//------------------------------// // Mission 11: Devil arms unleashed // Story: Devil hunter among Ponies // by Dusk Stalker //------------------------------// Authors Notice: Wooohoo I got it all back up! :D I am finally done it! For the new readers enjoy the chapter and I am sorry for the wait fellow readers. Dreadwing’s Lair The wind outside echoed throughout the cave as the blizzard outside intensified; Discord was still in his cloud hammock, laying down not a care in the world still napping peacefully. Dreadwing was still in the center of the circle, he looked towards Discord who was still lounging on his hammock. If their was one thing Dreadwing didn't have, was patience, he learned it and accepted it in the Demon world, now that he was back home it was almost utter boredom to wait longer for his plan to be set in motion and knowing domination was almost in his hooves. But this was it... he could feel it in his marrow, but the only thing getting in his way was the time it took for the ritual to be complete, three days. But for now he could think, for now he could focus on the ritual. These items he needed were the utmost importance; the most recent he gained were the Elements of Harmony, which replaced one of the important components as a substitution, The Perfect Amulet. He studied the ritual inside and out and learned the key components, the blood of an innocent priestess, the perfect Amulet, and the trickiest to get and substitute was the Blood of Sparda. He had the Elements and one thing that was napping nearby, he looked towards one of the items that kept his sanity barely hanging on in the Demon World, his journal, which was perched on a rock, the brown cover told everypony that it was worn and ripped, but still intact. Dreadwing looked towards Discord and sighed, he might as well get it out of the way, the one thing that he needed from him was inside of him, and so it was going to be quick. He pondered to himself if he could rip out the one thing that was important to every creature, the one thing he learned that was the most precious thing in the universe, something not even time travelers could get while they were ripping Geryon's bit by bit, the soul. The soul was one thing that was utterly priceless in every sense of the word, no matter what you would do with it even if it was for the good of that person or for the good of a country whether you would tamper with it, splinter it, annihilate it, and even trying the help, it was still a heinous crime to commit and an unforgivable one to boot. But he was damned for it anyway when he betrayed his country a hundred thousand years ago, he was damned when he went to the Demon World; he was damned from birth..." So why does it matter to me ?" So he went with it, “Discord." He stumbled out of bed as his face met the floor with a groan of pain leaking from Discord's face. He got up and took off his head and inspected it, he shook it up and down as he tried to hear the rattling in his head. As he threw his head back on back to its original position, “Yes Dreadwing?" “I need something from you...something...that I regret to take." Dreadwing was still containing the ritual but he needed a few more minutes until he could get a good base for the ritual so that he may freely step outside the circle, he needed a little bit more time. “Ummm sure?" Dreadwing needed about a few more seconds, he had been at this for five hours, and it was almost done. “It is something I regret doing." Dreadwing for the first time looked sad, but he had to do what he had to do, and that little demon inside of him didn't give a damn. The black pillars retracted back to small domes surrounding the Elements of Harmony, Dreadwing knew the base of the ritual was done as he stepped out of the circle and walked towards Discord. "I can't believe this will happen...." The pony side of him, whatever was left of that side was now yelling for him to not do it, but what was overtaking him was the demon inside chanting and beating his stomach to do it, that his goal would be one step closer to being complete. Discord itched the side of his head, “ummm is their something you-." He was cutoff as two shadowy hands leapt out of the ground, Discord tried to wiggle his way out of the shadowy hands, bits of dark sludge was leaking off them as he kept trying to break free, Discord looked up to see Dreadwing's eyes turned from a solid yellow color to a dark glowing red color. Discord was looking around the room wildly for anything he could get in arms reach, but his eyes floated over Dreadwing's journal, perched innocently out of his grasp, he looked towards Dreadwing and then the journal. Discord managed to wiggle out one of his hands and held out one of them up high, his griffon hand snapped as a white light surrounded Dreadwing's journal, it floated in the air for a few seconds as it spun wildly in a circle, and with the sound of a pop, it was gone. Dreadwing looked towards where his journal was, instead of anger, a devilish grin adorned his face, he raised his right front hoof and stabbed Discord' stomach with it, instead of blood pouring from the wound, their wasn't any, Discord surprised that he wasn't going to die. But what Dreadwing took out of Discord changed his emotions immediately, as Dreadwing's hoof slowly was being pulled out of Discord's stomach and at the tip of the hoof was an orange ball of light, the ball had a small smokey face circling inside, it was laughing wildly bouncing off the wall's of the ball and it was pulsating. Discord felt himself crumble, not just in spirit itself, but his legs were crumbling as the lower part of his body turned to ash, it crawled its way up Discord slowly as Dreadwing dismissed his shadowy hands. Discord then suddenly saw that his arms were gone all of a sudden along with the rest of his chest. “Well...." Discord gave one small grin to Dreadwing, “It seems my life," Discord with a nod of his dismembered head summoned shades and gave one last grin, “Is now crumbling." At that last word, his head was now all gray, it fell to the ground as ash graced where Discord was standing, the wind entering the cave couldn't blow it away as it blew through the cave. " Not today ." Dreadwing held out a front hoof as his horn glew dark blue and red, demonic energy poured out of his hooves and horn as mist gathered at Discord's pile. It slowly entered the ash pile as every second it quivered with as every bit of demonic energy was being absorbed. " Crude...but effective ." Dreadwing thought to himself, it was something he learned in the Demon World, while crude and not a true resurrection, but a faux resurrection. Discord suddenly appeared in a flash of red light as he stretched his arms in the air, he pouted to Dreadwing whose grin never disappeared, “Awwww you brought me back?" Discord sat on the nearest rock, " I was getting use to life as being dust in the wind, I was about to find out what dust particles do all day." “You are an asset to me Discord." Dreadwing laughed at Discord's joke as he continued, “I hate to waste such talent and potential on something so valuable to the cause now would I?" “Aww that is so nice." Discord said smiling at this bout of kindness, still curious on what Dreadwing did to him to just bring him back. Dreadwing had two things at his disposal, but suddenly two of the items suddenly appeared in his head that he could substitute, and the blood didn't necessarily have to be just the Blood of Sparda. "If only you knew Discord." Dreadwing could only be “But seeing as you are happy to be back," Dreadwing said,” It seems my plan can go into motion." Dreadwing summoned an obsidian knife as it hovered right next to him; Discord looked confused for a second and watched puzzled, Dreadwing then summoned a glass vial right next to him. In a flash, a gash appeared on Dreadwing's leg as Discord leapt back at this, blood was trickling from the wound slowly as Dreadwing gathered it into the vial. As soon as he had enough blood, his wound suddenly knitted as flesh and fur started to grow back. He swished the blood in the vial as he was sniggering to himself. " Sunbeam of all the foolish mistakes you made....this is one of them ." When he was young he came down with a rare blood disease that was life threatening. The healers back then were desperate to find a suitable volunteer to cure Dreadwing, the only pony that was compatible with his blood was Queen Sunbeam, and she was to happy to volunteer to give some of her blood to cure Dreadwing, a fact which Dreadwing thought would be bane to him. Dreadwing got all the items and rounded them up in a transparent sphere which cased all the items. It disappeared as Dreadwing went outside in the snow, the cold and damp flakes were beating along side his face, but that didn't deter him as stomped a hoof on the ground, black smoke rose from the growing circle that Dreadwing made. What popped out of the smoke was a bony hand mixed with a gilded black robe as a large pillar of them leapt out of the circle, the whole pillar stopped as it dispersed on the ground revealing bony figures in a black robe, a huge scythe was at the side of each one: Discord leapt back as the horde of Hell Prides were suddenly taking over the whole area, he counted to fast and it ended with two thousand Hell Prides, all howling and slamming the blades of their scythes on the ground. Suddenly Discord felt himself being covered by a bright white light and was blinded by it by a bit. His eyes had swirls in them as he tried to think straight he could see a snickering Dreadwing, looking towards the horde of Hell Prides. “Discord, would you mind going to Canterlot again? I would like them to meet our guests." He gestured to the horde who was howling to each other. “But...can I lead them? “They know who you are friend... their is nothing to worry about." Dreadwing assured Discord, he seemed to relax a bit as Discord lifted up into the air, he knew Canterlot was a two day walk from here; a forced march would take a day. He gestured to the Hell Prides, “Let’s go...our Princess is definitely in this castle." they followed some jumping and some walking. Dreadwing could see the horde pass by slowly, eyes bearing red and their thirst for blood unquenchable. " Let's see if Discord likes my little surprise." Dreadwing would wait till tomorrow to go their, two things were in his mind. One was to double check to see if the items were proper substitutes for the ritual, besides he wouldn't want to have a screwed up ritual. Two...He didn't want the bomb to go off....and his bomb was already marching towards Canterlot. His plan was going smoothly. Hell would rain on Equestria, they would know the demon world, and they would know corruption and death...one way or another. Canterlot, Rarity's room As kind it was for the royal tailor's to lend her supplies to aid in repairing Dante's trench coat, it still didn't give her the inspiration to finish it, the coat was laid out right in front of her on her bed; pacing back and forth to find that inspiration. Not Even Twilight teleporting it in could not give her any nudge towards it. Rarity kept pacing back and forth, back and forth, her mane was a mess, the glasses she was wearing were foggy, the only time she felt this stressed was when she was creating her friend's gala dresses. Rarity was exhausted as she looked out the window, she could see Dante and Rainbow Dash walking out of the castle, her eyes were on Dante as she knew their was one thing that could help her gain inspiration. "I need Dante for this." Canterlot Library Twilight threwEquestrian History: Draconian War to the side, it mentioned Dreadwing but it was barely a miniscule piece. Celestia returned about thirty minutes ago and went back to researching, Twilight was grateful she came back, but burdened and shamed that she couldn't find a thing about Dreadwing, but she had to keep going, no matter what; luck had to drop come sooner or later, but she had to keep going. BONK!! OW!! Twilight turned to see a scribe rubbing his head, Twilight walked up to the scribe, " Are you okay?" the scribe turned to Twilight, who gave her a reassuring smile, " Its alright, it was just a small bonk, nothing to worry about." Twilight nodded as she gave returned to her work, the scribe immediately picked up the book that hit his head, a small weathered brown book, " I swear these young scribes always rush through organizing, " The scribe said to himself, right in earshot of Twilight, " And who names a book called Dreadwing's Journal?" Suddenly a cloud of dust appeared in front of the scribe as Twilight then quickly grabbed the journal and thanked the spaced out scribe, asking himself what the hay just happened? Twilight was like lightning as she suddenly skidded to a halt right next to her mentor, Celestia looked down to see Twilight beaming as wide as she ever had, Celestia levitated the book to her as she read the cover. Her smile almost rivaled those before her combined as she nuzzled Twilight's neck, " This may the break we need!" she was calm, but she couldn't stop some of the excitement that escaped her. Twilight and Celestia laid down as Celestia laid the book down in front of them, Celestia looked curious to know what was in this journal. Day 1 Cold....unforgiving...frozen...where am I? All I see is a white abyss, all I can see is that the insides of what looks like a tower. Curse Sunbeam and Nightrend, using my own elements against me; but what they didn't know that those were just the frames, copies of the Elements of Purity, not true in their power....what a foolish take of judgement on their part...but now...I must see this world...I must know why...I must keep it together. " So this was his first day of banishment." Twilight muttered to herself, Celestia could read Twilight's face as she mirrored the same expression, the turned the page to see pictures ranging from demons to runes, dotting every single part of the page leaving only a passage of his journal. Day 12 I think it is my twelfth day here...I don't know I can't see the sun...all I can see nothing but an empty plane..I am losing everything I knew just with every day, I can't remember how long ago I was banished. This is truly a ponies worst nightmare, forget our dreams...this is a nightmare personified...madness...a place without time or sanity...Sunbeam...I can't remember why she sent me here..why. " I didn't...I didn't know the royal family was this cruel." Celestia was mortified, but for one thing she didn't know that the Demon World could this, but she didn't know all her history about him when she was studying about Equestrian History. Their had to be a hidden reason why they had to do it. Twilight seemed to sympathize with her mentor, " Maybe they had no choice in the matter, whatever he did to their country before hand probably was a matter of protecting the ponies from Dreadwing at all cost." Twilight finished as she was examining a demonic rune, " In my opinion, the choice was a logical one, but a sad one." Celestia couldn't help but be proud at her logic, at times Twilight displayed the true qualities of ruler even though Twilight didn't know about it. She could think of Twilight as a daughter to her, despite her having parents; but during those times she took her under her wing, she could see the potential inside of her growing and growing throughout her years teaching her the ways of magic, but that was for another time as they kept pouring over the contents of the next page. The mention of the Elements of Purity were a start...but they needed to see if their was more to the madness, and the next passage held more promise. Day 125 I thought all my memories were gone, like the wind blowing away smoke from a fire, but I kept some things from my childhood and from these times I had. I can remember so much, but yet little remains in my mind. I can remember one poem I heard when I was a young colt in school, history never ceased to amaze me as it came to the topic of dragons and their presence. It was exhilarating to hear their power and ferocity, but yet to hear their literature was something I never expected, I remember one poem that was recorded from a dragon priest in the Tomb of Skayhir, the last dragon emperor and a legend among them. Blackened skies and winter grasp, our flames are one in his eyes. His will is fire itself and his power is the fury of the north itself His tomb was built by fire, and it shall represent our will to the end. We are his fire, we are his scales, and we serve him throughout time That excerpt stuck with me ever since I was in service in the castle, about the only thing I could remember without so much fog in my mind, and it seems I hid something their from what I can remember...but what? Twilight looked to Celestia, hoping she would have anything to match the description; suddenly she got up with journal in the air and walking towards another row of books, " I think we may have something...I just don't know though." Twilight followed Celestia, hoping that they really did have the answers. With Dante Canterlot The exact same stares that Vergil got had the exact same thing as Dante, with most of his weapons on him right now, it seemed none would dare make a retort. Rainbow Dash on the other hand looked at Dante and then the crowd, hoping a scene wasn't going to start with them, Rainbow Dash finished with one thing, " Hey about your nap Dante, sorry I woke you up from it." " Ah don't sweat it." Dante replied, forgive and forget, she didn't know. " We getting any closer though Dash?" " Yup just a few minutes away." Rainbow Dash said relieved Dante was cool with it. She kept flying ahead but kept her pace as she was just two feet away, she sometimes sneaked a peek at the ponies on the side, staring in either curiosity or fear. Rainbow Dash then looked at Dante who was just tilting his head to the side, still keeping pace as they approached a large green field, their were a couple of benches and stands adorning each side, one of the bleachers was high in the clouds for the Pegasi, the best seats in the house either on the ground or in the air. " So I got two questions for ya Dash." As he set his weapons on the nearest tree trunk. " Sure was sup?" Dash replied, she wasn't much for answering questions, but for Dante she made an exception. " First off...what are the Wonderbolt's or whatever you call em?" Dante scratched his head as he got Cerberus out. " Only the most awesome flight team in Equestria!" Rainbow Dash said with a bit of gusto as she flew a feet up flourishing a bit of her Aerial trcks, " I have been trying to get into the team forever!" " So why haven't ya?" " I don't know, I got to hang out with them a bit when I performed a Sonic Rainboom." Dash said as she landed near the tree where Dante's weapons were perched. " I don't know what a Sonic Rainboom is, but it seems as hell that would have gotten ya in." Dante replied arms crossed at Dash. " Yea...but what's your second question?" Rainbow Dash asked, a grin on her face, Dante seemed to be warming up to her and she didn't mind in the slightest. " Do you go both ways?" Dante asked as he snickered. Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows a bit confused at the query Dante made, " I'm sorry what are you talking about?" Dante smirked, " Well...with the rainbow get up...you sort of scream it." " Ummmm?" Rainbow Dash was blushing a bit, not from the question, but just trying to figure out what Dante meant. " So I am guessing your final answer is yes, you’re into both chicks and dudes." Dante said, sniggering at this, Rainbow Dash's blush was now dark crimson as she sputtered out, " Wha..wha..what? No I'm not a Fillyfooler, I’m into stallions!" " Hey hey I'm kidding Dash, it was just the rainbow getup that's all." Dante laughed, Rainbow Dash stopped blushing and was nervously laughing with Dante, and then her nervousness was gone as she continued to laugh at this; she suddenly stopped laughing and was now staring at the weapons. Dante smirked and then turned to a boulder where their was a brown stenson sticking out from behind the rock along with a poofy pink mane behind it. " You know you three could have asked to see the show." Dante said to the boulder. " Shoot." Piped up one as another eeped, Applejack stepped out from behind the rock along with Pinkie, Fluttershy stuck her head out nervously to see what was up. Dante leaned Rebellion on the trunk with the other Devil Arms as he got ready with Cerberus. As Pinkie was about to apologize, Dante knew what was on her mind, " Ah No prob Pinks...besides..." Dante whipped out Cerberus, " You don't wanna miss the show now don't ya?" " What the hay do ya mean?" Applejack asked, Dante gestured with his free hand to stand back. He didn't want to freak them out to badly, he gave a peek to Fluttershy who barley walked out from behind the rock. Dante eyed to his sides seeing if their was anypony on his sides that was to close; as soon as Rainbow Dash was about to say something. "FREEZE!" A blue and white sphere appeared around him spinning wildly around, small ice flakes were thrown in every direction. As soon as that happened, every pony jumped back and Fluttershy dove behind the boulder as the ice flakes were hit harmlessly on the boulder and the ponies. As soon as the sphere disappeared, Dante could see the looks on their faces at the move, " What? It’s harmless...more or less." Dante smirked as he went over and picked up Agni and Rudra, he stood further away from the six as he leapt up into the air and did two slashes, he raised both swords in the air and fell down with them following, a circle of fire and wind was following Dante as he landed both swords coming to his sides fast leaving a trail of fire and wind. Pretty soon he raised both in the air and twisted as a funnel of fire and wind appeared sending a strong gust of wind towards the ponies, Applejack's stenson was barely on the verge of flying off her head,, he threw them towards a tree where they were stuck in the tree trunk. " Why did you do that? Their pretty nice." Pinkie said. " Trust me...when you use them...yea." Dante answered as he strapped on Beowulf, he strapped on the feet and hands as they started to shine brightly. Many of the girls went ooooohhh at this, but Rainbow Dash on the other hand; was excited most of the moves he used were cool but a little tame. Dante swept his foot behind his body as he got into position, " Catch this!" He made contact with the air, it sent a small shockwave through the area; the force was enough to shatter bones in a foot radius. As soon as he made contact, he launched up in the air with enough force to destroy a side of a building, as soon as that happened he fell down with a fist ready to pound the ground, as soon as his fist met the ground a white light erupted from the hit, making a small crater as Dante walked out of the cloud of dust, wiping the debris off his shoulders casually. " Well." He grabbed Nevan and threw it around his waist as he perked it up, " Hope you like to rock." Dante strummed Nevan and a ball of electricity and bats appeared from the guitar as it shot towards the sky and disappearing in a streak of lightning, he slid as he charged Nevan and at about three feet he let out a strum as an electric repulse surrounded Dante. He looked towards the ponies as their jaws were hitting the ground, Rainbow Dash on the other hand was excited, her eyes were gleaming at Nevan, now thinking out of all the four, this was her favorite. Suddenly Dante transformed and leapt up into the air, and pretty soon his wings started to spread. He was hovering in the air as Rainbow Dash flew up to him, " So you can fly in this thing?" "Yeah...not fast, but it makes up for this." Dante held out a hand and sent it straight at the ground, a lightning bolt appeared out of his hand as he struck the ground, it made every single one of the ponies jump back, he sent another one flying to the ground away from the group. He dashed forward spiraling in a complete circle, a purple aura was surrounding him as sparks were emitting from him, He soon flew to Rainbow Dash as he crossed his arms and went back to his normal form; he landed neatly in front of the group. " Now time to the bring the curtains down." he said, he then slid as he was ripping the neck of the guitar, " LETS ROCK!!" A vortex of bats appeared around him covered in lightning, a purple pillar appeared around Dante as it shot up into the sky, he kept shredding Nevan as gusts of wind were beating the surrounding area. Applejack had to hold on to her stenson with some of her strength as it fluttered wildly in the wind, Rainbow Dash was gleaming at Dante, her eye's were sparkling at this display, Pinkie was standing in the wind like nothing was happening as a pine cone bounced off her head, Fluttershy was still hiding behind the boulder, whispering to herself that no pony would get hurt. Dante pretty soon ended it with a strum as put up the devil horns, " Whoa! Yeah!" he fell back on the grass panting to himself, " That is still badass, no matter how many times I use, it is still badass!" " Does that mean awesome?" Rainbow Dash asked, Dante nodded as Rainbow Dash suddenly zoomed to Dante as he got up, " Because that was beyond awesome!" " Well partner, tha was a mighty good show, glad no pony was hurt." Applejack said as she was dusting off her hat. " You said it! Those lights were so cool!" Pinkie said, her excitement wasn't able to be contained as always as she bounced around, " You are were all like !whoosh! with those ice thingies and then you were all-." As Pinkie was describing each weapon, Dante turned to the boulder where Fluttershy was hiding behind, " Hey Shy, you alright their?" " Ummm..." Fluttershy crept out from behind the rock as she was hiding her face behind her mane, " That was...well...great...but umm." She was blushing red as she played with her hooves a bit, " But can we go back to the castle now...if you want to that is." Canterlot Gardens Birds were chirping happily towards each other, or singing a tune for any pony entering the gardens to take in the sights of the fauna. Squirrels and other animals were scampering everywhere to their hearts content, happy of the lives they led. But at the edge of a pond, Luna was looking down at two koi fish, one blue and the other purple circling in harmony with each other, Vergil took in the sights of the garden; not what he had in mind of what he thought was Luna's favorite place, but it wasn't surprising either so he played along with it. " You know Vergil." Luna said her eyes not moving from the two koi fish, " These fish have always been my favorite, no matter how far they wander off." Her eyes were following the purple koi fish as it wandered around the pond, its eyes scanning the area for anything to eat it kept searching and searching for its food, but it gave up as it swam back to its brother koi fish as it continued circling each other, " They always continue in harmony, no matter how long they are apart from each other." She looked up to Vergil, looking into his eyes, seeing what he had been through, what he had revealed to her in the cell. She couldn't help but feel safe around him despite his past, but the weirdest thing for her was that they were almost alike one another. Those butterflies in her stomach never went away ever since she was with Vergil for the whole day. Vergil on the other hand was on alert, he looked at Luna who gave out a yawn, she told him that she always slept during the day and was awake by night. Whatever was keeping her up he didn't know why or how she wanted to stay near him? Why she was happy when he was around? Why she blushing nearly every time he turned to her. But his train of thought was interrupted by a wave...but it felt...familiar, he barely brought Yamato as he surveyed the area. He could feel the energy approaching, but it felt numerous instead of one single item or entity. Luna looked at Vergil then Yamato, noticing the glint of the blade reflecting the sun's beams, " Vergil what's wrong?" Vergil closed his eyes and focused on that energy spike, his senses never let him down nor did his instinct in combat, he could feel it coming closer and closer, but it was distant as he heard a howl echo throughout his mind. " Vergil, is something wrong?" Luna asked, worried that she may have done something wrong, Vergil looked down at Luna and then sighed as he turned towards the garden's entrance, leaving the garden with one word. “Trouble." Authors Notice; ANNND I AM BACK WHERE I ORIGINALLY WAS!!!:D I am sorry for the wait the finals at school were a pain to do and I had to think of the moves he had to show so the moves were these: Cerberus: Ice Age Agni and Rudra: Sky Dance and Twister Beowulf: Volcano and Real Impact Nevan: Reverb Shock, Jam Session, Air Raid, Vortex, Lightning bolt Again don't be afraid to comment and I am sorry for the wait. I am just excited I am back where I was :)