//------------------------------// // First Day // Story: Your Name // by Zeck //------------------------------// Sweetie Drops stood at the front of the school, a lump forming in her throat as she stared at the building. It felt as big as the apple her mom had given her for breakfast, and for a terrifying moment, she was afraid she hadn’t chewed enough and the apple was now stuck in her throat. Oh no! That would be so embarrassing. Walking around on the first day of school with a huge lump in her throat. All the other ponies would tease her for sure! She had to get that apple down! Sweetie Drops closed her blue eyes and focused on her throat. She took a deep breath and then swallowed. She didn’t feel the apple slide back down her throat, but it did go away. She sighed and opened her eyes again, her smile returning instantly. Another thought passed through her head then, and she quickly ran her hoof over her forehead. Her blue and pink bangs brushed her fur as she wiped her face, and when her hoof came back dry, she felt her body become as soft as last night’s pudding. Good. She didn’t want to go to school like that on her first day either. She would have preferred to have the apple stuck back in her throat than that other…thing. “Sweetie Drops, are you ready for your big day?” her mom asked. “Yes Mom,” Sweetie Drops said, looking up at her mom and smiling. She was nervous, and being nervous was bad. She knew it was bad because of what it did to her. But her mom was here, and if anything went wrong, her mom would protect her. That made the nervousness much less, and kept her condition under control. “That’s my big girl,” her mom said, rubbing her hoof through Sweetie Drop’s hair. “Now get your bag. I’ll walk you to class and we can meet your new teacher.” Sweetie Drops bent down and wiggled herself into her saddlebags. She stood up and the strap fell perfectly across her back. She looked at them and smiled. They were blue with a pink swirl in the middle of each bag, and her mom had made sure to stich the swirl into the shape of her favorite candy. She was also hoping that her mom had stuffed some extra sweets into her bag for her first day of school. Sweetie Drops took another deep breath, then looked up at her mom and smiled. “I’m ready, Mom.” With that, Sweetie Drops took her first step onto the schoolyard. Her eyes tried to drink in every detail as she walked. There was a jungle gym off to the side, with perhaps the tallest swing set she had ever seen. And the slide was taller than her mom by far, which meant Sweetie Drops would go really fast when she went down it. She decided that would be the first thing she would have to try once playtime came. There was a sandbox over to the side of playground, along with a merry-go-round. Several fillies and colts her age were spinning on it, trying to make it go faster. Sweetie Drops thought that looked rather dangerous, and she winced when a unicorn lost his balance and fell off. He rolled across the ground a few times, but stood up right away and dashed back to jump on the twirling object. Sweetie Drops decided the merry-go-round could be toward the bottom of her list of things to try. After she finished marveling at the playground—it was so big compared to her own playset at home—her eyes turned toward the school. It was tall. Very tall. Taller than her house, and taller than her neighbors’ homes too. It was probably the tallest building she had ever seen, outside of the stores in what her mom called the heart of the city. Sweetie Drops had been to that part of the city many times, and she had never seen a heart. She didn’t understand why her mom kept calling it that. The school also wasn’t as tall as the Princess’ castle. Sweetie Drops had only seen it from afar, but she knew no building in the entire world could be as tall as that. Still, the school was very tall. She stopped as she stared up at it, then put her hoof out to see if she could reach the top. Her hoof could barely reach the tip of the building, but try as she might, she couldn’t get it to cover the school bell. Yep. The building was very tall. It was also made of very white stone, with giant columns at the top of the grey steps that Sweetie Drops now stood at the bottom off. At the top of the columns were letters, and she knew those letters formed words, but she couldn’t read them yet. She was getting good at reading—her mom said so—but these were big words, and she could only read small words so far. But she knew what the words were. Her mom had told her. Canterlot Fillies and Colts. Mom had told her that all the ponies her age would be going here, and that she’d probably make lots of new friends. Sweetie Drops hoped her mom was right as she climbed the steps. She didn’t want to be in such a big school without any friends. It would be super lonely. When they reached the top of the steps, Sweetie Drops saw two massive doors that were wide open. There were lots of ponies inside the building. Some of them were her age, while others were older. Some looked like they were even as old as her mom. And a lot of them were wearing clothes. Sweetie Drops thought that the ponies with clothes on were probably teachers, but she was confused when she saw other moms and dads with clothes on too. And even some fillies. Clothes had never made much sense to her. She liked to be able to run around free without feeling constrained, but Mom had said that a lot of ponies in Canterlot put a great deal of worth on appearances. “Wow, she doesn’t have her cutie mark yet,” Sweetie Drops heard a voice say. She immediately turned in the direction of the voice. Two boys were standing off to the side and pointing at a little girl who was ahead of Sweetie Drops. Sweetie Drops looked, and sure enough, the girl ahead of her didn’t have her cutie mark. The boys started laughing, and Sweetie Drops decided that she didn’t like them. All ponies got cutie marks eventually. Why did those boys think it was funny that the girl didn’t have one yet? Did they honestly believe she wouldn’t get one? “Hey! You leave her alone!” another voice said. Sweetie Drops looked over and saw a group of girls stomping toward the two boys. Some of them had cutie marks, others didn’t, but they were all looking angry as the marched toward the boys. The boys looked at them once, and then bolted down a side hall. “Make sure you don’t behave like that, dear,” Mom said as she walked. “Teasing other ponies is never okay. If your teacher told me that you did such an awful thing, you wouldn’t get any dessert for a month.” Sweetie Drops suddenly felt very dizzy. No dessert for a month? She looked down at her own cutie mark—which she was very proud of and had just received a few weeks ago—and decided that she would never tease another pony. She couldn’t live that long without dessert. As Sweetie Drops and her mom continued to walk through the hall of the school, the filly noticed that there were less and less ponies around. The ones she did see where all her age now, and they were all walking very closely to their moms or dads. None of them were talking, and they were all looking at each other and then hiding behind their parents’ legs whenever they made eye contact. “Ah, here we are,” Mom said with a smile. “Room one oh four. Mrs. Bloom’s room.” “That sounds…what did you say it was, Mom?” Sweetie Drops asked. Something about those last two words was funny, and Sweetie Drops liked the way they sounded in her head. “They rhyme, Sweetie Drops,” Mom said. “Rhyme,” Sweetie Drops repeated, memorizing the word. “And…what does rhyme mean?” “My, aren’t you full of questions on your first day,” a pony said as Sweetie Drops and her mom entered the classroom. “Rhyme means that the words sound alike. I like it because it makes it easy for my students to remember me. Bloom’s Room.” “Good morning, Mrs. Bloom,” Mom said. Sweetie Drops looked over and saw a mare standing in front of a chalkboard with a smile on her face. She was a pretty shade of red with an orange mane that was all curly. She was a unicorn, because Sweetie Drops could see the horn poking out from under the curls. “Good morning Mrs. Sweets,” Mrs. Bloom said. “And this must be…” Sweetie Drops cleared her throat. Mom had said that she needed to make a good first impression with her teacher. “My name is Sweetie Drops, Mrs. Bloom. My mom said that I needed to introduce myself so you would remember me.” “Oh, well I haven’t forgotten a student yet, but I’ll make sure I keep you in mind,” Mrs. Bloom said as she closed one eye toward Mom. What did that mean? “Okay Sweetie Drops, you make sure you behave for Mrs. Bloom, okay?” “Of course,” Sweetie Drops said with a smile. Then, she realized the tone of her mother’s voice. “Wait. Mom…are…are you leaving me?” “Of course I am silly,” Mom said as she ruffled Sweetie Drops’ mane. “I can’t stay with you in school.” “But, but…” Sweetie Drops’ mind was suddenly full of bubblegum, because she could not find the words she wanted to speak. Before she managed to clear her brain, her mom turned and walked out of the classroom, leaving Sweetie Drops stammering in front of Mrs. Bloom. “Alright, Sweetie Drops, go ahead and take your seat,” Mrs. Bloom said. She pointed to a chair and desk toward the back of the room and Sweetie Drops found her hooves carrying her there without her mind telling them to. In a moment, she was seated at her desk and her saddlebags were resting near her back hooves. This wasn’t good. She hadn’t realized that Mom wasn’t going to stay with her once she went to school! What was she supposed to do now? What if her condition started acting up? What if she needed to go to the bathroom? What if she was hungry for a snack? What if the other ponies teased her? As if that thought was a magical phrase, the two colts from the hallway suddenly walked into the classroom. They were laughing quietly between themselves, but the moment they saw the teacher, the both stood up straight and stopped laughing. “Good morning, Socket. Good morning, Bolt,” Mrs Bloom said. “Good morning, Mrs. Bloom,” the two said together. “Take your seats, boys. Class is about to start.” The boys nodded and started walking to their desks. To Sweetie Drops’ horror, she noticed that they were walking straight toward her. Her eyes darted left, then right. There were empty seats on both sides of her! Oh no. Were they going to sit next to her? She didn’t want them to. They weren’t nice. They had been teasing that poor filly in the hallway, and Sweetie Drops was certain they’d tease her too if they found out about her…problem. At the last second, one of the colts turned to the left and started walking behind his friend. The first one slid into the seat right next to Sweetie Drops, while the other boy sat down next to his friend. Well, at least they weren’t sitting on both sides. If worse came to worse, she supposed she could just turn in the other direction. “Hey,” the boy sitting next to her said. Sweetie Drops pretended not to hear him, so he tapped her gently. “Hey.” “Um…hello,” Sweetie Drops said, her ears going a little flat against her mane and her eyes darting between the boy and her desk. “My name’s Socket,” the boy said. He was a dark brown pegasus with some sort of tool for a cutie mark. He flapped his wings once and smiled at her. It was the first time a smile had ever seemed mean to Sweetie Drops. “And I’m Bolt,” the other boy said, tapping his chest. He was a unicorn with a light yellow coat, and his cutie mark was a bunch of those little metal things Dad was always using to build things. “So what’s your name?” Socket asked. “Um…Swe-Sweetie D-Drops,” Sweetie Drops said, wishing she could burying herself in her desk. She didn’t like talking to these to colts. The way they were looking at her made her feel uncomfortable. They just looked…mean. “You got any candy, Sweetie Drops?” Socket asked. He held out his hoof in front of Sweetie Drops’ face and smiled that uncomfortable smile again. “Your cutie mark is candy, so I bet you have a lot of it. Give us some.” “We’ll be your friends,” Bolt added as he poked his head over Socket’s shoulder. “No,” Sweetie Drops said, scooting her saddlebag to the other side of her desk. “I do not want to be your friend. You two were mean to that filly in the hallway. You two aren’t nice.” She folded her forelegs across her desk and turned away, hoping her actions hadn’t caused her condition to start acting up. “Tch, fine,” Socket said. “Whatever. Who wants to be friends with a girl anyway?” Sweetie Drops held her breath, but that was the last thing Socket or Bolt said to her. She let the breath out slowly and turned toward the head of the class, doing her best to not look to her right, and waited for her first day of school to start. As the last fillies and colts entered the room—most of them without their parents—and took their seats, Mrs. Bloom walked to the front of the class. She used her magic to pick up a piece of chalk and started writing her name on the chalkboard. “Hello, everypony,” she said after she finished writing her name. “My name is Mrs. Bloom, and I’ll be your first-year teacher while you are at C.F.C. Please feel free to ask me any question you may have, or come and talk to me if you have any problems. Well, now that you all know who I am, how about you all introduce yourselves to me and your fellow classmates?” Sweetie Drops felt her ears go completely flat. Her eyes went so wide that they felt like they were going to rip her face open. She also didn’t feel well all of a sudden. She felt like she had spun around on that merry-go-round outside for too long on top of not eating anything all day. Her hooves quaked and her mane was very itchy. She lowered her body as far as she could into her seat, then squished her neck down so that only her eyes were above her desk. She checked her fur and was relieved to find that at least her condition hadn’t acted up yet. If she could just keep herself calm, she would be okay. The first student was called. The young unicorn pony opened her mouth to speak, but Mrs. Bloom stopped her. “Oh no, Minuette,” Mrs. Bloom said. “Come stand at the front of the class so everypony can see you.” No! Not that. Sweetie Drops was going to have a hard enough time talking in front of so many other ponies, but to do so in front of the classroom? “Okay Mrs. Bloom!” The small blue unicorn got out of her seat and walked to the front of the class. She turned and smiled, and Bon Bon noticed that her smile wasn’t like Socket’s or Bolt’s. Minuette’s smile was nice and warm. It was also very white. “My name is Minuette! Nice to meet all of you,” she said. How does she make it look so easy? Sweetie Drops thought as she tried in vain to sink further into her seat. One by one, Mrs. Bloom went down the isles, calling each pony to the front. Sweetie Drops watched hopelessly as the pony in front of her was called up, introduced himself, and then walked back to his seat. “Okay, dear, your turn,” Mrs. Bloom said. Sweetie Drops didn’t move, and a strange sound escaped her mouth. “Hey you,” Socket whispered loudly. He jabbed her slightly with his hoof. “She’s talking to you. Get up there already.” Sweetie Drops forced her hooves to move. She carefully put her hind legs on the ground, then put her forelegs down as well. She knew she was shaking, but she forced her limbs to keep her upright. She hung her head and stared at the floor as she slowly walked to the front of the classroom, each step feeling worse than the last. Finally, the young filly reached the front of the class. She stood as close to Mrs. Bloom as she dared, and kept her head down so her mane covered her face. She felt her tail twitching behind her as she stood, petrified, in front of her classmates. “Well, Sweetie Drops?” Mrs. Bloom asked. “Aren’t you going to say hello?” “H-Hello,” she whispered, not raising her head. That apple was back in her throat again, only this time it felt twice as big. And that meant…oh no! “Not like that, honey,” Mrs. Bloom said. “Introduce yourself to your classmates.” Sweetie Drops’ eyes had gone even wider now. She could feel her condition acting up. Her fur itched and the taste of salt came to her lips. She wanted to cry, but she knew that would only make it worse. Plus, she did not want the other ponies to think that she was a crybaby. That would only add to her misery. “Come now, dear,” Mrs. Bloom said, putting a hoof on Sweetie Drops’ back. Sweetie Drops tensed at the touch. Mrs. Bloom had touched her! She had felt her. She had to think Sweetie Drops was the most disgusting pony she’d ever seen now! “Raise your head and say hello to your classmates,” Mrs. Bloom said, still keeping her hoof on Sweetie Drops’ back. How was she doing that? Wasn’t she disgusted? Didn’t she want to wash her hoof off the second she had touched her? “M-My na-na-name is…is…” Sweetie Drops swallowed, trying to force the apple in her throat to go back down into her stomach where it belonged. She raised her head, trying to force it down, and suddenly realized her mistake. The young yellow filly froze. Her eyes locked with the entire class. They were all looking at her. They could all see her. Worse, they could see her sweating! She could feel the drops running down her face as the eyes dug into her. She could feel her coat getting matted by the second, and a small river running down between her eyes and hooking around her muzzle to end at the side of her mouth, adding to the salty taste. They were all thinking how gross she was now. She knew it! “My…my name is…Sweetie Drops,” Sweetie Drops said in a voice that she didn’t think was her own. “There, that wasn’t—oh.” Mrs. Bloom stopped as Sweetie Drops started back to her seat the moment she finished saying her name. She just needed to make it to her seat, then she could calm down and the sweating would stop. She’d be safe if she could just sit down and relax, and no pony would even remember what they had just— “Sweetie Drops? More like Sweaty Drops,” Socket said in a loud whisper as Sweetie Drops neared her seat. The colt started laughing and Bolt quickly joined him. Several fillies and colts nearby also chuckled slightly. “Class!” Mrs. Bloom said in a stern voice. “Behave yourselves.” The laughing stopped, but Sweetie Drops didn’t move. She stood frozen again. The horror of what she had just heard made her feel sick. Why was Socket so mean? What had she done to him? “Sweetie Drops, please return to your seat,” Mrs. Bloom said from the front of the class. Sweetie Drops hung her head and resumed her long march back to her desk. “Hey, welcome back, Sweaty Drops,” Socket said as Sweetie Drops slid into her desk. “Careful, you don’t want to slip and fall out of your seat now.” “Ha! Good one,” Bolt said. Sweetie Drops lowered her head onto her desk and covered her face with her hooves. She did not like school. Mom had left her. Mrs. Bloom had made her get up in front of the entire class. All the kids were mean, and Socket and Bolt were especially mean. She hoped she didn’t have to come back tomorrow. She just wanted to stay home and make sweets with Mom. The sweating had stopped, but Sweetie Drops felt a different type of liquid running down her face now. It started in her eyes, and then it trickled down her face until it fell onto her desk. She did not like school at all.