Devil hunter among Ponies

by Dusk Stalker

Secret Mission 1, Part 2: A Cosmic Cell

Authors Notice: Yup the second and last part of the Secret mission, for the new readers you'll see a familiar face Vergil gets to fight, so onward to the Second Part!

The sun rose over Canterlot, another glorious day for Equestria as the rays from Celestia's sun beamed down over Canterlot and other cities spreading its warmth everywhere. The sun's rays graced Luna's bedroom as she woke up with a hearty yawn she licked her lips again as looked at her messed up cosmic mane as she jumped out of bed, she looked at the mirror to see that her vision was still groggy once she got up from bed, " I had the weirdest dream ," Luna giggled as she levitated a brush and started to work on her mane.

" That was a weird night...a spell called the Penance Draw brought something here that goes by the name of Vergil, " Luna shook her head as she was done brushing, her mane was back to its pristine condition, " It was with out a doubt a very weird dream ." But as soon as she turned towards the door, that dream suddenly became a reality as soon as she looked upon Vergil, who was still sitting on the cushion, still asleep and Yamato never leaving his grasp. Luna suddenly was now fixed on Vergil, she really knew this wasn't a dream, but then she remembered last night, she remembered the close case where she nearly died and the only thing that she could get out of him was just a name, she rubbed her forehead as she went up to Vergil and gently put a hoof on his shoulder. Surprisingly he didn't flinch but instead loose and at peace, still a very heavy sleeper, “Ummm excuse me...Vergil?"


"...." Luna remained silent for a few minutes as she gently shook Vergil's shoulder hoping to wake him up peacefully instead of heavily like last night. But to no avail she gave up and sat on the edge of her bed staring at Vergil, waiting for him to wake up and hopefully to answer the many questions she had. But her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door, and her coat turning a light shade of grey, she got up and opened the door, she opened it wide enough to keep Vergil hidden from sight, and to even worsen her fear, was Celestia standing outside of her room, " Good Morning Luna." She joyfully said.

Luna immediately changed from that light shade of grey back to her original color, instead of the instant fear of grey; it was now replace by sweat drops the size of bits. “Good Morning, big sister." Luna said, she turned to where Vergil was standing, to look that he was wide awake and against the wall, Yamato was barely out of its sheathe, ready to kill anypony who came in this room, this would have turned Luna's coat to pure white at this moment, but knowing she could keep her sister out of the room, she managed to keep her coat color the same. “So what brings you here sister?"

“Well...I just came to see if you were alright from last night." Celestia said.

“How did you know about last night?" Luna asked, her fears coming to fruition.

" Well one of the unicorn guards could see a bright light coming from your room from the garden," Celestia explained, " As soon as I rose the sun, he informed me about this I came here to make sure you are alright." Celestia took a few steps towards the entrance of her room, Vergil slid Yamato out even more as Luna could see out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't let this happen as she pushed Celestia out of her room, sweat still sliding down her face, " Nothing big sister, it was a harmless spell that I found in a beginners spell book." She really hoped her sister would buy it, but the sweat on her face was telling her that it was a long shot.

Celestia was silent, she looked around Luna's side and peeked in her room, seeing nothing inside of her room, Luna felt like her heart was about to literally jump out of her chest, but to her great relief she looked down towards Luna and gave one of her usual motherly smiles no pony would ever get tired of, " You know Luna I only came up here because I was worried about what just happened, I know you are a capable with magic their is no doubt about it." She nuzzled her neck as Luna did the same, “I love you little sister, I only care about your well being."

“Of course sister and I do love you to and I thank you for your concern." Luna answered happily, her thoughts on Vergil.

“Will you be coming down to breakfast soon?" Celestia asked.

“Of course, just give me a few minutes and I will be down at the table." Luna answered, Celestia nodded as Luna closed her door and turned on Vergil, her reaction was now flustered and angry.

“Just what were you going to do!?!?" Luna yelled, she was glad Celestia was out of earshot and the guards to. Vergil sheathed Yamato.

" It would have been necessary." Vergil stated calmly, no feeling mixed in with his words.

" By eliminating my sister!?!" Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. What kind of cruel pony or creature would have the audacity to even think of killing one of the kindest and gentlest rulers of Equestria.

" Like I said... it would have been necessary if she discovered my presence." Vergil repeated as stepped right in front of the door.

" What are you doing?" Luna asked, her answer came when Yamato rang throughout the room, Luna instantly recognized what he was going to do as her pupils diluted and a massive shiver greeted her body.

" Are you crazy?! You can't go out there!" Luna said, if Vergil was revealed then Canterlot would go in a state of chaos and from their all of Equestria would be in danger, and who knows what will happen from their.

" If any of your people get in my, they will be only an obstacle I will eliminate." Vergil replied, Yamato rose above his head as the sun caught off the blade reflecting the light back outside. Luna knew she had no choice, she charged her horn with white and blue aura on it and suddenly sent it towards Vergil, the spell at first did nothing as Vergil turned around he took a few steps towards Luna and had Yamato ready, but then suddenly as fast as he turned, he collapsed and was now asleep. Luna gave a great sigh of relief, she then sat on the end of her bed and then closed her eyes, she knew it would come to this, and she knew she had no choice.

"Lets see if it will help me get some answers."

Vergil woke up from his sleep annoyed and groggy, he should have known he would still be fatigued since his battle with Mundus, again his pride blinded his judgement as he got up and surveyed his surroundings. The area around him was like a cosmic scene, stars everywhere and shooting stars every so once in a while, the scene itself and immensity of the size was incredibly wide about as wide as seven football fields but the thing that was most prominent was what was in the center of the room, two well crafted thrones made of gold and black diamonds and looked comfortable from afar., the walls caught his attention as they were giant red crystal walls that looked like their were meant to keep out something, or keep someone safe. He went towards the wall and pulled out Yamato as he was ready to cleave the wall away.

" That won't work you know." Vergil turned around to see Luna standing a few feet behind him, a stern look on her face, Vergil sheathed Yamato wanting to get answers first before he decided to take any action, " Where am I?"

" This is the Dream Cell, right now were in my cell, " Luna explained, " The Dream Cell is basically a place where ones thoughts and memories are free, where me and my sister counsel other ponies who had life changing nightmares and bring them peace to make sure that they are safe to themselves and to their loved ones." Vergil put one hand against the cold crystals surrounding the cell, he could feel the cold touch of stone going through his body.

" Let me out."

" No." Luna said matter of factly, she wasn't going to let him go, not even for a second till she knew he was safe.

" Let me out." Vergil repeated.

" No." Luna repeated again.

Vergil sat down and crossed his legs and place Yamato on his legs as he closed his eyes, whether to meditate or wait. Luna then sniggered, "So he wants to play this game...fine I can do this all day Luna sat down to grinning in victory, " I could wait for an eternity if I have to." But unfortunate to her, her thoughts were as clear and loud as the day itself in her cell.

" If you wish to keep your thoughts to yourself, then do say it out loud in your Cell." Vergil said, Luna blushed at this mistake and nervously played with her front hooves, so she decided to play it nice, the Dream Cell's time was different then Equestria's knowing no matter how much you spent in here, time would be the same as it was. " So Vergil....may I ask what you are?"






"..Vergil can you please answer my question." Luna barely pleaded to him, but he didn't budge as he remained patient and quiet.

" Vergil..." Luna said, but still nothing.

" Alright next-."

" I am half human, half demon." Vergil answered surprising Luna even more then usual, she was taken aback by his response as she cleared her throat.

" Are you always this stubborn?"

" To people or creatures I don't trust." Vergil stated.

" So you don't trust me?" Luna asked.

"..." This took Vergil by surprise, barely, he sat quiet and calm still meditating. Luna groaned at this she face hoofed herself, " I swear I can see you are as stubborn as a mule, Vergil."

" I don't care." Vergil said as he got up from his state and walked towards Luna, his hand itching around the handle of his blade, " And for that matter, I revealed to much telling you my name and what I am." this time it was a victory for Luna as she gave a victorious smile, " If you strike me down, you can never leave this place you know that." Vergil sighed as he sat down in defeat, knowing no matter what he would do. Luna knew she had him so she decided to let it out, " No matter what you do Vergil, you have to answer my questions to leave this place."

" A weak tactic from a weak ruler." Vergil stated coldly to Luna, she suddenly blushed in anger as her wings fluttered a bit, " Weak! I am not weak! I am doing this for the safety of my sisters subjects!" Vergil stood silent not even responding, in his mind it was true, every person he met was weak and cowardice, but this was a new brand of cowardice in his opinion. Luna shook her head, " I am not weak!"

" Every word he says is true." Luna turned to the new voice that entered the fray, and to her horror, a black alicorn landed right behind them, a dark bluish mane fluttering and emitting a minor malicious intent, dark blue eyes staring down at her vessel smiling at her fear and knowing that she was brought down a peg. The only thing Luna can do was look in horror as she took a few steps back, " You don't belong here Nightmare! How did you come to be here?!"

Nightmare moon laughed sending out a wave of her intent throughout the cell as she gestured to Vergil, " His energy alone brought me here, it leaked evil and darkness, so much so that it was strong enough to bring me here." Nightmare moon charged a spell and aimed it towards Luna, " And every word of his sentence was right, I don't know why I had to end up in weak vessel like you, I am the true the Princess of the Night!!" She sent the spell to Luna who could only close her eyes waiting for that strike, but the strike didn't come to her as she sneaked a peek to see Vergil standing right in front of her, katana drawn.

" This is none of your concern fool!" Nightmare moon said to Vergil.

" It is my concern, she is my way out of this place, and if you dare harm a hair on her, I will make sure you never live to see the night again." Vergil's words were coated in killing intent as Nightmare moon stood her ground. She then laughed right in his face, " You really think you can defeat me? A being who has lived for thousands of years?" Vergil could only return the laugh as he smirked, " You can talk big...but you lack one thing...power."

" Might controls everything, " Vergil coated his words in cold intent, " and without strength you cannot protect anything." He then finished with a glare towards Nightmare Moon, " Let alone your self."

That little insult, was the last straw for Nightmare Moon as she her mane flared up wildly towards the cosmic sky, "YOU DARE INSULT MY POWER!!!!"

" It would be an insult to call the parlor tricks you have power. " Vergil said outright.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" Nightmare moon bellowed shaking the whole Dream Cell, Luna immediately flew up to the top of the crystal wall, thinking whether Vergil was really brave, or truly insane to take on a deity head on.

" I dare." Vergil smirked, " Because you will not forget this Devil's power."

Boss Battle 4- Nightmare Moon

Nightmare Moon charged towards Vergil with a fire spell ready at the tip of her horn, the flames danced around the spell. As soon as Nightmare moon plunged her horn right into Vergil, he disappeared in front of her and appeared above her the scabbard of his sword out and about. Nightmare moon suddenly realized this and leapt back as Vergil came down with Yamato, Nightmare moon sent another flame spell towards Vergil who rolled out of its way as he sent a judgement cut at Nightmare. Nightmare flew up to avoid the judgement cut as she could see him disappear out of sight again, she was ready for him to appear above her, but what she didn't know was that he appeared right in front of her and smacked her with the scabbard of his sword, after that smack with his scabbard he sent a kick in Nightmare's face as she plummeted to the ground.

Nightmare could see stars swirl above her as she shook it off as she sent a trail of flame pillars towards Vergil, he stood his ground as he slashed the air with Yamato, as soon as the last flame pillar was about to make contact with Vergil,


He disappeared and the flames turned into nothing but a pile of embers, Nightmare moon suddenly heard something appear behind her as she saw Vergil bring down Yamato, she was ready to dodge it, but she was to late as she felt Yamato's steel meet her flesh, she staggered back in pain as fire appeared in her eyes.

"CURSE YOU!!!" Nightmare yelled as pretty soon purple flames started to swirl around her in a twister, embers flying everywhere and mighty gale force winds were blowing in every direction. Luna was bracing herself with her magic to the top of the wall as she hung on till the twister disappeared, this was the moment she feared, Nightmare Moon at her full power as she looked down towards the field. Vergil on the other hand stood ready, an emotionless face in the face of an unnatural fire.

" YOU WILL NOW SEE THE TRUE POWER OF A GODDESS!!" Nightmare looked more fierce, her wings were covered in purple flames, cackling every second, her eyes were emitting purple sparks everywhere from eyes, her horn was covered in a thin black smoke and every time she panted, the flames on her wings flared up in wild anger. Vergil scoffed this , he wanted to end this quickly, and that was what he was going to do. A purple dome appeared around him and gale force winds were picking up again, " You will not forget this Devil's power." suddenly he Devil Triggered, " You are not worthy as my opponent!" as he disappeared in a blue flash.

Nightmare Moon sensed where he was going and sent a chain lightning spell above her, but she couldn't see anything as she felt a ring of steel appear to her side as she slid back to avoid the slash, as fast as she could turn five blue ethereal swords were above her going in a circle, she sidestepped to avoid them, but they were still following her no matter where she went. Vergil was a few feet in front of her and with a swish of his hand, the blades came down like falcons about to catch their prey, Nightmare moon managed to dodge most of the blades as two gave her two deep gashes on her front hooves and her blood erupted from the wounds. as she tumbled backwards, she looked up, furious, she would not be defeated like this. She got up as she casted some of her magic to heal her wounds.

She then got up as the flesh knitted up, she then decided to end it quick as well, she charged up a mixture of an inferno spell mixed with a lightning attack. With a large battelcry, she sent it flying at breakneck speed, Luna could see this and was yelling at Vergil to watch out behind him but he didn't comply as the ball of inferno was closing in on him, but before it was about an inch away from him he air tricked behind her, she was stunned that he dodged it as he appeared right behind her Yamato drawn, with one last bit of magic she charged at Vergil, this was her last attack before she could finish it. Vergil on the other hand still in his Devil Trigger slowly sheathed Yamato in his arm scabbard, slowly as the steel rang over the sound of galloping, Nightmare could see Victory before her as her grin started to become more like lunatics grin as she was closing in...victory was sweet.


But it wasn't as she tumbled forward a massive gash appeared on her back as yelped in pain and blood starting to flood the wound itself, she slid past Vergil who got out of his Devil Trigger and was approaching Nightmare Moon. Her back wound was healing but not by much as the flesh was healed, but it appeared as a massive scar across her back, she was gasping for air as she looked forward to see Yamato about an inch away from her face and Vergil bearing down upon her.

(Boss Battle over)

" This...can't be....possible, " She grimaced at the sharp pain in her back, " I am a goddess! I AM THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!!!"

" Not very classy for someone’s dying words." Vergil replied, that sentence sent a shiver down Nightmare Moon's back, he then lifted Yamato up in the air, " Rest in Peace." Yamato came down, whistling through the cell, Luna could watch in horror as Vergil unmercifully brought Yamato down.

The cold steel of a demonic blade could be felt even from a distant and the blood of a goddess would be shed upon the ground, it was over.

"NOOOOO!!" Luna appeared between Nightmare Moon and Vergil, Yamato froze about half an inch from Luna's head, Vergil sighed, " This fool was about to wipe you from existence, why defend her?"

" Because she is a part of me!" Luna said, courage was taking over every part of her body.

" She is weak and like I said to her, ' Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself."

" Is this what it is all about, power!?" Luna looked down at the quivering Nightmare Moon and the steely Vergil, tears were leaking down her cheek, " I have been in your situation Vergil, look what power does to you, if you have to much you can't control it, it will control you no matter how strong you are! It will corrupt you!"


" Vergil...please....don't..." Luna was pleading with Vergil, Vergil took in Luna's words it felt like it struck a chord in his heart the words of his brother echoed in his mind, endlessly, " What are you going to do with all that power huh?

"No matter how hard you try..."

"Your never gonna be like father."

Vergil couldn't get it out of his head, look what his journey gave him, nothing. But Luna was right, something he rarely thought and to admit to himself, he sheathed Yamato which surprised Luna and Nightmare and kneeled down to Nightmare's level, "" Nightmare Moon was too happy to oblige as she disappeared in a cloud of purple and black smoke. Vergil sighed as he looked behind him, his head down in what she said.

" Well Vergil...thank you." Luna said happily.


" Vergil, I am sorry but I can't let you leave still, if you are ready to talk, just let me know, the outside world won't change I won't rush you."


She gave her offer because she was grateful that Vergil saved her and spared Nightmare Moon, she sat on the throne that were both still intact after the battle. The crystals walls were adorned with scratches and the reflection of Vergil was the only thing in the walls, Luna was asleep on the throne, she honored patience and respected if anypony didn't want to talk yet. She was in a deep nap waiting pondering why he spared her? Why he was so sudden to lower his blade? So many questions...yet so little time....

" Chocolate." This woke up Luna immediately as she comically fell off her throne and turned to Vergil who was still looking towards the cosmic sky. Luna got up and brushed herself off, " Excuse me?" just the random timing was still surprising.

" When I was seven, Me and my brother got an amulet from our mother, I remember wanting chocolate rather then the amulet, it was one of those edible items that just...brought me some happiness in those times."

" I see..." She didn't mind him talking or the random subject, she was actually happy, " I am still willing to wait if your ready, their is no rush."

"Let's just get this over with." Vergil said as Luna summoned both thrones to them.

" Go on Vergil, I give you my personal word, " Luna was actually feeling his pain, " I swear the words you speak, the stories you tell, will never leave here."

"..." Vergil even though calm was a little uncertain but he took his seat in the throne, he gave a sigh rubbing his forehead to this, all to new to him.

" Where do you want me to start?"

Back in Canterlot

A flash of white light greeted Luna's room as both Vergil and Luna woke up, stretching wings or arms. Vergil looked outside to see it was still daylight, Luna got off her bed and noticed Vergil looking outside, " How long have we been in there?"

" In the Dream Cell we spent at least a hundred years in their, out here its only been a second, so you don't have to worry about you being discovered." Luna explained, Vergil walked to the balcony taking the crisp and fresh air greeting his lungs, the wind gently brushing his skin comforting him in this moment, he felt like he was truly free, but still a prisoner. Luna was right next to Vergil.

" Vergil...I still had no idea...about your mother...." Luna was suddenly at a lost for words, she just had to bring it up, about why his thirst for power drove him to start his journey. Vergil washed it off which translated to 'its okay', Luna cleared her throat, " Well Vergil, you are welcome to come with me to breakfast I can explain to my sister everything," She then transformed the cushions to a decent sized twin bed, " Or you can sleep in here, you do not have to worry."

As tempting as the offer was Vergil sighed, " No."

" Very well, I will be back shortly." Luna said, Vergil's back to her, she made her way to the door and opened it up to head down to breakfast.

" Thank you...Luna." Luna whipped around to see Vergil still looking around and taking in the view, he really never felt free. But it came to the conclusion it was Vergil who thanked her, she nodded as she closed the door, as soon as the door was closed, tears started falling over a smile.

"Thank you...Vergil." She wiped the tears from her face as she walked down to breakfast her stomach rumbling up a storm. She looked towards her room one last time and gave one more nod.

This was the start of a weird friendship.

Authors Notice: SECRET MISSION COMPLETE! Reward;Blue Orb Fragment. Yup that concludes how Vergil got here, I was tempted to put this song up, Battle theme 2, but I didn't think it was epic moment enough. Again don't be afraid to comment and I hope you enjoyed the story.