Edited Details

by ILurvTrixie

Chapter 9 - Night Out

Rarity answered the knocking on the door of the boutique with a satisfied flourish. "Daring, Fluttershy, I do hope you are ready to be impressed!" Her eyes were closed as she smiled, opening them to look at the rather downcast and blushing faces of Fluttershy and Daring. No, not downcast, they looked shamed.
Now what have these two gotten up to? She frowned at their expressions, as the two of them tried desperately not to make eye contact, both with Rarity, and with each other.
"It's going to be very hard to have dinner conversation if you two can't make eye contact. What were you doing for the past few hours?"
"Mmm..." Fluttershy retreated quietly behind her hair.
"Brd gmes..." Daring seemed to have been taking lessons from Fluttershy in shyness.
"Board games? So what's the problem?" Rarity pressed the point.
The two blushed intensely, Fluttershy looking about ready to bolt and Daring just studying the wall of the boutique as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Rarity sighed. "If there isn't any problem, then how about we get you into your outfits, hmm?" The two lacked the wherewithal to argue, so entered the boutique.
Fluttershy was put into a more casual form of her gala dress, the green dress not as floral or decorated, but still covering her well. Her only accessory was a decorative necklace similar to the Element of Kindness, a necklace of pink crystalline butterflies. An elegant understatement, allowing her to blend in well without being a nobody. Daring's adventuring jacket had been rebuilt with spider silk and black highlights, giving it a vague appearance of a tuxedo while increasing its durability. A plain silver chain connected to a gyroscopic compass around her neck, likely borrowed from Twilight. Rarity nodded to herself with a smile. "I was going to try to do something with your helmet, but well, classic styles are classic."
She waited expectantly for the duo to say something, but they remained stoic in their blushing silence. "....I would at least appreciate a thank you darlings."
"Hnk ya" "Hnks Rrty"
She tapped a hoof impatiently. "Really now, you can't even give me a full thank you?"
Daring and Fluttershy looked up at each other, sighed, and whimpered. Daring rolled her eyes. "Tng hrts."
Fluttershy commented at the same time. "Lps hrt."
They blushed intensely, looking away from each other. Rarity couldn't contain her laughter and broke down in a mass of very unladylike giggles.


Three glasses of iced tea later saw the fashionista gossiping with Fluttershy and Daring, now with partially functional mouths. "Really? Over two hours of making out?"
"I think we were both just rather... pent up." Daring sipped at her drink, trying desperately not to blush hot enough to warm the wonderful wonderful chilling liquid.
"Mm." Fluttershy opted for staring into the tea thoughtfully, her own blush still thorough. "....I enjoyed it though."
Daring snorted into her iced tea, removing the glass and giggling. "Did you think I didn't? I think we would've stopped earlier otherwise."
Fluttershy smiled bashfully at Daring, sipping from her iced tea daintily. Rarity was trying very hard to keep from squeeing at the situation. Fluttershy and Daring Do. Who would've thought it. The most bashful pegasus, and the adventurer pegasus of stories. This was going to send shockwaves through the Canterlot rumor mill, and she was here on the cutting edge. The temptation to shout it from the rooftops was only tempered by knowing that Fluttershy would vanish until the gossip reached a more bearable level. Which may take a while, with the fame of her modelling career still lingering.
"As adorable as you two are, I'm afraid you're going to have to get going. The reservations were in an hour from when I got you into your outfits, but with the iced tea..."
Daring and Fluttershy blinked, looking up at the clock, and jumped to their hooves.
"Oh my. Thank you Rarity. We'll umm, yes." Fluttershy dashed for the door.
"What she said. Thanks again." Daring followed at a full gallop, easily overtaking and flipping Fluttershy onto her back.
Rarity sighed, floating the glasses over to the sink with a slight smile. Le Jardin Vert was a little pricey, but as first dates went, it was sure to be memorable. She looked forward to hearing the results.


The duo arrived in mild disarray at the Maitre D's station, earning a raised eyebrow from the unflappable earth pony maintainer of elegance and grace in this fine dining establishment. He adjusted his bow tie above his tuxedo, and wiggled his miniature mustache as he tried to ignore the decided lack of finesse in the arrival. "Miss... Fluttershy, and Miss Do?"
Daring dusted herself off, and helped Fluttershy off her back, both of them partially flushed. Fluttershy adjusted her dress with care. "Um, y-yes."
"Miss Rarity has already issued that all your purchases today will be credited to her account. As such, we are willing to extend the full wine and spirits menu to you should you so wish."
Daring and Fluttershy nodded numbly. "I think we'll be alright with just juice, thank you." "Y-yes."
The Maitre D nodded, picking up a pair of menus. "As you wish. If you would follow me." His walk was the most formally detached thing Daring had seen. Fluttershy could only roll her eyes. She'd had to deal with ponies like this on occasion as a model and after.
There were only a handful of tables, most occupied by small parties quietly chatting with each other. Candles made the whole affair feel more personal, little bubbles of light against the impending twilight as the sun began to set. Daring felt vaguely like she was walking into a mausoleum where the grave robbers hadn't finished yet. The table they were seated at was given a view of the sun going down over ponyville, warm and cheerful. Menus were delivered, and the Maitre D excused himself silently. Fluttershy and Daring exchanged a glance, giggling nervously.
"So, appetizer, entree, and dessert?"
"That was what Rarity insisted on. If you don't mind, I mean."
"I was just thinking we'd have been better suited with a pizza and something sweet."
Fluttershy giggled, and nodded. "But she did mean well."
"I'm sure." Daring smiled wanly, opening the menu, and went wide-eyed at some of the selections. "Fresh Hay, served with a thick mushroom sauce, on a bed of Herbes Vert, glazed in truffle oil. So a mushroom soup with herbs and hay for dipping?"
Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "It is a bit silly.. but sometimes they do taste better. Let's just try not to make a scene."
Daring blushed, biting her lower lip, and nodded. How hard could it be to not offend people?


"The horror! The horror!"
"The garden!"
"The sauce!"
Daring could only look back in mute shock. It had started with an issue over utensils, and which was appropriate. Then somehow something had been said to the waiter in charge of silverware. Then something had crashed in the kitchen. An explosion had ensued. Shattering bottles had started a mild stampede of wealthy and well to do ponies. Daring had charged towards the explosion as Fluttershy had tried to choose what to do. They both raced out a moment later, Daring carrying the three chefs who had been panicking around the stove.
And then the entire place went up in a massive concussive blast.
She was sure the events were completely unrelated, but still felt guilty.
Fluttershy put a hoof to her shoulder, getting a curious look from Daring. Her dress was slightly scorched from the blast, but she was otherwise beautiful. Daring blinked, and blushed. One day of making out and she was already daydreaming like that. Worse than a schoolfilly. "So, still want a pizza?"
Daring grinned cheerfully. "Considering we didn't even get to eat the appetizer?"
The duo headed off to get something to eat, leaving Le Jardin Vert in the capable hands of its waitstaff. Who stared blankly where their place of employment once had been.
One of the chefs spoke up. "I told you trying to use the modified pressure cooker was a bad idea!"
"The pressure was within tolerances! I warned you about that high octane truffle oil!"
"I still say it needed some salt."