Absence of Friendship

by MangaKamen

Chapter 5 - Pandora Ignition

Chapter 5

Pandora Ignition


“Alright Prinnies! It’s almost time! A brand new world, a brand new fan base, and a brand new awesome form to boot!”

A guitar rift echoed through the air as several blue penguins saluted towards their boss. “When night time falls, we’ll set up the stage and booths. With this town, we’ll make a ton of cash with just selling food and drinks, and remember, if you Prinnies do a good job, I’ll bump your pay up from five percent to six percent of the profits!”

The Prinnies cheered as they threw their wings up into the air. “And if you don’t, we’re going Prinny Bowling!”

All of the Prinnies shivered before they saluted to the shadowed figure, “R-Roger dood!”

The shadowed figure smiled brightly as he watched the Prinnies scatter about. ‘A fresh start – This is just what I needed. Failed TV shows, failed warden job, failed president, even failed sushi chef! Even if I can’t use the money back home, it’s still gold and I can hack it for some Hl.

‘Besides, I’m kinda curious how I’m able to play my guitar with no fingers – Not that I’m complaining. And that’s enough of the exposition dump. Next scene!’


“You live in a library? Heh, what a nerd!”

“Excuse me?” Twilight questioned as she watched Mao strut about the main lobby of the Golden Oaks Library. “What’s wrong with living in a library?”

“Oh, nothing,” Mao snickered as he looked at the wood horse head bust. “Unless your only friends are the silverfish in between the pages.”

“Sir Mao, doth thou have to be an ingrate?!” Luna (now undisguised since she entered the library) spoke as she trotted up to the black stallion. “Twilight Sparkle has opened her home to us and…”

“And did you forget about the twenty foot walking tree that decided to redecorate your entire town?” Mao countered as he lifted a hoof up to one of the books.

Both Twilight and Luna turned to each other while the demon slid the book from the shelves and threw it to the floor for him to read. With the demon preoccupied, Twilight lifted her hoof up to her mouth, “Spike! Could you come down here?”

From the nearby stairs, the purple baby dragon ran down to the lobby and stopped for a moment to look at the odd stallion in the side of the room before he went to Twilight, “You called?”

“Could you please show our guest around?” Twilight requested. “I need to speak to Princess Luna in private.”

“You got it!” Spike replied with a salute to the mare before he turned towards the odd stallion.

“Twilight Sparkle, I do not believe that is a good idea,” Luna whispered to Twilight. “Mao’s reaction to a dragon might not…”

Both Twilight and Luna watched as Spike tapped Mao’s side to get the stallion’s attention. For a moment, the stallion eyed Spike then turned his head back to the book, “Huh, so they have dragons here too.”

Luna blinked a few times as Spike continued to try to garner the black stallion’s attention, “That is probably the most lackluster reaction I have seen from him.”

“I guess he’s used to seeing dragons,” Twilight suggested. “Then again, nopony really reacted to Spike when I first arrived in Ponyville save for Fluttershy – It was kind of odd now that I think about it.”

“Knock it off!” Mao growled as he slapped Spike’s claw away from him. “I’m not interested in some lame tour!”

“C’mon! It’ll be fun!” Spike retorted as he latched onto Mao’s tail, and immediately pulled on it a few times.

“Get off!” Mao snarled back. “Unless this place has a secret laboratory then I’m not interested!”

“But there is!” Spike shouted back.

And then all at once, silence echoed through the room. Mao didn’t struggle and slowly turned his head towards the small dragon, “Are you telling me that there’s actually a lab in this tree?! I was rather curious with the level of technology in this world since I was under the impression that it was nothing more than in the dark ages – But I grew curious when that Pink Pony managed to bake rather quickly and efficiently…

“But a laboratory?! TO THE LAB!”

Mao dashed off through the tree, with Spike’s claws grasped tightly around the stallion’s tail, barely hanging on. When the two were out of sight, Luna turned towards the unicorn near her, “Twilight Sparkle, is it wise for us to allow him access to such a place?”

“There’s nothing dangerous in there,” Twilight explained as she waved a hoof. “I have even taken precautions to make sure that anything dangerous has been properly locked up so that nopony can get into it.”

“I understand,” Luna replied as her horn glowed brightly. In a burst of light near her head, Luna called forth the beautifully crafted and bejeweled box from thin air. “In any case, we have much more to discuss, Twilight Sparkle. First and foremost, are thou sure about this? Having a Demon Overlord living amongst you and your friends?”

Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof before a tired smile grew on her face, “It is a bit unsettling, I’ll admit. However, Mister Mao did rectify the situation earlier – It was a rather odd way to do so, but still he did fix it. Besides, dragons, Discord, Changelings: What’s the worst that a Demon Lord could do?”

“That is why my sister decided to send these along with I,” Luna answered as the box opened up to reveal five necklaces and a tiara with bright jewels within them.

“The Elements!?” Twilight gasped before she raised her hooves up to her mouth.

“Indeed,” Luna replied as she used her magic to pull the tiara out from the box. “We have yet to see if they would have an effect on a creature such as Mao – But, tis better to err on the side of caution.”

The tiara landed atop of Twilight’s head and then faded away, Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise as she turned to Luna.

The Alicorn Princess smiled. “You need not worry, Twilight Sparkle. It is a mere cloaking spell so that nopony will see the Element. Each of the elements shall only appear once removed from thy self or when their power has been invoked. It is imperative that you and the other wielders of the elements keep these with you until we have found a way to return Mao from whence he came.”

“My friends and I shall not fail you, Princess Luna,” Twilight answered as she lowered her head slightly. “But what are we supposed to do, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“The elements are only to be used as a last resort,” Luna answered as she lowered the box containing the rest of the elements onto the floor. “While it has been shown that Mao is… Eccentric, and possesses powers not known to this world, we cannot force our hooves on this matter. He has stated that it wasn’t by his own desires to be in Equestria, but we cannot be too careful in this matter.

“He demonstrated what he was capable of against the tree monster. Which reminds me, how is your friend, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight mused with a rather meek smile on her face. “Well, it’s hard to tell – She seemed a bit more… Excited than usual. I think she actually liked being turned into a party cannon.”

Luna smiled, “You certainly keep interesting company, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Life’s never been the same since I met my friends,” Twilight replied with a nod. “In the good way, of course. Should we deliver the rest of the elements immediately?”

“There is no need,” Luna replied as she trotted towards the window. “We shall do so in the morning, it has been a long day. It wouldn’t be proper to intrude on them during the night – to be sure nothing goes wrong, I shall remain here for the evening. I trust that is okay?”

“O-Of course, Princess Luna!” Twilight stuttered back. “Just give me a little bit and I’ll prepare a place for you to..”

“No need, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna replied as she lifted a hoof up. “I shall not require…”


Both Twilight and Luna turned to see Spike run towards the two. When the baby dragon skidded to a stop before the two of the mares, his face was contorted with shock and fear – Signified by his dilated pupils, the cold sweat that rolled down the side of his head and that he was clearly out of breath.

“Spike! What is it? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked as she raised a hoof to the young dragon’s shoulder.

“T-That stallion,” Spike sputtered out between breaths. “He… He… Your lab… Too crazy!”

Both Twilight and Luna looked to each other for a moment before they galloped.


With the last light of the sun careening over the horizon near a large lush forest, a yellow pegasus flew about a large cottage that was covered with grass and bushes that had a number of animals around the building. The yellow mare’s pink mane and tail billowed as she fed the various animals that waited for her tender care.

She was unaware of what had happened in town – The giant Wood Golem that was defeated by a certain pink pony that was transformed into a cannon by a stallion that claimed to be a demon overlord – One of the otters wasn’t feeling well this morning and she spent the day trying to nurse the little critter back to health.

Of course, she couldn’t ignore the other animals and…

“Yo, dood!”

The young mare jumped with a loud yelp and ducked behind a nearby tree as quickly as her wings could carry her. A few moments later, the young mare perked her head out from behind the tree – And that fear melted away when she saw what it was that had spooked her. “Oh my gosh! Penguins!”

“Um, we’re Prinnies, dood,” one of the three blue penguins stated, trying to keep its flippers locked around a number of posters.

“O-Oh, I’m sorry, you just l-look like penguins,” The mare replied as she stepped out from her hiding place with her head lowered slightly. “Um, then again, penguins can’t talk…”

“Hate to interrupt, dood,” the Prinny with a large backpack slung on him. “But we’re kinda in a hurry, dood. We just wanted to ask if we could put up a poster on your house, dood?”

“A poster?” the mare questioned. “W-Well, I don’t mind, but not many ponies come out this way…”

The third Prinny sighed loudly and slapped a paintbrush against the poster carrying Prinny’s head, “I told you this was a bad place to go, dood! We’re gonna get our pay docked for screwing around, dood.”

“Aw man, really dood?” the backpack Prinny sighed as he placed his flippers on his stomach. “Does that mean we’re not gonna get dinner too, dood?”

“Oh my, are you three hungry?” the mare asked, drawing the attention of all three of the Prinnies. “If you’re not too busy, I can make you three something to eat.”

The three Prinnies froze for a few moments before the fell to the ground with tears in their eyes, “Are you serious dood?!”

“Um, y-yes,” the mare replied a little taken back by the excited penguin-like demons. “But you don’t need to call me ‘dood’, I’m Fluttershy.”

The three Prinnies dropped everything they were carrying and dropped to the ground, their tears fell to the ground. The Prinny that had the paintbrush looked up at Fluttershy, “You got it, Fluttershy dood!”

Fluttershy smiled, albeit there was a hint of nervousness to that smile, “Um, okay…”

“She’s one of the kindest souls we’ve met, dood!” The poster Prinny cried out.

“It’s not really a problem,” Fluttershy answered back as she blushed slightly. “I always take care of animals, so three guests shouldn’t… Um, tell me, what do Prinnies eat?”

“Pretty much anything at this point, Fluttershy dood,” the backprack Prinny stated. “You got any canned sardines, dood?”

“Why would she have sardines, dood?” the paintbrush Prinny commented with a flat look in his eyes. “She’s a horse, last time I checked, they don’t really eat other animals, dood.”

“W-Well, I don’t really approve of it,” Fluttershy stuttered as she looked away. “B-But I do have some fish to feed the bears and otters, would that work?”

“Sushi time, dood!” the poster Prinny cheered as he jumped up and down.

The paintbrush Prinny sighed as he shook his head, “Thanks Miss Fluttershy, you’re much better than our boss, dood. He usually just gives us cup ramen for dinner, dood.”

“I usually like that stuff, dood,” the backpack Prinny commented.

“I can’t even remember the last time I had fish, dood,” the poster Prinny added.

“Well, why don’t you three come inside and I’ll get some fish for you?” Fluttershy offered as she turned her head to her cabin. “I’ll even brew some tea for you.”

All three Prinnies turned to each other and then tears erupted from their eyes. The three Prinnies ran to Fluttershy and bowed to them, “THANK YOU, dood! THANK YOU, dood! THANK YOU, dood!”

“Oh, there, there,” Fluttershy replied as she placed her hoof atop of the paintbrush Prinnys head, and gently rubbed the penguin-like demon’s head. “You poor dears, just make yourselves at home, it will be my pleasure.”

The paintbrush Prinny lifted his head up and then stood up as he saluted to the yellow pegasus, “Prinny Poster Squad! Role call, doods!”

The backpack Prinny saluted, “Rob, dood!”

The poster Prinny saluted, “Jess, dood!”

“And I am…” the paintbrush Prinny announced as the other two Prinnies struck a pose behind him. “Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Fourth – or Tress for short, dood.”

“And together we are – THE PRINNY POSTER SQUAD, dood!”

A little taken back, Fluttershy smiled at the three bird-like demons and turned to head towards the cabin. “My, what energetic birds you three are, feel free to stay as long as you like.”

“Guys, this mare is a lot better than our boss, dood,” Prinny Tress stated with a loud snort.

“And she’s nothing like Master Etna, dood,” Prinny Rob added.

Prinny Jess shivered, “Dood! Not cool, dood! Every Prinny knows that if you don’t work for her, you are not supposed to say her name in fear that she’ll appear, dood!”

Fluttershy tilted her head slightly, she had no idea who this ‘Etna’ was, but she didn’t sound very nice since the Prinnies obviously seemed afraid of this ‘Etna’. ‘But I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding, no pony would be that cruel to instill fear…’



Twilight’s jaw dropped when she, Luna and Spike descended down into her lab – Before it had tubes and a few odd machines here and there.

But now… Oh, it had countless machines with lights on them that flashed on and off with every passing second, tubes and wires were strewn all around the floor, along the walls were newly added shelves that had various comic books, boxes that had ‘Slaystation’ written on their sides, odd figures that stood on two feet and there glass orbs strew about the area that had electricity surging through them.

“He… He was only gone for five minutes,” Twilight sputtered out as she eyed the odd machinery. “How did he do this and where did he get this stuff?!”


The two mares and dragon turned to the side just in time to see a large surge of electricity erupt between two large towers and before the electricity was none other than Mao himself – Atop of his two hind legs, the stallion had lifted his front hooves into the air.

Mao turned around, his face overshadowed with the light generated behind him, “Impressive, wouldn’t you say?”

“How did thou do this?” Luna questioned as she lifted up a wire with her hoof.

With a large smirk, Mao threw the tails of his coat up into the air, “Quite simple really, I pulled them from my coat pockets, the little dragon can attest to that.”

Luna and Twilight turned to the young dragon who was messing with one of the glass orbs, when the dragon realized that he was being watched, Spike smiled, “Y-Yeah! When he saw your lab, Twilight, he didn’t like it and then all these metallic arms came out of nowhere to build all this!”

“That doesn’t explain where you got the materials,” Twilight stated, using all her will to prevent herself from investigating these odd new machines.

“My jacket’s bigger on the inside,” Mao replied with a wild grin. “You see, during my research about heroes, I came across a particularly odd one. This one didn’t want to destroy his enemies, in fact, he often offered them a choice to run – Kinda got on my nerves as I studied the guy. But I pulled two interesting ideas from him.

“One has something to do with his tools, and the other was with that big blue box he used as his ship. While time traveling wasn’t the easiest thing to replicate, making pocket dimensions in my actual pockets was as easy as making a Prinny explode.”

“What’s a Prinny?” Spike asked.

“You have pocket dimensions in your jacket?” Twilight questioned as she trotted up to the stallion and used her magic to lift up the red fabric. “Okay, I have to know how you managed to pull that off.”

“Oh, you wanna know the how?” Mao cackled with his glasses fogging up. “Then how about a little trade, you let me examine your unicorn capabilities and even let me experiment and I’ll show you how to make your own pocket dimension. Deal?”

Twilight stepped back from the odd stallion, “Um, that’s okay… I’m good.”

“Pity, I could’ve improved upon the original design,” Mao cackled loudly. “But at least I have a new lab where I can continue my own personal experiments.”

“Excuse me, but this is my lab,” Twilight pointed out with her eyes narrowed down.

“Then you should be happy, it was nothing more than a kid’s chemistry set,” Mao answered back with a large toothy grin plastered on his face. “I modernized it. On the plus side, this world is nothing more than boondocks with a touch of magic – The fresh air outside is enough to make me gag on my own tongue. So with these machines, I can finally breath the smells of oil, electricity and dirty gym socks.”

“I was wondering what that smell was,” Luna muttered as he eyes spied what appeared to be a pair of used boxer shorts that were hung from the top of one of the machines. “That is disgusting.”

“What do you expect? This is my personal quarters!” Mao laughed out loud. “I’m allowed to be as messy as I desire!”

“What do you mean your room?” Twilight huffed with her eyes narrowed down. “No one gave you permission to claim this as your…”

“I gave my own permission!” Mao cackled back as he trotted over to a table that had a large amount of test tubes on it. “What's yours is mine, and what's mine is also mine! Now if you excuse me, I have a ton of experiments that require my attention.”

The mechanical limbs popped out from Mao’s jacket and lifted up a couple of the beakers and test tubes. “First things first, I need to work on that Henshin formula, I might be able to cast aside this equine form…”

“Hey! We’re still…” Twilight started as she trotted towards the black stallion.

However, Luna’s hoof stopped the lavender unicorn from advancing and the Princess of the Night turned her head towards the stairs a few times. The gesture made Twilight nod and the two mares and dragon headed towards the stairs.

After a minute or two (ignoring the loud cackling that echoed through the air behind them), the three were out of the basement lab. Luna smiled as she used her magic to turn the lock on the door, “There it shouldn’t be much of a problem, he’ll be able to amuse himself as much as he likes.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Twilight questioned with her head tilted. “We don’t know what he’s fully capable of. He can turn Ponies into weapons, he has pocket dimensions, and he even has technology that I’ve never seen before – Who knows what else he can do?”

“Until the elements have been delivered to your comrades,” Luna answered back as she trotted off. “I shall remain here, and despite his odd tactics and abilities, they were ineffective against I. It should stand to reason that the Elements will be enough to hold him back.

“So please, Twilight Sparkle, rest for the evening. And take comfort that I shall be the one to make sure that your guest shall not cause any problems for the time being.”

“Well, if you insist Princess Luna,” Twilight replied as she lowered her head towards the blue alicorn, Spike did the same. “We’ll be upstairs if you need anything.”

“Many thanks, Twilight Sparkle and Spike,” Luna stated as she watched the dragon and unicorn slowly make their way to the stairs that led up to the second level of the library.

When the two disappeared from her sight, Luna trotted towards a nearby window and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed brightly as the sun finally lowered over the horizon and with her own power, the moon slowly inched itself through the air. While it was true that she had control over the moon, the spell that was used to cast it was able to move the moon on its own through the night’s sky, it was a good thing to do in order to save time and effort.

‘And now, I wait,’ Princess Luna thought to herself as her eyes turned back to the entrance to the basement lab. ‘I need to wait for him to sleep before I can continue my ‘work’… Now, I wonder if Twilight Sparkle has any cake around here…’