Accidents Happen

by Inferno demon Dash

What have you done?

Smooth, vanilla smelling pink locks cascade down the back of the butter furred Pegasus as she exhaled softly through her nose, rubbing her temples with the tips of her hooves as she sat on the rough feeling blue plastic chair that was the property of the veterinarian office, she needed a cigarette from all the stress she was going through right now.

A gentle hoof and uncharacteristically soft voice whispered into her left ear, forcing her to give small squeak in surprise.

“It'll be alright, Fluttershy. Angel will be fine, I promise.” A smile was flashed her way, pearly white teeth shone making Fluttershy chuckle and nod slowly but frowning in depression.

“I pray that you are right, Pinkie Pie... Gods, I hope you’re right.” She replied making Pinkie only pout, looking over the empty office save for the lone assistant that worked there. She grew impatient as her eyes roamed over the pictures of healthy, smiling pets and their owners and gave a small sigh, as Fluttershy tried to repress the memory of what had happened to bring the two, or rather three of them to this point.


Rarity had never meant to injure the poor bunny, but he was persistent in his advances and it aggravated her to the point where she turned away, accidentally smacking her tail hard into the rabbit’s face making him stumble back and trip over the tail of a ferret which caused the ferret to squeak loudly and rush forward, knocking over the leg of a small table and causing a lamp to tumble down, right onto Angel Bunny’s head, which in turn made him slam head first onto the cold, wooden floor.

The force of his fall and the combination of the lamp caused a small crack into his skull but he was already unconscious, Rarity herself had turned around hearing the sound and screamed in horror, startling Fluttershy who was pouring hot tea into two cups for her friend forcing her to spill the kettle into her left hoof, an accident but it still hurt to the point where she swore loudly.

“Shit.” She cursed before setting the black kettle down and rushing to see what had caused the disturbance.

Rarity was frantic, screeching loudly that what had happened was an accident, that the bunny only wanted a cracker from the packet on the table but she had ignored him, saying that his owner would make dinner later, which in turn was false as Fluttershy had already gave her animals dinner and that what Rarity had cruelly done was unnecessary, Fluttershy at first had cradled her poor pet into her hooves before flying to wrap his head in a towel to stop the gushing of blood.

After securing him properly and swearing to take him to the vet later she turned her attention to Rarity, who was in hysterics and hyperventilating at this point, Fluttershy would normally try to calm her friend down, try to assess the situation from both points of view, but Angel was out cold and Rarity had said herself that she had caused this to happen, that made her angry, baring her teeth which held the small hint of twin sharp, needle like fangs as she turned her head away and ordered her friend to leave.

Rarity was shocked by the harsh tone in Fluttershy’s voice but with one last sob she obeyed and walked towards the entrance, closing the door firmly behind her before galloping away in shame.

After making sure, yet again that Angel was comfortable she trotted to the kitchen, wiping away the spill of tea that had dripped towards the floor, pouring out the freshly made mint tea into the sink and sighing loudly, she questioned to herself just what had caused her to become so..angry, granted she had a right to be but Rarity had been her friend for years it was not right for her to snap at her like she had.

Ever since the incident at Sweet Apple Acres when she had become...a monster she felt more and even more unstable with rage, she felt a dark, firm and cold voice whisper into her mind, she was afraid of what would happen if she answered but pushed the thought away it was time to return to the familiar embrace of routine and that was what she intended to do.

After placing the small tea cups into the sink, even though she should have returned them to the cupboards, for the liquid never touched them, she sat down on the worn out, creaking chair that was in her dining room and reached for the twenty individual rolls of tobacco packed together in a small box that was in front of her, taking one of the Diseased Stallion cigarettes out, her tail wrapped firmly around the lone match that laid farther than her hoof could reach and struck it to the table before placing the cigarette into her mouth, lighting the cancer causing small rolled tobacco and inhaled slowly.

Breathing in the stale, gray smoke and poisonous substances she exhaled it calmly from her nose, leaned back and relaxed, hoping that this event was only minor compared to the large hole she had just ripped into her friendship with Rarity.

*End Flashback*

When morning had come and she had wrapped Angel Bunny’s bandage, the mare and her pet bunny set forth towards the vet, hoping that all that had transpired would smooth over soon.

Almost running into her old friend, Derpy Hooves she quickly apologised to the mare and continued on her way while the female Pegasus shook her head and laughed out loud before going to her own destination

She spotted her friends near the entrance, all worried and concerned with their friend but she had only muttered a quiet hello and disappeared inside, being so close with the doctor that ran the small pet hospital she was given immediate attention and Angel was whisked away from her hooves before she could blink.

She sat for ten minutes on the chair, stress making her anxious and making her body crave a morning smoke she forgot to have, forgetting to even bathe in her haste, but at least she remembered to feed her other critters first, that was important.

With a sigh she tapped her rear hoof on the marble floor as she waited, becoming bored among her worried state, when she felt a small hoof touch her shoulder and caused her to look into the beautiful baby blue eyes of Pinkie Pie.

She never admitted it to anypony but she had always admired Pinkie Pie’s spirit to cheer other ponies up, she had her own flaws naturally but it was comforting to see her friend be there for her, to the point where she was force to admit to herself that she had a crush on the pink party pony who could only smile and wrap her into a warm, honest hug that she desperately needed.

Pinkie explained that her friends prayers were with the bunny but they had business to important to stay, though she never explained what it was.

“You didn’t have to stay, Pinkie.” The Element of Kindness whispered softly making the Earth Pony give a small chuckle.

“Well of course I did, silly’re my friend and so is Angel Bunny. Besides,” She softly spoke with a caring tone “You brought me and my best gator in the world, Gummy together, without you...well, I would not have the best pet ever... although I’m sure Angel is just as sweet.” She hastily added making Fluttershy smile for the first time that morning.

“Yeah... he has his moments. Pinkie, I... I never thanked you for being there for me, through everything, remember Nurse Redheart twenty fifth birthday, how we met-”

“You accidently set the cake on fire, ha, ha, ha...classic Fluttershy... that’s why you are sure a great... friend.” She responded with a full bellied laugh before whispering the last word confusing the Pegasus.

“Just a friend?” Fluttershy breathed quietly with an eyebrow rise making the Element of Laughter turn her head away.

“Well... yeah. Maybe a bit more.” She replied causing Fluttershy’s eyes to widen in a small glimmer of hope.

“And... what if I were to return those feelings you have for me?” Though she was naturally shy, she was no fool and she never beat around the bush with serious matters, it only hindered reality, which she did not need right now.

The Earth Pony swiveled her head so fast Fluttershy swore she heard a crack before the mare herself grinned an enormously large smile with teeth as white as snow.

“I...I don't know what to say.” Pinkie answered causing Fluttershy to frown, not fazed by the smile she had received but rather by the glint of a hidden emotion she had never seen in her friend after all the years she had known her, the emotion of love. She thanked Princess Cadence that laying out her honest feelings were returned as she smiled and leaning forward, kissed the pink mare’s nose.

“I hope the answer would be yes.” Fluttershy wondered, making the mare almost explode in her signature responses by talking rapidly fast with a large smile etched on her muzzle as she nearly crushed her friend’s ribs from the bear hug.

They had apparently been celebrating so joyously that they didn’t hear the doctor as she trotted out to inform Fluttershy that Angel was perfectly fine, though he now had stitches in his head, and gave her some pills for his headaches and pain he would no doubt feel, along with some ointment to help speed the recovery process as she set them with the bunny towards the entrance, refusing Fluttershy’s payment in respect of what she’s already done for her and her parrot over the years.

Thanking her old friend, the three set off, Angel Bunny snoring comfortably on his owner’s back as the two mares chatted about upcoming dates they needed to try as well as finding the day of when to tell their friends that they had gotten together.

Looking towards the clear blue sky at Celestia’s sun, Fluttershy prayed to the Gods that the two would firmly be committed to each other and thanked them for allowing her to express her feelings at last.