Bullets Of Love

by Slava Medik 34

Chapter 1

The day after I had just came back from the war, I was walking along the empty streets of Ponyville, when I bumped into this cute looking nurse mare.
“Sorry” I manage to mumble, as I am not very good when it comes to talking to females.
“It’s alright dear” she replies, looking at me while blushing.
I had just started walking away when she calls out and says,
“Would you like to go on a date sometime?”
“Ok, but why?” I ask a little confused
The mare just looks up at me and says,
“Because you look cute”
“Ok, would 6 o'clock be fine?” I ask with a slight stutter in my speech.
“Yes, 6 o’clock would be perfect” She replies, smiling.
“Ok then, see you there.”

So as I was walking home, my two best friends Fac3Desk and Fire Heart came trotting up to me.
“Why are you so happy?” Fire Heart asks me with a bit of surprise on his face,
“I’ve got a date with a cute mare” I reply, smiling a big toothy grin.
“Who is it?” Fac3desj asks me, as he is always asking questions.
“She is a nurse, I don’t know her real name just yet, but I will tonight. So I say I want to get ready for tonight, so see you guys later.”
“Ok bye, and have a nice time.” Fire Heart says giving me a gentle nudge.
“I will” I replied still smiling that big toothy grin.
So I get home and washed myself, got dressed, arrive at the restaurant and waited for her. After what seemed like a life time of waiting, she arrived and she was wearing a very beautiful dress. We walk into the restaurant, and we were talking what jobs we have.
“You already know that I’m a nurse, but what do you do?” She asks me
“I’m a medic in the Royal Canterlot Army.”
“Oh, so what does a medic do?” she asks with curiosity in her eyes.
“Well I help the injured and wounded while in battle.”
“Oh, that’s um… good.” She replies with a little hesitation in her voice
“Is there anything wrong?” I ask, noticing the hesitation
“It's ok.”
“Ok, so, want to go dancing?”
“Sure, I’d love to dance.”
So we dance until it was really late, and afterwards as I was walking her home, she says
“I had a lovely time, thank you.” she then gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“By the way, what is your name?” I ask her
“It’s Redheart”.
With a bit of embarrassment, I go red in face and she giggle.
“Goodnight” she says waving goodbye to me
As I was walking home thinking about how cute she was, I was so dizzy in love I bumped into my own house, and that broke me out of it. So I went in and went to bed, and while I was laying down I could not stop thinking about her.

The next morning I hear a knock at the door, and it was Nurse Redheart saying hello before she going to work.
So when she walks off, my friends see me and walk over to me.
“Was that the mare you told us about last night?” Fac3desk asks
“Yes, she is”
“She is really cute” Fire Heart says giving me a nudge again
“Yes she is. I couldn’t stop thinking about her last night.” I reply a little embarrassed.
So we walk into the kitchen and while I was getting my breakfast, Fac3Desk and Fire Heart follow me.

“So how was last with Nurse Redheart” Face3Desk asks me
“It was wonderful.” I reply with a dreamy look on my face
“What did you? Tell us everything!” Fac3Desk, who as you know always asks the questions, asks me.
“We went out for diner and danced together, after that we went home, and it was my best night ever!”
“Do you want to come with us to see DJ PON3?” Fire Heart asks me
“No sorry, I have to go to the army recruit training centre in Canterlot, so I better leave soon to catch my train. Bye guys.”
“Bye mate, good luck!” Fire Heart yells after me.
As I was heading out to the train station, I spot one of my team members, and I walk over to him.
“Hi.” I say to him
He sees me and says to me,
“Hey buddy, what are you doing here?”
“I’m going to training centre, what about you?” I reply with a smile on my face.
“Same here, what are you doing?”
“I get to drill medics in a medical combat scenario, and you know teaching them the normal combat skills”
“Oh ok, anyway good luck.”
“You too.”
so the train comes and we get aboard it, and head off to Canterlot for a week.

A week later I come home from Canterlot, and hopped off the train. My friends and Nurse Redheart were waiting there for me I ran up to Fac3Desk and Ethereal hugged them.
“How are you guys?” I ask them, as it felt like forever since the last time we saw each other.
“We’ve been good, you know, keeping out of mischief. So, how was Canterlot?” Fire Heart asks me
“Oh, it was fun, but I missed you guys a lot!”
“What did you do?” Fac3Desk, who was unusually quiet asked me
“Drilling the new recruit's in a Medical Combat scenario. Anyway lets’ go home, I'm tired and need to rest.” I reply.
So when we get home, Nurse Redheart say's
“I need to go back to work, will you be fine on your own?”
“Yes I will.” I reply
So as soon as everypony had left my house, I went off to sleep.
An hour later there was a knock on the door, so I woke up to see who it was, and it was RoseLuck delivering my flowers for Nurse Redheart. I put them away in a safe and secret place. When she came home from work, I gave her the flowers, and she ran up to me and says,
“Thank you!”
She then gave me a kiss on the cheek, and after that, I proposed to her and asked
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes, YES! I will” she replied with tears in her eyes from happiness.
So the next day we go out shopping to prepare for the wedding, and I bump in to Fire Heart
“What are you doing here mate, I thought you hated shopping?” he asks me with a puzzled look on his face.
“Just shopping, mate.”
“You’re hiding something.” He says
“How, how did you know?”
“You’re sweating, I know when you’re lying.”
“Ok, Ok, you got me! I’m getting married to Nurse Redheart. Don’t tell Fac3Desk please.”
“Ok mate” Fire Heart says with a sigh.
After we had finished with the shopping, we head home and there was a letter in the mail box and it was a letter from the Royal Canterlot Army. I opened it and I hung my head and said. ”Why did this have to happen right now, now I have to go and tell Redheart to postpone the wedding.”
I walk over to Redheart’s house and knocked on the door.
“Who is it” she says
I say “It’s me Slava
She opens the door and says, “What is it.”
“We will have to postpone the wedding because I'm being deployed tomorrow im sorry” I say.
“Take this, it will make you remember me while I'm away” I take off my necklace my put it around her neck and she looks at me with a sad face saying.
“Come home safe, please” she says.
I say “I will”
Redheart is just standing there crying and looking at me thinking “I hope he comes home”
I wave at her saying” Goodbye my love, I love you with all my heart”
Four months have passed and Redheart waits at her house, thinking if I have returned or not. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door, she opens it and it was her friend Nurse Coldheart she says.
“Are you waiting for your fiancé?”
Redheart says, “Yes I am, he was due back today. I hope nothing has happened to him”
In the distance there is a uniformed figure, Redhearts couldn’t see who it was, but it came closer to her house, then when he stopped on her door step, Redheart asks, “Who are you?”
The uniform solider replies, “I'm an informer, are you Nurse Redheart?”
“Yes I am” Redheart says.
The uniformed solider looks at her and says, “Come with me please”.
So they go down to the train station, and Redhearts asks, “Why are we at the train station?”
The solider looks sad and replies with, “He is in Canterlot”
Redheart says with a gasp, “He is still alive!”
“Yes but badly hurt, I don’t know what’s going to happen with him”