes slowly closing. “And besides. You’re a hero...You’ll never end.”
The last time lord kneels back down beside the young astral dragon in human form, taking his hand in his. “We all end Ailan. Otherwise, what we do in our time, is meaningless...Goodbye, my friend.”
Ailans body begins to fade, golden light sparkling as it drifts into the astral realm. “Not goodbye. I’m sure I’ll see you again. Time...For more wonderful adventures.” He murmurs, before fading off, disappearing, leaving a lonely time lord, to head off to meet his fate.
1 year later

“You’re joking, right?” Ailan says, in a young elven body, glares at the much older human before him. “Archbishop Reolahaii calls for help, who I might add, is one of the Chosen of Mystra, like yourself, Khelban, and you send a bunch of apprentices who’ve barely mastered the first sphere?” He frowns. “With me leading into battle against the entire nation of the Drow and whatever else is going on down there?”
“Now Ailan, mind I remind you, you’re also an apprentice, barely of the second sphere. I am Khelban Blackstaff, and you’ll do as you’re ordered!” The elderly, but in shape man says with a deadly cool. “Is that clear?”
Ailan continues glaring, gritting his teeth. “Fine.” He turns, walking off to the group of fellow apprentices, who all look nervous, heading that they’re being ordered to Menzoberranzan, The City of Spiders. Ailan knew what was going on, as he turned, facing the Blackstaff. “Send us there.” With a flash of light, the small army of a few hundred apprentices disappeared.
When their eyes cleared, they saw what could only hell could rival in chaos and illogical facts. Ailan quickly looked around, immediately noticing the one who requested help, Reolahaii Ashty, master and minor diety of combination magic, the False Heretic of Mystra, chosen by Mystra herself to wield the powerful Spellfire. He had himself surrounded in a orb of pure force, kneels down, concentrating on what, even with Ailans weak sense of magic, was a ritual so powerful he doubt it’s been seen before in this age.
A bit past the wizard, in a defensive line, stood something that did not make sense! A small army of devils, ranging from mere imps, to mighty Pit Fiends, even a few dreadlord spread about. All of them being lead by a--Ailan blinks, unable to be sure he’s seeing this correctly, by Andrew Ironfist, high cleric of Tymora, and also a minor deity of family. “Ookay...I’ve seen it---Nope, I haven’t!”
Past the defensive line, facing the army of Drow headon, was Arkis, grandson of Thor, who was currently wielding his grandfathers hammer as he lead an army of Valhalla warriors, and then an army of Shadows led by Shadowcat, chosen of Pharasma.
Battle was all around them, noise of slaughter, death, pain, surrounded them all. The army of various races, combined, fighting not against the army of drow, but the entire race. The Drow put everything they had into this battle. The reason towered over the armies, as in the distance, Lloth herself stood, in her pure form, true form. She was in the middle of fighting against a being only Reolahaii, Shadowcat, Arkis, Andrew, and himself knew of. The Archmage of Netherese, who’s goal was to kill all gods, and was using Deific souls to cast a spell to wipe out every single one. Lloth was his last needed soul.
Ailan shudders, watching the two beings, one a god, one powerful enough to be a god, fought, while mortals around them fought. He glances over at Reolahaii, whose ritual will give him a way to prevent the success of the Archmage.
“Alright fellow apprentices! Let’s do this!” And an army of mages casted spells, hundreds of magic missiles flew and hit. “That’s it! Again!” He cried out, as another volley went. This went on for a few more times, before he knew they all were running low on spells. “Stupid Khelben! What did he expect wou--”
“Be recharged, fellow Mystrans! I lend my strength to you all!” Reolahaii’s voice echoed through their minds, before a surge of arcane energy was pumped into the entire mage army, energy, providing enough energy, and knowledge how to use second and third sphere spells. “Holy mother of Mystra…” Ailan blinks, and grins. “Alright boys, let’s show what’s scary about an army of magi!” He called out, pointing to a large battalion of Drow who were charging, and the moment he pointed, it was engulfed by hundreds of fireballs.
“Heh, we might just win this.” Thought Ailan with a chuckle. A few more minutes passed, and many strange occurrences he could not explained happened. The battle though, having been a stalemate for most of the fight, was slowly being pushed back against the army of heroes. “Or maybe no--”
“It is done!” Reolahaii’s voice boomed over the entire cavern as he dropped the orb of force, and finished the spell he’s been casting for nearly 10 minutes. With arms spread, the arcane energies enveloped him, his allies, and rapidly filled the entire Drow homeland in what looked to be a wave of a rainbow, spreading out in all directions.
As the energies approached Ailan, he sighed, but smiles. “Well, this place was interesting. I wonder what this spell actually does.” He ponders, before everything goes rainbow in his vision.

“Uuhhg…” Groans Ailan as his vision returns to him. “Guess the spell kills…” He says light heartedly as he begins to stands. The moment he moves to stand, he notices. “Hmm...Quadruped. Haven’t been that...No, wait, six limbs, I have wings. Been so long since I’ve had wings.” Ailan glances around, noticing just how vibrant the this world seems to be, then smiles as he notices a small little pond nearby. “Perfect!”
Ailan shakily walks towards it, getting used to having four instead of two legs, feeling his ears perk up at hearing various wildlife around him. Once at the pond, he looks in, viewing his reflection of his new form. “Well, this is new. I look like a small horse, no pony.” His fur looks to be a gold tint, shining a little. His mane, long, hanging wildly down his neck, had teal highlights along through it. His body was sleek, yet muscular. “Still a male, err..Stallion I guess.” The newly made stallion says with relief heavy in his voice. He looks at his wings, spreading them out wide, noticing they seem to be slightly out of proportion for his body size, but look strong. “It’s been a few centuries since I’ve flown, hopefully won’t take me long to get back into--”
“AHHH!” Ailans ears perk as he hears the scream, which seems to be coming from three different throats. “What the…?” He looks in the direction it came from, into the dark woods. “Well...Someone’s in danger. Time to quote an old friend.” He rushes off into the woods towards the direction of the cry for help “ALLONS-Y!” here