//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Twilight makes first contact // by Immanuel //------------------------------// Today is the day! Twilight thought excitedly. For the past eight months and six days, she had collaborated with sociologists, artists, physicists, biologists, magical theorists and even generals to form an expedition unique in Equestrian history. Before that, even, she had spent more than three years gathering data, starting from the very first hint she had noticed in the multiverse-spanning thaumaturgical matrix she had developed together with the best magicians of the Canterlot University Magical Department. After initially spending months with thaumic engineers trying to clean the signal, checking and re-checking the equipment and investigating every possible source of interference within and without the matrix, going so far as to completely redesign and rebuild the blasted thing, the academia were finally forced to accept the irrefutable: the matrix had picked up intelligence, civilization even, somewhere in the dark folds of improbability, where no life should possibly exist. The matrix was studied with unbeforeseen intensity, every scrap of evidence gleaned from its workings, and a plan was formed. The target world was habitable, uncannily similar to Equestria itself, and reachable with a carefully calibrated artificially induced magical singularity. An expedition was formed, consisting of the finest minds in Equestria of the fields in communication science, cryptography, sociology, biology, physics, diplomacy, art history and mimoplasty. An entire new cadre of specialist troops were trained to manage the security of the scientists and dignitaries in an intrinsically unknowable, potentially hostile environment while maintaining every opportunity for success in a first contact situation. The former bearers of the Elements of Harmony, national heroes and royal friends, were gathered to form a part in the upcoming momentous occasion. And Twilight was to spearhead the expedition. The choice was inevitable. The magical properties of the target destination were unknown. Anything could happen. And as much as the security advisers hated the thought, Princess Twilight Sparkle was the sharpest mind, the most potent magic user, the most eclectically knowledgeable and overall best pony to handle such a situation. Today the gate was opened. Shimmering in the afternoon air, the portal waited. Flanked by an honor guard, under the eyes of Her Highnesses Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, watched by a mass of privileged onlookers, followed anxiously by the rest of her expedition, Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped forth and activated the magics of the gateway to another world. * * * It was hot. The alien sun high in the sky burned her coat and made the grass sizzle. Twilight called her magic and formed a bubble of cool air around herself. She looked around herself, eyes scanning the desolate landscape. There, just a hundred paces away, she spotted Them. The aliens. The first glimpse of extra-Equestrian intelligence in the flesh. Magnificent! was the first thought in Twilight's mind. They were equine in nature, but much taller, and more graceful than ponies, maybe half again as tall as the average pony, but with slender legs and muscular barrels. There were a handful of them in a pasture: a herd, perhaps, or a family? Twilight watched them in awe, as they played and raced in the incredible heat. They moved like water, their forms flowing as they danced, racing and frolicking like some strangely familiar gods. Their heads were oblong, muzzles much larger than Equestrians', but not unseemly. The eyes were smaller, surely the product of the tremendously bright sun, and wholly dark. Twilight was fascinated by the way they were slanted to the sides of the aliens' heads, surely signifying a culture of peace and tranquility. Tentatively, she took a few steps forward, and cleared her throat. Immediately, the aliens stopped their games and took notice of her. A still silence descended on the pasture. Twilight smiled excitedly and took a deep breath. "Greetings, fellow sapient beings!" she said in a clear tone. "I know you cannot possibly understand my language, but let me still say, with all my heart, that it is an honor to meet you! I hope, neigh, know that we shall be friends!" While her words were undecipherable to a completely alien culture, her tone of greetings and friendship must have been welcome, for one of the aliens reared up and yelled a greeting of its own. Then they ran to her, deceptively fast and light, but with enviably leisure-like grace. They lowered their beautiful eyes to her level and nuzzled the sides of her head. Success! Twilight was jubilant. The clear friendship, the sheer affection these beautiful creatures showed was beyond anything she had dared hope. She could see a most bright future ahead of their two peoples. Then they spoke briefly to her again, and one by one sprang away again, clearing the ground in easy strides. Twilight sighed, confused but happy. Such energy! Such joy! These are wonderful, beautiful beings! Slow, heavy hoofsteps sounded against gravel beside her. Twilight turned her head. And looked up. And up. A gigantic, dark alien was standing behind her, taller than Princess Celestia herself, even accounting for the horn. The being seemed to stretch for the heavens. Twilight gulped nervously. "Oh! Oh my...", she said. This, this must be a princess! Oh my, she is huge! She is magnificent! That gleaming coat, that unaccountable wisdom in those eyes, that incomparable frame! Trembling beside herself, Twilight gazed at the being in front of her. Then the creature leaned forward, pressed its muzzle against hers, and breathed hotly through its nostrils. Twilight was stunned. Was... was that a greeting? She closed her eyes, swallowed and pushed back with her own muzzle, doing her best to match the prodigious airflow of the glorious alien queen. The alien nuzzled her, nibbled at her ears in fact. Twilight was overjoyed. Oh, she's just like Celestia! she thought giddily. Then she realized she was hearing ...speech? The sounds were completely alien, short and clipped. And most strangely, they didn't seem to come from the alien's mouth at all. They flowed from her general direction, but her mouth stayed closed, eyes peering into Twilight's soul. "Are you... are you telepathic?" Twilight asked. It must be! The others must have signaled her immediately on my arrival! I must get the others here immediately! "Your highness," Twilight said with a grin, "allow me to introduce you to my friends." * * * Cassie rode carefully to the strange lavender little creature that had appeared in her pony pen. The thing looked almost like a pony, except smaller and perhaps cuddlier. And the coloration was crazy. Cassie almost giggled as she saw it gesticulate and whinny, almost human-like. It seemed to become an instant friend to her ponies. She clicked her tongue and shifted her weight, inching her steed forward. The horse leaned down and gave the creature a horsey kiss, while Cassie examined the being. "Now, whatever might ya be, gal... My gawd, are those wings??" Then a shimmering light appeared behind the creature, fifty yards or so further, and more creatures started to appear. They walked towards her in formation, wild in coloration and so intelligent looking, some in the buff, others wearing what was clearly decorative garb. There must have been several dozen of them, marching forwards in lockstep, with clear purpose and precision. Except for the pink one in the back, who was gently bouncing forward. Cassie swallowed, realizing the world was about to change. It took surprisingly long, before the ponies noticed her on the back of the horse.