The Everlasting

by THEqwabik

Chapter 6: Search and Rescue

Rainbow Dash was twitching, waiting for her momment. Tightly gripping onto Pinkie who was watching the throne room, crowded by changelings telling stories of survival and attack. They thought they were safe here, how wrong they were. The door burst open and the element of magic was in their hands. Not for long will they have that key. They waited a little more before there rescue comences. On the legde they were on Pinkie tapped her hoove on the ledge, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie fell.

With a sudden swoosh Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie, flew over the elements and pinkie grabbed them. Rainbow dash flew crashing through a window to make an escape. Pinkie now had the element of magic and the element of kindness. Rainbow Dash flew towards a lushes, never ending green field and landed. Pinkie threw the elements up into the air and the landed in her saddle bag.

"Alright Pinkie, I think we lost em'," Rainbow Dash said in a exhausted voice.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said, happy as ever. Pinkie set up a firework cannon and lit the rope. Twilight made sure Pinkie had only one use with the lighter. The firework cannon shot abright light which then made a popping noise.


The changeling queen was mad, or is still mad. The key to all the elements was just stolen by, who knows who? She wants to kill who ever took it. She commanded the changeling to go find who took, she knew that they wouldent have gone far.


Twilight opened a rift hole using a spell. It was easy, all she needed was a good picture of where they were and with the glow of a horn a portal opened and stayed open for ten seconds. As they walked in a changeling jump forwards but luckly for the gang the portal closed and all that was left was the mounting for the firework and a changeling group looking at a changeling on the ground, pounding and kicking dust up.