//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Strange Enough // Story: Her Giant // by THEqwabik //------------------------------// Giant got to meet the pony that made the night come up for more than a thousand years, his role model when he was little. We walked with excitement, I can't believe I was able to meet my role model, he thought. When he was done taking his nap, he went straight to work and told his buddies that he got to meet Princess Luna last night. They all asked him did you ask some night related questions. Giant said that he was too shy so he will ask next time they meet. === They were there, again, under the same tree. Giant got his answers, he was happy, Luna was happy that she found people that just love her night so much that they study it, and would be happy to help. Giant was so happy that he's getting so much knowledge about the night and meet his role model! It was like a win-win situation for the both of them. They were acting like they were in love but they never thought about it that way. They thought it was normal, like when ever giant found something cool or strange, he'd show it too Luna. Then Luna would talk about it and vise versa. When Luna found something weird on Giants note pad, he'd tell her about it. But they felt something new, something that the didn't know what it was. Was it anxiety? No, it couldent be that, a start of friendship? No, it was something more. They both went back to their homes. Giant took his nap, but Luna, oh Luna didn't sleep, she discussed this feeling to her sister, all day long. Celestia said that it was love! But Luna denied this, she didn't want to admit it. She never went to sleep that day, she just payed in her bed thinking it over. Now, you may be wondering about Giants side of this story, Giant went to his group and told his group all the answers they wanted, and they were all intrigued. Luna, on the other hand, was fantasizing about Giant in her mind, she couldn't dream, so that's what she just did. She imagined, them, at that same tree, with one fillie and a colt, and Giant teaching them about her night. She imagined them married. Luna was in love, but not this kind of love in many, many years. It was nearing nighttime again. Giant was getting his equipment ready for the sunset, and the rise of the moon. When this magnificent thing happened, he could see stars appear in the night sky. It was the best thing he ever saw, and he gets to see it every night of his life, now he gets to be by his role model for the rest of his life! Luna was proud of her night, and she gets to share it with those who appreciate it, those who smile at the moons rise. Those who smile, at the stars first glow.